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  Illuminati Conspiracy World
Illuminati Conspiracy World

Illuminati Conspiracy World


The Council of the Royal 13'ler world [the world's most wealthy and powerful families] are managed. World Council of Royal 13'ler, 300 to the Committee [of the world's wealthiest and most powerful sub-family] are managed in accordance with their orders.

The goal of the Illuminati organization, the capital city of Jerusalem is to establish a single world government. Illuminati power grid, the world's most powerful people, investors, companies and politicians from the president to create. The so-called inner circle of the top 300 people connected to the Council of the Royal 13'ler, 13'ler staff located in the bottom of the Royal Council and the instructions are fulfilled. "Inner circle" The common feature of members: "Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Mahson Order, the Order of Skull and Bone, the Aspen Institute, the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, the Roman club, Bohemian Grove, the World Economic Forum, World of federal" be members. Illuminati members come together once a year, the government aims to build the world they are making plans. In these plans in various countries out of economic crisis, the country to exploit the war to draw, to invent a variety of diseases, reducing the population and the ethnic cleansing of work to do to support "September 11, 2001 attacks" As in the case of terrorism and to bring "Anti-terrorist" include laws to remove! Symbolism of their tongue! There are symbols everywhere! Compass and square, obelisk, pyramid, pentagram, five-pointed stars, six-pointed stars, etc.. signs, everywhere from Washington to the Vatican! Aims to change the map and enslave the people?


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. [Satan] said: My Lord! Turn me swear to you on earth for people and people will always do all of the decorations will definitely lower. Hypocrisy of them did not turn, except the sincere servants. "Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Rocky Tract Qur'an, 39, 40 verses]


Since then, fighting has continued for the sake of humanity!


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Solomon's reign in the property and they stop to read what satellites of Satan. Yet Solomon was not found to abuse. But the devils had been found to abuse, people were taught to grow. And Babylon, Harut and Maruti in [two angels] were down on teach. Whereas those two, "we're a test vehicle, to avoid threats of deviation," he did not teach anything to anybody unless. Harut Marut'tan people and things will open between husband and wife were learning. However, they are God's permission, unless it can not hurt anyone. Harm to people what their benefits were given to learn the non. Get sworn that it [the growth] to purchase any share of ahrette are not clearly known. They sold their self-identity is a bad thing! If they only knew! Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Baqarah, 102 verse]


20 years after the conquest of Jerusalem, Knights Field Kubbet'üs a warrior priest named have been seized by the community. Knights of the Temple in Jerusalem to go to the teachings of Christianity began to move away. Ancient Jewish art of witchcraft, the Kabbalah, began to learn the dark secrets and rituals. The Jews of this period the art of ancient Egypt, Pharaoh's prisoners they have learned from the pagans, and Nebukadnezar'ın developed in Babylon during the period. 1307'de Philippe King of France, Hz. Aleyhisselam'ı rejecting Jesus, homosexuality, idolatry and witchcraft accusations and expand Knights were imprisoned. Temple Knights, but this did not bring the end. In ancient Egypt, Babylon, and clearly still are beginners.


[September 11, 1990, speech in the U.S. Senate] "The issue is more than a small country, a major goal is a new world order."


They have done for centuries. Shadows, all the great wars, revolutions and economic decline were organized to. You read, hear and see everything that you do not control. Their own ideas to the whole society, and the locks were instilled patterns were captured secretly authoritarian positions. Shadows a new political, economic and insidiously formed a religious order. Global configuration audit, the preparation for the coming of the Antichrist of the evidence can be seen everywhere!


The world's most effective and efficient way to control what is?

Two words. "Mind control!" There is a point we can not recognize reality. Manage state government, whatever they think like managers, and we act the way they want. We've even stopped to think. We all thought we were to accept those who are managing the state. We've said whatever the government is correct. One thing to us when those who govern the state, immediately ordered that the order would apply. Without thought, inspection, would only apply. In fact, the government said we need to do not believe in anything!


"History is one of the most painful side is that repeat themselves how much." We all must do their bodies, the media and the press not to take seriously! The press and media, managing the state government's public relations department who are working. Get the media and the press, get other places, we are only talking about our differences. Media and politicians always talk about things that divide us. They talk about what makes us different from each other. All societies are the ruling class will always work like that. They try to divide the rest of the people. The rich, take the money and run away together to lower and middle classes break. Something very simple and always useful. They talk about anything that is different. Race, religion, ethnic or national history, employment, income, education, social status, gender, ... we fight with each other and anything else they can go to the bank. How to define economic classes? And no amount of money in the hands of the upper class does not pay taxes. All middle class pay taxes and fulfill all the work. Poor people are there to scare the middle class. Because the "jobs" have to go. Politicians know this word. They use on you. Traditionally, politicians have been hiding in the back of three things. "Flag, the sacred books and children". There's a reason why the training of disgrace. I do not fix the same reason. To achieve what you have to manage and be happy. Owners do not want it because of the country. I'm talking about the real owners. Big and rich ones! The real owners: to control anything and everything, big and rich businessmen who decide. Forget the politicians! They are junk! Politicians to maintain the idea you have been granted the right choice! You have no rights! You have no right to choose! You are having! You have! They have everything! All major land owners! Companies are controlled collectively and have collective companies. To the Senate a long time, to the parliament, government offices, municipalities have. Magistrates [judges] in the back pocket. They have all the major media and news companies. You have heard all the news and information control. They keep you from your testicles. Have become a lobby for billions of dollars each year. Lobbying to get what they want. Know what they want. Others are less and they want more. Let me tell you what they do not want. Critical thinking citizens who do not want. Good people do not want an informed and educated. This does not interest them. This is not to their job. Contrary to those interests? This is! Do you know what they want? They behave like employees. Docile workers. Machines run, print documents enough clever and passively then go to the mess getting jobs, less salary, longer periods, less rights, overtime is not present, to buy when does the pension work with enough to fool people! Should there be more money in their hands, give to friends recidivist. And do you know! Take! You take it all one way or another, because they have anywhere.


You think the best is free of control from the ground up, but the direction is dictated. In an iron prison of dictatorship can see and touch. You will see the iron in the other and you think yourself free? Human race is under the influence of mass hypnosis! We, the news server, politicians, teachers, speakers, hypnotized by impels. We are incredibly sick people are living in a world governed by. The gap between those who actually told us that is definitely too big? The greatest hypnotist in the world standing in a rectangular box in the corner of the room! Idiot box! Ie Television. What is true of us in a continuous manner trying to believe.


Throughout history "Supervision and direction of political thought" nations conquered Mason has been the main weapon. To check for executives and politicians in a country of laws and political structure after the start they are replaced by the target. But the body is not meant to limit the reason for the limited Mason, global sovereignty, submissive to their target audience is depends entirely have noticed. Resistance so that their goals are completely destroyed. Against the plan in any greater danger from the army or the law; actually see a human, a mind that is actually thinking. To eliminate this danger and to achieve the goal of Mason came in the past have made the most daring plan. To check the whole of human life! Is your life!


Whether they are weapons used against you in your home, you and your children can have fun, you slowly without you being aware of their lifestyle that is instilled. In today's society people are increasingly going to go in the modern media, television, cinema, computer games, internet, popular novels and has made music an integral part of their lives. All of them either consciously or subconsciously contains extensive information you received as a. Each day, about the ideals of society, moral concepts and ideas about how our society should be made before your eyes are exposed. This media may be an individual and world opinion about everything that constitutes the foundation has played an important role. So it transmits the information to control the media and nearly all of the world community holds the power of their ideas vaccination. Mason for their own interests, this fact is used. Mason entertainment industry to people, especially their explicit or subconscious thought patterns are used to instill through. Their methods vary, but goals are the same. Beliefs and ideals with their own ideas as are imposed so far.


The proof of this is fairly easy to find. Just who owns the media in the world, and that is enough to find runs. Thanks to the secret organizations that will find the standing of minorities! In the world of media, Zionists, Satanists, Jews have. Most Eskenazi'dir [Aşkenaz'dir.]


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist in / Jews / İlluminatiler music, media, entertainment and pornography industry are the owners and operators. You only make suggestions to people with mental control to do. Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / Jews / İlluminatilerin to have all the media is certainly not a coincidence! Because of Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / Jews / İlluminatilerin brain washed and inspire people to live in a state that has been linked to! Consider the facts and properly configured is a society ruled by tyrants? Of course not! We inculcate ideas and perspectives with corruption than to create inter-communal, well thought-out plan evil and insidious. Easily degenerate into an aimless society because they are ruled. Why? Because they do not support anything that a person can believe anything. Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / Jews / İlluminatiler prepare such a society for the coming of the Antichrist. How else "The New World Order" can accept? Artists or "Idols" At the beginning of the development of this sector clearly show that those goals are what.


We are all victims of a bad suggestion. In a caricature artist to make a sex seal first and then draw a sexual object is hidden in this work. A child that is active at a very early age makes her sexuality. Nazi Germany was laid the foundations of psychological warfare. Nazi ideology "Weltanschaukrieg" There was a case called. This "World View of War" means. The aim was to conquer their countries impose their own ideology. The Americans took this idea to the American version of the name "Psychological warfare"Has been set.


School Badges assertion Kingdom, the royal coat of arms was designed under the guidance of the 500-year rule.

Dynasty of the Kingdom of arms above the symbols of Britain Hebrew roots shows. Biblical harp, Symbolizes the Hebrew King David. The lion roars and holds the shield in the Bible ünikorn Israel is emblematic of the country. "Dieu et Mon Droit" word, "God and my right" means. British rulers to manage indicate the infinite. All of these symbols in the coat of arms which makes very interesting Antichrist is to accommodate all the revelations about the Gospel.


Do you know why the Antichrist will come soon? And development primarily because it is seen that all the icons! More importantly, we always buy products with Mason / Zionists / Satanist in / Jews / İlluminatilere financing offer!  Marlboro cigarettes over "Veni-Vidi-Sticky" author. "They've conquered-I-Saw" To whom these words belong? You know which other occult symbols? Symbolizing the dark brotherhood "Skull and Bones" Do you know your icon! Bush and other American family home of the Royal Family, the secret organization, what then? Why "Skull and bones" today was such a fashion icon? Who will control our industry?


We have the Royal Council 13'ler world [the world's most wealthy and powerful families] are managed. World Council of Royal 13'ler, 300 to the Committee [of the world's wealthiest and most powerful sub-family] are managed in accordance with their orders.


The world's economy, the IMF, World Bank, Central Banks, Taxes, Interest, International Payment Bank, etc.. are controlled by.


Raw materials are controlled by collective enterprises in the world.


World, the people who live in mosques, churches, synagogues, states, governments, schools and media are controlled.


If the raw material for community workers, ie, debt slaves.


Rather, your money and you are supporting companies which collectively can control. For example; Starbucks'S State of Israel is one of biggest supporters! Israel so that Howard Schultz, "Israel's 50th Friendly Commendation Award in Zion " has received various awards. If you can understand it, the Starbucks logo and you can begin to understand the true meaning of the name! We live in a world Zionist. Zionist leaders, are living with the Zionist executive. Managed by the employees for the sake of Zionist aims impels.


To understand why everything was going so before I need to understand the functioning of energy. Some architectural works designed to convey a certain energy. But this can not occur without you. Within this structure, because the behavior or rituals, and how decisions have been an energy transfer. As with all things in the world that can be used as a positive or negative. What are the most important designs for energy transfer? Pyramids, octagons, and domes. These designs are the energy transfer is the most powerful and effective. Masonic / Zionist / Satanist / Jewish / Illuminati / elite class, the issue is seen structures are well known for. Mosques, churches and synagogues, while constructive energy transfer, Mason / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati / Elite class of destructive energy to transfer the structure is built. This is basically an energy war. Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin beliefs according to pervert the Antichrist worldwide will be able to come but the energy is in a certain way.


Burj Dubai [world's tallest skyscraper]. Skyscrapers 2008 700 meters Since Dubai has exceeded the height remained below the fog.

Now 900 meters then go high and is increasing. General of the Dubai desert, which is now under the fog. Can not see the link between any meteorologist! Central structure of the original design of this building is finished what will happen to the town? This building will absorb the energy of the environment. Which will be used only animals capable of producing energy. We all got this sort of thing. The things in this building, the property is determined by the energy transfer. If you search the world's most important buildings on the "Ley Lines" is made to find points of intersection. Ley Lines is the world's stated strategic energy points. Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin sacred geometry, ley lines and aligned with each other when used in architecture of the Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin twisted beliefs according to a "Star Gate" is generated.


How to check if revert;


1. mind

2. body

3. spirit


If you become aware of this potential can not understand the importance of such a system can not control.

Need to understand is that everything is energy!

When you take the most of your body, what you'll find a small piece? Atoms, electrons and protons! What does this mean? If this most basic of energy your means. World and the universe around you is so. [Subhanallah]. This is God for you, your energy can be influenced by the environment and, more importantly, you can affect the environment of your energy to create energy as a means of transmitters. Or you can spread negative energy, positive energy. At the same time, positive or negative can be under the influence of energy. This is how is this possible? If it begins to spread positive energy in the higher vibrations that are coupled with external energy in the same type. POSITIVE! Is that you keep a positive energy level. That if you spread out your negative energy associated with negative energy and leave you a negative energy level. Brings negativity. That is why "what goes around, comes." 're Being heavily influenced by the energy of our environment. So positive and healing energy of nature around great feel. Negative energy around the city is almost dead so I do not feel any better. For example, when entering a mosque, the spiritual energy in a positive and direct feel. Most are written in the mosque, saying: "Allah, Allah, this house of worship and remembrance of Allah do not make something out of the request". With this prayer through which energy is so positive and spiritual. This is why 99% of the mosque was built in the same manner. To mediate this positive energy!

Octagonal minarets and domes. Almost every mosque is an octagonal building with minarets and domes. The most famous of the ordinary until the corner from the mosque! This architecture is not specific only to the mosque. Octagons, domes and pyramids for the energy transfer is the most powerful structure. So, how to decide which type of energy is transferred? Made by the people in the building! Government buildings and Mason / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati / Elite section or the other property, the bad and the evil energy to transfer a lot of late action, or "rituals" to make sure! Mason closed the door behind them, the secret rites and rituals of the pioneers do. These "grades" so-called basis of membership levels. Masonic / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati / Elite is part owner of the almost universal reliance on information transmitted by each generation of the structure of the Mason / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatinin were based on sacred geometry. Energy, when you understand the relationship between architecture and yourself, what, you'll begin to understand why. Mason of / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatinin perverse faith in the world according to the Star Gates "Vortex Points" are the attractions. These points contain large amounts of energy. Mason / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati / elite segment of the vortex structure has placed itself points to some. Masonic / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati / elite segment of the devil as their god is believed to be a satanist, how energy is transferred and you are able to predict. The existence of satanic rituals, or which has been called. Mason supported financially by the politicians or the ideology they were masons. High-ranking member of the French Army soldiers who were vaccinated secret Masonic lodge their own ideas to them. French people, politicians and soldiers to areas under their control, freemasons could no longer do their loot. Freemasonry hidden on a regular basis, but the revolution was trying to do. Of masonry single perpetrator is known of the French Revolution.

The founders of America's so-called Plymouth RockGet to both sides when they lose their rights as well as the people who brought their Masonic Europe. America's founders fled Europe when the British regime in the form of cruel injustice here would find them. To fully capture the new state of Freemasons in France have used the method they used. Although the British monarchy ruled by freemasons American monarchy was a necessary fight. People who fought to achieve their goals for the sake of Freemasonry could be spent. People were referred to the feelings of anger. As in France, that anger turned into war. This time, however previous mistakes again. Freemasons in Europe against Napoleon, had almost defeated take lessons. Masonic leaders of all kinds of possible resistance to the plan should be appropriate. Became the leader of the war against Britain, George Washington. July 4th 1776 declaration of independence was declared. 1781'de British colonies at the end of October 17 had been defeated and turned over to the Americans. The world's first Masonic state was established, representing a state with all aspects of Freemasonry. Masonic activity in the U.S., the world's first Masonic President George Washington's picture and the Masonic symbol "Everything that one eye's view" It seems obvious that in one-dollar bill. So "New World Order" was born. In the past, the last Pharaoh of Pharaohs and expected to honor! For the sake of the Antichrist! Torah, Bible, Quran, Prophet. Prophet Moses, Prophet. Prophet Jesus, Prophet. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Muhammad. Notice that for the sake of all the prophets antichrist!


Bismillahirrahmanirahiym. Punishment, and turn away those who deny [the oneness of God and the prophets who do not believe] will be upon us was the revelation. "Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah 48 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Pharaoh said: "We Who is your Lord, O Moses?" Musa said: "Our Lord, to the creation of all the condescending, the way the procedure is showing strength. Pharaoh said: "Well, the first-generation version of what will happen? [Moses said:] "information relating to them, Lord, my times are in a book. What surprised my Lord, nor forget. You make the earth a cradle, which opens the way for you on earth, the sky is God in the water. We pair it with water from various plants were removed. Eat, grazing animals and then spread. Certainly in this, there are signs for people sane. We created you from the ground. Again, we'll send it there. And then we will remove you once again. Oath, whether he showed the whole of our signs to Pharaoh, but was denied, and continue to persist. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 verses]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Then Pharaoh said, the army fell back with them. But the sea surrounding them, wrap, wrap, and besieged. Pharaoh had found his own society, not to guide.

[Surah Taha, 78, 79 verses]


Anyone who believed in establishing the basic miracle of the Quran forever, knows that every age appropriate and feasible. Pharaoh in the Quran, the only example of the Prophet. Aleyhisselam'ın not against Moses to Pharaoh, with its own power, and legal order, God's uniqueness and challenge authority and the system is suitable for all kinds of people.

Pharaoh let me introduce you today.


The use of Masonic mysteries from the past to the present day, dominating from the elite segment of Egypt's 4000 years in the moving sand was kept secret. The people of ancient Egypt, temples, tombs and pottery in the culture and history about the detailed records kept.


Why any details about the lives of ancient Egyptians were registered but the most perfect work of the pyramids did not worry about anything but the writing is not it? Why not mention anything about the construction of the pyramids? Why? Mason, because of the mystery or secret, a big part of the puzzle! They are evidence of the Pharaoh system.


1.İbrani Prophet. Jacob's stone, What is the Queen of England's throne?

2. Why Queen of England was crowned in a symbolic Egyptian step pyramid!

3. Hebrews 12 in the base of the Royal Crown symbolizing my curve is 12 stone. 12 stone arch that symbolizes my apron of Canaan also has a priest.

4. United Kingdom [UK] flag Hz. Jacob symbolizes the reunification of the nation's 12th. Flag of red, white and blue colors are the same as Egypt's third crown.

5. From ancient Egypt comes from the British royal scepter. Amen idols of Egypt and introduced themselves as Amen'in son had been carried by the Egyptian Pharaohs. British royal scepter descendants of Pharaoh at the moment 2 By Elizabeth is moving. ASA is the world's largest diamonds, "Africa's Star" is located.

6. Queen of England officially punishing whip hidden away under her arm. Whip again, this comes from ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.

7. Queen bee symbol is seen in the royal garments. In ancient Egypt, and Egypt was the symbol of the Egyptian royal.

8. UK [United Kingdom] in the Royal coat of arms symbols, shows the origins of Britain's Hebrew.

9. Judges and senior officials of the queen of ancient Egypt wore the title comes from.

10. Charles'ında kirtle she wore the prince, who wore a white kirtle comes from ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.

11. Egyptian Royal incest [family] lived relationships. Power and money to keep mothers in families with sons, brothers and sisters were married to each other. The list goes on and does.


Today, are we still managed by the same Pharaoh lineage!


We have the Royal Council 13'ler world [the world's most wealthy and powerful families] are managed. World Council of Royal 13'ler, 300 to the Committee [of the world's wealthiest and most powerful sub-family] are managed in accordance with their orders.


The world's economy, the IMF, World Bank, Central Banks, Taxes, Interest, International Payment Bank, etc.. are controlled by.


Raw materials are controlled by collective enterprises in the world.


World, the people who live in mosques, churches, synagogues, states, governments, schools and media are controlled.


If the raw material for community workers, ie, debt slaves.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Ant, whether the warning came to Pharaoh. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Al-Qamar, 41 verse]


In Pharaoh's people in Dubai something strange. Burj Dubai the tallest building in the world! Can be seen from anywhere in Dubai. Always in the fog. DIFC building together with them "Doors" is called. Octagonal pyramids.

Now let's look at malls in Dubai WAFI. Dedicated to the pharaoh idols. WAFI, which means faithful. WAFI shopping center building is completely made of Egyptian sculpture and the ancient Egyptians that is filled with pictures.


Looking into the octagonal form under a pyramid has eight columns. As all the pyramids and the Masonic "all seeing eye" on top.


Capturing process.

What bird symbolizes the beginning of the pharaohs? We did not even worship God. So who do you serve!


KARE WAFI cafes in the shopping center there. 3 between two columns to create a pyramid.


The ancient Egyptians worshiped the ancient Egyptian "all-seeing eye of the"  and contemporary. Satan's plan is slowing down or even do not think has changed. Wake up and realize which side you are on time to serve. The spiral vortex of the building is located in one place.


"Cloning Aid" and named one of Rael Do you remember? Hashemfilms and John McGovan Yeti hunters after a documentary about a documentary about the UFO cult have decided to withdraw. They travel all over the United States. "Celebrity" TV series by Patton Oswalt and seal up the program to understand the system they infiltrated Hollywood and New York. "All My Children, Our House, The Usual Suspects" have infiltrated the movie sets. After learning what was going on behind the scenes and Hashemsfilms Abdullah to reveal the Antichrist's system all around the United States began. Travel more than a few people and they reveal a false prophet.

The world of freemasonry, has revealed the secrets of great evil. Most of the UFO phenomenon, revealing secrets and all linked to black magic and demons. Prophet of this movement and the support of the New World Order as an agent was revealed.


For all of you to accept the New World Order propaganda.


In fact, we do not know anything. We ourselves are unable to explain what they know. But I can feel. Our lives throughout the world felt that something was wrong. Did not know what happened, but there is. Infuriating our mind like a splinter!


"New World Order" is?


Is all around us, when we look out the window, or on television, we're open. We feel when we get to work at the mosque, we go to worship ... to blind us to reality before our eyes in the series is the world. "What truth? We all are slaves? We are all in captivity smells, we can not get taste could not touch were born in a prison could not. A prison for our minds!


What is the meaning of the Antichrist?

"Antichrist" of the Arabs, the camel, the "itch" is a word that was used. They would spill onto the pitch for treatment when sick. The loss came on the pitch for the disease they would not see. Appear correctly on the pitch came because he had been spilled outside. Did you understand? Antichrist will cover diseases and disorders of the higher pitch makes good looks. Hz. How our Lord Muhammad Aleyhisselatu Vesselam say we need to work for the Hereafter, if the Antichrist would say that the world should work. How the Prophet. Muhammad had a vision of the world and Aleyhisselatu Vesselam tell us if you would deceive, the Antichrist will also tell us that dreams of afterlife. This will force us to live for life.


Reklâmlarda what they say? "You'll only live once! If it is possible to live fully. " As Budweiser reklâmında. "But once you get to live. However, once you turn around. To live fully as possible. " Message that our age! Materialism is a deeper message. People will be happy to tell people to buy more than one message. Buy more and be happy. This is a slogan! Be happy! Do not worry be happy! One has a stamp on the back of dollar bills. It is called the seal of the United States seal. Seal behind the United States behind only the great seal is a pyramid with the eye. Now, one eye, the old idols of the Sun Ra of the Egyptians are represented. The word is derived from sunlight that. Put the Sun is Egyptian. Mitraizm same character. Again, again seems. The idols of this Masonic RA'dır. When you look at a dollar bill, the entire pyramid was built in the hills than you'll see. Hill was the exception. Eyes is standing on the top spot. But did not go down, down until the end of the project will not Masonic.


To the back of a dollar bill "Ordo Novus Seclorum" and the "Annuit Coeptis " have written. They believe "Satisfied with their idols for the project" means.

What is the project? That the real question! What is pleased to put the project? Project, exactly, the whole world secular. Apart from religious belief to the whole world! This project is. Thus the name "Novus Ordo Seclorum"Stop. New secular or worldly order! If you turn it in Arabic is that it will: "The New World Order, worldly, New Religion Out of Order" will be. Or "New Worldly Order."


Based on fantasy and materialism, secular order! "To live the American Dream". "Land of opportunity." I can not get exactly a materialistic world is full of worldly pleasures. But the "Antichrist" to the island to reach them with your life 's illizyonları. To reach them, as part of the system and should serve him. What will you do this? A slave!


The antichrist of many tools used to keep the system alive. One of most effective tools to inspire people through the media! Referred to you as regular messages, for example, are in the news. Not many people realize is that in music, reklâmlarda, movies, cartoons and television shows, there are suggestions in the subconscious. This message gives celebrities, consciously or unconsciously in a way, slowly, are involved in this deception. Following of fans that have become gods. Secret organizations, only that this famous celebrity and check the work of the sector, they acquire a mass-control tool. This is done since the 1960s.


