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Satan's sons, servants of the Antichrist!


Devil Cheats


Praise be to Allah the Rabb of the Worlds. Salat and greetings, (Aleyhisselatu Vesselam) ensure that the prophet Muhammad, our Master.


After he received the pact. And get all of ashap.


Hazrat Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu Anh. 'S tells the relay.


"One day the Messenger of Allah (Aleyhisselatu Vesselam) and we were together. Ansarlardan had gathered in someone's home. We had a full congregation, had branches in the conversation. Meanwhile, a voice came from outside: "


Host, people inside. I will not let me enter the house for you? I hope you have one. I have a job to be seen.”


With that, everyone began to look to the Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi, he was there and always great. Let Him had come.

Our Lord was the foundation Vesselam Aleyhisselatu Messenger status to:

Do you know who is this called?"He said. We've always said once:

Allah and His Messenger know best is.

Upon this the Messenger of Allah, our Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

He is a demon Laine. Is the devil. Allah's curse be upon."By yourself, just Hz. Omer;

Or the Messenger of Allah, please let me kill him., "He said, the Messenger of Allah, our Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam did not allow it and has said:

Stop or Omar, do you know that the respite was to him a certain time. Left to die. 'Then he said:

"Open the door, come get him. He has received an order to come here. You will also try to understand. They will tell you better listen. "


After that we listen to him, so Ravi'den. Said:


He opened the door, stepped in and said to us. I also have a look, as follows: an old man. Squint. Corner at the same time. Makes up 6-7 in the bottom jaw shaking. Such as horse hair.

Her eyes opened up. Head, big as an elephant head. On her lips, her lips was like a water buffalo.


Then, he gave a greeting:

Greetings to you, or Muhammad, the Muslim-I salute you, O congregation.

Allah's greetings or Lain. " Then he said:

I heard you came for a job, what is it doing?"The devil said:

My progress here, not my own desires. Necessarily come.


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:


Satan told me:


Glory of the Lord has an angel came to me from the floor. And he said: 'Allah-ü Taala gives an order you: you will go to Muhammad. But in the case of low and poor. With humility. How will you go to him and deceived âdemoğullarını will tell. How will you tell them one by one he cheated. After that, you ask if what you say it right. 'Then Allah-ü Taala said:' They say that if the string lies, do not tell the truth. Thank you, ash, the wind will blow. In front of the enemy, I would rüsva. 'Here. Either way Muhammad did it come to you on the orders. He asked me to desire. They do not give the right answer if you ask me, my enemies will make fun of me. That surely, my enemy is nothing more difficult than fun. "


Then he asked the Messenger of Allah, our Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:


"Since then tell you in words will be true: the people who did not love the most?"


Satan gave the following response:

Muhammad is you either. I do not love God's creation there is no one in their search. Then, like you, who could it be? "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"After me, the most buğuz Who do you support and do not like?

Satan told me:

"A young Mottaki that the existence of God gave way."

Then, the following questions and answers continued. The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam; devil told me:


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Then you do not like some?"

Satan told me:

"He knew the patient, avoid dubious job of the scholar."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Then what?"

Satan told me:

"Clean business in the. Washed three times to wash the place where anyone who continued. "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Then what?"

Satan told me:

"The poor patient, that the requirements do not tell anyone. Hal does not complain. "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Well, this is where patience of the poor, you know?"

Satan told me:

"Ya Muhammad, does not need someone like himself. Who needs every one of his three consecutive days as described, if God does not write to those who endure it. The work of people like this patient. In a word, his patience, in case, now my attitude and lack of complaints. "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Then who?"

Satan told me:

"The rich grateful."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Well, but you know how rich is grateful?"

Satan told me:

If I see him that was taken is lawful way and spends a scene. I know that, he is grateful for the rich. "


Our master Rasulullah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam this time and changed the subject of another question to him was:

"Well, my nation wake up to pray, how many of you will become?"

Satan told me:

"Ya Muhammad, a malaria keeps me. I trembled. "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Why you're either Lain?"

Satan told me:

"Because one subject, a degree will increase when prostrate to Allah."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Well, how about it when they're fasting?"

Satan told me:

"Then I connect to them until iftar."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Well, how about it when they do the pilgrimage?"

Satan told me:

"Then I guess the crazy."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"So, how can they get or read the Koran?"

Satan told me:

"Then you do the melting. I just melted like a lead melting in the heat. "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Well, how or if they are given alms?"