Written to a lover's love song, a song that actually seems to be dedicated to the worship of the Antichrist and the system may have to.


[Britney Spears song] "I know. Young people do. But I got my feelings. I want to do something I have to do. Leave me and just listen. 'm Your slave. I can not help it. I can not check. I'm a slave. Not rejected. I do not try to hide. "


The message in the songs of artists is completely evil. Antichrist and the devil, have been forwarded directly to you.


[, Madonna songs] "If you want to see what your eyes see it. How your life can be anything that you want? If your heart is not open you're dull. How do you consume yourself received. You're wasting your time with hate and regret. Your heart is not open if you're bad. We'll never be apart if you melt your heart. Give yourself to me. Key turn. No point in blaming someone. I know I'm suffering like you should. You will lose if you break my heart. Love is a bird. There is need to end. Drop in pain, to die. Your heart is not open, you're dull. Never leave your heart will not melt if. Give yourself to me. Key in you. "

Also writes of this song clips: "Do not waste your time out against. Just "give yourself to me."


Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin According to the perverted beliefs demons are turned into black crows and the black dog. Madonna's music video for this song before the black crows, are then converted into a black dog.


Masonic duties true to Madonna, a ritual dance to put in offers the same clip.

Madonna on the song "ommm" are muttered. Idols of Hindu "Om" said flour is divine.


Why put a Hindu, a Jew is supposed to kabbalists are chanting? Because in Kabbalah, and in Hinduism is known as being to worship idols! In many civilizations, and the proposed re-Mitraizm idols of worship are the same.


MADONNA has joined ABC in a program: "Jews do not participate in the ritual. Jews read the Torah, but I'm not, I'm not Jewish. I think I'm a cross-connection of religion. " said. Religion a cross connection? That is idolatry!


Madonna Illuminati has been one of leading artists. All artists in the music industry works these satanic or program that does not mean one of the executive. But all the artists who worked in the music industry to serve the devil. Illuminati and the singers are tools of the Antichrist. On this basis of these singers are not really artists, their music, they did not write the lyrics and did not choose, it is due to say what to do. Songs are selected in their place. Others are written the words and music. Sector is controlled by the Illuminati, to make them give the necessary support to the work. The average of all these artists have a voice. Most do not even have sound. Kuklalık to impose the most recent trends do. Some people do not understand the grand plan. Some people know very well. Illuminati to control people's music is so evil and so are the songs.


[SONG] Illuminati star checkered stars are out the door. "My heart is yours. The world will never be miles away. ... Maybe in magazines But you'll be stars. In the dark because you can not see shiny cars. That there's going to need me. I share everything with you. Because the sun shines we'll shine together. I said he'll be here forever. I said I'd always be your friend. I swore that one, I am back to the end. Still raining more than ever that we know each other. You can stand under my umbrella. Under my umbrella. Under my umbrella. Under my umbrella. "


Only one eye, Ra represents the Egyptian sun idol. The word is derived from sunlight that. Put the sun is. Mitraizm same character. Again, again seems. This is the idol of Freemasonry.


Serious incidents to describe an artist who's music is also marked. Value in the eyes of people are primarily destroyed.

"Skin head, dead head. Everyone went crazy. Tantrum, speculation. Everyone dayatış unproven. Cases, on the news. Everybody, dog food. Black man, blackmail. Tucking your brother in jail. Only "they do not care about us" I mean. Only "they do not care about us" mean. "  [Michael Jackson, a part of the song They Do not Care About Us] Michael Jackson finished, their limitations, and finally killed him.


Or are directly hit. Bob Marley's had an idea. Racism and hatred, and love listening to people's lives will improve believed to be injected. Go to concerts in a peace rally before an armed man came to his house and shot him. Two days later he hit the stage and sing. One of her "why?" He asked. "Those who try to make this world worse does break one day, I do not how?" He said. "Lighting the dark." [Bob Marley] "We do not allow cheating. Or to teach you something! Do not let them change you. Or re-order! "


Of people in the industry to be alert to the music and society do not want to emphasize the things you need. Instead, they determined that the singer they want to vaccinate their own messages.


[Christina Aguilera "Like a Virgin" is sung] "Like a virgin, touched for the first time like it was. Like a virgin When your heart at. " Water comes from the female point of vortices.


Illuminati, release one hand from the girl, and is promoted to the next one. Britney Spears was released. Christina Aguilera was promoted. Christina Aguilera is now a "not a virgin," and became a member of Illuminati. Britney Spears'la Christina Aguilera They had a kissing scene, is that Britney Spears kiss goodbye.


Illuminati girls free someone leaves a next one will be promoted. Britney Spears was released. Christina Aguilera was promoted. Christina Aguilera is now "not a virgin" and a member of the Illuminati.


"What is Kabbalah!"


-Albert Pike in his book of Freemasonry / Zionism / Satanism's / İlluminatinin say almost all are based on the Kabbalah. Jewish magic. Many Jews have confessed that.

In all the rituals of Freemasonry is Kabbalah's are saying. Madonna has been involved in it, because I love magic. Think they can achieve miracles. Power may increase. Went up the hill. He moved up the hill to worship the devil. All kabbalists private organizations, is based on Tantra or sex rites. Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, then plays with his hands for the sake of showing they are pyramid. Britney Spears was released at the checkered surface. Is free but it really happened? Are you two a mistake! Britney Sperars losing their children. Britney Spears' nanny tells it all! Britney Spears' new boyfriend. Yes, a woman! Checkered surface member, Christina Aguilera is not elegant, as usual. These are a few of many examples. Antichrist's one of many tools used in the system! Christina Aguilera red-dressed women. So, what the significance of the red-dressed women?


"The Devil's Advocate" movie of the players remember Neilsen'ı Connie. Actor Keanu Reeves starring in one of the country's most successful law firm recognized the opportunity to work is a crucial election. As shown later in the movie business is that it is proposing a devil incarnate. Of Satan, Keanu Reeves has received the spirit of Connie Nielsen's character is one of the methods. Scarlet woman! Alevimsi scattered throughout the movie with, are always dressed in red color. Keanu Reeves's character throughout the film about the scarlet woman has dreamed. Woman obsessed with red, eventually constitute its weakness. Scarlet woman represents a life more exciting. The promise of a better tool distraction. Something more alive! Responsibility of the fun of real life red woman, the right to make a getaway vehicle. Acceleration of the vibrations in your life for the people chosen to represent the hard way is to get rid of. We need to seek it represents everything that is said. Scarlet woman to get us to believe we can better our lives. But it would be? Scarlet woman, is the secret weapon of the devil. Sex, money and reputation represents all desires. Because of him, do you prefer to enjoy worldly pleasures and spiritual. Because of him, the devil gets your soul. Him, will wait for you at every corner.


"Hollywood" word! An interesting word, because it comes from the pagans. HollywoodHolly wood means. Pagan witchcraft is used in the wand that would be made of wood. The wizard's staff put these people into a trance and believed could be controlled. This is symbolic. However, in reality, they are doing a part of Hollywood to put people into a trance, it is important to understand that. Is a dream state. In America, her "dream machine" they say. For people dreamed, and puts them into that situation. It is interesting that, in addition to other things in the movie theater, people watch television in the dark room created a state of trance. It is disbelief in the paused state. Pause your doubts, although you know that in dreams begin to believe that you will be entering a make. Is a lie. Films are grown. Has only grown. Watching them go. Some people also remain under the influence. People are crying in the movies. Emotions are always exploited in this case. Many in the movie that is an important element in this control mechanism, is exploiting people's emotions in certain ways, free from feelings of emotions are right Matt upgrading. Aristotle, one of the tragedies of the elements necessary to live a clean and tell is to create a cleansing experience. So many of these movies, news, etc. It is very important in this culture. Anyone following the news, after watching the tragedy of others to their own wealth of experience that dream in a state of stagnation in the safe and comfortable, the tragic and cathartic live experience. This is a very intricate and complicated ways. Have the same world view of many people working together, constitute a great danger. Everyone in Hollywood wants to come or go. They want to hold it in Hollywood. If it looks good to people how much damage? What is shown in Hollywood? "Red woman, Marilyn Monroe, etc.." Well, what is said? "Now, the burning light. This time must be good. This time you do. You get. Because they're in Hollywood. There's something in the air in Hollywood. "You must understand. More hollywood [red symbolizes the women] have to produce Monroe'lar Marilyn. We keep the dream and make your life more exciting, to get worldly dreams for your candidate. Hollywood idol is sublimated love.



[King Solomon's Treasure film] One night in 1832, Charles Carroll signed the declaration of independence was the last of the remaining live. Mason also was a member of the organization and knew he would die. Lad brought up at midnight and took him to the White House and said he needed to see Andrew Jackson. Because it was urgent to talk with the President. Never had the opportunity. That night the president was not there. Charles Carroll had a secret. Said one person can share his secret. Gates said the lad, Thomas. Secrets was a treasure, a treasure beyond imagination. Hollywood is always looking for the mason, the viewer as if to show them as good as the team tries to remove the mason.


Do you see how they can play with us! Knights of the Temple, they found a secret compartment of Suleyman Mosque "was the treasure." Treasure, gold and jewelry shown in this movie unlike the Knights find the hidden and mystical arts of magic and devil worship was a book describing. Since then, they control the world. Satan is trying to become masters of progress They have the New World Order.


A ncient M     Ancient [Ancient]                     Mystic [Mystic, Mystic]

                  O rder    A     Order [Order]                     Ancient [Ancient]

                  N obles  S     Nobles [Nobles]                 Shrine [Temple]

                  M ystic   O     Mystic [Mystic, Mystic]       Order [Order]

                  S hrine   N     Shrine [Temple]                 Nobles [Nobles]


MASON meaning of the word = The mysterious Ancient [old] Order Nobles of the Shrine


What else in Hollywood has progressed? On the defamation of Muslims have been to Hollywood is a community. "Untermenschen", gypsies and Jews by the Nazis as slander. This shows us more than a century.

"Real Bad Arabs, [Reel Bad Arabs]," [film]


How bad is the Hollywood community?


Dr. Jack Shaheen [Emeritur Professor Southern Illinois University, Explained]

"30 years we, the Muslims of the image-makers reflects the big screen and how I've reviewed. My recent book, "The real bad Muslims, a community of Hollywood, how bad," he've reviewed more than a thousand films. Hollywood's most complicated of the day today, closed up to the movie. Most of us try not to see that repeated in a dangerous manner "Hate Filled Muslims" tried to remove the stereotypes into consideration. All the stereotypes of a society's humanity in his hands. Every aspect of our culture is bad Muslims. This definitely. Not found anywhere. Get ready for a few image and again we have repeatedly. Wood River Paduka Kentucky or Illinois, the same thing even though we're living. We know mythology, made up of Hollywood's image of the Muslim myth.

The MythsOf Arabland [the myth of Arab Countries] Muslims are one-dimensional caricatures. The filmmaker's cartoon silhouettes, stock bad guy or is an element of comedy. THE FATHER OF THE DESERT ALI Mad Dog [Ali Baba and the Mad Dog of the Desert] [cartoon]. Muslims in films used for cheap laughs at clowns behind the art we see. [Raiders of the Lost Ark [1981 film] Joey Heatherton'ın "happy hookers in Washington," you'll see in the movie. [Women saying] "circumcised dog every night with my mouth will not be doing something." Stereotypical spread to many people noticed it was not becoming. This is because these images growth. Only a television show. No "o" on the Muslim terrorists out of "this side" the terrorists are Muslims. That there Showtime'ın Sleeper Cell. A bad Muslim communities in this network has been working in the American street. No part of this network could be a homeless man. Western Muslims, even those who appear to be part of the anti-American conspiracy. Are in state of war with America. So. [Sleeper Cell, 2005, Muslim terrorists in the movie player İsrail'lidir.] Amerakalı'yı enough fear this war, insecurity and terror will be won by the suggestion to change their lives. This is the best way to teach their lives, they try to attack the place and have fun. This paranoia is very deep. Innocent Muslims were killed, bomb, injury, wound, in places like Abu Ghraib tortures feel pity when they saw the joke, or worse, we do amazing? "Dry Bones in the head and" membership of a mass different from the lives of people with this thing and we're infamous, and so we do our own troops. Did you ever hear such a thing as emotions burst? Did you ever heard of relief! As a fraternal association that is a joke! I like the kind of entertainment. But really do not care about them. Innocent civilians in al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's clones are equal and we deserve our compassion and understanding we had not conditions.

[Dr. Jack Shaheen, Professor Emeritur Southern Illinois University]


This why is that?


Hollywood and the media owners, because the Zionists!


What is to be Zionists?

"Zion" is supporting the effort for the establishment of the means. "Zion" is where and what?  This Jewish Masonic "Zion of old" friends of themselves as bad and evil that there has been no community. The divine and the Antichrist Dajjal clad only in fear of an antichrist religion revealed by mind. Siyon'un capital is Jerusalem. However, the Nile River in Egypt Siyon'un territory ranges from the Euphrates River in Iraq. "Promised lands" in Central Asia. Who will come out against this plan? Of course, he lived in those lands, the Muslims. Showing Muslims as villains of the media owners Masons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatilerdir. In Central Asia the promised land.


People today and future events it is waiting for the Zionists promised are suggestions for countries to establish Siyon'un. Nile River, Euphrates River, in the middle area of Israel, or Zion.


Preaching that the U.S. government has given the New World Order and the New Middle Asya'sına Do you see how much is appropriate? Hollywood and the media has shown Muslims now understand why do you? Zion will be established either by war or by consensus. What kind of consensus? Zionist leaders of that country by an examination of the whole. Say no, no order is too dependent on their support of a leader.


The establishment of Israel in 1948 and now Compare those in Central Asia.

 Egypt, in 1979, has signed an agreement with Israel in Washington. When implementing the orders of Zionist leaders to watch the suffering of the citizens are satisfied. King of Jordan in 1944 signed agreements with Israel. Central Asia's bitter conflict in fulfilling their orders to the Zionists continue to watch. Saudi Arabia, [Suut Royal Family] in return for protection to the throne has been America's biggest ally. What is not known peace since the Palestinian 1948'ten. 30 years did not know what is peace in Lebanon. April 2003 "War on Terrorism" America in a format suitable for Iraq [Iraq] i is to occupy it. Syria and Iran, two countries who oppose Zionist plans for the famous "Axis of Evil" list remains. Syria, North Korea, Iran = Evil Axis. Jews believe that on the following facts. Real rabbis have always opposed Zionism and the Israeli government. 55th annual "Israeli" state of pain were referred. Plan focuses on the falcon's head. With war or consensus.


Royal family, descendants of Thor, Alexander the Great Prophet. Prophet Abraham, Prophet. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Muhammad, the Prophet. Prophet David, Prophet. Prophet Jesus, the historical value and almost everyone is claiming to come from. Let the throne of Israel's ruling Hz. Aleyhisselam'ın is the throne of David.


According to information received from the FBI, the Muslims, or only to people who look Middle Doğu'lu hate crimes against business, after September 11 was the ceiling. Hate crimes, their categorization, there is a cloud around the inside of discarded. True and correct that information, despite the mythology to believe that we know. Mythology is still a part of our minds! Takes a long time, there has been stereotyped. Many of us are too comfortable with our prejudices. We do not want to change. We get used to this face.


Seeing the truth

What we see when we think of Muslims?

What images come to mind? Do you see the real people? Apart from cultural or geographical differences often do similar things with us. When we think of Muslim women in which the image comes to mind? Laughing and having fun with their children and love women who work outside the home and you see that? Except as required should not go out from home while training at home when you need to take the majority of university students are women in many Muslim countries! What is the media images of Muslim men? A loving father, trying to provide opportunities for families, we see the men? Or a Muslim youth? Like other young people in the world where we think? Religion in the Muslim world, "covering everything and dominating," Do you see that as something? Beliefs play a major role in the Muslim world, although in America, as well as in Turkey, a large portion of the Muslim world knows quite secular are we? Muslim and Christian religious thought in our minds when coming?  In the region for centuries, living in peace side by side with Muslims, remember that 20 million Christians are we? Indeed, some film-makers and the American-Muslims and Muslims has all the features. The best way to destroy a stereotype is to laugh. Is a comedy. There are comedians. Comedians throughout history has made it. African-American comedians, Jewish comedians. To do this we see the Muslim comedians. Reduce this tension.


[Fahrenheit 911-DVD, DVD attached a section of the 2004 movie] [Dean speaks Obediallah] The man in the boxes, took my credit card, I see my name and looked at strangely.

- "My friend? How is this a name? "He said.

- "An Arabic name"

- "What does it mean?"

-English 'when we turn to "peaceful, friendly Arab" means.

But I was not satisfied. Family in which Arab countries! "He asked.

Let me tell you something like I will go peacefully. "We 'Aladdin's' come from the country," "I said.


Michael Moore, Fahrenheit 9-11 A scene from this comedy DVD which was added. [Ahmed Ahmed talks] "My name is Ahmed Ahmed and I really can not fly anywhere. The job of our white is easy, is yet to come to the airport 1-2 hours before. 1.5 months I am working. "


The purpose of the media for a Muslim is very clear. For non-Muslims or Muslims think for yourself, it may not be so open to such suggestions to yourself that you are responsible not blood.


French journalist writer Max Gallo Hz. After the publication of Muhammad cartoons Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi speaks on television:

"Whether the regiment, we live in a world where we can criticize. To understand, we'll laugh at anything. Convinced me that the truth is we can do. Because it shows that we're free. A little wiser and we should not adhere to these provocations. But if you show sensitivity to your messenger and we can not draw cartoons, because of the feelings of Muslims, this would be self-censorship. I think freedom of opinion and respect for manual work. I Muhammad, Jesus or a rabbi, do you feel the desire to make cartoons. This is France. This is freedom. That's it. "


French Jewish journalist to a writer who played Max Gallo Dieudonné 'when interviewed by comedian;

[French journalist writer Max Gallo] "I do not intend to apologize for what? 'I'm sorry. It was not funny. I apologize if I hurt your feelings. Was stupid. 'You could have said. "

[Players] "This is my job. I played hard to find comedy in that line. "

[French journalist writer Max Gallo] "I do not understand. I was shocked! I find their behavior is not amnesty. "

[Players] "We're living in a country can be expressed freely. Why do it against? "

[French journalist writer Max Gallo] "Why have the right to freely express themselves would not be going. Holocaust [Approximately six million Jews in Nazi era Germany (the number of dead varies according to the sources) in a systematic way is the name of killings and massacres.] face. The comedy is so small a problem occurs. "

[Player] "During the 400 years to 100 million black slaves were sent. This does not hinder us in making a black comedy with characters. Dress michelle LED monkey in comedies, we see a black glasses. Did not stop him or criticize anyone. Even seen as a hero. "

[French journalist writer Max Gallo] "One whole family was murdered in concentration camps, on TV, "Isra-Heil" he sees one. Do you understand the relevance of the situation worse? I think you do not understand. Some celebrities 'We can not show our interests' has become too much and we are too late. Lanceral be invited to this program as one more. "


Before the French journalist writer Max Gallo;

"But if you show sensitivity to your messenger and we can not draw cartoons, Muslims because of their feelings, to be this self-censorship" he says.


In the second, the man spoke:

"We're living in a country can be expressed freely. Why do it against? " When asked;

[French journalist writer Max Gallo] "Why not have the right to freely express themselves will tell. Holocaust [Approximately six million Jews in Nazi era Germany (the number of dead varies according to the sources) in a systematic way is the name of killings and massacres.] face. The comedy is so small a problem occurs. " he says.


Dieudonné like "one of the few Jews who do not leave is a joke. Business life comes to an end and that a well-known comedian. Each case is mocked by the religious themselves. On an issue relevant to them, but they do not accept to be mocked!



Specific purpose and the "War Against Terror" and the "New World Order" is not too good fit.


In the so-called Muslim march in London did not seem strange to you something? If you only knew how they played. Look again. What is of interest to you?


First, the same hate messages that carry slogans SAME was handwritten!


Only one person has written to say that all the slogans!


Moreover, all the demonstrators that day only those who take the motto was FACE OFF!


[The banner of the author]

-Freedom to go to hell

Curse those who insult Islam-murder to clear his head.

-Liberalism go to hell!


War on terror began. But it really began on September 11th? This is actually very much in advance of the fight was planned. Immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Be careful with bomb. Cold war.


America as a superpower's military plans to carry out you need to believe is a worldwide danger. Therefore this figure is fake terror to achieve their goals in the Middle East and the world was created.


[Aaron Russo tells] "I know Rockefeller'larla met by a lady lawyer. Call me and say, "Rockefeller'lardan one wants to meet you," he said. At the time, "Hell Up Angry," a movie I made. Watch the movie and he wanted to meet me. Knew I was trying to be governor of Nevada. A very clever man! Talking, and we would exchange ideas. 11 Eylül olayları olmadan 11 ay evvel bana bir olayın olacağını ve bu olay sayesinde Hazar Denizi üzerinden boru hatları ile petrol taşıyabilmek için Afganistan’a saldıracağımızı söyledi. To dominate the Middle East oil and also to establish a base in Iraq [Iraq] 's going to attack and take them to the New World Order, we will attack and said Chavez'a in Venezuela. Then we had September 11 events. 'Troops in caves in Afghanistan, Pakistan and many other places are looking at how to say' I remember. In a real fight against terror is not the enemy will be, able to capture all of the state made to American society that said it would be a fraud. "


September 11, 2001 Attacks realized, said Tim Osman dubbed Usama bin Laden's head into a 5 million dollar reward has been caught in no wonder!


Courses are organized from the events of September 11 is now more clearly be seen.


"Tim Osman" ı search. Tim Osman is one of the CIA for many years been the faithful servant of the CIA was given the nickname is. Tim Osman 'Do you know who you are? Usama Bin Laden!


[George W. Bush's speech after the attacks Sept. 11, 2001] "Today, our citizens, our way of life, our freedoms, deliberate and deadly terrorist attacks was attacked with. Victims, in an airplane or office, secretaries, businessmen and women, the military and government personnel. Mothers and fathers. "


War on terror is a fraud!


[United States, the News] President George W. What about Bush's attack when you know you know you do not have to be a conspiracy theorist. According to the official release of the White House, President George W. Bush is currently in Florida in a class of second plane hitting the World Trade Center, and has learned the U.S. was under attack. That's the George W. Bush's about three months after the September 11, 2001 attacks, is his reply when asked a question.

[George W. Bush] "Outside the classroom, waiting to get inside. I saw the first plane hitting the towers. Of course there's a TV that was open. I was flying past me and saw "a very bad pilot," I said. "This should be a very bad accident," I said. I was taken away from there and I have not had much time to think. "


-How so? George W. Bush was informed of the class when the second plane. License dem watch on TV the first plane crash was heard. But this is impossible! No one in the first plane's crash of September 11 did not watch it on TV shows, but then one day started running.


TV news lies. We are deceiving, distracting elements, distortions and leave the ignorant to imagine. Collective Media, is the world's No. 1 enemy.


Lies! Lies!


[September 11, 1990, speech in the U.S. Senate] "The things we mentioned, from a small country are great, great ideas, a new world order."


[George W. Bush] "September 11, 2001 has been about not supporting cruel conspiracy theories ever. From the real terrorist crimes, criminals are trying to stay away from. Conspiracy theories "


Democracy hypocrisy


[George W. While President Bush is sworn]I, George Walker Bush, President of the United States authorities with the help of God with his faith, and the United States'd best be exercised in compliance with the constitution and protect it, and formally defend'd swear. "


[America's war initiated by a citizen who lost her son in speeches] "Here I know I can not believe how much talking. Result is that, my son was killed. I do not get the answers you want. I'm sorry and I'm angry. I talked to many people. Many responses gave a very logical and very beautiful. I like this a bad side. My next ambition is a positive approach is to do the job. One of my side is broken now, I do not want an answer immediately, causing the death of my son who I wanted. 6 years in all, I joined the commission session. I talked to many people. Very, I asked very simple questions. I asked very simple questions of the media did not mention. 7. I can not talk to my neighbors about the fall of the tower, look at me and said, "are you crazy?" they say. These are my neighbors. I have five minutes to talk to them now. This is insane. Totally insane. Always like this continues. Throughout my life, our government has done everything I believed to be accurate. I always believe it. 50s now. Our first look at the state and "perhaps everything is not true" "I said.

Do you spread democracy through war? Is war will spread freedom?


Middle East and most parts of the world will never trust the U.S. government in foreign policy reasons for not acting hypocritical. The American government claims of democracy can be spread. Democracy, not the closest of allies, as you must know the royal. Blood is transferred with each of management. America's overthrow the government by the people they are elected. U.S. government and the New World Order Zionist activities were carried out according to plan, you must understand. Certainly does not serve the public good of the world to America. This is clearly there.


"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" book: That captured America's amazing story of how the world actually! John Perkins, has worked for the CIA during the life they've done is explained in detail. Work, which looks great on paper and in reality the country was preparing agreements to reduce debt. Will keep forever in debt! Why? With this loan, because this country will be forever enslaved in America. For example, Perkins, and the Saudi Royal Family offered 70 signed an agreement to have uncovered. Saudi Arabia earned from oil revenue this agreement, all the American banks have brought the necessity of paying. Preserved in exchange for the royal throne. In this way, with conservative Saudi royal family following the strengthened ties between the U.S. government. So that 1 Why the Iraq war, "Desert Shield" was a name we can understand. "Desert Shield" and the Saudi oil so that investments in the U.S. "shield" that was a drill.


August 2, 1990 Saddam Hussein's forces invaded the oil-rich Kuwait said. American and coalition forces into the Arabian peninsula, and created a deterrent force. Behavior, then the name of this deterrent, "Desert Shield" will be known as. As a result, a series of diplomatic negotiations would quickly become desperate, and negotiations were held. August 17, 1991 "Desert Shield" "Desert Storm" that was transformed.


War, CNN and the BBC, through superior technological political and economic coalition, the systematic destruction of Saddam's power was released as the propaganda. However, unlike war, you know the majority of the Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler be designed by, checking whether, have been forwarded. Against nuclear power, there was an enemy with an army of a million as a community. One night, with one fifth of the world's oil is also a man. Among many pawns, but in reality it was just a pawn. Gulf War created a big step in the plan was just a puppet.


[September 11, 1990, speech in the U.S. Senate] "Tell you what a small country is larger than a big idea, a new world order."


Many countries from the Middle East to South America has been the victim of this evil plan.

"America will not impose the way you want non-self management. Our goal is their voices heard by others able. " [United States of "spreading the slogan]


Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was elected in 1998. Relentless attacks against the social reforms have been organized. [Fox-News] - Any one of the dead were following very early on by. Currently being taken to jail. This is a coup!

Government was overthrown in April 2002.

[Press release] Chairman and members of constitutional courts have taken temporary assignments.


Freedom, democracy and fighting terrorism on behalf of the plans while you know what?


UFO phenomenon


New World Order will allow the formation of the final plan, do you know what that is? The largest of the plans!


First learned of this plan is quite ridiculous that may sound to some.


This plan will be to the world is a fake UFO attack. Last few years by all media channels, and UFO aliens are inculcated to believe. Between the presence of extraterrestrial beings and size are two different issues. When we examine the contemporary UFO phenomenon, UFO seen so far is 99% unknown flying objects are the product of the military technology! I also want to focus on surveys and investigations. Our government, our managers, institutions, etc picture. Send us are constantly surveys and investigations.

Executive powers to know what you think you really believe that do you!


Before deciding whether you believe they will ask your opinion?


For example "Then what do you think America must attack the country?" Let's consider such a survey. If Iran has selected 70% of American society, for example, a survey that measured the effectiveness of media propaganda has become. Such results are obtained when "Wonderful, very beautiful. Our propaganda works. About people suggesting that we should attack Iran. See the poll results. Our very successful propaganda " will say. If the results would not be appropriate if, for example, 20% and 80% of the war with Iran has chosen peace "Well, these percentages will change should create more effective propaganda." will say. I tell them why? UFO phenomenon Because! Since the 1960s the number of people who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial ceiling was made. In today's world that is growing louder. This UFO phenomenon A UFO that will then attack the whole world will unite against them by the belief and the results will be brought in the New World Order is the success of the plan.


[United States, the News] "A former Canadian government official, said the presence of intergalactic war. The visitors came and went with the Bush administration to control and opened fire for months if necessary to reach agreement regarding the establishment of a base said. "


[Carol Rosin explains Sue] The father of American rocketry and the late Werner von Braun got the opportunity to meet. The first 3.5 hour of our first meeting, "Carol, you'll prevent space weapons, because everyone has told a lie. The first excuse for space weapons would be bad for the Russian Empire. Many enemies will be set against the space-based weapons systems. At that time there was the first of the Russians. Then the terrorists will. After them will be the third world countries. At the moment they 'stray' or 'concern intriguing' states would like. Then you will be asteroids. "And then listen repeatedly reiterated. The last excuse 'risk of being outside world' will. A military strategist, and later worked on the MX missile as one space-based weapons would be found to produce an enemy you'll see " he said. It is currently the excuses that will arise. These plans. The only problem in all of them derived from a lie.


"Silver Bug" called a super-sonic flying saucers. Merely a scientific revolution! Plans with extremely high speed and mobility, multi-jet is a tool in detail. This topic 2 After World War II to America "flying saucer technology" to bring German scientists who are consistent in an interesting way.


[Melvin Goodman, CIA, Senior Process Analysis, 66-88, says] "Ostensibly a story was needed. People fly from air bases in Nevada saw an unusual flying objects that tell reporters what if you can say? Would leave this place. CIA, were assigned to people believing they saw UFOs. The CIA and the military, journalists write about this subject would help. The people of this region and the country tried to make up your minds about what they saw.


[United States, the News] "Mexican air force pilots, 11 of them the UFO was captured on video. Mexican Air Force released an image some of us will find difficult to believe. This image of a journalist who followed the Mexican military aircraft show UFO DVDs, he said. "


UFOs when they first emerged as a rude and a hat-type flying object was displayed. With the development of mankind in the technology of an alien UFO technology change, the people in high-tech military UFO flying objects that are displayed.


The truth about UFOs What is it? Finding a new flight in great secrecy for the success of the full story in the last 60 years is an integral feature of our relations depends on the UFOs.


1942’de garip ışın toplarından gelen sinyaller gören müttefik pilotları ya da beş sene sonra Roswell’de olan olayları göz önüne alırsak gizli askeri teknolojinin çoğu UFO hikâyesini açıklamaktadır.


[Cathy O'Brien, government secrets and talk about the 1947 National Security Act]

-These are used against us. Over the years, the New World Order plan to turn the people of this country and the world against the coming of the New World Order would have heard them feel helpless. This world domination plan, we have been invaded by aliens by saying our "Please help us get the United Nations" will allow us to say. The so-called National Security Law and confidential technology and people will be forced to surrender.


How can stage such an event?

How will believe a lie like that?

Other events that we believe they are the same as previously presented. This will allow you to believe the lies will use the same tools.


[U.S. Senate Speaking] "To be able to recognize this common bond we need perhaps is a universal external threats. Sometimes under threat of being left out of the world we think we'll forget our differences so very quickly. "



British evrenbilimci Stephen Hawking, there is actually an alien, but contact with them might be dangerous to humanity, he said. Discovery Channel documentary channel speakers in a program prepared to Hawking, the universe of 100 billion galaxies, each of these galaxies as well as 100 million stars, he said. Under these conditions it is impossible to think that just living in the world defending Hawking, "I believe my mathematical brain, these figures are very rational, even makes the existence of aliens. The question is, what he looked like aliens to resolve, "he said. Intelligent life forms that could pose a threat to humanity, says Hawking, to contact with these animals that could have devastating consequences stressed. May be alien to the world of Christoph Columbus discovered America for a possible visit evrenbilimci likened to the discovery, "Business End of the American Indians did not end so well for" he said.

[April 26, 2010, Radikal daily, Milliyet Newspaper, Gazete5 the Young Turk News]


They will ATTACK SOON!


The UFO phenomenon I wonder what the remaining 1%? Has never held a real contact you? UFOs and the people of the state of knowledge about a secret that the difference is not very large. Unfortunately, some states and organizations have used this phenomenon to worldly gains.


[Richard A. Hoagland says] 200 000 G The distance to the particle beam with the object being shot. Divide fractions. Thus constitute war within the war. NASA released this image. NASA is good, but you guys have used. A good man will be kept confidential and do not even know what it is. Remember, a lie is changing every level. They believe the lies told to them. Open, honest and live on TV to advertise the shuttle flights and establish an organization that will give you when you are live. Auditor 'Stop publish, but publish it in not because they are honest men would oppose. Then tell people that and they reveal. Catholic Christians 'aliens like we should, they are our brothers' he says, all denominations, films, 80th Olympic Games in the fake aliens in the program is done, the Dallas on three football stadium-sized things that flew, and so on is something behind is. State documents about contacts with aliens was false. Remember Operation Northwoods to the attacks on September 11, 2001, or we can think of. States, communities, the navigate to specific points of history too large events are organized. Are fond of tricks. Produced could be called history. We are done! They think we are heading for an explanation. Actually a secret organization members, 2 Since World War II, Nazis managed to perfect their technology will play a fake, a fake very well prepared going into the event. They will deceive the whole world. Very deep knowledge about secret Nazi operation there. Toward the end of the war to defeat the war broken out in the program. On the basis of this deception, even beating some of the technologies include gravity. Higher dimensions are still the subject of this physics can be seen that in my work. There are a stack of technology that we know has been suppressed. The presence of B-2 bomber had been open 20 years after use. We know there are many such example. We know the existence of a shadow government. These guys have done with a candle light enough to make hydrogen bombs are a different technology. There are sections of the pyramids and the pyramids within pyramids have inside. So anyway, this pyramid is a symbol of the New World Order. We do not know what it is in their hands, because they are too sensitive. They say many lies. We know only the advanced technology. We've done our own experiments. Have their own data. Of the Iron Curtain 30 years ago, when ever we get data from the Soviet Union. Glastnost'un survivor when the KGB had uncovered a mass of information. We've put together this information. Physics we know that they use both, and take what you can do and what we know the base. We know how it works. In our experiments, we have obtained proof of their own too. America and even Europe in the territory of the experiments prove that we have seen some examples. Von Braun's latest work on the things that run deep on the physics experiments suggest. They retain their good side. Because if we are to the good side, technology, energy of gallons of gasoline could reach $ 10 to be four or think of us. About 6 billion people on this technology, as it must live in the world lived. We will live longer. We live longer and better. As the twenty-strong, 200-300 to be lived. Medicine, physics, technology and energy issues, there is an incredible development. All are kept confidential. We're swinging a planet in space. Our night is full of mysteries. In alternative media, admittedly some evidence that the shadow government and organizations outside NASA in mind rather than a stack of the green man, talk about the Hollywood-style questioning them because we needed to say. The United States Military UFO consultant Clifford Stone: "Ladies and gentlemen, these meetings to you UFO phenomenon, history, names, in groups, research groups in the secret state, today, who is, what this is about, kids who sell drugs and that the American government's UFO 's right to know the truth that you fear I'll explain why. "had made a statement in the form. He retired before the description made later. Is a member of the team, although remember that astronauts could not remember anything they said. Why did not remember it does not work at NASA. There were very large memory space and this is not normal. Same situation is seen in all the flight crew. Bitter truth! Was brainwashed minds were controlled. They have such a technology. The real task, have a very advanced technology. "


Our children's summer vacation days to return the pop culture of people might think. So far in our mind control techniques how to effectively handle the media that we have described. Expenditure of several million dollars to wash your brain have been seen. This way you control a variety of mind, "life style" and trying to direct. Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler fuel as materialism, seeking control, corruption of love and hate God and religion, consumption in the race to create a society is to survive!



It has no relevance to overthrow your government, there is nothing in you to win the war! In this war, both you and your soldiers are a battlefield. To see the truth, you must overcome worldly charm. Only then will the light is a living example. This system because you tried to eat everything that is dark.


2008, "the hit song" Let's see.


Number one song of 2008


"Got so brave, drink in hand, I've put aside my mind. I'm used to things, not on me I'll try a. I'm wondering, did interest me. And I liked kissing a girl, cherry moisturizer. 've Kissed a girl just to try it hope my boyfriend do not disturb. I felt bad, felt good, it does not mean I'm in love with this night. I kissed a girl and I liked it. I liked it. "


2008 2 The most successful song

"What have I got mine! Why do I feel? Now I'm mad. Fuel does not stay, I'm in the red light, cars do not even try. Did not hear anything, could not tell, can not even talk about. In my life, my head, I do not even want to think about. I think I'm crazy, yes. The thieves come at night, you grab as you can into your drink and you consume. A mental illness; you can control. Too close to be close. Prepare a beautiful lie, are you the city of miracles. Will not be a master, you might note that the blood would. Think one more time, thought to be changed. Even if you falter be wise. The patient in mind. Now is the darkness bright. "


2009, "the hit song" Let's see.



"You know you want me (want me). You know I want you (I want). I know you want me. You know you want (you want). I know you want me (want me). You know I want you (I want). You know you want me. You know I want you (I want). 6 hours, winding road to the summit.

He locked it in the closet from brewer pit. , But damn it attractive. Pit stops, but the end tag. I got into the car, (Como) left to play with water. I watch movies while taking. Hock Hitch, such as Alba. Remove tasting. Mommy got ass like donkeys, with a monkey. Looks like King Kong. What is really fast. With a woman. Play games. Their chain and they are allowed to do. And not hit anything and everything that thing they love to take him. To continue all night long. Babies can get it, you can play it if you win. I have baby crib, we can be there in the garden of my house. Extends even to have a king size mattresses. Baby do not care, I do not care what they say. "


Pitbull - Hotel Room Service

"I want everyone to stop what they're doing. Now if you know someone with a hotel room that night to hold you, make some noise. Meet me in the hotel room. Hotel room with my boyfriend and I met forget the girl you can bring a friend and I met in my hotel room. We are the hotel, motel, we are, we are holidays.


Rothschild'in Illuminati founding statement: "Satan lives, that our God and we are the servants of evil elite"


Basically, pop culture, put the demons of the elite is filled with praise. The owner of the elite artists, publications, agencies and organizations when it comes, it is impossible to see the common evil of deviation from the basics.


Why Washington's place pentagrama diabolical plan look like? Why is pointing to the White House! Why in the world capital has the same dikilitaşlardan? Surrounding the government building in Washington is why an owl? What's in the center of the star as evil? A pentagon [pentagon] [pyramid-eye in the public eye]


Of evil and satanic plan of God is removed from our lives.


This focused on how the system works, and worldly pleasures, trying to link us to show the world that understand the illusion are we?




"The World" in Arabic "material" means, and Islam has a negative connotation. "Hereafter" infinity, means the next life. In Arabic, "The world of" We know what it means. "The World" is part of the vision of the earth. Hereafter, the items that people are detained. That's the devil's game! Satan's game away to people. "Satan" means zoom out. "The World" is close by. Satan "of the afterlife" rather than "world" is imminent, we will try to feel. Islam us "world" tells the remote. "World" of the root meaning of the word "can not be achieved to reach the grapes." This "world" is inherent. I can not get. Your hand will always escape.


"If humankind is that the latter would require a mountain of gold."



Look around you. The people running the world in pursuit of what? Money, gambling, liquor, cars, homes, drugs, artists. The basis of all physical pleasure?


Are these the world will offer us? Help yourself as you want and run after him, but sooner or later you'll see what happens.


Do you know how we were created?

Been created as a spirit, that we were placed in physical bodies. Our body only "our car." This makes the physical part of our soul is eternal life we can live for a vehicle. Work for the soul and feed it into a vehicle must be driven. But what do we do? "Vehicle" with the physical and worldly pleasures are dedicated our lives to feed. This worldly wise, this system is designed to connect us to the illusion that the audit! This fun saturated society does not arise by chance, did you ever think that?


[News] "The CIA planes carrying four tons of cocaine was an accident."


If you think the media bosses to inform you trying to entertain for profit?


People are continuing to invest in physical rather than mental. What does money matter? Do not forget to fix the soul. No wonder our sense of beauty is distorted. Even though you try you can not get what the big effort. "World" of people to leave and leave.


Many people see the truth, wants to hear. Why is this so? Why people will reject this information, why they struggle? Why are people attacking you? One of these reasons are mostly from.

1-this information, the psychological perspective is not easy to digest. Because they are accepted as life can continue. Brain, the information gathered over the years to reorganize and begin a new program will have to realize that. Brain, will come across. Because this would require a strong mental effort. The easiest way to get rid of this challenge.

2-secondary reason is ego. The person's ego, because you and your information will be fighting. Because it is more valuable than words. Not previously been aware of the important facts they encounter will not accept you. Will deny the truth to protect their egos.

3 - In many cases the people are satisfied with their lives so that it ends up that the world will not want to deal with those. Have focused their lives.

4 - Most people do not want to break the bond. Static and often hopelessly attached to the system so that it will be fought to protect.

5-believe and value of the system, they're sound. They're determined to let their true. What is the sound system! Media! "The world's most successful hypnosis that wooden box in the corner of the room is a process. That television! A continuous way which tells us what is real. "If the human eye see's you people that if you ever believed to be accurate. Because the larger ones will laugh in a way that explains everything.

6-were accustomed to obedience to Satan, they do not actually want to hear. Already started to tell the truth, "Does anything like that, I know you like this, showing that, you know all these people wrong?", Etc.. explanations to defend the pass.


[American television program in a speech server] "You and 62 million Americans now listen to me, because reading is less than 3%,% 15'inizden are reading newspapers less. The only truth you know comes from television. Television at the moment, a generation out there who do not know a thing. This television Presidents, Prime Ministers, or destroy pope is selected. Godless world of television is the most powerful forces that curse. Falls into the wrong hands I wonder what would happen? 12 th largest in the world atheistic propaganda of the world's largest power companies to check if the notice is published, who knows what nonsense. Listen to me. Listen to me. Television is not real. Television is a goddamn amusement park. Television is a circus, carnival, a traveling acrobat and, storytellers, dancers, singers, freak the lion tamers and football players are. Problems we seek to destroy us. If you want reality, go to God. Go to your teacher. Ask yourself, because you can only find truth there. You can not actually get any of us. We say everything you want. We lie like crazy. Archie Bunker'ın you'll tell at home if anyone's cancer. Although the hero of time how much trouble your head, look, it will win at the end of time. We want to hear everything you say. We are working with dreams. Neither is true. But you-all day and night, all ages, colors, beliefs-just as we would recognize. Dreams are starting to believe we have done here. Television is real and imagined your life would begin to believe. What would you do it if television. You'll dress like television, you will be fed like television, can you grow your children, such as television. Think like television. This collective madness, you maniacs! For God's sake, you people are real, we're dreaming. Switch off the television. Switch off now. Immediately, to close now. Switch off and leave it off. I say to those close in mid-sentence. Switch off. "


The power of people connected to the global conspiracy and deception alone Do you think you can do? Think of this as conspiracy research, learn the history of the elite, this history would be aware of the plan is almost perfect. Elites and private organizations, why not give the results of their own lives are dedicated to their life plan? The objectives of this plan because it has not been determined by the people. Is a force more powerful. Some people plan their souls for the sake of this worldly existence and the power they sold for. Who has profited from this plan? New World Order and the architect who promoted the plan to fool the people have profited. Came time to assemble. Did you see the world around you deceptive. Lies a world that no longer appear! Attributed to the prophet to whom it is a deceptive term do you know? To the Antichrist! Do you know the name of false prophets in Islam are you?  "One-eyed Deceptive ' means "Al Aawar Dajjal."


Giving false prophets think it a coincidence of names? Elite's "One Eye" symbol to see just a coincidence? Antichrist is ruling the world for years! He is an asset if you have a conscious? Both!


"When we look at a dollar bill pyramid, we see not only built hill. Hill was outside. Is superior in the eyes but did not. Masonic plan because they will not perform unless the completed pyramid. In the back of a dollar bill, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" and "Annuit Coeptis" le stated, "We are satisfied with the plan" in the sense of another word, put their faith in the project are believed to be satisfied. What is the project? The real question. What is pleased to put the project? Project secular world. Is deleted from the world of religious belief. This is the project. Therefore, it is called "Novus Ordo Seclorum" New World Order, Secular or worldly "is.


Establishing and Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Lord, Gog and the Antichrist will be strong enough to come to our attention was Mecüc.


No doubt, will come Antichrist. His left eye is blind. And I have a white. Blind and patients better. Will raise the dead. And "I am your Lord," he says. If it testifies to the Antichrist who fell strife. Who said, "Lord God" and it dies, then the Antichrist will not fall into temptation and torment him and no more strife.

[Ravi: Hz. Sumre Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El Ehadis / Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 97]


Antichrist, as God tells him.

[İ.Ebi Shaybah]


Adam Aleyhisselam'dan, the Resurrection from the great tribulation is not the Antichrist.



Antichrist, will be resurrected to kill someone.

[Bukhari, Muslim]


Antichrist and a liar, you and your predecessor did not hear what they tell them, beware.



For you astray leaders fear more than the Antichrist.

[I.. Ahmed]


(5011) - Pr. Huzeyfe Radiyallahu Anh says: "The Prophet said:" Dajjal is out there and shoot her time along the water. But the public sees as the fire is fresh water;  If people saw as the water is like a fire burning. Who on that day if you stop, people get fired as he accepted the fall. Because it is pretty cold water. "

[Bukhari, Fiten 26, Enbiya 50; Muslim, Fiten 105, (2935), Abu Dawood, Melahim 14, (4315); Ibrahim Canan, Qutb-i Sitte Translation and Commentary, Akçağ Publications: 14 / 296.]


Prophet Isa was sent to rule the world from Jerusalem. Israel from Jerusalem to the world that the Antichrist will try to manage.


Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam: "40 days left in the world when the Antichrist will come. As one day a year, as one day a month, one day a week on other days as well as your (normal) as your day, "said.

[Muslim, Fiten 110; Ibn. Mace, Fiten 33 Tirmidhi, Fiten 59; Ahmet b. Hanbal, III. 420, IV. 226, Sunan Abu Dawood Translation and Commentary, Şamil Publisher: 14/457-458.]


"Dajjal one day in the period up to one year, Britain was its headquarters. In period of one month until one day America was its headquarters. Eventually, one day a week will return home at the time, such as the holy land. Will return home, the holy land. The first stage of the Antichrist, has completed one year of the day. At that time Britain was the dominant world currency and the pound was among the nation. Then one day a month or so as the Antichrist and the United States entered the world stage as the judges took place in England. U.S. dollar became the currency of international search. Currently the dominant world power in America began to be transferred to Israel. What will be new money? Answer: The U.S. dollar was attacked, and been defeated after all the world will take note. Then you will not see the paper currency. So, what will the new currency? Israel will be the new currency will be slaves to the world? U.S. dollars, as did the people of Israel, what will be the new currency will be a slave? Answer: Israel will use the money invisible. Not be able to see. Abstract will benefit, will not touch! Electronic money is. Strange and dangerous world of electronic money as well by the banks is to audit the system. This system monitors the Jews. This is not a cruel statement. This is an incorrect statement. This is true. Ie, credit cards and debit cards!


According to the people of Islam as a divine year is 1000 and 1000 years in the UK ruled that the Antichrist comes. Based on 900 years of the royal family of Britain is not a coincidence. 900 +1000 = 1900


In 1917, the official United 1 Participated in World War I, and those steps have been identified himself as the new superpower.


[George Washington's slogan] "I want the American Army."


Antichrist there, "one day one month period" reigned. If one year is equal to the year 1000, one month would be 1000/12. That means 83 years. 1917 +83 = 2000


[In 2000, George E. Bush's swearing-in] "I, George Walker Bush, President of the United States authorities with the help of God with the belief, the best way to perform'd .. "


-2001 'For the 11 September attacks. All independent research proves of September 11 are arranged inside!

-2002 In Afghanistan was attacked.

-2003 'In Iraq [Iraq] was attacked.

-2006 In Lebanon was attacked.


In the years following the September 11 U.S. military bases in the Middle East has established more than 10 countries. By the end of the New World Order is the capital of Israel's reign has been secured. Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago, the same as Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın.


After the Antichrist "as a weekly one day" Israel will prevail. If we use the same formula, split into 83 four-year, we get an average of 21 years. Us that [being in the sun or moon, depending on] the year 2020-2023 will take. Illuminati in that time, Israel has ruled the world of "secure" will.


[September 11, 1990, speech in the U.S. Senate] "Is much larger than a small nation we have mentioned, are a great idea for a new world order."


September 11, 2001 to hit the twin towers. All independent research proves of September 11 are arranged inside!


In 2002, Afghanistan was attacked.

In 2003, Iraq [Iraq] was attacked.

2006, Lebanon was attacked.


On the basis of the world and the Middle East's problems is what do you understand? Any agreement or the coming war, the State of Israel is for security or facility. Anti-war ideas and always will. Sit on the throne of the Antichrist in Israel is becoming a solid and then we will have days like our days. The Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad and Hazrat Imam Mahdi in the hadith Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın. They will join the real victory will be achieved Aleyhisselam'a Jesus. Unfortunately, the majority, but to follow the Antichrist, the Antichrist will think that's true. And signs are not true believers because they have not been.


[United States, the News] "In light of the national capital today, the darkened windows of black limousines and private security personnel came near a hotel where a strict application control. Limousines from the people at the Royal Family, their political power brokers and the industry giants will take a week, known as the Bilderberg Group moved to a secret meeting. "


Worldwide, to expand the domain of a single piece of privacy and are against a cruel conspiracy. The enormous human and material forces, political, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political activities, often combining woven, highly active in the construction of a machine is a dedicated system. Preparations can be concealed, not published. Errors appear in the headlines is not buried. Of deserters, are being silenced, not praised.