Satan told me:

"Oh, that. Then I think I would be most egregious. Giving alms as if a saw blade takes my hand is divided. "

He asked why the Messenger of Allah, our Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Why cut it in half with saws, or ebamürre?"

Demon on it:

"I'll tell him." He then began to tell:

"Because beauty has four charity. Namely:

1 - Allah-ü Taala, give alms to the blessings bestowed on the good will into action.

2-o, give alms to the people you love who is anyone.

3-Allah-ü Taala, it has given to charity, the curtain call hell do.

4-GOD-ü Taala, trouble, trouble will repulse them, and oh by. "


Then our master ashap Aleyhisselatu Vesselam some questions asked about:

"What do you say to Abu Bakr?"

Satan told me:

"That to me, even in periods cahiliyet did not obey. After coming in Islam obeys me how? "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Well, Omar bin Khattab What do you think?"


Demons that gave this response:

"I swear to God, I fled Him in every place I have seen."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Well, Osman bin Affan What do you think?"

Satan told me:

"I ashamed of Him. A lot. How that Rahman's angels are shy from it. "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Well, Ali bin Abu Talib What do you think?"


Demon to him said:

"Oh, I get rid of it by the hand of one. That, if left alone, if I stayed on my own. He left me though, if I leave him. I'll leave him, but he does not leave me. "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam, after the above questions and the responses of the devil in the partially finished, said:

"My Ummah who bestow happiness, you too, until a certain way to make time to get the praise of God."


From then on he heard the Messenger of the Lord Vesselam Aleyhisselatu demons Laine said:

"Alas, alas. Where is the nation's happiness? I, as he remains alive until a certain time, how refreshing to hear of your nation? I'll enter them in the media. Do not mix with. But they can not see me and think I do not know this. Me me respite till the Day of the wound and the Baath I swear to God, all they do is less. The ignorant and scholars. And studied their Ümmi. Of dawn and abid (ones I pray). In a word, none of which I can not escape. But, by God's pure servants, yes, I can not lower them. "


Our Lord asked the Messenger of Allah thereupon Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"I have compared the sincere servants who are sincere?"

The demons that have answered these questions:

"Do not you know? Or Mohammed, a man that loves his dirhams and dinars. He sincerely for Allah is not the owner. If I see someone that the dirham and the dinar does not love, and be praised, does not like being praised. I know that it: is of the sincere. Just leave it run. One subject, property and loved to be praised for his heart to the world while adhering to the desire, the qualities that make you obey me the most is the one between the people. Do not you know that the love of wealth, the greater is the greatest of sins. Do not you know that, or Mohammed, the head is still great affection among the greatest sin of sins. "


Demons continued to explain:

"Ya Muhammad, Do not you know? I got 70 thousand more children. They've each been assigned elsewhere. Later. Seventy thousand demons that each child is still with me. I sent them some of the ulema. I sent some young people. I've also released a portion meşayine. In part, I was haunted by the old women. When it comes to young people, there is no disagreement between us nothing. We'll get along fine with them. When it comes to children. To them, they play like they want ours. Or a portion of ours, the trouble I've abid. A portion of the zahit. They are, they will come in, they bring from stage to stage. From a hill to another. Are always wandering. They became such that the start, any one of the reasons to curse. there. So, I take them sincerely. If they do this with their worship, they do no real sincere. But in this case can not be aware of. "


Demon after that, the trick was to tell the story of a priest. And he said:

"Do not you know? Or Mohammed, the priest Barsisa; full 70 years, was sincerely pray to Allah. At the end of this prayer, that he has bestowed such a case: all the patients, pray, pray for blessings and healing came. He was pursuing, it did not leave. Had committed adultery. Was the killer. Finally entered the threats. It is one that the saints in the book of Allah, it is explained:


-The devil is just like that, to his people:


Said. Vaktaki are unbelievers, this time said to him:

<I'm away from you. I fear Allah, the Rabb of the Worlds.> (59/16)


Demon, then, stood on some bad habits. And how to benefit from each of them told me:



"Do not you know, or Muhammad, is a lie and I lie in the mine. Whoever tells a lie, he is my friend. If whoever perjury, that my beloved mine. Do not you know, or Muhammad, to Adam and Eve, I swear to God I have to lie.