Charlie Sheen freely says: September 11 is believed to have been suppressed by the state, do you? Yes: 83%, No: 17%


What holds together this system? With a commitment to this plan, why the elite loyal? Because this is a part of their religion. Ostensibly because they Muslim, Christian, or Jewish, even though they are actually believe in Satan. This plan has placed them in the top position of the system. If only someone like George Walker Bush with wisdom and courage to come to such a position do you think? Comply with these leaders have an evil plan. Are suggested to the Antichrist's rule. Because it is a part of this religion. Had you done the necessary research leaders "Keeping in Boheme" you would be aware of their satanic rituals.


In the United States government, headed by four consultant David Gergen who served as Washington Times in an article years ago, had made a comment about an organization. The Wall Street Journal and many newspapers now also 'Bohemian Grove " news came about. Them "Hey, I can not keep running in the nude" he said. David Gergen'in "I do not like them keep running in the nude" is a Washington Times article said. What is this?

[The Alex Jones Show Alex Jones, this issue reminds me of the server and asks, in the last conversation between]

[David Gergen] "I do not know what quote you're talking about. I have no news of such a quote. Listen, I'm glad I'ma member of the Bohemian Protection. I love coming there. I do not mention it outside the community are not eligible. Thank you. "

[The Alex Jones Show Alex Jones's server] "Incineration of mind," Did you attend the ceremony?

[David Gergen] "Obviously we do not think you have to talk to."

                     [The Alex Jones Show Alex Jones's server] "Really?"    

[David Gergen] "Yes."

[The Alex Jones Show host Alex Jones] "Alex Jones and I went there in 2000. I can not get it out the visuals. Has been published in national television. "

[David Gergen] "We therefore do not respect.

[The Alex Jones Show Alex Jones's server] "Really?"

[David Gergen] "Yes."

[The Alex Jones Show Alex Jones's server] "There is much to officials. No one knows? "

[David Gergen] "We do not even know. You and I do not know anything about your movie. You have entered an agreement with you there, and this film did it break the agreement. So I do not respect you.

[The Alex Jones Show Alex Jones's server] "Really?"

[David Gergen] "This film came to an agreement not to make you not there? You have entered an agreement through there, right? "

[The Alex Jones Show Alex Jones's server] "No."

[David Gergen] "Do you have entered illegally there?"

[The Alex Jones Show Alex Jones's server] "Yes. What is ritual? Rituals for real? Did you participate in a ritual? "

[David Gergen] "It's none of your business."


The Alex Jones Show host David Gergen, Alex Jones was inside, she has learned. Because they're taking this very seriously. This is a basic feature of occult and secret organizations. The word occult means hidden. Privacy is a part of their religion. They enjoyed him. Very angry when they arise.


"The greatest trick the devil have the world believe that."


Illuminati and secret organizations who run our world in many aspects were revealed. Those who study the subject in depth, a secret organization in the world connected together in partnership have realized the evil. But how many people of Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin choose to follow this dark path you know why! Avoid "self-righteous people" why you choose to worship him and to follow the devil you know? Secret to anyone or global conspiracy can not understand it without understanding the power steering. Signs everywhere.


["Who and what does not control the world" who study the theory, the BBC channel, sports writer and political commentator David Icke tells] "Washington's city plan, you will find in the pentagon. Washington's city plan, there are two pentagons. The government is following up the Assembly building to the White House is facing. Have you ever studied the layout of Washington? As is known, a political convention hall building. According to the shape of a certain fact that the Freemasons, a secret organization, is the temple. Congress, the Congress building. Where was the name? Very ancient, sacred place of the Romans from the community, "Capitol Hill" of. Priestess of this community is Madeline Albright as secretary of foreign affairs in Europe, a place he went. Rome, Capitol Hill, in this case can be considered as a pilgrimage in his official visit. Names are here. In the last century, a statue of George Washington's uniform that was given. And instead to be an American, to Florence, Italy do one. People were surprised when it comes into port. Because here at George Washington, America's first president, and Bill Clinton back on the bare top of a blanket, one arm up and down indicates that an arm had been portrayed in a way. What's happening? If you do not know where these people can not explain. Keep this in mind. Arms up, arms down there a cover on the waist over bare and Bill Clinton. That will come here. One depicting the former, negative in the sense of total power used, and the Knights of the Temple, "the worship of the Baphomet symbol. George Washington, so that way they portrayed. "


The people who run our world is a satanist? Why the secret meetings and practices based on religion! Çünkü eğer Müslüman olmayan insanlar şeytanın var olduğunu fark ederlerse o zaman cinlerin, meleklerin, peygamberlerin ve dinlerin de var olduğunu fark ederler. This is why secret organizations they choose to worship Satan instead of God?


“Hıristiyan ve Yahudi devletlere baktığımızda; iyi eğitimli sınıfın, mimarlar, doktorlar, avukatlar, din adamları, borsacılar ve eğlence sektöründe çalışanlarının arasında cadı meclisi üyelerinin olması bizi şaşırtmamalı. They are fond of devil worship. And apparently are living normal lives. In the world of mortal life, money, women, or to make the trip more enjoyable with devil worship. Do whatever they want as mundane. Are aware of the existence of evil. Open them in a way that makes it aware of the existence of God. Despite this, in a conscious way, blind and stupid to make that choice in this life can take, and devil worship! Onlarla konuşanlardan öğrenilenlere göre, şeytana tapınmada hem hislere, hem cinselliğe hem de akla hitap eden bir keyif ve tatmin olduğunu söylüyorlar. Like a drug. "


We are unaware of them when you're scared, they fear Allah and in the Bible we are afraid. The most comfortable way that they can live and be able to remove everything that should be sacred in our lives. This is why the "New Secular Order."


Atheists, heathens and Zionists ie / Mason and / Satanist and / İlluminatinin secular project is a successful outcome. Islam is a product of fear of the Zionist project succeed! The antichrist is the spiritual world, everything is prepared for the area will be.


Tell them you want to believe and want. But "New Secular Order will have the note. All of you are invited


What's behind the return of influential people and now we know.


[Mason entered into and participated in their rituals Roger J. Morneau, with gin, began to worship the devil tells us how.] "I have a friend who works in the same boat with me one day" I have great news. I know people who talk with spirits of the dead. Would you like to talk with the deceased mother's spirit, "he said. I was surprised. "My late mother, do not be afraid to talk?" He said. "Look, let me think a little bit. This is something I never thought in my life, "I said. Most of us did not think such a thing and afraid. "Reading from Surat. Do not be afraid to go to one session. You know. I know the future, "he said. Then, when the ship began to say how brave I was. Things like that. "You're not the same man, did you change, you coward," he said. Say it was enough. "When we go into session?" I said. On a Saturday, was the first round. Very nice lady's house in Montreal, we went to a psychic. There were twenty guests. I was one of them. Started talking with the spirit of. Several people said they sent her spirits. A man "who died six months ago, but I want to meet my friends and I do not want to see it," he said. I just wanted to talk. "Because my friends do not have confidence to talk to my place," he said. Psychic "Let me in touch with the spirit" he said. "The spirit will talk to you," he said, and also places a large male voice was heard. "Hi, Frank. How nice you ask me, "he said. They talked a little bit. After Frank "to talk with the spirits of the dead is the greatest thing in the world," he said. Then a special surprise waiting for us tonight psychic said. Spirit would find a clear way. We waited a few minutes. Then a big wind hit the building. From the inside of the wall-lights were very bright light-a few feet. Directly to the presence of the wall that came out of semi-transparent. As if my heart had stopped for a moment. Was a very strange feeling. Was a lady dressed in a beautiful night. Was flying. "What you call me, my sister Mary was beautiful," he said. Mary fainted and fell from the chair. He lifted the spirit disappeared. This was the beginning of the work. After a given time, there is an interesting side of the human mind. You can get used to the many horrors. Since many of the things that frighten you can get used to the normal and ordinary, and they will come to you in time. Contact with the supernatural that no one will bother to come to a very normal and usually begins. Rather, do more and is less irritating. Then I became a member of a secret organization. They were worshiped in spirit. Sessions so you do not inhale. But if the spirit of worship, especially if you are a member of a secret organization that invited you if the top level of the soul can not leave there alive. My friends and I did not know what to do and it had spread. There was also a very famous band leader. Jazz musician. Very famous. One night we joined a session to him. There was his wife. We were in a restaurant. There we were sitting in our favorite alcoholic beverages. Stop talking to group chief said. "I want power. I go to the source of power. What do you think I'm famous, do you think so? "He said. I "got lucky." I said. "There is no such thing as luck. Or there is a force that works for you or somewhere you can not come to a place in this world. At least from my job in my field. "Retorted. We then started talking to the spirit of worship. Drew my attention to the things mentioned. "Those are the spirits of the dead actually demons," he said. Satan and demons are expelled from paradise! Said in a moment. Was a bit shocked of course. Would be the first time. You say. "The front is too bright because the secret to our organization başpapaz master plan is very special for you said." Masters said, the devil! We wonder what we wanted. "Look, we worship the spirit," he said. "We do worship the devil and all the elves. Until they were expelled from heaven, ever beautiful. Among those who live in the universe was a big misunderstanding. Our master has been misunderstood by the people who make mistakes and God, as did not know what to do with. So we're fighting. Good against evil! We have bad side, but we are not that bad. Between good and evil to the point I look like. Someone believes in God and one believes in Satan. Like politics. "She said. The members of this organization Hz. With great power and glory to Jesus Aleyhisselam'ın this world are made to believe would not return. Everything in this world to give up! Because once başpapaz "Hz. Aleyhisselam'ın Christ in this world of evil through everything that he knows the law, "he said. Then he said. For those new to the abbot you the best way to please the spirits of the Prophet. Aleyhisselam'ın and humiliate the Church of Christ in everything he said. They say Christian hymns. Not only with Christian lyrics. Many of them have changed. Not a good way. A form of blasphemy! The mystery of the rock music world. There are those who play a cross. Earrings in the form of crosses, etc. a form of blasphemy. Hz. They mocked Christ. Understand? Cine is do to people. You'll enjoy wearing this type of symbol, Christians Hz. As Jesus reminded the cross. "


Our leaders are often members of secret organizations.


What the devil was in the movie The Devil's Advocate!

"Rather than to serve in heaven, in hell does not mean better control?  Why not? Since starting this job here. Each person's sense of satisfaction that I get inspired. Interested in what you did and I never judge people. Why? Despite all the shortcomings, I refused because it did not. I'm a fan of people. I am a humanist. Maybe the last humanist. Who is sane, the 20th century that I can refuse? All of them. All mine. I'm in the hills. My time is now. We have time. [In the film, this conversation is done on the checkered surface]


[Mason entered into and participated in their rituals Roger J. Morneau says]

Abbot, "Master of my life to you" to God "prayer room was inspired by the show's time has come." He said. Way to find whether the pictures were shots of demons. There were perhaps hundreds. He entered the room when they felt that these people have power. They both felt quite a lot of power. Drew my attention to both, and did not take. I had mixed feelings. Up to a certain place, because everything looked good to us. Seemed good to our ears. But I was raised in a Christian family. If you do bad things my father told me to give account. Everything in this world of money there. These thoughts in my mind was settled. Dealing with this genus where I think we'll begin to account. This situation has me a little bit stretched. I though it would continue. Us "no exit from this business!" Was called. We knew it. We were afraid to move. Because we fear for our lives for başpapaz master plan was, he said. No one could enter the organization is called by the elves. This was quite obvious. In fact distinguished by a very strong gin and was invited to a special group of people. Montreal, these people, the priest was talking about the organization, a worldwide organization of thousands of worshipers to gender, although the organization's "elite" were saying. We all knew the truth of masters and angels. They do not seem evil very good assets, and it seemed at the temple in the picture. Thank hearing many success stories being told. "Master [demon] I did listen to me, he did." Called. Us from a very long time pastor 'that no longer need to rely on gender and make things right for us to give us a' he said. We could choose from a number of gifts "


Did this man know how to explain? This new phenomenon? Since the beginning of civilization is. These souls / What are the demon?

They are elves, and in the Koran, Bible and Torah [demon, demons or the fallen angels] are clearly stated. People are the earthly cycle of their solicitude for their money are blood. Satan can only promise. Constantly promises. Would you give to demons and elves. Would enter into threats. Satan worshipers are benefiting from the world, have entered into swearing in, swearing in the fall, the members of this secret organization has also provided it thinks the devil and demons. Continue to worship the devil.


This phenomenon is so common that it can be seen everywhere. In everything! Music, movies and even in cartoons!


Imagined how much entertainment in what was viewed as confidential information given will be surprised. There is no magic lamp of Alaattin know. Famous blue genie! Blue gin Alaattin attracted to what he said then?

"Master. I guess you do not understand what is at hand? Let me enlighten you about a possibility. "


In Arabic "Genie" or "Jinn" gin is the state's only words.


Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin demon according to pervert the faith / fallen angels, demons, or rather with the communication between the size of their earning power. They call themselves the Illuminati because they think they are illuminated with hidden information. Is the cornerstone of this global conspiracy.


[Mason entered into and participated in their rituals Roger J. Morneau says] "Chaplain to us and now we have to rely on gender for us told us to do anything right. We could choose from a number of gifts "


[Alaattin a blue genie's magic lamp cartoon of the song]

"There was Ali Baba's 40 thieves. Scheherazade's stories had in 1000. You're lucky because they never master arms have grown longer without interruption. You have no power. There are powerful weapons in the camp. Lamp, and I just have to rub "What do you want Mr Alaattin" I say. "Let me get your orders. I like a 'friend' never happened. Pride ourselves on service. You're the boss the king you, Everyone. "


"I never had a friend like me" Did you know? What is being shown to our children understand?


Gin blue line in the movie, the fire spreading to the red dragon through the Alaattin offers women. Then it shows a blue genie agreement to Alaattin. Attracts him with worldly pleasures. All worldly desires so that you can find the money.


How the Illuminati holds the center of earthly powers? How enlightened elite, and that's now based on what powers do you understand? Diabolism Do you always understand?


"Some demons, saints, or of Belief and Acts, so came to the Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın appear in costume. Evil demons skilled ones, some people entered through the concrete figures real in dreams, sekaret can look into them, or unthought-of itself in the blood.


Yet in this way, indeed the Messenger, and Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'a Belief does not belong. Because the devil, they can not enter the true way. They already saw, for there is no recognition of the devil, according to their own suppositions as if those people are displaced.


Acts, Belief and Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi to the original copy of the angels, but enters into the system and the veracity of the information required, are performed. By contrast image of the demons in his supposedly holy personages, always to the Quran and Sunnah, truth, and contrary to the system to provide information and ensure that their behaviors are in line. "


Painting and sculpture of a creature who if any, that this Judgement is to give life as he bids to become the punishment be. However it is not possible to give life.

[Bukhari, Ta'bir, 45]


According to Ibn Umar narrated Radiyallahu Anh Aleyhisselatu Vesselam PROPHET said: "Those who make these paintings and sculptures Doom 'Let this be the ones that give life' he will be punished."

[Bukhari, Growth, 40, Muslim, Libas, 1996]


Doom is the most severe punishment of those who made paintings and sculptures.

[Bukhari, Libas, 89]


Abu Hurairah narrated by Anh Radiyallahu Aleyhisselatu Vesselam PROPHET said:

"ALLAH [cc]: 'I do paintings and sculptures created by As I attempt to live who is more wrong than he? Come to an ant or a grain of barley grains, or a look of them they may not exist. What's possible? "Said!"

[Bukhari, Libas, 1990; Muslim, Libas, 101]


Said Bin Ebi'l-Hasen'den is narrated:

"One man, Abdullah Ibn Abbas Anh'a Radiyallahu came to him:

'I shall now make my living by providing her a man. About my art and they give me a fatwa 'he said. Abdullah

Anh Radiyallahu Ibn Abbas, the man: 'I approached said' he said. Abdullah Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu Anh'a man approached.

Then again, that man:

'Approached me,' he said. Men approached. Finally put his hand on her head and said:

'I'm listening to a hadith the Messenger of Allah Vesselam'dan Aleyhisselatu-i will tell. I Vesselam'ı Aleyhisselatu Messenger: <Every artist is hell. God, that the painter's life in every way to the Day of Resurrection and it will live through the torment of Hell, who will make herself.> Buyururken heard 'he said. "

[Sahih Muslim, 1938. hadith]


Hazrat Ali Kerremullahi Vechehü from rumor; Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said: Allah Muhammad Aleyhisselatü Vesselam funeral was: "Which of you on the road broke a most Idol, to the ground makes trop a grave, impairment did a painting without leaving Medina go to?" He asked. A man: "I am, O Allah's Muhammad!" He replied .. Kerremullahi Vechehü Ali said: "Medina said residents fear. The man set off. [A period] after the turn: "O Allah Muhammad, Presentation of breaking idols, tombs razed-for, a distorted picture did not." He said. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam then said:

"Whoever is back again in one of these arts, he was cursing someone down to Muhammad." 

[Ahmad Bin Hanbal; Fıkhu's-Sunne, Sayyid former]


Angels, dog, and in paintings, sculptures that do not enter the house.

[Bukhari, Libas, 1994)


End time came, my people man to, peştemalla even to the baths to enter the forbidden happens, "said:" What Resulallah, so is it? "He said:" Because they're naked on the people fall into or over them naked people entered. Make sure that ALLAH [cc] minister at the stop sign he was also cursed.

[Ravi: Hz.zahri Radiyallahu Anhuma, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi]


Angels, statues and paintings of dogs in that they do not enter the house.

[Bukhari, Libas, 1994]

When evaluated on the basis set out in the Hadith Sharif, and the following three paragraphs are taken into account the information:


"Some demons, saints, or of Belief and Acts, so came to the Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın appear in costume. Evil demons skilled ones, some people entered through the concrete figures real in dreams, or if sekaret itself can look them in the blood unthought-of.


However, these copies are actually in Rasul, Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'a Belief and do not belong to the Messenger. Because the demons, Acts, and the Messenger of Nebi Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın not actually entered through. Messengers, Nebi the Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi, who already, not to recognize the demons who, according to their own suspicion of the Belief Resullerdeni or Aleyhisselatu Vesselam like our Lord "are pretending not display.


Acts, Belief and Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi to the original copy of the angels, but enters into the system and the veracity of the information required, are performed. By contrast image of the demons in his supposedly holy personages, always to the Quran and Sunnah, truth, and contrary to the system to provide information and ensure that their behaviors are in line. "


Acts, Belief and Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi to the original copy of the  but the angels shall enter, in accordance with description;  "Angels, in the dogs and painting, the sculpture will not go home." [Bukhari, Libas, 1994] Hadiths, in accordance with domestic television, pictures, trinkets, from the simplest picture on the money [for our sine qua] If you have, the angels will not enter into this form of media. We live in when self-made ones angel deprived we are considered, Rasul the Belief in the saint and Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi, we do not see, and images of knowing we did not elves and demons in human blood; devil worshiper to the genus of how easy it looks, and devil worship to what to tell and in what form the direction Imagine the look !



Vision simultaneously entering films.

Pharaonic god "Horus"

Annunaki Gods

Green Pharaoh

Pharaonic gods Anubis

Mayan feathered serpent god Kukulkan

Greek Gods

Blue Hindu Gods

Blue Snake God and the Holy

Blue baby Krishna [checkered surface]



And near-term vision into film

Green aliens

Changed way Reptiles

World Foreign Assets





Cultures were done according to your figures. Do you understand? The same deception, different era. On the basis of gender orientation, there are all of!


[English Songs] "I'm a genie in a bottle baby. Come, let me out now. "


Put the checkered finish and


People like the demons got the best and worst. Those who believe and have faith in Allah. There are those infidel and devil worship. Where are there! Within us!


Every human being has two demons. These devils greatest demons depends on the devil. In command of evil, evil people who refer to these devils, people have been shaped by the soul and morality. Circulating in the veins of these people, the people they are connected. Consciousness of the people in their hands, useful, and reward with Nurlu evil deeds, evil, useful, and reward with Nurlu start to see the deeds. Believe that if the demons, good people, and reward with Nurlu refers to the act. Under the command of the devil, Satan's a liar, a fake, saying they are incapable.


Give every person in apprehension of two demons, there are two elves!


, Or by working with those who worship gin gin gin masters of deception for those who are serving the devil's plan. A small business or a large business.


Communicate with the world known to the elves or the last attempt to communicate the purpose is the same as those of gender. To augur the witches in good hypnosis seekers wizarding and suggestions are found in ordinary people.


As blood circulates through the devil is in the vein of humankind.

[Ravi: Hz. Safiyye Radiyallahu Anha, Ramuz El Ehadis / Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 102]


[Mason entered into and participated in their rituals Roger J. Morneau says]

"Room is done in the worship of idols offerings. Will provide information about ancient history to communicate with the various daemons are used for a trans-psychic. So the man stood. So he stopped and turned his eyes half-hour. Gin through the man spoke. Gender advisers, "What do you want to know?" He said. Any of the people there asked him to transmit. Tone and everything has changed. Tone had changed completely. Described herself as a spiritual teacher. Described as a spiritual adviser. After all the events related to the questions began to tell. "


Of Mason / the Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin twisted beliefs according to gender is not something easy to communicate with. Specific dates for the emergence of certain energy and certain rituals are performed. Abominable behavior of this ritual, sacrifice and bloodshed on the board. Among the victims of pseudo-dimension doors "Star Gates" open and the other dimension is called the most powerful elves. Travel and communication between the size of certain areas is due to certain rituals. "Put the meat of the victim," there is! Gin, but always relevant to recall! To Mason / Zionists / Satanist in / İlluminatiye that this "sacred" or energy to the region to enter the network of blood is shed.


Put the yeast in the film section of the Kukulkan: "These days are days of great either. Land is silent! A great plague of our crops were infested. Disease at the time wanted to destroy us. Big Kukulkan [Yeast is put]? Let you be satisfied with this sacrifice. Let us show the size. Our people are developing. Should I prepare for the return. [The victim is said to] "warrior, fearless and willing! Blood do renew the world, "the period from period. Thank you. Kukulkan'ın heart! [Film is one of the victims and the heart is removed.]


Do not have it today, do you think?


Today, the same ritual every leader entered a new period applied.


Checkered surface to know what do you want? Checkered surface of Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin perverse belief, according to travel between dimensions is the symbol. Neo character in The Matrix films, but when checked out at the surface can leave this world to visit and Morpheus. But then "doors" open. Their travel agent.

Represented by a column in a light there. On the other side there is a column representing the dark. Animals and other creatures at the center of the field that they have sacrificed. The columns of light representing a party, representing the other side of the dark columns. We represent the light in our world. Represents the world of dark elves. Checkered surface represents the combination of two worlds. Checkered surface of all the Masonic ritual has to be made. Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin belief that this is perverse!


But this is only representative, rituals are actually open the door.

Illuminati for centuries worshiped the devil and the devil in the checkered surface, called daemons.


Let's take a look at the films of Mason. "Fallen angels", "Gods," "Grey Aliens", "Shape Changer Reptiles" etc..

All the images used in the movie, the shapes depicted as demons entered the state. Are treating them according to the New World Order.


Huntingonshire'da Northamptonshire and Freemasonry.


Mason, in front of the United States Congress Building, in front of the public eye for the devil they did a checkered rütüel on the surface.


İlluminatinin grand plan is? Of all time, the deception of the past and now. There was a different schedule for each age, but they were also targeted. Away from God and it is really cheating the people.


Satan had come directly from the alleged schemes Roger J. Note how the description Morneau'nun.

[Mason entered into and participated in their rituals Roger J. Morneau says]

"The following policy will have three of them. Satan, 'people need to believe in the devil and demons are not the' he said. This is the second of three principles of human reason as a way to rule out hipnotizmi privacy and the benefit of mankind as a new science was presented. Hipnotizmi the privacy interests of science for the benefit of mankind as they introduce celebrities, teachers, talented people doing great things by, for example, that if I sent it back in time people would use to show their previous life. Course session is finished the person in question predate know anything about the will and trans mentioned in the people 2000-4000 years ago to do something will have. "[So the people so that are older than the events correctly describes the demons by to be used. Usually because the demons that live thousands of years.] But this was İlluminatinin plan. In this way, society at large mock up against the trust were. They will move away from religious mysticism of the people. Following three principles namely: Satan and demons are not the people to believe. Second, to capture the minds of people. The third principle is to destroy the sacred books, without burning! From incineration to destroy the sacred books were very interesting plan. After meeting big devil's consul Charles Darwin theory of evolution is identical to the policy will dictate the decision was made. Trained by the devil said to have been fired. Then the devil and demons, if you believe in evolution, if a human life, the creation of the sacred books of the week, people will not completely fall and redemption request would understand. Everyone who teaches the theory of evolution, it was considered a priest of the most important religious beliefs. Each of these theories is instructive as an important person by the demons and Satan himself is perceived by him to a special provision. Into believing one of the spiritual blindness, with persuasion and conversion are believed to achieve great power. "


The books of Charles Darwin wrote: Do the people God has created? The God Delusion, Great Deception: No God,


Great truth: Satan's delusion and indoctrination through the theory of evolution was explained to the people.


[Mason entered into and participated in their rituals Roger J. Morneau says]

İlluminatinin world is going to get a majority when it comes to really big plans, good and bad at the end of the war, many of them are going well. Be done in a unique way. People will swallow these ideas. Gin because of distant planets and galaxies from themselves and from them to warn the world against the destruction will be recognized as assets. Not sure whether it will take serious precautions.

1. plans: China shows off the world and their idea will try everything to make you believe.

2. plans: to finish Islam. From within, will create tension.

3. plans: the New World Religion will be introduced. That is what religion? The gods tell people a religion, a belief that people tell the gods. "


"The Secret" book is about what we discussed. With their definitions written by a psychic. By the secret organizations were funded to deceive you. However, what is the real secret? We do not know what you want? Kabbalah lies at the basis of these clandestine organizations. Using mathematics and a knowledge of the encryption method. I know the members of the secret organizations dared to write in any language, they protect what they know. Because someone could steal and secrets would be spread. Obtaining this information, and hid. This encryption system, an aspect of mathematics and numbers, while the other is architecture. Why are Masons fraternal organization has named Did you think? The masons were not? Mastery of course the walls are done. They do all the secrets hidden in the wall and cycle through the dimensions of buildings and architecture, mathematics, and geometric formulas, the secret hid in height and width.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Of course, in heaven and on earth, for believers are numerous verses. You and your creation, spread everywhere in his life, signs for a people who caught the accuracy, the signs are there. What in heaven, where all of what if, as a blessing from God you have submitted. In this, of course, for people who meditate there are signs. Sadakallahül-Aziym.

[Casi Qur'an, 3, 4, 5 verses]


Many people "If ALLAH [cc] if there is why so many wars, suffering, hate, sorrow there!"

he asks. ALLAH [cc] of people, from those created mankind as one of the most precious gift one can do given the largest and one of the most important responsibility. Intel!


The building, built in the country is making people. Waterfalls, rivers ALLAH [c.c.] production.

Trees and forests ALLAH [c.c.] construction. Kids and money hungry man-made.

Sea, fish, ALLAH [cc] production, man-made fish massacre. Rivers, cliffs, mountains, ALLAH [cc] production, man-made fires. Love ALLAH [cc] construction, construction of children killing people.


There is a clear difference between the two. Learn the difference. The time has come to be responsible for our behavior. ALLAH [c.c.] gave us the mind.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. O man! Bountiful broad is against you, Lord, who is cheating! The Lord has created you, become properly laid, measure and harmony, is shaped as a complete entity. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[İnfitar Qur'an, 6, 7 verses]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. We are human, we have really created to be the most beautiful. Sadakallahül-Aziym.

[Tin Suresi, 4 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. So Lord, glorify the name of that great. Sadakallahül-Aziym.

[52 Hakka Suresi verse]


However, many still refuse. How they will reject this truth?


God, religion and theories about humanity Did you read today? Have you noticed the common side? "None of God," Creator God himself is a dream, "" You are a god "" through your consciousness, you are gods, "" Evolution of the Apes "" Make what you want ", Etc.. theories they put forward to people they described.


"Behind the miracle in your Bible, there were aliens," have been created by aliens as a genetic ", Etc..

Illuminati, religion was used as a control tool!


If you believe any of this talk from those falling into the trap of worldly've a target. The purpose of this plan to be blind to reality or you are trying to stay away. This plan of God out of your life can take you to the worldly pleasures and gains. Once added, but their souls instead of focusing on life as a puppet İlluminatinin You are audited. Antichrist on the world of pleasure and consumption has been made. So the first rule of this evil religion "is, do what you want." If the religion of humanity, alien, or by a control İlluminatiler polytheistic religion was used as a tool, why do not encounter any fighting? God's [cc] has sent prophets and holy books, why not get all the power has been attacked by those who! Why only Allah's [cc] true prophets Illuminati / Elite has been attacked by! Allah's [cc] has sent prophets and holy books have saved humanity from injustice and mismanagement. This is the biggest threat to those who hold power.


When we look at the world's polytheistic religion "in the hands of those who hold power management and" no one has to fight!


None of these religions did not struggle with retaining power. So what religions Illuminati / Elite was created by understand. ALLAH [c.c.] Hz. Adam Aleyhisselam'dan Hz. Muhammad had sent the same message as Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'a!

Why is there so much difference today?


Why has God sent holy books there is no association between those who believe? The same reason there is no unity even among religious denominations?


God's [cc] had sent by the holy books people though each has been abused. To see how they were abused God's [cc] is sent to the beginning of the holy book that let's see what comes. Let's see where they come from differences.


Let's start with the Torah.

The Kingdom of the Jews who were annihilated by! Nebuchadnezzar. In the Kingdom of the holy land of Babylon destroyed the Jewish kingdom, and that has divided the Jewish kingdom. Not only to divide them, Iraq [Iraq] and took them as slaves to Babylon. They took them back to Babylon. Jews were thus removed from the religion of Allah. Inscriptions were kept away for a long time. Babylonians impact of dictatorship, oppression, and remained under his reign. Hz. Many of deviations from Moses Aleyhisselam'ın religion here, was made in Babylon. "The Talmud was written where and by whom?" In Babylon, which was written by 70 rabbis. Current laws of the Jews and has been a central focal point. Is man-made? Left and the Torah and Talmud were followed. Talmud, Babylonian and the environment influenced by the regime have been written by the rabbis. Talmud, Jerusalem and Masjid Suleiman has focused on the various plans. The aim of these plans and objectives of the formation of secret organizations are strongly dependent. This bond is not bad Aleyhisselam'ın Solomon plans. "Solomon's Temple" There is no such thing. Masjid was Prophet Jacob. The Kingdom has also expanded the mosque during the Prophet Solomon. It was not a temple. Was a mosque. Masjid Aqsa, Prophet Solomon on behalf of God expanded. After all the prophets and messengers will approve the books complement each other despite the corrupt leaders were always fighting the truth.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Themselves from Allah, confirming what was in the hands of users when a messenger came, a group of books from those given by Allah in the book at their backs as they never know. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Baqarah, 101 verse]


They threw the book back to God. When the Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of Allah Vesselam Aleyhisselatu did not want to follow. They follow what? Solomon Aleyhisselam'ın Marut'tan Harut and the books were to follow. What is the content of this book? They taught people to grow with the devil. Satan and his demons from the time of Prophet Solomon to the people before and during the reign of Suleyman Aleyhisselam'ın were taught to grow. Interpretation of these verses to teach magic to the people of the Solomon Aleyhisselam'ın know the devil is said. All manuals and books in the hands of the devil and took people and do magic or anyone who teaches the law will be put to death. Get all the books and manuals, and was buried beneath the throne. This is real!


Private organizations with big plans now, so why "of the Masjid Suleiman Aleyhisselam'ın" revive, and cause of the Masjid al-Aqsa dig gold "buried treasure" We know they are working to get it back. To achieve this goal will not be able to stop them nothing. There is a big conspiracy around this mosque. Do you think the Palestinian will enjoy real peace? Is the center of a global conspiracy. Prepare for the coming of the Antichrist is called slowly. Aqsa, Masjid-i do not even know most of us, and this is not a coincidence. Masjid al-Aqsa television instead of all Kubbet-Saharan shown above. Kubbet-Masjid al-Aqsa that is higher as shown in the Sahara.


Masjid-i-Islam, or in European media is always talking about Aksa'dan Kubbet-Saharan shown above. Way to think like that. Real-Masjid al-Aqsa is destroyed we will not even be aware. The task of all is to know the difference. When you read them in advance and plans are al-Aqsa dig gold. Masjid al-Aqsa annihilation Mehdi Aleyhisselam'ın development is one of the largest and the latest signs!


Do not get the treasure buried in the Masjid Suleiman Aleyhisselam'ın do you think? Excavations today to reach this treasure? No! Today, this is not the purpose of the excavations! He had found the treasure for centuries before. Do you know by whom!


Knights of the First Crusade at the Masjid Suleiman Aleyhisselam'ın were found hidden safes. Knights of the treasure they think is too big for one person. Even for a king was a great treasure. They bring the treasure to Europe and took the name of Knights Templar. They missed out on Europe next century. Clients of the great temple built in honor of Mason formed under the name of a new society.


Who was Solomon who built the mosque Aleyhisselam'ın it? Like America's founders, masons have left us clues like this. [In one dollar bills] "Unfinished pyramid, the all-seeing eye" Symbols of the Temple Knights, the guardians of the Treasury. They have been talking with us. Through them.


What is treasure? A treasure beyond all imagination? Knights of the temple they found the spell book banned. They have learned the secret art of magic books banned by Illuminati formed. This art in the world using all their power to achieve their unit. They made it as devil worship. They sold their souls to know. Secret rituals, promises and agreements of this information was confidential. Information will never be written, but the symbols, rituals and architecture was transferred through.


So, why now Masjid-i Aksa'da excavation being done? Masjid al-Aqsa is the significance?


Hundred years of Jerusalem's Temple Mount, called on the floor, God has sent prophets fought for Allah's religion to dominate. Aqsa, Masjid-i are trying to do today. Masjid al-Aqsa excavations today is for regular destruction. Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin king of kings, to prepare for the development of the Antichrist. Antichrist must be met with the temple reconstruction. Aleyhisselam'ın Suleiman al-Aqsa mosque before being re-do [other names Beytü'l-Makdis, Beit-i Bible] is God's holy mosques must be destroyed. The construction of the masjid Davud Prophet Prophet started and was completed by Solomon. Masjid al-Aqsa, the state of Israel I was slow and insidious plan to destroy a way.


February 2007, at the beginning of the Israeli antiquities authority, the Masjid al-Aqsa and the western hills outside the wall of the temple began to dig. Authority of the temple hill to reach the door to one of the walls in preparation for a permanent say these studies have been performed. Those who made the excavation of the Temple Mount excavations they argue is outside the boundaries. Almost from the wall 50 meters away. Do anything within the limits of the wall.


Muslims in the Palestinian territory and Israel has faced. In the same month, near Masjid al-Aqsa incident was the third time because of the archaeological excavations. Mason had dug tunnels from each side. Masjid-i Aksa'ya holy one goes from one neighborhood. Step by step, they destroy the mosque. With this move they uncovered a large-scale religious war. Masjid al-Aqsa and the Temple of Israel under the hill of excavations has severely declined. The excavation of the area respected rabbis in Judaism's most sacred and holy because many Jews can not enter it with the claim is rejected. Rabbinate "Because it is a holy place, Hz. Prophet Jesus and the person is sent back to the world of sin and up the hill until you clear it out and can not be praying " say.


Meanwhile, Hamas and Fatah leaders in Saudi Arabia are trying to resolve disputes. Masjid al-Aqsa events around the sides have united against Israel.


3. World War Are you ready? 3. World War has already begun!


However, contrary to what many of you think that this war between Muslims and Christians or between Muslims and Jews are not. Even if it does not seem so real. Why?


3. War with the Muslim world, led by Mehdi Prophet, all non-Muslims would be among the people. Mahdi leader of the Muslim Prophet, Muslims and non-leaders of the Zionist / Masons / Satanist and / İlluminatiler will be. So this war, the descendants of our master Rasulullah Vesselam Aleyhisselatu Aleyhisselam'ın Mahdi army will be among the descendants of Pharaoh! Satan worship among Muslims who believe in God will be properly!


Mehdi Prophet, the Messenger of religion will be implemented exactly as Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın time. Will remove all the faith except Islam. Nothing other than the Islamic faith will not be believed.

[Muhammad B. Hussein Al Rasul Al Barzanji, Signs Of Doomsday, p. 186-187]


Mehdi Prophet, in the end times are coming to the world. Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam''n descendants will be. Aleyhisselam'la will meet Jesus, to remove all faiths other than Islam, Islam will remain alone in the world.

[H. Hilmi Işık, the Eternal Felicity, page 35]


What happened today is defying Pharaoh? Completely ignorant and a slave society is being created! So, how it will maintain order? "New World Order" will maintain established. If opponents are going to divide and defeat. Illuminati, self-proclaimed satanist was founded by Rothschild'ler.


Who manages the world today?


Zionist Bankers Families & Rockefeller'lar Rothschild'lar basically.


Rothschild family is how to manage the world?

2. In the State of Israel after World War I. Everything was established in 1960, the United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was changed after that. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the youngest in the history of the United States and also the first and only Catholic president Başkan'ıdır is. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a Catholic from the first President of the United States of America never has been. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Joseph Kennedy, father of the politician who also had an embassy in the UK. What Joseph Kennedy, nor the United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy did not get along with Jews. Joseph Kennedy, his ambassador in London during the height of the Jews became the target and were exposed to various attacks. Sigmund Rotschild, John Fitzgerald Kennedy "The President is selected by Israel in the Middle East in exchange for a policy which holds millions of dollars to cover the costs of election campaigns" have been proposed. However, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, such a proposal was requested not to do it and feel insulted that his' appears. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the State of Israel over the activities of the United States was extremely uncomfortable. According to John Fitzgerald Kennedy of Israel's actions, the United States was a blow to the independence had been shot. Israel since its inception has been working to become a superpower in the Middle East. So fast that the State of Israel a "nuclear armament program" was followed. Israel's Dimona nuclear plant was set up in the desert-like bread in the cheese to produce nuclear bomb and the United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was very disturbing. Israel's nuclear missile sites in Ankara, Istanbul, Damascus, Tehran, Baghdad and will hit cities like Riyadh and range in capacity to be in the United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy administration was forced to take action. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a harsh warning in the letter I had written Gurion'a;''stop Israel's nuclear program if the United States administration would not hesitate to impose sanctions "was mentioned. Ben Gurion in a letter sent in reply to the John Fitzgerald Kennedy was addressing''Young Adam''he has made some serious accusations. Correspondence from that era well turned out and getting insulted. This, as a reaction to Ben Gurion on, has resigned. Henry Kissinger, famous Jewish politician''to end the nuclear program of Israel great damage to Israel''as John Fitzgerald Kennedy also tried but failed to convince. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was not satisfied with it too. June 4, 1963 U.S. House of Representatives, in consultation remove it 11 110 law the American Dolar'ını push authority Rotschild family belongs to the Federal Reserve Bank's hand them out by the U.S. Central Bank has given and''a country's monetary control of the party in the hands of that most of stated that''the problem has prepared its own end. Federal Reserve Bank, Israel's largest revenue source, so to speak is the jugular vein. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the Federal Reserve Bank's powers of dollars printing them out by hand was nearly cut off Israel's jugular vein.


Masonic / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati are not the only United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's description "We are in the age of the world based on covert operations, to expand the impact attacked by a ruthless conspiracy are. Giant human and material resources and a tight knot with a high commitment to a mechanism, military operations, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political system that combines characteristics. Preparations are not secret and open. Is not clear whether the errors kept confidential. Silenced critics and praise. " [His speech before the assassination]


John Fitzgerald Kennedy, in the end, Israel must be neutralized. John Fitzgerald Kennedy's election to lose hope was futile to expect. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was great public support because they see. John Fitzgerald Kennedy even lose the elections had acquired a high probability. In addition, John Fitzgerald Kennedy's brother, a politician who was also promising. Seemed the only remedy. He was assassinated. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is slain in a manner required by the laws of the United States help bring the place to be. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson'dı help. Lyndon Johnson was a full supporter of Israel. Moreover, John Fitzgerald Kennedy did not go so well with John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson said it was trying to get fired. Israel, the assassination and so decided, the United States of America in Mason / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati secretly using the links put into practice. John Fitzgerald Kennedy campaign to kill the most suitable environment for the future is in Dallas. Open-top car in Dallas, as usual, will greet the public with the John Fitzgerald Kennedy CIA agents charged with protecting and John Fitzgerald Kennedy will be set to private security would be sabotaged. John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination gang die so easily. John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination gang, according to the sources of French or Cuban exiles killed. One thing is for sure, John Fitzgerald Kennedy who kill in a very professional and ruthless snipers (sniper), which is an assassination team. John Fitzgerald Kennedy's visit before the evening of November 21, 1963 in Dallas that the empty glass was raining cats and dogs. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, but nevertheless the people of the city in the best way was to meet his best. November 22, 1963 On the morning of Washington's Air Force One plane that came with President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his wife, morning 9am in downtown Dallas Governor Connaly with breakfast, after over an open limo the people salute began. Full six vehicles in the cortege in the car, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and the governor recently has Connaly. SS guards in front of motorcycle and side car with a CIA agent, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was in the car with the cortege from Elm Street toward Houston makes an unexpected turn. At that time, gunfire begins to rise. Cops to announce on the radio begins:''''cortege of fire on the ground that are not. Sounds exactly six handguns. The first bullet missed the car and subway Edmund Harris, called the taxi driver waiting at the parts of the ear. John Fitzgerald Kennedy a full second bullet struck the shoulder. John Fitzgerald Kennedy third bullet missed and hit the front seat shoulder Connaly'i the Governor. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is shot in the neck, the fourth bullet, the bullets from the body of John Fitzgerald Kennedy is shot in the back exit and Connaly'i Governor. Fifth bullet missed the car and break out of the rearview mirror. And the sixth round ... President John Fitzgerald Kennedy six shells hit in the head is complete. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's head, the bullet fragments can not be found. After the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the investigation of the so-called Communist traitors are allegedly shot Lee Harvey Oswald'ın. Despite six rounds in the middle that concluded Lee Harvey Oswald'ın is the only killer. Claim that Lee Harvey Oswald, on the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book offices at the foot of the Italian-made "Mannlicher Caracano" brand six times with sniper rifle shot and killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy was able to. Lee Harvey Oswald was hurriedly end up trapping. More evidence to show that a large number of snipers, but Israel controls within the United Giant Masons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler crime on Lee Harvey Oswald'ın

No other evidence was a one horse. The 57 people were found dead on the assassination, death by accident or suicide is described. Lee Harvey Oswald two days after the assassination, hundreds of FBI agents and police out of court between the Jews as a bar manager was killed by Jack Ruby. The American Jewish nationalist, the reason for deploying killed Lee Harvey Oswald'ı "the communist take revenge from America" has been interpreted as. Many snipers shot by John Fitzgerald Kennedy's autopsy of senior admirals and generals in the U.S. Army has implemented a post-mortem examination of the evidence in the assassination was a sabotage. Family, John Fitzgerald Kennedy's head is cut so that the real assassin of examining and wants to include the topic strongly rejected the American currency. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was suppressed about hurriedly buried. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated presidential candidate after the assassination of his brother Senator Robert Kennedy during a press conference at the Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatini orders have been killed by the bullets. Israel, John Fitzgerald Kennedy shut down the nuclear plant at Dimona Desert reopened and continued as before to produce nuclear weapons. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, remove it, push the Federal Reserve Bank's authority to expand his area of U.S. $ 11 110 USD law revoked and expand authority to push back the Rotschild family has belonged to the Federal Reserve Bank. John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination, particularly the United States after the cold war has also started the process. United States of America and Soviet Russia, cold war between the states of the world has been very negatively affected. Between the United States and the Soviet Russia of arming the competition came back to race almost a piss. United States has accelerated its activities world-wide imperialist and Vietnam were attacked. In Vietnam, thousands of people die from this war, and indirectly of many countries has been damaged. Israel Lobby in the United States have a voice in the administration well and has become fearless. Israel and the complicity of the United States began. En basitinden örnek vermek gerekirse İsrail Devleti’nin çok gizlice yürüttüğü "Samuel Vanunu'yu Kaçırma Operasyonu"na istemeden şahit olan bir Amerikan Fırkateynindeki 23 deniz piyadesi İsrail hücum botları tarafından açılan ateşle öldürülmüştür. Fell into the sea trying to escape were killed by Israeli soldiers even. Incident was not allowed to leak to the press and the Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin control subjects in the American press did not even make news. CIA all over the world''with communism struggle''in accordance with the name Gladio called and Beirut in the guerrilla camps of trained killer and mercenaries, consisting of a secret army had prepared, and this mercenary murderers salaries by linking all over the world communist and left thinking of killing has commissioned. Bu bağlamda Türkiye'deki sağ-sol çatışmaları, siyasi amaçlar için işlenen cinayetler, katliamlar, terörist eylemler, Deniz Gezmiş ve arkadaşlarının idam edilmesi ve 12 Eylül darbesi hep GLADIO'nun eserleridir. John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination Gladio army immediately after the establishment of the falls. United States' "Greater Middle East Project" has been accelerated. The other is called the Greater Middle East Project "State of Greater Israel" project. John Fitzgerald Kennedy after the assassination of the State of Greater Israel has accelerated the project. Jehovah's largest Jewish State of Israel in the Old Testament God promised the land to consist of. September 11 attacks, many terrorist acts and acts in Munich in fact part of a large project in the State of Israel is not something else. Rothschild'in money in cash in 2004 compared to how much information? 30 trillion dollars, excluding property. Some of the Greater Middle East perceive it as something new. The collapse of the Ottoman Muslims to pieces and divided into many countries, acts of terrorism and instability in Turkey and Iraq, countries like Iran, periodically a problem in almost every 10 years is not a coincidence!


What is the task of Gladio?


[Turkey, now dead, but living in Hiram Abas oversees shown]

The first task of the entire world, intelligence chief at the beginning of the Jewish origin, who I met through Som Das intelligence information to communicate to all of the Mossad, the secret military commander of the task is secondary. First of all allied military sanctions plan users.  [UN peace force, NATO's command in the.] The third task entirely to the World Jewish lobby association that fpa, through their [the military and intelligence] plans, "sanction" the country members of the President / Prime Minister to "instruct" is. Gladio is entirely a Zionist organization. The three Jews through the top [Miss Someone (H) ourie Geller] B'niath B'riath organization is on top. The name of these three Jewish BOSS'dur BIG. This consul at the bottom of the Big Sinarşik Bross [Brothers / Brothers] takes its name. As you can see the BB icon're obsessed. At the bottom, "neighborhood" level of formal organization and Lioness LEO [Young male and female lion] 's are. A row with their name and üsttekiler LYONAISE de Leon clubs are affiliated. Leon actually here GOYİM [pet / domesticated animals talk with integrated non-Jews that Jews who serve the master] s per / person means the most. Kabbalah is actually a snake letter L and G is the pronunciation of the letter. L has nothing to do with.

Second hand and the other GOYIM'ler, that country's economy, holding the [TUSIAD not like an open, hidden] richest traders / All countries Holdings group exists, and these "to the route entered / Orbit sat / converted / Private çarka gear made" within the meaning ROTARIEN is well. The fact that he himself is the letter G wheels. ROTARY is the name of the club head.


World War II and Hitler, who gave financial support?


Rothschild'lar & Rockefeller'lar.


Why so-called Jewish Rothschild'lar & Rockefeller'lar 2 They support the Jewish Holocaust in World War II? Satanists because they are not Jewish! Also today, the State of Israel in the genocide would not be without!


Hitler's slave labor camps and Jewish Rothschild'lar meet the needs of the Jewish Holocaust victims who have turned wrong. Refugee camps behind barbed wires that the Palestinians began to look like the victims of Nazi concentration camps. This reality is one of Israel's most interesting secrets.


According to the author Simon Shama'ya Rothschild'lar 80% of Israeli land owner. The six-pointed star of Israel's flag even quote the Rothschild family is the red shield. Connected to the center of six-pointed star is 6 points, 6 triangles, and there are six faces.


Holocaust world wars, and those who finance the 80% owner of Israel! Who works for these families? Most of the world behind us who no longer have pain do you begin to understand? Why Jerusalem? The reconstruction of the Masjid Suleiman Aleyhisselam'ın why? Jerusalem because of the Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin antichrist according to the perverse belief, Jesus was sent to rule the world from where Aleyhisselam'ın have to judge! The theme of the Masjid Suleiman Aleyhisselam'ın what then?


Israel in the six-pointed blue star flag is in fact Solomon Aleyhisselam'ın seal.


Unlike other prophets Solomon Aleyhisselam'ı What is the features that make it?


Prophet Solomon, "O LORD! I do not have a state and the power bestowed on any one action, "she prayed. Solomon will be honored this prayer Aleyhisselam'ın. And demons, animals, lord of the wind and the people and ruled them. Solomon Aleyhisselam'a with gin, animals, wind, and people are given the power to do what you want. We were in the language of animals Prophet Solomon. Dominates the Prophet Solomon and gin gin would it all worked. The Masjid-i-Aqsa, Prophet Solomon in Jerusalem has seven years to complete. Solomon ruled for the Prophet to the wind as soon as possible to where you went. Prophet Solomon with the wind going from place to place or would take the throne. Are There Signs of Solomon Aleyhisselam'ın 9.


1] Solomon possessed Prophet used to wind.

2] All the elves under the command Aleyhisselam'ın Solomon.

3] Prophet Solomon wants to cross the sea water is split and the Prophet Solomon was passed over.

4] Solomon Aleyhisselam'ın İsm-i-Azam's Prayer is in the seal and it was adopted with a prayer called for each request.

5] Solomon Prophet hears the voices of all animals, all animals knew their language.

6] Solomon, if you want to go where the Prophet would go easily.

7] by demons everywhere Prophet Solomon knew that the treasures.

8] Solomon Aleyhisselam'ın where you had immediately become the greens.

9] Solomon Prophet when he goes to a place with walls came Prophet Solomon.