- <muhakkak, I advise you ediyorum.> (7 / 16) said. I do this because perjury is the heart of my entertainment. "



"As for gossip and koğuculuğa. They, too, I do my fruit and festive mine. "


Ceremony to swear:

"All those who plunder [the divorce] if you swear on. Would be worried about sinful. If you want to get a time. If you want to get something right on. All who plunder [the divorce], if placed in the mouth, the truth is clear to him until his wife is forbidden. With this state until the Day of Resurrection they will bring children, all children would be adultery. He received word of mouth because of looting, they will enter hell. "



"Ya Muhammad, who came to prayer time is now postponed. I'll tell him. It is always that you want to get up to pray, I hold. I give him anxiety.

I say:

'Yet there is time. You're too busy. Especially now, looking at job. Then do make. "Thus it: is the time for prayer outside. And that is why it makes worship will be discarded in the face. If that person, if I beat. Him one of the ways the human devil. Thus, it keeps good time to pray. He beat me up if therein. This time in prayer to see the look on his account. He was in prayer: 'Look to the right. Look left. "I say. He looks. That he did so, kiss on the forehead side strokes. Then said: 'You did a wonderful job of literary naughty. "Disrupt the peace of my skin and do it. You know that or Mohammed, every Who in prayer, much to the left and look right if God does not accept his prayer. If I become the loser in this alone, I pray that as time goes on. And to him, I quickly ordered quickly made. He starts, quick to make quick prayer. Just as with the beak of the rooster is collected from the ground like something. This work, made him a success if I can not, this time to pray in congregation when I got to him. I'll put his head a bit there. Prostrate and bow his head before the imam removed from the guess. Before the Imam said, bowing and prostrating to fire. ... He was here to do so, Judgement Day, God will turn his head to eşekbaşı. That no one beat me in this or if, this time I ordered it in prayer snap of the fingers. But to do this business will succeed him if in prayer. Therein or, if oma is defeated, this time I'll go back to him. While nose blowing in my prayers. When I blow, it starts to stretch. If he fails to grab this hand to her mouth while yawning. He enters into a little devil, the world and the earthly bonds of greed replicates. There. Then that person will always obey us. Listen to our words. What we do well. "


Satan then continued to speak:

"You hear it fresh from the nation which happiness? I be, what do I set traps. What pitfalls. To lazy, helpless and miserable to go. I ordered a prayer. And I say to them: 'Prayer is not for you. It is God's gift to health and abundance for those who are his. "

Then I go to the patient:

'Stop the prayer. "I say. Because Allah-ü Taala:

- <hastalara Yok.> difficulties (24/61) said. When you do make a good lot. And so he leaves prayers. You can even enter the curse. If he died of illness and goes to leave the prayer. While in the presence of Allah, Allah-ü Taala'yı finds angry. "


Then he said:

"Ya Muhammad, if I call this layer lies Promise me you put the scorpion. Later. If you are lying. Allah wished, I get the whole action. "


Demon after that, the talk continued, and said:

"And Muhammad Is refreshing to hear of your nation? However, I took off from their religion, one in six. "


After that ... the Messenger of Allah, our Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam him, that demon in the following brief questions asked. It also replied to them.


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"What Lain, who is your friend living?"

Satan told me:



The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Friendly's who?"

Satan told me:

"Who commit adultery."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Bed of friends who?"

Satan told me:



The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"The Guest Who?"

Satan told me:



The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Verna, who?"

Satan told me:



The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"What is the light of your eyes?"

Satan told me:

"To divorce his wife."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Valentine's Who?"

Satan told me:

"Those who left Friday prayers.”


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord, this time another regulatory Aleyhisselatu Vesselam passed, and he said:

"What Lain, what breaks your heart?"

Satan told me:

"God neighing of horses running in the way of jihad."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"So, what your body melt?"

Satan told me:

"Repentance of those who repented."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"So, What parts of your lungs, what will rot?"

Satan told me:

"Night and day, God made to istiğfar."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Well, what face is wrinkled?

Satan told me:

"The Secret of charity."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"So, what is blinded?"

Satan told me:

"The night prayer."


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"So, what makes your head down?"

Satan told me:

"Too much makes the prayer with the congregation."


Our master Rasulullah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam then, another questioned asked. Demon replied.


"Lord, what did you ask?"

Satan told me:

"10 things I demanded."

The Messenger of Allah, our Lord asked Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"What are they, or Lain?"

Satan told me:

"You are:

I wished that from one-Allah, il me a partner and children âdemoğullarının property. This partnership has fulfilled my request that:

- <Them as partners. Goods and their children. Promised them. Whereas, if the devil promised to them most proud.> (17/64) is fixed by the verse-i Galilee.