Prophet Solomon demons, animals and humans have had an army. Chain will be hit by the angels to demons and elves do not fulfill the orders of Suleiman Aleyhisselam'ın would be beheaded.


Why is it so important that the mosque of Suleyman Aleyhisselam'ın understand?


How to tell the story of Horus is in the Zeitgeist movie?

Put the Sun is 3000 BC in Egypt. The sun is taken human form. Life of movements of the sun in the sky, literally creates a number of myths. If we look broadly follows the story of Horus. Horus on December 25, was born to Mary the virgin Isis. The birth of a star in the east and the three kings out of the stars of track and follow it to find and decorate etmiştir.12 years old began teaching. By a person 30 years old, was baptized by Anup and thus the task is started. Horus had 12 disciples and read through them and healing was performed miracles like walking on water. Horus, "true light, the blessed son of God, the good shepherd," had names such as gestures. Once betrayed by Typhon Horus was crucified, buried and resurrected three days back. "


How do Christians know that Jesus lives Aleyhisselam'ın?

Jesus Christ was born to the virgin Mary on December 25 Beytüllahim. The birth of a star on the east and the three kings out of the stars of track and find him, and was followed by decorations. Began teaching at the age of 12 and thirty years old was baptized by John the Baptist, and thus began the task. Jesus is traveling with Aleyhisselam'ın, patients heal, to have walked on water, raise the dead was the 12 apostles. At the same time "king of kings, the son of God, light of the world, the alpha and omega, the lamb of God" was known by many names. Have been betrayed by the disciple Judas and sold for 30 pieces of silver was crucified after, he was buried and three days later and ascended into heaven to be reborn. [Aleyhisselam'ın life of Jesus according to Christian superstition is that way.]

Now I will mention here Sirius'tur stars. Which is the brightest star in the night sky appears. Three generations of the brightest stars in Orion in December 24th in line to enter. These three bright stars in Orion's belt of the old names are used in modern times: the three kings. December 25th brightest star Sirius, and they together are shown in the birthplace of the sun. So are the three kings followed the star Sirius. To show the sunrise. The birth of the sun.


Prophet Jesus actually spreading the message of God, living, breathing was a prophet. Produced a story why? As Christians, you know why Jesus Aleyhisselam'ın life is likened to Horus life?


The fraud that is so dark, people!


About Horus, what else do we know?

Horus's father Osiris, was murdered by his brother Set, Horus fought for the throne of Egypt with the set. An eye injury that ended the war of Horus. Horus won the war so that the "One-eyed idol of the Sun" has been. Times associated with RA and Ra-Horakhty and all has been the ruler of Egypt. For the single ra-Horakhty Mısır'lılar has been, and all the other Idols Idols Idols in this one was different faces. One-eyed idol of the sun so that "the Son of God," "World of Light" and "Everybody's ruler" has been started to be called.


One-eyed gods, considered to be the Antichrist worldwide, organized a conspiracy! This was the very beginning of the plan!


One of the biggest tests for Muslims to face with the Antichrist's deception will be taught.


Hz. Mary's son and the Prophet. Aleyhisselam'ın true story of Jesus.

Revelation of God's angel Gabriel, peace be upon the Prophet. Mary and the Prophet's face appeared. The great prophet of God to Mary, the mother will decide, he said. Hz. Mary Gabriel Aleyhisselam'ın fear in the face image was touched by her man despite what he asked to bear a child. Gabriel Prophet of Allah, the Creator of all things and not afraid to be safe, he said. Aleyhisselam'ın arrival of Jesus, "a sign of humanity" and "a blessing from God" as "had been decided". According to Ibn Cüreyc Radiyallahu Anh'ın Gabriel Prophet Prophet narrated. After saying these words to Mary Hz. To the collar of his shirt and beat Mary blew. [Kurtubi Imam al-li-Camiu Ahkami'l-Quran, Buruc Publications: 11/175-180.] Narrated by Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu Anh'ın: Gabriel Prophet Prophet with his finger. Mary grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and blew it. Hz. Mary conceived Jesus Aleyhisselam'a. [Kurtubi Imam al-li-Camiu Ahkami'l-Quran, Buruc Publications: 11/175-180.] Gabriel Prophet went away and the birth of Christ until Aleyhisselam'ın Hz. Mary's did not come across. Hz in the middle of August. Mary left home and went to the desert Aleyhisselam'ı gave birth to Jesus. Sitting under a palm tree to rest under the pains began to take birth. Gabriel Prophet Prophet again. Appeared to Mary. Hz. Mary calls and palm trees shook with relief when he would fall of mature date palms. Allah's Prophet for internal. Mary has created a stream next to the Prophet. Mary showed. Prophet Jesus was born. Gabriel Prophet Hz. When you see any of Mary, "I have dedicated fast to Allah. For him today, people will not talk with anyone in terms. "Say he preached. People say the baby is not something they ask you to show children Jesus Aleyhisselam'ın Hz. She said she'd rather talk of Mary. When he returned home crowd gathered around and began questioning him Rabbi. "O Mary, surprisingly did a wonderful job! Father was not a bad guy. Mother a bitch, it was not. "They said. Hz. Then they began to accuse Mary of adultery Hz. Mary said to him, as did Jesus on her lap and showed Aleyhisselam'ı. Rabbis with a laugh, "How can we talk with a child in the cradle?" They said. After a few hours of Jesus peace be upon him who said: [Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym] "I am Jesus Christ. Am the servant of God. God gave me the book, made me a prophet. Wherever I am for God's blessing is with me. As long as I'm living my prayer, fasting, and spotless my affection to my mother ordered me to act. Bully and did not make me unhappy. I'm born days, I'll die day, alive, as [to Allah] Peace be upon me remove days. "Sadakallahül-Aziym. [Surah Maryam, 30, 31, 32, 33 verses]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. For all people in the world so that we and the son of Mary and verse as a miracle, we have chosen. Sadakallahül-Aziym.

[Surat al-Anbiya, the 91 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. And when the angels said: "O Mary, God says you glad tidings of a word by itself, the name of Jesus son of Mary Mesih'dir. The world also is very close to God in the Hereafter, and of those reputable." Sadakalalhül-Aziym.

[Surah Maryam, 45 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Jesus and God's book, Wisdom, the Torah and the Bible to teach. Sadakalalhül-Aziym.

[Surah Maryam, 48 verse]


Judah, one of the 12 Havârî'den İskariyot, head priest of the Jews to go to the Prophet of money. Aleyhisselam'ı Jesus said he would deliver them. Yahuda'ya gave 30 silver. Jesus told the Jews Aleyhisselam'ın İskariyot Judah place. Prophet Jesus is not dying on the cross! Jesus denounced the Aleyhisselam'ı Judah, God has been likened by Aleyhisselam'a Jesus, crucified by the Jews of Judah be killed.

[Neccar, google-analytics on page 403, 448 ff.; Ibn Assyria, tafsir, V, 22]


Establishing the formulation according to Jesus peace be upon the Prophet is the enemy, by the crucified, dead is not, ALLAH [cc] the prophets of the Jews maintained, search and remove the protection to have taken up alive their own fold increased.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Then God had said, 'Oh Jesus, that they'll kill you, not me. I will rise to solid and free from defamation of the unbelievers, make those who follow thee superior to unbelievers until the Day of Judgement, I will make. After all you'll turn to me and I will judge a dispute between you and me on issues you. "Sadakallahül-Aziym.

[Surah Al-i Imran, 55 verse]


What is disinformation?


Agree to provide accurate information to make false information is an art. Zeitgeist the movie consists of three sections. The first was related to religion. On September 11 with the second. The final part of the U.S. Central Bank was about the future of our world. What was the method used in the movie? 2. and 3 those with less knowledge of sections 1 section contains information was accurate enough to accept. These people 1 are part of the right to accept, because 2 and 3 They know the accuracy of the information in sections. September 11 as part of a much more famous was a summary of the film Loose Change, which has not said anything new. The final section of the audience is outside the control of the Central Bank and the United States was about the future. Make such a documentary and even a spot of the Illuminati and Mason does not exceed the word of the film-makers need to ask who is serving. While this film filmmaker knew what he was doing. He knew most of which section to speak. Will be most effective knew which part of the section. "To remove all of the world's religious beliefs" of the Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin project and therefore it is called "Novus Ordo Seclorum" stop. New secular, secular world order. Religion and the relevant section of the film has failed. Horus was born of a virgin, for example, no proof of that. İsis'ti mother name, Isis-Isis-Meri, or not Mary. No corn on a name like that. Horus was not crucified. Hung between two columns in a place that was torn apart in another place, and his mother are believed to pick up the pieces and revive him. "Pagan Christians" the real personality of Jesus Christ Aleyhisselam'ın into a representation of the sun they receive. In this way, indirectly, to the followers worshiped the sun. Satan is a thousand years as a successful mission. If those who control the name of Christianity plans are fine if you get to the root of this fact.


Why do you think Christians on Sunday [present day] to go to church and pray? Day's son [sonday] not on the Sun [Sunday]. Called for an antichrist to change the world to understand each religion should be exploited.


[Mason entered into and participated in their rituals Roger J. Morneau says]

Gin on Sunday to show the sacredness of the religious leaders to impress will spend all their time. Sunday the holy day will be displayed. After that, state law will be removed. "China does not want to listen to the advice of people what?" When we asked the priest "is not no problem," he said. Governments believe that they believe they are not, or will force people to comply. All large and small states were infected with Sun worship. Will be said again. Instead of worshiping the sun will bless the market. I'll never forget that the discourse. Master, "Satan's authority and power to gain acceptance as long as the sanctity of the day that people who believe that even if they think they will achieve the purpose of the devil" he said.


All divine religions ALLAH [cc] and the message was sent by the same. People created all the difference. Prophet Jesus consul at Nicaea in 325, formed by people as "God and God's son" did not count! By doing so, like the Illuminati, as they teach the Bible and Jesus Aleyhisselam'ın changed and the fear of God that those released were also questioned. Consul of Nicaea in 400, and the Bible was written only four of them elected! Were forbidden to read the rest!


Aleyhisselam'ı contemporary of Jesus in the Bible who has died?

Degenerate Jews and Romans.


Aleyhisselam'ın religion or Jesus who was then?

Degenerate Jews and Romans.


Those who supposedly had killed Jesus Christ Aleyhisselam'ın Aleyhisselam'ı they spread the religion of reason?

In politics, the Bible and Christianity clearly influenced.


Since then the world who manage to work?

Jews and the Roman Emperor, "the Vatican!"


Do you want to know their plans?


Evil one-eyed "Put The Sun" who is introduced?


The blue one-eyed pyramid on the church walls in Bratislava.

[Slovak Republic]

One-eyed pyramid on the roof of the Church of Saint Anne.

[Budapest, Hungary]

Church of Saint Anne in the one-eyed pyramid.

[Budapest, Hungary]

New Jersey, one-eyed pyramid on the wall of a cathedral.

[United States]

Another cathedral in the United States has a one-eyed pyramid.

Dome of the cathedral ceiling in the one-eyed pyramid Dom'un.


Chapel in the cathedral of worshiping the one-eyed pyramid.


One-eyed pyramid on the roof of the Church of Krakow.


Mocni Nadzieja one-eyed pyramid on the roof.


Prague Church in the one-eyed pyramid roof.

[Czech Republic]

Salt Lake City, one-eyed pyramid at the entrance of the building.

[Utah, United States]

In France, an unknown name in the dome of the Cathedral in the one-eyed pyramid.


To other gods with Allah alone is not to worship idols. The impact on their personal desires and wishes, and to obey the pagan gods with Allah is. World and its metaından Hereafter, and its blessing by any of the lost soul, I love not the creator, the love of any of them if you hold on, you will have other gods with Allah.

[Futuhu'l-Unseen / / Abdulkadir Geylani]


Jerusalem and Rome, the Illuminati has been working for over a pyramid of power. Illuminati, the Vatican and the Zionist organizations are represented. Although the "New World Order" as they fulfill their wish.


Deliberate divine religions are exploited to keep us apart! Elite / Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler our behalf in the meantime carry out their sinister plans.


Joseph Alois Ratzinger elected pope April 19, 2005 [16.Benedikt/16.Benedictus] 'Do you know of the Nazi? More than 1 billion members of the Catholic Church's leader, the Pope in the Vatican! Nazi Pope!


Gabriel Prophet of Allah through the Quran for all Muslims, Mohammed is quoted as Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'a are transferred. Aleyhisselam'ın Jesus, Moses Aleyhisselam'ın and other prophets of God and their messages have been approved. Many great thinkers of our Lord Vesselam Aleyhisselatu by non-Muslim history of humanity is regarded as the greatest personality.


Bible, the Torah in Babylon after being attacked and abused has been sent. Later, Romans, Jews corrupt, Konstantiniyeliler, by the king and the church changed the Bible the Quran was sent to be abused and this time God had promised to protect this holy book. Thus the Qur'an by the Muslims in the past and today was entirely memorized, and thus denied abuse. However, the true message of Islam among the masses is generally much less implemented. All of the common errors about the faith of Muslims but Islam is back!


12 facts about imam!


As mentioned earlier in the Quran has been preserved by God's authority. Does that mean that evil is coming up from Islam? Do not think it would Islam spread? Has been greatly abused in the past and today was also abused. Faith belief Qur'an is protected because it has not been exploited. Muslim ummah or community both internally and externally are abused.


632'de Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Ashap of Our Lord died in the last minute to gather around Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi They listened to their last request.


Our Lord wanted Vesselam Aleyhisselatu Do you know what?

Ashap, asked: "O Messenger of Allah, in this last hour, what do you want from us?"

Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Our Lord said: "Take care of women and women get treated with respect."

[Imam Sheikh Habib Al Jifri]


Of Mason / Satanist and / Zionist / İlluminatinin into Islamic society and spread their doctrines irrefutable. Considering they did not teach Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi. This is why crime is society, not Islam. Effendi was Vesselam Aleyhisselatu Do you know what other requests?


Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Our Lord said:  "I'm leaving you one thing, even after I'm gone so that can not handle. Allah's book, a rope extending from heaven to the world and close relatives due to my folks house dead. " "These two are separated from one another in the pool until it never will. Think about how to treat them well after my departure. "



Do you stick to the request was Vesselam Aleyhisselatu Effendi?


Effendi Aleyhisselatu Vesselam family basically consists of four people.

1) Imam Ali [Kerremullahi Vechehü]

2) Fatima Zehra Al [Radiyallahu Anha]

3) Imam Hassan [Radiyallahu Anh]

4) Imam Hussein [Radiyallahu Anh]


And watch them with a total of nine in the 12th Imam Imam.


What happened to dressing Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi majority does not know just a coincidence? Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi's family and what has to undress? Most of us know the names of the 12 İmam'ların is not a coincidence!


This conspiracy of Islamic learning, but we can understand what happened to them!


"The 12 Imams after me will Kureyş'ten all."



Ignore the lies and see what happens to Aleyhisselatu my locker Vesselam Effendi.


1. Imam: Ali Imam [Kerremullahi Vechehü] Kufe'de while praying in a mosque killed a thousand were injured Mulcem'in poisoned sword.


2. Imam: Effendi, the grandson of Imam Hasan Aleyhisselatu Vesselam [Radiyallahu Anh] Muawiyah's son Yazid, and organized by the Prophet in a game. Hasan [Radiyallahu Anh] his wife was poisoned Eş'as'a Ca'de bint. Hazrat Muawiyah. Hasan [Radiyallahu Anh] then appoints himself as the caliph had done, son Muaviye'nin Hz. Hasan [Radiyallahu Anh] Ca'de bint wife Eş'as "I'll take you, from head to toe goods, decorative items to put into my" I deceived the Prophet. Hasan [Radiyallahu Anh] sent from Damascus to toxic poisoning. Bint said Ca'de Eş'as illusion. Hz. Hasan [Radiyallahu Anh] poisoned.

[Islamic scholars in ENCYCLOPEDIA / / FIRST ASIR Islamic Scholars]


3. Imam: Effendi grandson, Imam Hussein Aleyhisselatu Vesselam [Radiyallahu Anh], Sons, relatives and colleagues of the 10th month of Muharram with the order of Yezid'in On [day of Ashura] in Karbala [Iraq / Iraq] were martyred.


4. Imam: That were not killed for being minors in Karbala of Imam Hussein [Radiyallahu Anh] son of Imam Zeynel Abidin [Radiyallahu Anh] Emigration of the 75th in [Christian era 693] 12th of the month of Muharram Velid'in reign of his son's son Ümeyye Abdulmelik on time, on the orders of Hisham bin Osman bin Hayam Abdulmelik by poisoned in Medina.

[Islamic scholars in ENCYCLOPEDIA / / FIRST ASIR Islamic Scholars]


5. Imam: Hz. Hussein [Radiyallahu Anh] grandson, Zeynel Abidin's [Radiyallahu Anh] Copper is the son of Imam Muhammad [Radiyallahu Anh], Hegira 113 [Gregorian 731] the 7th of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah in the year by the caliph HUSA Abraham was killed by poisoning on the day in Medina.

[ENCYCLOPEDIA of Islamic scholars / Scholars of the second century Hijri]


6. Imam: Zeynel Abidin's [Radiyallahu Anh] grandson, Imam Muhammad of Copper [Radiyallahu Anh] son of Imam Ja'far Sadiq Islamic Abbasid Caliph Mansur of the order of 148 [Gregorian 766] have been poisoned in the year.

[Procedure-u enough 1st volume, page 472 Delail-ul-Imam, page 111 İrşad Mufid-I, page 254 Date of Jacob, 3 volume, page 119 Fusul-ul Mühimme, page 212 Tezkiret-ul Havas, page 346 Ibn-i Şehraşub Menakıb 4th volume, page 280]


7. Imam: Imam Mohammed's Copper [Radiyallahu Anh] grandson, Imam Jafar-Sadiq's [Radiyallahu Anh] son of Imam Musa al-Kazim [Radiyallahu Anh] Gregorian 799 [Hijri 183] in the 25th month of Recep Abbasid Caliph Harun Reşid'in day of poisoning have been killed in prison.

[ENCYCLOPEDIA of Islamic scholars / Scholars of the second century Hijri]


8. Imam: Imam Ja'far Sadiq's [Radiyallahu Anh] grandson, Imam Musa al-Kazim's [Radiyallahu Anh] er-son of Imam Ali Riza [Radiyallahu Anh] AH 203 [Gregorian 818] in the 17th month of Safar On Iran-Khorasan in the Abbasid Caliph Ma'mun was poisoned by order.


9. Imam: Imam Musa al-Kazim's [Radiyallahu Anh] grandson, Imam Ali Riza er- [Radiyallahu Anh] son of Imam Muhammad Taki [Radiyallahu Anh], By wife Umm Phase Hijri 220 [Gregorian 835] in the 30th month of Dhu'l-Qa'da In Baghdad the day [of his wife's father] was poisoned by order of the Abbasid Caliph Mutasım.


10. Imam: Evaluation of Imam Ali-Reza [Radiyallahu Anh] grandson, Imam Muhammed Taki's [Radiyallahu Anh] son of Imam Ali Naki [Radiyallahu Anh] AH 254 [Gregorian 868] in the 3rd month of Recep On the orders of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil was poisoned in Baghdad.


11. Imam: Imam Muhammed Taki's [Radiyallahu Anh] grandson, Imam Ali Naki's [Radiyallahu Anh] the son of Imam Hassan al-military, Hegira 260 [Gregorian 874] in order of Rebiülevvel bear Mutemid'in 8 Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad was poisoned.


Us that the last and 12th Is brought to the Imam.


Muhammad al-Mahdi!


Imam Mahdi İlluminatilerin / Zionist / Satanist and / Mason will open the act of war! Aleyhisselam'ın Jesus will return to war with the Antichrist. Will not fight like a normal person. Resources, such as an angel of death [such as the Angel] says he will carry on its wings furiously.


Nonsense, they are not always the story?


Looking Talmud'a exile of the Jews is forbidden to establish a state.


We live in a time so that  Even if the defense is with label Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi and disturbing. How family problems as to whether Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi, who was killed by the time or what is not. But all of them were killed, is the reality!


The results are revealed today.


Those attacks did not understand the cult of Islam.


The word Islam in Arabic is an envelope. Islam is basically a name! The definition of how the situation is a life and heart. What will you do with your heart that you believe is right. Out how not label. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Rastafari, Shiites, Sufis, Sunni remember this in the label.


As in many religions such as Christianity and Judaism, among them Muslims, created to divide people from different sects have emerged. This is a test of the strife and Muslims. It is easy for others to join, but the Muslims today do not afford to merge among themselves.


To find the truth in the human heart erase any preconceptions and investigate transnational human-made labels are needed. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Our Lord and God [cc] wants us to be one nation!


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. O mankind, We created you from a male and a female, and we know each other, we take you into nations and tribes. He was near the top of your employer who fear Allah most. Allah is Knower, the news is the area. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Hucurat Surat, 13 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Avoid obvious revelation came to them after the conflict fell apart, do not be like those. There is apparently a big punishment. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surat Al-Imran, 150 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Those parts of the religion, those troops there? You have no nothing to them. God has been their job. After God, they will inform them of what they do. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Al-An'am, 159 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. That created community, is a single nation, and your Lord is mine. Then you just serve me. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surat al-Anbiya the 92 verse]


Of Mason / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatinin trap "is a split-manage"


3. Who will be among the world war? Vesselam Aleyhisselam'ın Aleyhisselatu descendants of Muslims led by the Mahdi Aleyhisselam'ın, Pharaoh, descendants of Freemasons / Zionists / Satanists are / will be between İlluminatiler!


In ancient Egyptian royal family incest [family] had a relationship. Sons and their mothers, sisters and brothers marry their power and money were kept in the family. Assigned to the lineage of pharaohs such as the British Royal Family has a history of domestic hybrids.


3. Two former World War II and will be managed by different families. Today in a world ruled by the descendants [Pharaoh lineage] and the Mahdi Effendi Vesselam Aleyhisselatu one side will be managed by the Prophet.


The first strip Mason / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati consist of the Royal Family. Pharaohs are based dressing. What happened to the former Egyptian royal family? What happened to Pharaoh? From Egypt, who led the world were a global power. Well, then what? Are not you? They migrated to Europe from Egypt. This lineage then the global power of the Holy Roman Empire continued to build. Marriage and the family began to spread in Europe when these things again, "family" were held. With individual members of the royal marriage just a fact of royal lineage, this psycho is to continue. This strain was later found in the global power of the United Kingdom. Great Britain's ruling family's real name "Windsor" is not. To hide the true descendants of the name of this post is a name used. Who led the world for centuries, descendants from the British "New World" from his best effort was to obtain. Slowly but surely established in Washington in global governance. A family, a race, a management!


Sometimes truth is strange than imagined.


Historical Society of New England Kinship is now prepared to manage the data were analyzed, the president of the United States, almost all of the relatives of each other is clear! Cheney'S cousin, Barack Obama at the same time George W. Bush'S 11th is a cousin. Lincoln, George W. Bush'S cousin and 7.derece George W. Bush with John Kerry not only shared but also a selection of 9 They are cousin. After following the family tree Madonna, Celine Dion and Tom Hanks will be presented with names such as.


Politics is said to be due to the strange relationship beds. Strange relationship that leads to politics.


George W. Bush's 11 cousin, the Barak Obama election campaign, nor had the time?

"In 2002 came out against this war." [Barak Obama]


United States in all other relatives of the president who is managing! Barak Obama 6 is a distant relative of the president. George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Lyndonn Johnson, Harry S. Truman and James Madison. Barak Obama'S family tree at the same time Sir Winston Churchill and Civil War General Robert Lee is located.  At the same time "Beatnick"Author Jack Kerouac and Prince Charles'S wife has relatives. John McCain'S sons was more difficult to investigate. John McCain President of the United States of America co- Lady Laura Bush'S 6 is a cousin.


Genes of this lineage is unique and takes very seriously. Soyu'dur evil Pharaoh who led this world throughout history. Most people know them as elite. Today Mason / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati / elite are known as.


Now how the Roman Empire soldiers were collected with slogans?

"Roman Army wants you."

How is meeting with slogans in America!

"We want the U.S. army." [George Washington]


Hitler, who has supported the family with the Zionist Bankers? George Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush.


Our age, you know who the author of Satanism?


"This century's most evil man" have nicknames. Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley at the same time Barbara Bush'S father. This family was established on that basis.


Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin as a family to marry within the family network. Enlightened by these people and their meaning is known as the Illuminati. As people refused to consider the dictatorship, the people who manage the system had become. These people will pay attention to the genetics. George W. Would look to people like Bush and you're like me stop. Actually happens in the field could not see the issue. This is actually the Illuminati lineages. God's people of Satan and demons used to deflect from the path they are puppets. Princess Diana basically saw himself as Windsor'ların brood mare. Prince William will carry the network as the vehicle was introduced. To understand this, so many different issues to investigate is whether we need to connect to each other. When we look at Princess Diana's story is only 1997 until now, or should not look. Goes to places like Babylon. Diana was an idol of idols, and the Illuminati Babylon ancient idols, the idols of Babylon, Semiramis is a name that's different. Put Put Babel and Babylon who believe Diana to Diana, who made a ritual of the other group name Meroivingian'Dir. Meroivingian'S descendants is one of the most important of the Illuminati network.


To maintain relationships; İlluminatinin important values with people who are married and are preset. In relatives, generation and management based on the so-called pure blood is legendary. So they get married in the Royal distinguished themselves, their blood shall endeavor to protect. They enter through a genetic and other competition. British Royal Family has a kinship with the Illuminati. All of these people are interested in genetics. Princess Diana brood mares were primarily of the Windsor family. William Princess Diana to reproduce only one was brought into the network only as a tool. What happened to Princess Diana and the family does not get into? Princess Diana had a note from a car accident the day. A note written by Princess Diana's handwriting. Note what he said? "I'm sitting here! They are planning an accident in my car. " [Princess Diana]


Subscribe to this dark secret organization in England who did not give support to Princess Diana. They only did he manage England. Princess Diana was said to be in danger. Barry Mannakee was Princess Diana's Personal Security Officer. Barry Mannakee in a documentary made in America and Princess Diana have said they love each other. Barry Mannakee was killed in a car after a short time. Media "Accident" He made news.


Princess Diana is not suitable İlluminatilere easy to understand. Since the care of their own lives to be better Windsor'larla itself constantly uncomfortable and felt like it was misplaced. Barry Mannakee, and then another person came from outside the family. But this time, a final decision is taken. And so, Princess Diana was killed. Diana, Queen of Babylon, Babylon, Semiramis was known as idols. Diana Put Babel and Babylon to the groups who worship idols, rituals to Diana Meroivingian will say to those who do. Meroivingian'lar is one of the key relatives. All of the Illuminati network. Kabbalistic Ritual and applied some Meroivingian King was a member of the Knights. Meroivingian kinship relatives in our history is one of the main elite managers. Meroivingian clan, gender, together with the orders of the Illuminati elite established relationship. Depending on the devil ritual to initiate high düzeydekiler and leaders are followed closely. Tell them in advance, as in enlightenment, is based on communication with gin. They are preparing for the arrival of the Antichrist.


İlluminatiler / Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist is also information on traffickers. As everyone knows, all these are parts of a confidential information. They have all the media and information institutions, there are men inside. We get our news, we are selected.


Why İlluminatiler "guards" also known as Do you know?


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / Illuminati pervert in the world to believe all the main energy points in order to keep under control all the vital energy points on the ancient wonders were built. Of Mason / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatinin perverted faith, according to press specific points when whirlpool of Star Gate opens and demons come to the world.


As blood circulates through the devil is in the vein of humankind.

[Ravi: Hz. Safiyye Radiyallahu Anha, Ramuz El Ehadis / Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 102]


Each of the two evil people [ie, gender] is there. These devils [demons], the greatest evil the devil is optional. In command of demons, evil people who refer to these devils [demons], according to a person's soul and morals were shaped. Circulating in the veins of these people, the people they are connected. Consciousness of the people at the hands of gin, useful, and reward with Nurlu evil deeds, evil, useful, and reward with Nurlu start to see the deeds. Believe that if the elves, helpful people, and reward with Nurlu refers to the act. Under the command of the devil, demons, a liar, a fake, saying they are incapable.


To Mason / Zionists in / Satanist in / İlluminatiye come by for the world of evil and demons "Star Gate" is also necessary to open their doors. Devils, demons are already inside of us, walking around in our body.


September 9-11/911/11 [nine months] of the symbol

Freemasons / Satanist and / Zionist / İlluminatiler practice with art and secret ritual act. To achieve their goals because they order and the laws of the universe have to play with. To perform this ritual, law, power lines by using the control points are used to their own interests.


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / Illuminati is why a pyramid?

Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin perverse beliefs when compared to the energy, the vortex points on the pyramid is very effective. Space and time to return items that are special. Illuminati therefore, past and present by following the ritual of the dark pyramid of dark energy channels in the draw. How much dark matter that dominates so much that they think the devil and demons!


And what happened on September 11, 2001 Do you know why?


Of 9-11aslında Mason / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatinin is Mega Ritual.


According to Ellis' statement went on to become writers, Masonic Education as the first table is a representation of Solomon Aleyhisselam'ın Masjid. Aleyhisselam'ın Masjid Suleiman, as a model to be used as Giza. Three great pyramids of Giza and the third column will be Plateu'un. 2 cubes pyramid and gates will also exit. Symbol of the king two squares in the floor plan of the room that will have all the Masonic lodges for the position. Masjid Suleiman in the two columns and a five-point Aleyhisselam'ın next examined whether the stars are investigated. Showing 9-11 to see if people look the same elements as expected. On September 11 Masons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler held a Mega Ritual. When that is the symbolic pillars "twin towers" were destroyed, was born on 9-11 and then to Mason / Zionists / Satanist in / İlluminatiye considered sacred by the emerged ones. Isis explained. Consider the columns of Hercules tower, then what? New Atlantis appeared. World Trade Center towers represent the left and right. Formed in the middle of the column space: cosmic enlightenment, higher consciousness, or something in between represent. In the center column can be seen as the World Trade Center 7. 1. as shown in Table 3 Masonic Mosque of Suleyman represents Aleyhisselam'ın column. During the three great pyramids Giza'nın 9-11 Mega Ritual stimulation was opened. We compare it with today's most popular Stargate leads to the higher consciousness. " [Author Relph Ellis]


The structure between twin Kule'lerin Do you know what that is? And more importantly how do you know? Between these institutional statue of the twin towers be placed by Fritz Kunich. "The spherical Cariatid" [women's milk in the shape of the global stone statue] was named. Alias was the sphere. Information about this part of world peace has been added to the library. This statue was made in Bavaria, Fritz Kunich. Illuminati was founded at the same place. World Trade Center Plaza in the most interesting information about the actual placement of the sphere in which the architect and designer of the World Trade Center is about Minoro Yamazaki. The Grand Mosque in Mecca, the Kaaba in particular spheres replacing the plaza itself is a representation of a big mosque was intended to do. Soon you will know why sacrifice. Moreover, the mathematical ratio pi big pyramid design is coded in this field should be kept in mind. Benben pyramid obelisks and spheres so that all offices are closely linked. By Ralph Ellis: "The pilgrimage of the Muslims of the ancient Giza Pyramids in Egypt comes from the claim that the circular ritual. World Trade Centers around the globe, so each rotation has been established for over 24 hours. This sphere, and the Giza pyramids of sacrifice was imitating professional ritual. "He says.


Now that the film-makers like the others about religion and religious rituals are drawn wrong conclusions. As people research their secret rituals, dates, themes and beliefs are not aware of the intersection. But each of them serve different purposes. Each of the different ways there are similarities, though common. Researchers, this similarity is dispatched to investigate the mysteries of religion. And religious practices are thought to have a privacy. The essence is the opposite. Those who truly know and understand the religion and practices of the secret society can be most accurately analyzed. Because religion has not created secret laws of the universe, they are subject to this religion. This type of discovery not only confirms the word of God. He does not deny the existence of secret societies ever. But he follows the devil. Do not know why?


Those who follow the devil have been blood.


Secret of the mystical religion in schools is equal to God and people. Grievance with the promise of heaven from God, people and the world has closed. Ignorance of the people rescued from the devil and man's [far from it] may have said God. Because of this diabolical doctrine and the Zionists / Masons / Satanist and / İlluminatiler devil's name with pride and all efforts towards an [far from it] Allah the challenge.


Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin Numaralojiye pervert faith that we look at the tree of life and see a map of this extra dimension is used by magicians. There are 10 dots on a map, and called Sephiroth. According to redirect the Turkish names that bahir tree tree of life. Trinity is at the top. Each other is all the same. But the reflections of each other to form. He has come up 10 points. 10 of the Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin worship is the devil. 10 Hermaproditic [couple sex, race, size] is the symbol. Greek referred to as Lucifer or Satan. But to Mason / Zionists / Satanist in / İlluminatiye by Lucifer and Satan are different. 1 and 0 Thus the Zionist / Satanist and / Mason and / İlluminatinin idols are reached. That Hermaphrodite'dir [Baphomet]. Zionist / Satanist and / Mason and / İlluminatinin passed 9 to 11 according to the perverse belief Her horse, Satan jumped Lucifer'a is reached. Because 11 is the number of magicians. 10 is a step up to the number of days they managed to be a witch tree. But I can just jump in the number 10. Mason because of the number 10 / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin god is the devil. 9 / 11 's is a symbol. 9-11 numaralojisi: challenge to belief in God completely. 10 of that number Numaralojide Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin god is the devil. This hermaphrodite [Double-D is being], but according to their credit stood at 9 to 11 jump, skip, they worship Lucifer they become evil. Because 11 is the number of magicians. Number 10 is a step up to the tree of life are able to become magicians. But Satanists and / Zionists / Masons / İlluminatiler they worship the devil will jump. This 9-11 is a symbol.


11 years completes solar rotation.  Sun has recently completed the conversion in the 1989-1990 year. Next 2000-2001. When complete return of the sun in the United States Senate, the senator spoke what did he say?

"This is a great idea, the New World Order." [11 September 1990, the talk in the United States Senate] and 10 years, but completed the full 11 years later and the sun is converted, the number 10 that Masons / Zionists / Satanist and / Illuminati worship Lucifer as the devil jumped to 11 years after the Mega Ritual realized.


September 11, 2001 the Twin Towers in the United States Masons / Zionists / Satanist and / Illuminati was organized by the attacks.


[United States, the News] 9 / 11 attacks 2 anniversary for the World Trade Center, George W. Bush has requested U.S. $ 87 million for the military.


George W. Do you remember Bush's grandfather? Grandfather in the heart of the Giza pyramids "Satanists law book" author.


Aleiste Crowley In 1904, he was meditating in his room, and the king of Great Pyramid "Law book" was written here. "Aiwass" are being contacted by the claims. Aleiste Crowley studies also used around the seven-pointed star was a symbol. Symbols next to "Z:" There is.  Some implications 77 are linked to the number. This is the Hebrew "Put pan'A' suggests. Aleiste Crowley The human skull is not seen during the rituals was a drawing. Aiwass and Wizard of oz is suggested to communicate between. Aleiste Crowley whether the similarities between the marks were drawn and gray, like an alien in the film version Wizard of Oz projeksiyor as is depicted.


George W. Bush Aleiste Crowley'S grandson!


George W. Bush 9 / 11 ritual occurs when, ie on September 11, 2001 attack when twin Kule'lere Aleiste Crowley'S were drawn during the rituals of the skull, including non-formal "My pets My Goat ' His book was read. This book is already prohibited. Ritüelistik satanic content because there were dedicated to the emotions.


Put pan = Put a horned goat


While there are many books around the world, President of the United States on September 11, 2001 was read the book. While there are attacks where he was reading this book. Satanic symbols, always use reverse or reverse-down. George W. Bush on September 11, 2001 "My pets My Goat ' read the book is the opposite.


Film taken in 1978 and now let's look at Oz the wizard. The wizard of Oz, "Whiz'in" still seems to connect to the city of New York's Emerald. They're coming to the end of the yellow brick road. Dorothy and her friends from the other end of round one end of the door, and they seem to pass through the portal behind the pyramid shape of the three pyramids of the World Trade Center and the sphere can be seen. Sphere, representing the Kaaba. Oz community around the globe were dancing ritüalitik manner. Oz on the giant dome-shaped letters see the text. "Oz" Pan [horned goat idols], and is the symbol Aiwass'ın. Endless parade of stars where he started opening his heart. [Of Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin perverse way to show to people of faith]


Between the twin towers "sphere" Do you remember you good?


Kunich was made by Fritz. Title "The spherical Cariatid" [female statue in the shape of global stone pillar] are. This statue was made in Bavaria, Fritz Kunich. Illuminati was founded at the same place. World Trade Center Plaza in the most interesting information about the actual placement of the sphere in which the architect and designer of the World Trade Center on Minoro Yamazaki. The Grand Mosque in Mecca itself, taking place especially in the sphere of the Kaaba itself is a representation of a big mosque was intended to make the plaza.


You know what they want from the Kaaba?


Imply that they would destroy the Kaaba in the future!


USA Voice of America broadcast on TV in an announcer asks lawmakers to:

Question: If terrorist attacks against America will continue to take what measures do you think?

Answer: If necessary, we can go up to bomb the holy places.

Question: Kâbe'mi most sacred of places do you mean?

Answer: Yes, sacrifice, if necessary'll bomb.

Those who attack themselves, then blame the Muslims who attacked them and Qibla Our sanctuary We threatened to bomb the Kaaba Masons / Zionists / Satanist Games / İlluminatiler!


Judgement of the destruction of the Kaaba signs.

[Ahmed Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi, Signs Of Doomsday, Musnad, (15/35), "al-Fiten wa'l-Melâhim" (1 / 156); "Sahih Hadith" (2 / 120 Hadith no: 579), Musnad, (12 / 14-15 Hadith No: 7053), Musnad, (18 / 103 Hadith no: 9394); Bukhari, Pilgrimage (3 / 460 Fethu'l-Bari);  Muslim, Fiten (18/35-Nevevî Commentary); Musnad (3/315-316 Hadith no: 2010), Musnad, (15/227 Hadith no: 8080)]


In several places in the earth's surface is the key energy points. When two lines cross at the intersection of energy on earth, as if or when it changes back to the spiral in a clockwise direction. If energy is free, and in fact the movement of thoughts and emotions are energy. But something very different about sacrifice! Power lines pass through most of the Kaaba. Kâbe'dir most powerful energy points on the earth. But this is not the only sacrifice which exclusively. Kaaba is the world's most powerful energy channel and collect leaves. The most visited places in the world because it is easy to understand the reason for this. But in a different way energy flows in the Kaaba. Moves counter-clockwise. Therefore, God's [cc] because it wants us to return on a particular axis. How many times would circumambulate the Kaaba, Muslims? Seven times. Counterclockwise direction at a time is circumambulate. Do you know why? The things we connect people to life, time and space is limited!


God's [cc] will be of use in worship, prayer and prayer does not need to. But we need to worship. Another way is to us, we need only to God.

Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: "The Prophet said:" He [cc] who do not want him angry "

[Tirmidhi, Daavât 3, (3370), Ibnu Mace, Prayer 1, (3827); Ibrahim Canan, Qutb-i Sitte Translation and Commentary, Akçağ Published: 6 / 547.]


Rotate around the Kaaba seven times in the essence of worship is as circular. But this is not worship stones or a house would be to Allah. Just focus and sacrifice of all Muslims gathered in one central location to create an energy-focused! In fact, as the transmission of the prayers of worship to God. Kaaba without you, all Muslims, they would still make the same point of the prayer. We just pray to God to sacrifice the face, because the point of return. Now, turn counter-clockwise does not separate us from the time and space. But really the most powerful energy on the Kaaba in the world! And counterclockwise direction, depending on the track and the spiritual heart of the energy we have opened our eyes.


9-11 note to find out once and for all.


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler believe they communicate this way with gin. Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatilerin perverse belief that works with numbers and symbols. Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler been doing research about the religious beliefs of the predicted number of perverse and perverted view of religion is the geometric shapes.


What does this mean?


Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin according to a belief that each number has a meaning and every way. Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / or the Illuminati as this number believe they are in contact with the daemons. Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin numerical definition number 10; Alpha or Omega or the devil is worshiped. They worship the devil is a step up 11. Or 9-11 for 911 Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin worship is to skip the devil. This is the biggest challenge. Then jumped to 11 from 9 to 10, this means not care. Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / Illuminati worship at the devil and believes they reach Lusifer'a. This event, 9 / 11 'is also not a coincidence!


911 events of which we connected?

In the United States in case of emergency 911 number is dialed. Emergency assistance to help people in need is a good thing, of course. Something no one can say that. Or reasonably believing that the world no one can say a bad thing. But the Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin understand how they work unless you're unlucky, they will work harder than you think. In the United States when people fall into a state of emergency, the assistance, if needed, pick up the phone and ask them to help. Number of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin worship idols of the top jump and go system.


9-11 [September 11, 2001] was attacked from the inside. Ritual was a big no one was looking away from the guilty. When we understand how this obvious Illuminati!


There are four basic elements in planning the 9-11

-God 'to a spiritual orientation of all the evil ways of Satan to the power went off and those who [Hasa] challenge to God. Or do not want to accept, and now is under the political power of their hands.


-Masonların/Siyonistlerin/Satanistlerin/İlluminatinin Aim to world politics when they most need to impress the world and turn to the New World Order.


-Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin Numerolojisi is how we should understand, we must understand history and speech, ritüalistik victims need to understand what happened.


-Twin Towers. On the twin towers of the world's second column is similar to the Masjid Suleiman Aleyhisselam'ın. 'Jachin "and" Boaz, "better known as. Two columns at the entrance of the mosque Aleyhisselam'ın Solomon Mason / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin faith "Transition" is called.


Human body, the harmony of a perfect square and circle only one extending into the organ. Square represents the physical region. Circle represents the spiritual region. Schools in the east with the spirit; Seventh chakra discuss. We 5Let sini.


The coccyx chakra is concerned with sexual energy. By the God of Islam "Halal" and "Forbidden" or "Protected" and "Banned" There are concepts. Many times, some applications depending on their situation may be preserved or restricted. Therefore, forbidden affair with a duration of marriage will be in place and accepted as a blessing. Coccyx chakra is only healthy energy rich environment can produce the appropriate time of marriage.


Navel chakra Besides the personal power and vitality of our stomach is concerned with storage. [Prana] true power to create life, should eat healthy and natural foods. We must eat food that is halal. Forbidden foods can harm our souls.


Heart chakra compassion, love, respect and fulfillment of emotion is concerned with. Through healthy relationships that love and harmony between peoples can be achieved. Hz. Muhammad Aleyhisselatu Vesselam aforementioned praise our Lord, show us his teachings of kindness and good behavior. Prophet Jesus and other prophets, as shown by the people. A healthy society can only grow with compassion.


Throat chakra people with communication and self expression is concerned.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. However, those who believe and work righteous deeds and advised each other right of those who advised patience of each other [they are not wasted.] Sadakallahül-Aziym. [Surah Asr, 2 and 3 verses]


Last Crown chakra information, intuition, consciousness and spirituality is concerned with. Just the right way all the rich chakras, we can be a real person. Any physical, mental and emotional needs in the correct way to enrich an investment is required. Spirituality of our souls for our master replication, we have to be an administrator. Only then can a real person.


Freemasons / Zionists and / Satanist and / İlluminatiler know them. Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler especially use them in this way they are fighting for. This digression is not a coincidence! Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler çakralarına are attacking people one by one, respectively. To increase our spirituality, human energy must upgrade çakralarını. Coccyx chakra is must be the lowest, Crown chakrasignifies the need to upgrade to higher ground.


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler The coccyx Çakramızı The women dressed in red, plainly dressed women, with sex movies, pornographic pictures are fed.


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler Core Çakramızı Mcdonald's'la, with Burger King, frozen meals, additives in food by joining the extended expiration date, [GMO, Genetically Modified organisms] GMO, Genetically Modified Organisms are fed.

GMO, Genetically Modified Organisms What are they? [GMO, Genetically Modified organisms]

In today's world of genetically altered foods have nearly 1600. Assoc. Dr. Virgo happy that this product is not possible to avoid the noted drew attention to corn and soybean. Because these products are used as additives, and therefore included in many products that were expressed. `Particular, corn starch, baby food and sweets in the intensive are.` At a Virgo, research on the food of life extension in the process of playing the genes toxic protein produced and the protein-eating insects and birds that died showed, he said. Government opened the door to genetically modified food production, has brought discussion. NGOs carry serious dangers of genetically modified products were revealed. [June 3, 2009]


Production of genetically modified plants of the government opened the door, has brought discussion. Some civil society organizations about the serious human health risks of GM crops argue that while the move, Eker, Minister of Agriculture said it would be tightly controlled. Before we reveal the definition. Outside their own species or species of an organism is transferred from the genes changed some features of plants, animals or microorganisms, "Genetically modified organisms [GMOs] is called. Trade in agricultural products because of concerns was first played with tomato genes. Bio-tech companies to reduce pesticides, production costs will fall to enrich the discourse of small farmers with high yield, genetically they put the seeds into the country were in the middle of the 1990s. 1.7 million hectares in six countries in 1996, which started in the GMO planting today in 25 countries, 125 million hectares being made. While participating in these countries, most recently Egypt, Tasmania has defer GMO production project, the GMO maize ban on imports of Greece had two-year extension. The Turkish government said in June 2009, a decision taken by the National Food Security and allow genetically modified plants to be opened in front. Genetically modified crops last scientific sieve, production will gain. Food deficit in the world economy and agricultural sector, taking into account the importance of the bill is prepared, the agenda has brought with it concerns. Agriculture Minister Mehdi Eker, genetically altered products will be tightly controlled while stressing, "this issue for the EU that Turkey also important for their needs," he said.


YES NO risk of biodiversity ET!


1. Human health


Causes allergic reactions. Weaken resistance to antibiotics. Create toxic effects.


2. Ecosystem


Normal and organic farming is threatening. No matter how far in the field of organic products also spreads by wind and bees. The birds eat the insects in the field of GMO agriculture is the kind of running out. Constitute a threat to species. Destroying biological diversity. GMO crops, pollination by the genes of their relatives from the same species can change.


Non-arable areas to be cultivated to provide, to increase agricultural yield, pesticide use is not needed, up to 10 times to increase production efficiency, etc.. reasons, are created.


'Genetic Modified Organisms' (GMO) and the production is a matter of debate in many countries. GMO projects in some countries, emphasizing the opening areas for agriculture, biological technology, is dangerous for health in countries that oppose the current. Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and several European Union countries and some African countries, or genetically modified products in the list of banned or strict restrictions on these products are made. Farmers' organizations around the world by working and exporters of GMOs in the published paper argues that threatening to human health. Finally, the Greek government, the United States is genetically modified corn produced by the ban on imports of two years, has decided to extend. Tasmania at a commercial scale, genetically altered products have recently grown decision to postpone until 2014 to five years. GM products with the upcoming elections in Germany are discussed. The German Government, by creating a national platform for negotiations with politicians, farmers, food industry groups and scientists were brought together. World Health Organization said the health risks of products is remarkable.


Turkey also what was said about GMOs?

- Turkey Industry Association President Dr. Seed. Mete Kömeağaç:

"GMO is a technology to produce and we use technology to Turkey's enough for such an infrastructure, do not think that having the knowledge and skills. Turkey is a paradise of natural products. GMO or a production technique, certainly not a drawback. Not possible with natural products to feed the growing population. Medicine men come out, but the lesson that one can not use this work is harmful. "


- President Ahmet Istanbul Branch of Chamber of Agricultural Engineers Atalık:

"What GMO farmers nor the government of what consumers demand. GMOs for the benefit of bio-technology company is. MONSANTO is attracted by the head company of that company. U.S. Federal Court against the company has opened dozens of case. Vienna University study that mice lose their ability to produce 3-4 generations later was revealed. Agriculture in Argentina over a million hectares of GM weeds pressed. "


- Ecological Product Manufacturers Association President - Levent Gürsel Flame:

"4-5 year campaign conducted against GM crops. These products should be prohibited. Contains serious risks related to human health. Gain from this production by the only GM seed patent holding companies. Why not dangerous since the Ministry of Agriculture of GM products in baby food and children are prohibited to be used in food products? "


Although the effects of GMOs on human impact on animals is not known yet been determined. Dr. Rowett Institute in Scotland. Arpad Pusztai'nin mice fed genetically modified potatoes with all of the reduction in the internal organs, digestive system disorders, immune system collapse seen. Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Irina Ermakova'nın his trial on mice, offspring of mice fed on genetically modified soybean percentage of 55.6, three weeks after birth and died.


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler we feed them!


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler Heart Çakramızı violence, are fed by women who dress immodestly dressed. Thus becoming worthless feelings directly.


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler Throat Çakramızı are fed with lies. Are attacking Islam, will make a dance, sing. They show the world. Films have attracted.


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler Crown Çakramızı is fed by the media thought control. USA MK-Ultra[America brainwashing program], code-named MK-ULTRA program, the large number of files, the program also included the beginning, CIA director Richard Helms, by leaving his post in 1973 at the time were destroyed. CIA, mind control, torture durable messenger [memory, was animated by a predetermined signal], and as a way to create a programmed assassin saw. Sirhan'ın Senator Robert Kennedy before Sirhan killed by CIA-connected brain washers have been trained in the way of evidence. CIA also frustrating their opponents may be excluded from the pure substances was noticed. And LSD test was unauthorized to inmates and agency ordered the death of their subjects! Orders were applied.


HAARP High Frequency Active Atmosphere Research Program Project, climate control and artificial earthquakes being used as weapons because of their claims to the state of a subject was very controversial. [Tsunami'yi HAARP'ın evidence that there are issues]


Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatilerin our biggest fear is that we fight for each çakramız. I believe in God and trust in God who will win this war. Çakralarımız because all compatible and correct, we'll increase our Spirituality.