Animal meat is cut from each besmelesiz my place, my place of interest and unlawful interference in the meal. Seek refuge in Allah from Satan the common property'm not. During intercourse, with non-person shelter from Satan to God coupled with my wife. And that resulting from the combined children obey us. Listen to our words. Whoever boarding animals, but not lawful to go off, otherwise the ride if you like, I'm riding with him. My friend is the road and passenger. This is fixed with the verse-i Kerime. Allah-ü Taala gave me the following order: - <onlar fuss with the infantry on the süvarilerinle, çıkart.> (17/64)


2-Allah-ü Taala'dan I wished I said: give me a home. My wish upon this as a house baths gave me.


3-I wish that, give me a small mosque. I made a small mosque at markets.


4-for me, I wanted to give a reading book. I was reading the book of poetry.


5-I want that, give me a call to prayer. Psalm (read in a harmonious way of the eulogies, hymns) said.


6 - I wish that, give me a bed mate. Gave drunk.


7-I wish that, and give me help. In this kaderiye members of (the''subject''of the verb is a creative ones) did.


8-I want that, give me the brethren. Given to those who squander their wealth in vain. Rebellion and sin, those who spend money in a way. They are fixed with the following verse-i Kerime:

-Those people that, they spend their wealth in vain. They have become the devil's brother.> (17/27) "


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord one Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said:

"If you say, God had not been proven by the verse in the book, I would not be certified."


After that demon continued.


"9 - Muhammad Ya Allah, I wished that I let it Âdemoğullarını, but they saw me. This has fulfilled my wish as well.


10 - I wish that the âdemoğullarının blood channels made their way to me. This happened. So I run away from them, I'm traveling. How if I want both. Did all the things you want. I was given them. I'm proud of my state and I will. Later. I would add that the ones with me, what happened with you is more. There. So until the Day of Judgement, Âdemoğullarının ekserisi me become. "


Then demons said:

"I have a son. Name: Ateme'dir. A slave, if you sleep the night before prayer, went into his ear bevleder (makes the urine). If it would be, no way, people could not sleep without air prayer. I have a son than that, his name also Mütekazi'dir. In this task, the secret is to try to smear deeds. For example: A subject, a secret taat (worship) it works. If it was doing and tried to hide; Mütekazi poke him. And finally reveal his secret to the spread of deeds will succeed. So: Allah-u Taala ninety-nine of those deeds destroy good deed holder's face. One remains. A servant, because he is a secret act of good deed for the full face. Later. My son is there that, in his name Kühayl days. The work of the people's eyes that is sliding. In particular, scholars and preachers in the parliament while reading a sermon. This was taken to riding their eyes begin to slumber. They do not hear the words of the ulema. So that you can not get any reward. "


Then demons said:

"No matter what women get up to where it sits on the devil. Later. A devil in the lap of every woman necessarily stops. And her ministers are beautiful to show. Some orders are given to women after it.

For example: 'hand off his arm out, show. Course, it also keeps the order. Hands, arms opens the show. Then he nails her with a veil of tears testicles. "


Demons, then, the Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi began to tell its condition:

"Ya Muhammad, one hand to the dragging dalalet is a possibility. I, but not anxiety, and I'll show you something beautiful. So. I had to drag dalalet if the earth 'and eşhedü Enne Eşhedü en la goddess Muhammad Messenger of Allah sincerely from all of them, what is fasting and praying no one would not leave. Would reduce all dalalet. How that is in your hands, nothing is a kind of guidance. You are the Messenger of Allah, and the officers are notified. If the guide had in hand, the earth would not leave a single unbeliever. You, God's people hücdetsin over. I, too, for her crush anyone in the written reasons I şekavet. Said (Saadetli) A person, while in the womb Said (Saadetli is). From the calm, calm, while still in the womb. People of God that makes happiness. People of the God who made Şekavet! "


Then. The Messenger of Allah, our Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Kerime read these two verses-i said:


"Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. They will continue until the end of it in different ways. Lord have mercy, but the exception. Sadakallahül-Azıym. "

[Surah Hud, 118.119. verses]


"Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. God's command is a fate behemehâl find the location. Sadakallahül-Azıym. "

[Surat al-Ahzab, 38 verse]


After that, the Messenger of Allah, our Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam, demon said:

"What ebamürre, I wonder if you can not go back to one God and to repent? I will sponsor you into heaven. I promise. "


The demon said this on:

"And the Messenger of Allah, according to the provisions of work are given. The decision has also established the pen writes. Jobs will be the Resurrection. What makes you the master of the prophets, the people of Paradise, the orator of action through which you have chosen and made popular among the people, that makes me calm and Fire, lord of the action of the orator who is God. And o: are exempt from all the missing attributes. "


And demons, their sentences were completed as follows:

"Here. That what I said, you is my last word. I said what I said and all true. "


Before, the End, Zahir, abdomen, Praise be to Allah the Rabb of the Worlds. Our Lord God prophet Muhammad Salat get action. Likewise, it's taken too. Ashap also. Amen! Greetings to all the prophets. Rabb of the Worlds, which also re-Praise be to Allah.