Or to the Mason / Zionist in / Satanist in / İlluminatilere'll be a slave or a man!


[United States, the News] "Dollar is still in decline at the weekend. At the level of $ 96, shares of Dow Jones rose 105 points and continues to see the pros. Inflation is up 0.8%, it is not possible for real. If you give the government a detailed report on this issue, we knew we were in the case of regression. Around 50-60% decline in the markets we think will be. I hate to talk to a pessimistic or optimistic, but when the time is not being pessimistic, it is time to be realistic. Our whole system of credits based on the development. Credit for the economy's sustained growth rate needed to rise each year. Konjenktür shrinking economy in decline and if this continues it step by step reduction continues. Not as important as how much your dollar, the dollar value of what is and what it purchase. And dollars going bad in the economy, because of our growing trade deficit continues to lose value every day. Manifaktürümüz inadequate and insufficient domestic savings in dollars because we will do one thing. He is sinking. Are facing a financial crisis. Our outdoor performance on the 600 billion dollars annually. 3 trillion dollars on the foreign debt. Share of foreigners in the state treasury 1.4 trillion dollars. To spend three billion dollars every working day from the owners of capital borrowing need. 600 Billion Dollars each year we open the top and to stop these shenanigans, we're more coin. In addition there is a limit and I'm anxious to cross the border.

[Congressman Ron Paul M.D. September 17, 2005]


[Breaking News in the United States, News] A dollar crisis out there and people are stealing money. According to the money accumulated by the human eye to-peel.


Imran Sheikh Hussein of Preaching: "Antichrist will take a month or so life went down. Britain to dominate the world rather than America for a long time passed. And the U.S. dollar as international currency is introduced. Power is transferred to Israel and now America. Israel will be the world's dominant nation. So, what will be the new currency? Answer: The U.S. Dollar will be sunk, along with the whole world will take their currency. After the paper money will not see his face. What will happen after the new currency? Israel slaves in the world which make the currency? Using U.S. dollars in the same way? Answer: you can not see the Israeli currency will be used. Can not touch. Electronics will benefit. Strangely enough, the danger is electronic money, and be controlled by the bankers worldwide. Jews and the banking system was holding. This is not a false claim! This accusation is never a lie! This is the truth! Israel is planning a war! Mossad and the CIA to the September 11 attacks on Muslims at fault since they are prepared. They know this is a lie, they know that a terrible lie! "


Even now we are using electronic money. Without touching the money because most of us are using their savings. Compatibility with the digital numbers are followed. Credit cards, debit cards are used. Today's currency, gold and silver as in the past are not comparable. Temporary interest and value is based on deception. And therefore what you witnessed today, just the beginning! The first phase of the economic collapse is waiting for us!


The owners of the National Bank of Mason / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatilerdir. And this fall was planned in advance.


Although we know how to use computers, many of us have been on earth do not know how! In order to eat if we know, most of us do not know how to grow vegetables! Our kids games expert! So, for them the basics of life, able to teach us what is created? We have removed from the natural world and we we were converted to machine. We are part of the mechanism.


[Devil Devil's Advocate, nor was the film?] "Now I'm here and I'm back. Everything is just beginning. 20. I would like century century, just me. Each will be my second, every second is. Me. Begins. Now my time. "


If you had one day left to break the Hour, ALLAH [cc] and the People of that day will extend the couplet I will send the Mahdi.

[Sunan al-Tirmidhi 4 / 92, Sunan Abu Dawood, 5 / 92, Kitab-ül Burhan Fi Signs of-province Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, 10, El-Kavlu-l Concise Fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, 27, Death -End-Hereafter and the End Times, page 437]


Hz. Prophet 12 Imam Mahdi is the last Caliph of Allah.



He said just like the Prophet Solomon and the Mahdi will rule the world.

[El Kavlul Concise Fi Alamatil Mehdiy-il Muntazar, page 29]


Mahdi will be the world possesses.

[Kitab-ul Burhan fi-Times Mehdiyy-il-il Ahir Zaman, page 10]


Mahdi will conquer the whole place between east and west.

[El Kavlu'l Mehdiyy Concise Fi Alamat-il-il Muntazar, page 56]


Mehdi Prophet did not know anyone's secret status for his Mahdi was called as the guide.

[Kitab-ül Burhan Fi Signs Mehdiyy-il-il Ahir Zaman, page 77]


Kab'dan was narrated that: Mehdi Prophet, no one even has a secret power to him for being called as the Mahdi.

[Kitab-ul Burhan Fi Signs of the End of Time-il-il Mehdiyy]


God will power up the Mahdi Aleyhisselam'ao that will eliminate those who persecuted and oppressed, Islam will dominate, to revive Islam, Islam again after become can not be ignored securities will win. Islam, as well as during Rasulullah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın same will apply.

[Al-Arabi Muhyiddin Endülüsu, conquest-ül Mekkiye, Bab 66, End of Times, 186 pages]


Prophet, who are descendants of the Mahdi?

Aleyhisselam'ın blood comes from Abraham! Prophet Isaac and Ishmael Aleyhisselam'ın descendants.  Prophet Isaac, Prophet Jacob descendants of prophets, Prophet Yusuf, Prophet Moses,  Prophet Aaron, Prophet David, Prophet Solomon and Jesus Aleyhisselam'dır.

Descendants of Ishmael Aleyhisselam'ın Hz. Muhammad was Vesselam Aleyhisselatu.


What makes the special is the Imam Mahdi? Mehdi Prophet Prophet Abraham, Isaac, Prophet, Prophet Ishmael, Jacob Prophet, Prophet Yusuf, Prophet Moses, Aaron, Prophet, Prophet David, Prophet Solomon, Prophet and Messenger of Jesus is from Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın descendants.


So, today, peace be upon Mahdi known?


People are desperate and have no Mahdi "at a time when ALLAH [cc] Mahdi sends Aleyhisselam'ı.

[Hüsameddin Ali Bin al-Mottaki, Kitab-ul Burhan fi-Times Mehdiyy-il-il Ahir Zaman, page 55]


Christians excess of the Antichrist "Imam Mahdi" They think it is.

Excess of the Antichrist Jews "Imam Mahdi" They think it is.

The extreme Sunni antichrist "Shiite Imam Mahdi" They think it is. [In other countries except Turkey are Sunni, so I thought.]

Shiites excess of the Antichrist "Sunni Imam Mahdi" They think it is.


So, what is the real Antichrist?


No doubt, the Antichrist will come. His left eye is blind. And I have a white. Eyeless and patients better. Will raise the dead. And "I am your Lord," he says. If it confirms the Antichrist, who fell to temptation.

[Ravi: Hz. Sumre Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El Ehadis / Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 97]


Antichrist, as God tells him.

[İ.Ebi Shaybah]


Adam Aleyhisselam'dan Judgement until the great tribulation is not the Antichrist.



Antichrist, will be resurrected to kill someone.

[Bukhari, Muslim]


Hz. Huzeyfe Radiyallahu Anh says: "The Prophet said:

"The time to go along with the Antichrist is water and fire. But the public sees as the fire is fresh water;  If people saw as the water is like a fire burning. Who on that day if you stop, people get fired as he accepted the fall. Because it is pretty cold water. "

[Bukhari, Fiten 26, Enbiya 50; Muslim, Fiten 105, (2935), Abu Dawood, Melahim 14, (4315). Ibrahim Canan, Translation and Commentary Qutb-i Sitte, Akçağ Publications: 14 / 296.]


Ibnu Umar Radiyallahu Anh says: "The Prophet during the Farewell Hajj (together):" People get quiet and listen! "Speaker. Then, to God in praise and praise, and they talked for a long time from behind Christ and the Antichrist, and said:

"God has sent all the prophets, the Ummah of the Antichrist against warned. Prophet Noah ummah Antichrist against warned Noah Aleyhisselam'dan subsequent prophets, their own nation and the Antichrist against warned. Antichrist between you will. Antichrist's case confidential will not. Lord, your one-eyed that you off is not. antichrist of the right eye blind, is one. antichrist's eyes, as if (clusters of) throwing out a grape seed is like. [two eyes between kefere that unbelievers are written will. that every Muslim will read]. "

[Bukhari, Fiten 27; Muslim, Fiten 100-103. (169) - (2933). Abraham Cana, Translation and Commentary in Qutb-i Sit the Akçağ Publications: 14 / 298.]


Şa'bî'nin, Fatima by Fatima Bintu Kays said Radiyallahu Anhâ'dan transplant  have explained: "The Prophet said:" Temîmu'd-Dari was a Christian one. Would come and swear allegiance to Islam. He told me from Christ, the Antichrist in a rumor that I found appropriate. According to tell me, TEM, I opened to the sea by a ship. In addition there were thirty people from the tribe Lahm and leprosy. (Weather conditions are not good for) played with them until a month waves of the sea. In the end the sun goes down while they approached an island in the sea. The boat ride to the ship landed at the island. Then he went against the very hairy hairy animals. They head down the side where the abundance of animals, could not understand where the back side. [Puzzled]:

"You're neci,  What the hell is that? "they said. He replied:

"I cessâseyim!"

"Cessâse What is it?"  said.

"O community! I come up to the monastery! Inside is a man, it is you want your news!" he said. He talked about a man when we were afraid of him being a devil. We immediately ran into the convent. There was a man inside, the big ones are created, and was seen between the hands, neck, knee to the ankle was tied tightly anchored.

"Oh, you! Who are you?"

"I get my news. Kimsinizi ye? Tell me!" he said. Friends:

"We are a group of Arabs are. A ship were at sea an enthusiastic moment we met. Waves us a month, play and entertain. Then on to the island we get closer, boat ride and the island went. Hairy and very hairy animals we encountered. Feathers The majority starts from what side, behind what side do not understand . 'Oh, you, how are you? "said.

"I cessâseyim!" he said. We are: "Cessâse what?" we said.

"Monastery of the bride's name, for those of you in your news is very enthusiastic!"  he said. We came running up to you. We are sure it is not an evil we feared for our "we said. Adam:

"Let me hear from Beysan hurmalık!" he said. We have:

"That's what you're asking the news?" we said.

"I'm asking it from the tree, do bear fruit?" he said.

"Yes!" we said.

"So next time is not to bear fruit!" he said.

"Let me Taberiya lake! he said.

"So you want to hear from hell? we said.

"He is close to the withdrawal of the water!" he said.

"Let me hear from Zuğer eyes!" he said.

"You hear from him what you want?" we said.

"Do you have eyes in the water? Is there water?" he said.

"Yes, it has a lot of water! Owners are doing it with water from agriculture!" we said.

"Let me Ümmi of the prophets. He did what?" he said.

"He came out of the Yesrib'e Mecca (to Medina), where he" said.

"Do the Arabs tried to kill him?" he said. We have:

"Yes!" we said.

"What did he do against them?" he said. We, (to kill him) is superior to chase the Arabs, the Arabs tell him they have to obey. (I us)

"That, they admit to themselves and to be better. I now we introduce myself let me: I am the Messiah Deccal'ım. Exit to let me up time is near. Then you come out the earth around will. Forty days have not been wife (village) will not. Then the Messenger of Allah stick to the pulpit to nudge Aleyhissalâtu Vesselâm:

"This Taybe'dir! This Taybe'dir! This Taybe'dir! I've told you this, right?" speaker. People say: "Yes!" he replied. Aleyhissalâtu Vesselâm on this:

"Christ is the Antichrist of Damascus in the sea or the Yemen sea. Yes, the Antichrist will emerge from the east side. Dajjal will emerge from the east side!" He said and pointed to the east of the hand. "

[Muslim, Fiten 119, (2942), Abu Dawood, Melahim 15, (4325, 4326); Tirmidhi, Fiten 66, (2254); Ibrahim Canan, Qutb-i Sitte Translation and Commentary, Akçağ Publications: 14/290-292 .]




1 - the Antichrist, the word which means to cover the revenue from an original.  Been called a liar to the Antichrist. Because it covers the right with westernization.

2 - The hadith, narrated by the head implies, is narrated that the Messenger of Allah Aleyhissalâtu Vesselâm'ın Temîmu'd-Dâri'den is a story.

3 - Some place names are mentioned in the hadith: we Nahlu Beysan hurmalık Beysan called the turn, is the name of a place in Damascus. Zügar afford the (same-u Zugar) is also a location near Damascus. Taybi, one of Medina's name. Yesrîb Medina was said in the period of ignorance, then the meaning of the prophets in the city of Medina was called Madinat Resulullah'dan We state shortened. Taybi instead called tabe. Tib'den income which means fragrance. Medina's land is dedicated to smell good too because it is said tabe. Fresh material from the spiritual meaning of the word asshole Taybi was carrying was also reported.

4 - Damascus in the words of the hadith, but rather is the name of Syria. Tarsus, Marash, the city of Antioch in Damascus, such as that included in Turkey. Expression of the sea with a damask Yemen sea, two seas, but also by sea to Yemen and said that was expressed by Damascus. This is the Red Sea. Also have contact with both sides since.

[Ibrahim Canan, Qutb-i Sitte Translation and Commentary, Akçağ Publications: 14 / 293.]


Of Mason / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatinin games Mahdi by people unknown or is known as the Antichrist. Mahdi will never say that Christ or Christian.


Pictures from the church, Christ does not belong Aleyhisselam'a! Christian churches scammed!


Like the picture shown in the official Church of Jesus Aleyhisselam'ın sun is always in the back! This is the worship of pagan sun symbol!


Not in a place other than the throne of Israel. And the Antichrist to rule the world, this will be accepted by the world's corrupt leaders. Statements will be many false Mahdi. But none of the Antichrist will be.


Freemasons / Zionists and / Satanist and / Illuminati will try to show them how? To Mason / Zionists / Satanist in / İlluminatiye carried out by the rapid and peaceful solution of Israel. A century ago, like the people who live together in Israel, Rabbi olabilir.1948 before they show. Of these rabbis will tell how they live with Muslims. They tell their children they were looking at each other. Puryomki'ye women and how they will explain how they were going Puryomki'ye. Muslims claim the children. The most valuable things in the lives of Muslims who entrust their children to claim them. All things Masonic / Zionists / Satanist / İlluminatist conspiracy!


Prepared during the development of the Antichrist to provoke the people of the Zionist game:

"Split, Tracks, and the manager!"


Excesses are working to moment, all the rites and cult of the world for!


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler are in harmony, and that all the problems we face today because of them. While small and large are they coming? Less than 1% of the world's wealth is held. 1%, and it supports the Zionist aim of the study for the throne of the Antichrist is not a coincidence!


Established national banks and the damned interest due to their established banking system.


Until interest to eat, stop sign, the interest bill until summer, until this year witnessed the Day of Judgement has been cursed by Muhammad Aleyhisselatu Vesselam language.

[Ravi: Hz. Anh Raduyallahü Ibn Masud, Ahmed Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi]


People come on time so that interest would not eat the man. To eat it even though he will hit the powder.

[Ravi: Hz. Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 141]


There is no respect of interest from eating. His property is not in the abundance.

[Ravi: Hz. Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 267]


God, until the interest to eat, stop sign, the interest bill until summer and you damn well who do not give alms.

[Ravi: Hz. Ali Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 347]


Sign of the Resurrection, suspected to be open and clearly the interest of the ingestion.

[Ravi: Hz. Ibn Mes'ud Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 448]


705. (2273) (6692) - Pr. Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: "The Prophet they said:" Laylat night, was subjected to a people that had big bellies like home. This stomach was filled with snakes and serpents of the interior would seem from the outside. I asked: "Who are they, O Gabriel?" I asked. "These are people who eat the interest! he said. "

[Ibrahim Canan, Qutb-i Sitte Translation and Commentary, Akçağ Publications: 17/260]


706. (2274) (6693) - Prophet. Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: "The Prophet said:" Interest is due seventy kinds of sin. The lightest person is like making adultery with his mother. "

[Ibrahim Canan, Qutb-i Sitte Translation and Commentary, Akçağ Publications: 17/260]


The New World Order global domination is managed from Israel. Israel has the world's most powerful nuclear arsenal.


A new elite commando brigade was established in Israel! Name acronym has become a much more shocking.

Kfir Brigade [Kfir Brigade]


The so-called Muslim leaders to do anything to get rid of Palestine do not do those! Muslim leaders alleged that billions of dollars earned from oil are used to name the world!


Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler not an atheist! Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler devil worship, and they are preparing for the arrival of the Antichrist. Freemasons / Zionists / Satanist and / İlluminatiler to serve the devil and the devil is proud of the reputation around the world.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahıym. Get sworn that the devil, people realized about the allegations. Except for a group of believers, all of Satellites to the devil. In fact, the devil was not among the people of any population. But we believe in the Hereafter from him with what is suspected to distinguish what the devil have given this opportunity. Everything that you are under the supervision of the Lord. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Sebek, 20, 21 verses]


George W. United States President Bush, while what he said after September 11 2001 attacks?  "Now you decide, either we or the terrorists You've you!" So, how can it? In hand with the media and press.


[Mason entered into and participated in their rituals Roger J. Morneau says]

"The priest to us:" We hope the spirit of worship, we worship the devil and gin. The antichrist is being sent back to the world Jesus died Aleyhisselam'ın your beliefs are the ones sold " he said. [Mason entered into and participated in their rituals Roger J. Morneau]


The world is full of cruelty Mahdi came after Prophet will overflow with justice.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


In an era of Prophet Mahdi will be sent to various earthquake.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Prophet Mahdi people will continue to fight until you return to God.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Our Lord 'by Khorasan when you see the flags out, even if crawling on the snow, he participated in the flag here, because the inside of the Caliph of the Prophet of Allah. Mahdi is. 'Is commanded.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Huzeyfe'den, another legend is as follows: 'Aleyhisselam'ın Mahdi Army, they conquered the Greeks in the castles of Lindsay Lohan. Istanbul will conquer and kill in the meantime, 400 thousand unbelievers as well. The treasure consisted of gold jewelry and a wide variety of interests and also builds the mosques. After a year stay here, move to another town, he also treasures out of their towns. At that moment, any 'Antichrist out in Damascus and obtain all your offspring' which screams. 'Now turn back and a look that is lying. Then they created thousands of pieces of passenger cars and among people of the East, Damascus and Istanbul together with people of Hejaz and set out to go around. Lindsay Lohan is one of those towns, and destroyed the walls of this second time, the 600 will kill a thousand unbelievers ".

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


He said just like the Prophet and Prophet Suleiman Mahdi, will rule the entire world.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Mehdi Prophet made lawful to drink will destroy the community.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Prophet and the Mahdi will conquer Istanbul, where 600 thousand people with four Lindsay Lohan destroy the sacred treasures of Beytül, the Coffin-u Sekine [Hz. David Aleyhisselam'a owned, located in the coffin of holy relics.] Israel Ben-i of the table with a sheet of metal [Hz. Aleyhisselam'a Moses came, was actually written on the tablets of the Ten Commandments.] Hz. Adam Aleyhisselam'ın the robes Hz. Solomon Aleyhisselam'ın his staff and sent by God to Israel, Ben-i with White as Milk will remove the gloves.

 [Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Then God [cc], people who will fall apart in a rain of heaven will be discharging. It will be the people that they will prevail if the war even though foxes.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Mehdi Prophet, all are considered haram halal and, after a great tribulation will come.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Allah [cc] Mahdi Aleyhisselam'ı with three thousand angels will support.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Mehdi Aleyhisselam'ın cruelty and evil is not the job.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Occurrences of every six people before Aleyhisselam'ın Mahdi killed five people will be seeing the strife.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


Prophet Mehdi will kill the devil.

[Signs of the expected Mahdi / / Hand-fi Kavlu'l Muhatasar Mehdiyy Times-il-il Muntazar]


PROPHET or, one day while praying in the Kaaba, the pagans to come and take over the camel tripe. You had just stayed in your prostrate or, they were laughing with laughter, had to come down against each other. At that moment the girl on the streets of Mecca, Fatima Cossack Cossack we came home, I tell him, "Do not cry! God will not loss your daughter's father, said, You had to comfort him. It does not offend, curse those who do, not say bad words, they do but I did not ever gossip. Mentality that has popped up in Europe 1400 years before today! That day I came upon a horse different from those in the rumen, they throw mud at the corner of the newspaper. I think we are the infidel Muslims themselves, they are silent!


Or PROPHET; Taif'e a day gone. Hakk'a them to call. They despise you, but they, they spit, they had booed. Not enough for their children as they the stone. Hz. Zayd was passing in front of the stone, so that you hit. Revan sat in a corner in the blood after you. God sent Gabriel Aleyhisselam'ı and "Habibi asked, on top of that mountain Let Taif'in" had commanded. What was it that your mercy, "Maybe a day off from the Muslim" He does not want it You had to pray on them. 6900 one year to believe in Allah Most of the descendants of an ancestor, we were infidels! Religion we believe, were from. Either we were pagans, PROPHET.


Or Resulallah? Uhud'daydın. Blessed with a broken tooth, his helmet had wings of the wires blessed cheek. The blood of your face, arms, were many. Because "the blood of the prophet falls to the earth that God would destroy the community," he Allah's command was solid. You should not be destroyed so it takes blood to the body and the "Do not know O Lord, if they might not know" were saying. We also learned today that we are dishonest, "Islam is the time to fully live out of the house should not be saying, than to live Islam, religion, faith, to give up too" Ya PROPHET.


Or Resulallah! Did it have a ashap said, "They have a star," you say you? What is the fear of not knowing, compassion was the invention of the junction of ashap! That you would like it, or they would return in triumph, or the martyrs would rise to the throne.  Talha b. Ubaydallah fighting for dear life while in battle, and a staggering Ebubekir Siddiqui first came to the aid "whether there is anything I" was asked.


Or Resulallah! Musab b. It looked like so much that you Umair; Uhud'ta pagan army while Ibn Mus'ab b. Kamia you to be a martyr Umair was to confront it! Kamia Musab al-i b. Right-arm off Ümeyr'in When Musab b. Umair "Alhamdulillyah! Messenger's right arm was saved! " was saying! B. then Musab Ibn Kamia Umeyr'in left arm was cut off. Musab b. Umair "Alhamdulillyah! Messenger's arm was saved " was saying! Arms cut Musab b. Umair you were to cover themselves! B. a coup last Musab Ibn Kamia Umeyr'in head was cut off! Musab B. Umair to protect you the latest, you also extend to protect the head and was martyred for the sake of your way. The holy martyrs were buried in the ground head with embarrassment. Inability to take care of you embarrassed because he was carrying? Musab b. Umair was like you so much that the pagans killed him when they thought you were killed! Musab b. Umeyr'in who was killed was killed ashap you think of hesitation, this was in pain. Enes b. Ashap nad hesitant to turn this pain "What more do you expect? Why do we live if the Messenger of Allah, kill! " he said.


We could not go with Islam! We could not have been Muslims! They distract us with the so-called Islam! We used to persecute the Muslims they had to make a puppet! They believe in religion from us? We were infidels, pagans, were we PROPHET Ya!


Praise the Lord! Praise be! We are disbelievers, we pagans, we heathens, we demon perestleri, we şehvetperest the nefslerine servant slave who we are, to burn your world from the fire 70 times over makes you the fire of hell to create a for thousands, millions of thank goodness, O Lord is! To glory, hallelujah to the Lord of majesty!


Praise the Lord! Praise be! We Kemalist pagans to idols, to respect the respect for, Hijrah after Islam returned from us, thirsty, when we started our down pouring boiling water will melt the organ of pus into the drink to thank goodness, O Lord is! To glory, the majesty of thousands, millions of thank goodness O Lord?


Praise the Lord! Praise be! Qur'an swearing to take pictures by us, Mustafa Kemal's image of the money that use to us, to the Koran swore to watch television with us, hell, hungry when we ate To receive and one of them, even the world have fallen if the whole world smell of poison, which will oleander, to create a praise for the You can get the Lord! To glory, the majesty of thousands, millions of thank goodness, O Lord! Praise be!






Ulan much blood will flow! A lot of blood will flow! Only Muslims who persecuted the Jews, Christians, Zionists do not think, for strengthening the economy of the Zionist, Zionists to achieve their ambitions, this has become the slaves of the Zionist blood will flow over the world! To swear to the Koran by taking pictures, watching television to swear to the Koran, 7 days 24 hours listening to this call to prayer anywhere in the world of evil to a lot of blood flow ulan! Marx'A, Lenin'Y, Stalin'Y, Pharaoh'A, Mustafa KemalTo a lot of blood will flow in the world who worship the pagan! Although everything he swore, on those who claim Islam as much blood will flow in this world! Land will be irrigated with the blood of unbelievers! Infidel blood will be saturated? Ulan bloodbath will return to the mess!


O Masons! O Zionists! Ey are Satanists? İlluminatiler ey! O slaves of the Zionists!

O unbelievers! O ye who think themselves Muslims? Murderers! Rapists! By Allah it! In the coming war will be greeted with a force never seen before!



This is perhaps a testament!

Is perhaps a warning!

Is perhaps a new beginning!

Vuslat is perhaps the first step on the path!










.:!Allahu Akbar!.



This is a Mandate Islamic Jihad!


Cemâziyelâhir 1431-May 2010



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