[Muhyiddin-i Arabi / Seceret 'about the universe ul]



Every human being has two demons. These devils, demons depends on the biggest devil. In command of demons, evil people who refer to these devils, according to a person's soul and morals were shaped. Circulating in the veins of these people, the people they are connected. In the hands of people who are conscious of them, useful, and reward with Nurlu evil deeds, evil, useful, and reward with Nurlu start to see the deeds. Believe if these devils, helpful people, and reward with Nurlu refers to the act. Under the command of the devil, demons, a liar, a fake, saying they are incapable.


Traitors are cowards. Are all cowards, traitors and liars. Step up to the devil, the devil is man, who lived a life far from morality Mohammadi sure that they are cowards. Make sure that they are traitors, noise, confusion, hits the fans. There is no bravery in them. Nothing can talk to people face. In the crowd, crowded to the gossip and bicker their way to talk. The greatest weapon of the devil, and friendly, gossip and strife. They speak their truths and vague and allusive.


And the haunting demons of fear and hope people will give and how?


Satan carelessness -sleep and sensory organs of the state remains indifferent to everything- Immediately, or if directed to a sin of the soul enters the human body. To enter the heat spread to the body, blood mixing is easier. Satan, was created by heat from the fire spread to the heart of what is known and is very simple. Spread to the heart after a heart formed by the intensity of the sense organs are activated. Against anything to scare him, blood pressure begins to accelerate. Requests  be aware of this fear in your heart, and fear is unfounded and a mere specter of fear trying to suppress the fear of God understand that when they just wake up from carelessness.


Heedlessness the demons haunting moment, consciousness can not be closer to the People. That him, and heirs of the prophets does not create negligence case. Even sleep is worship, that they have. Although they sleep, because the eye and brain, the heart of God is clear. Careless, indifferent senses is the state of things and events. This case, as long as the person, people walking, talking, though that person is sleeping. Although some people obtain their essential needs, although this needs to move in the equation, is unaware. Unaware of, treason, and they do not lie, and thus stay away from fear.


If people look at demons that haunt the state will see the following. Constant distractions, forgetfulness and fatigue state. Their hearts the seeds of evil were struggling so much that has been the official state of carelessness. What this verse, Allah-i Kerime of people can affect, nor anything else. This also makes the people of prayer, fasting can also keep. But even with this prayer are negligent. Their five senses has been canceled. These things will wake up from carelessness, direct the heart, is the word of us. When they began to hear about that, a roaring in his ears at the beginning, then there was a yawning occurs. Humming in the ears, his last temptation of evil, delusion is the last seed. In the meantime, here inattentive, aggressive. This is the response of the idolaters of Mecca with. In the second case, inattentive, and esneyiş stretches out the devil. After this stage, unguarded, relaxed and relieved. When the pressure up on the devil's heart, your heart will soften and get us into that.


Hope and fear to reinforce the devil, makes it sound. If the opposite of fear is not a hope. Expectations of what is feared to enter the state. Hope, promise of things to be feared and fully believe, if it is a promise waiting to happen. These expectations to her laziness, laxity, and refers to stagnation, takes away from worship. Thus, people fear to fall away from the clutches of the heedless.


Tastes, shapes and patterns, are three factors that determine wear. Where color taste, elegance, designs, shapes character, his personality shows. When these three elements come together, wear out. Soul with a note that these three elements are related to people's own inner world. According to the person that can change things. They can not be fake. Stop following person is wearing and what suits him, he wore the same if the other party, may not suit him. Same color, pattern and shape similarity leads to wear. If Ayniyet [is similar], to human nature (the creation) is inconsistent. Wisdom of the test, requires separation. Because the pleasure, of self "to [the request to the feeling] is addressed. Tolerated (which are not forbidden things), as long as within, the soul must be satisfied. Because the soul has a right and it should not be persecuted. If the soul, is not tolerated-self-satisfied in the framework of disobey. State is not fulfilling the excess (excess is) that facilitates the work of the devil. He, however people in moments of excess and tephrite (excesses and below normal)  can be approached. Today Christians in the state in excess tephrite and it shows. If you are unsure of their ruhbanlık have found them. Because ruhbanlık, Soul "is contrary to the cruelty and nature. Kuşamı monks and nuns wear, away from the kind of flavor. Tephrite always and is the result of excess.


Color tastes, enjoy the Soul "will appeal to. Enjoyment of the same color of souls, souls that is against the separatists. He therefore, what everyone in black, no gray, color, etc.. can not be forced to wear. In the Golden Age already said there was no such thing. So everyone is the same color preferences. Later they are out-bidat freeze-and enjoying it has bidat. Each color has different tastes. These different colors, Soul "is a statement belongs to. Model: the red color of lust and wrath, with tones of blue and the color tolerance, dreams and desires of yellow, pink color lightness represents. Soul is a description of all the colors. Our intent here, not on color-depth explanation, people have to wear one color.


The second element kuşamda as clothing, characters will appeal. A matter related to mind is the character [is essential]. Shape, clothing kuşamda reflected in all human relationships is something. Mind, nature must always know the layout and shape are issues. Layout and shape of the mind, being smart is a must. Of mad, of meczup (who himself was caught on something), philosopher, and dervishes, or mind-that they had lost, or mind, get smart to live in Kaili-scattered clothing brings clarity to our words. People's intellectual level, social class is not the same, the same is not true to the dress. Shirt and pants of all the people we dream of what they wear hats, the resulting view of the landscape is not something to be digested. Wearing a white turban and white robes of people still wear all that we imagined. Emerging view is the same.


The third element in apparel design, will appeal to the spirit of elegance, whether represented. Person's sensitivity to subtle patterns in clothing is decided. Rude bad clothes, dirty minded, delicate, elegant clothes, clean spirit people. Geometric patterns, symmetry, cubic, natural shapes, always the desire of the soul, is an expression of enthusiasm and desire.


In-the-veil of clothing put together these three elements we'll be fine cleaning. Without the intention necaset setret already covered, that is to hide the dirt that covers the display and therefore are known to be clean. Ie necaset [jerk] to cover, nezahet [cleaning] is also in need to be revealed. In contrast, veiling, but nothing happens.


Spirit, grace, courtesy of mind, soul, weakness invites. The purpose of veiling is to hide the mess. All these reasons are connected to each other so that one omission, the other one stops. Veil to the testicles, the testicles will signify faith is evidence that the road shows. Otherwise, the threats and the greatest sin that Allah (CC) would signify to the common acceptance.


When it becomes a witness in that case, perhaps the worst ever so far has not seen. Work luti lute thy people who perished [male to male sexual relations], this nation has done, is an add lesbianism. The dirt is falling on every side from every direction. Oddities, such as getting a taste of dirt seems legitimate and reasonable. Believers, as is always the strange, mournful.


Certain limits of Islamic law. Men and women, various measures of intimacy. Our task within the framework of this particular dress. Men's wear, men will not relieve, must be in disgust. Vakarlı, decent. Women's clothing in the same way kuşamı. Shape, color, pattern set, the people itself. Men's clothing to form a human analogy, if he sent as a Mercy for all creatures Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi. What this teacher, what's sheikh, what this man ... Clothing kuşamımız, regardless of how well you maintain hayâmızı.


Clothing and fig, for people to live freely in society is essential. Because people, mosques' associations being established a presence. The gift is a great boon to human intelligence, along with the testicles  -Faith-  introduced. Testicles, is the only element that separates man from animals. Haya, all the ugliness, dirt def 'which is a light glow.


Is the opposite of everything. To better grasp the testicles, which are opposite to resort to necaset, so I need to understand. Necaset dirt considered whether the diagnosis, testicle incomprehensible. Our master of mine Aleyhisselatu Vesselam testicles, notice the following about the testicles are in a holy Hadith:''Faith is seventy-odd branches. At the top of the 'la goddess nuts' mentioned, one of the lowest in the way of a barrier removal is tortured. Testicle is of the faith''  ie testicles, not a cause, there are reasons why Allah, in which Allah has a goal to achieve. Faith is the light, opposite the zulümattır. Nurdan part of the testicle opposite the dirt, and is necaset. If it is considered the most filthy lot of people, great place to have the most delicious. This flavor, but the desire to create instant lust. If reluctantly, in a way şehvetsiz Although those nasty places or imagined though, people will wake up in disgust. By the way, the truth is that we need to be expressed. The person himself or someone else's sex organs should not see. Duct of organs because the dirt that gets light in the eye. Light is observed; zulümat sex organs. Night and day of each of these models, is the opposite. The existence of one, the other destroys. Spread from the testicles to the eye-to-face. Haya, people in the face. This face, with all that nasty place when you turn the testicle and goes along with faith. Today was special is available with a transgression in this matter. Married to it must be very careful.  See the testicles, and the chastity of our Lord Vesselam Aleyhisselatu mine, pak, meaning our mother say:''What I saw, what saw the news this''. Ambiguous words used in this matter, even in the note said. ''Because''these people are the same as famous proverb.


For a better understanding of the testicles and to cover the first man, Adam Aleyhisselam'ın need to refer to stories in heaven. Known as the Adam and Eve, our ancestors, lived in joy and happiness in heaven. Wisdom of the test requirement, a fruit that was forbidden to them. According to western Christian sources,''tree''information that is written in protected information levh-i, also known as destiny. In contrast, the''bad ağacı''dır by competent knowledge. Yeast with the same world. Everything in heaven, the world opposite, counter and purchase it. This tree is the tree of wheat. Wheat, whole fruits, vegetables, plants collected in itself is of the essence. Here, the devil's seduction renewed apprehension and wheat, had a weight of our mother Eve. This weight was the weight of dirt. Necaset, felt light ended, surprise ending with light sensation was born. At that moment Eve and Adam, our mother and our father was aware of privates. Private parts, ie, dirty places. The leaves of the trees there in heaven privates off. On this tree, fig tree. Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym God in the Qur'an: "O children of Adam! How ugly demon that your parents to show their locations if expelled from paradise, do not trouble you too suffered. Sadakallahül-Azıym. [Al-Araf, 27 verse] has commanded.


Testicles, is the opposite of filth and ugliness. Ore in the world and the''bad''is available in the human body. Need divine wisdom, light and can live in human zulümat. Heart of light, bed, bed zulümatın in the heart of the stomach and the stomach is connected to the organ. At the request of souls, the devil seduced world, namely the stomach, the heart can come to dominate.  If it comes to heart, stomach pressure, heart becomes zulümat bed. The clearest example of this, the mundane into the heart of any request that the earthly things that all of the time-is-bad  Light goes. If our ancestors did not eat the fruit if they were bad, zulümat people will never spread, people would not recognize necaset. There are many more secrets of divine wisdom, that our minds can not perceive it locked us. Decency in this matter should not exceed the limit. We need to know the world is that much needed to cover. Because it requires that people present in the testicles. Necaset to veil, veiling is a sign to the testicles. Ferdowsi what in the hell is in the cover. It 's because that is where all the curtains opened.


There are people in the creation of the testicles, to clean and to clean the cover, conditions have made it all away. Cover, it was understood in terms expresses a meaning. In contrast, however, than being a provocation and does not cause strife. This veiling, both men, and women are the same. The dimensions of our Lord brought Aleyhisselatu Vesselam, covers all the universe. Men's and women's veiling is a certain place. Against whom, who should be avoided, not to be needed are open to interpretation. Including the core and heart of a man's knee between the knee and intimate, her entire body except the face hands, shape recognition and body lines, will not feel as intimacy is. In covering the principles, not to fall into temptation and not reduced. Soul, body, control when you want to expose their private parts. Pointed to him or whether he should be flattered.


Flush a thousand different sizes and divine wisdom mind knowing that, when you feel helpless corpse remains. This inability, to obey God's commandments and worship is also reflected. Witnesses say that keeping God, we are entangled, unable to do anything with our willpower, intellect, wisdom to do the same with the incapacitated person wrapped the corpse in the situation we're paralyzed.


To be understood that the purpose of covering the issues of obedience to the commandments of God, that worship is born. If the purpose is incomprehensible, because you are stuck to the complex and detours, the worship, righteousness, the perversion, infidelity, the road turns from the slings and stems making them. All relationships in the life of a ball in the world because this style, is on going.


Today by clowns sometimes funny, sometimes frightening if clothing is available. Clothing should be considered one of the elements kuşamda middle. That is what smart enough to provoke what should not be dispersed enough to be despised. This applies to both women and men for. Already forced the woman except to go out, size-pos show is objectionable.


Tobacco wrapped in paper, dried grass obtained smoking, burning, breathing through the mouth of a drink is taken. Smoking, smoking is the smoke. Smoke, before the lungs and from there through the blood to all parts of the body, toes will spread to the skull. Accessible anywhere in the smoke reaches the blood. Heart and blood vessels to the brain-at-home blood vessels, and veins is, they are passing through the smoke more. The very heart and brain thus shows the effect. Effective drugs are medically determined to light the smoke, the definitive agreement is the heart and brain cells. As with all foods and beverages stomach, where nicotine is stored. Stored excess of nicotine, is thrown out through the intestine.


Fat burning properties of nicotine, which melts in the cell. Cells that die from oil occurred. As thought is not caused by nicotine habit. Habits, smoking is caused by the interior shape. From this figure and enthusiasm, and may change. All the enthusiasm is of habit. -Soul of enthusiasm "from flesh-requests can change over time.


Human heart, the mind in terms of being the center of the light and darkness [zulümata] is open. Light and darkness [zulümat], because it was dripping into your heart, out in the same proportion. Light, when light represents the dark [zulümat] represents the dark. Bathed in the light of heart, with God's grace and will be offered. In the dark [zulümatta] the devil's slave, becomes the subject. Of nicotine poisoning, burns the light drops. Back to the darkness [zulümat] remains. people with heart and body servant of Satan is an order.


Nur did not permeate the heart, which is always opposite the dark [zulümat] is full. Such a heart is the devil and his assistants set up the throne. Devil's food, according to known and well-known news, animal droppings, human waste, bones, ash and sewage that is everything. Fresh foods into the human body and aids the devil hates. I love them that is something dirty and harmful. Nicotine is one of Satan's favorite food. These foods in the stomach and aids the human body as long as the devil out of the impasse.


Fed with toxic smoke and the devil, the people residing in the stomach leads. Smokers, smoking is still the devil-gin-long stays in the body. Many secular and mystic of this genus which cause disease, science, faith and workers would be infested.


Cigarette smoke, nicotine poisoning include the brain, the concentration of the province is mania. I have deployed non-smokers''public opinion, public opinion let's deal.''They say, is a true statement. Idea is to public opinion. Ideas, with dignity would actually represent the ladder. In the absence of science ideas do not. Ideas, reasoning power, and is a judge with truth that separates the West. In the absence of this force is confused with truth and falsehood, and''The greatest sin that Allah (CC) consists of''public acceptance.


The devil's always in the human body, heart and inspiration of the ideas to break the specter of the greatest sins that Allah (CC) is the start of public acceptance. A restless heart, someone else to fear, to hope that someone else, someone else will start to recognize them big. Delusion, demonic seeds are distorting the faith. Paranoid schizophrenia, phobias, hallucinations and psychological cliches like the illusion with a variety of diseases, disorders that are the cause of the evil specter. Distributed to public opinion the devil who raised the inspiration, the delusions of faith disturbing, a number of unfounded fears living. This devil is in the stomach and ran away scared billâh'tan eûzu sabitlenip heart is not well established. Verse-i Kerime eûzu billahi because of a refuge against external SATA. In the castle, it goes out the demons who live in remote mansion. But its output is to expel evil from the body. If the escape itself, if it continues, continue to take refuge in the body. Heart of this evil, the body's control of the palace, all organs of the body as long as it does praise; know that great. Because it enlarges the body to give a false fear, laziness, laxity, and the flavor is grateful for the language.


Non-addict who is the greatest sin to God (CC) partners are not far from acceptable. Body, heart and the language is filthy. Faith is clean, dirt will not accept. If a dirty heart and pray,  not responded to pray. Because Allah is clean. With fresh, cooked does not respond to the call.


With faith in the heart of carelessness that is an evident drop in and drop out. Enter an unawareness that faith and human interests, and always a temptation of sin. Repent from behind, heedless of the costs and believe the light enters. Because of carelessness of the fire, that fire in the form of black smoke that is fast for input and output. Believe that the nurdan, while the light is known to be cool. Input / output is slow because of the coolness of the faith.


Circulating in the arteries of cigarette smoke at the moment, the moment of self to listen to the taste, enters into a mess. From this moment of self with the devil to tempt, to less, anxiety begin. The effect of cigarette ends now, into the heart begins to believe again. One at the end of each cigarette,  The discarded butts and feet under a state of remorse from the moment consists of all smokers are known. That state of repentance and faith in the light of the invite. Change with the light of negligence, each of them by burning continues smoking. When the nicotine demon of self desire, will feed him. When you feed fear into your heart and hope to the many seeds of sugar. For every non-evil one continues to live in the arteries.


There are around 5000 in the non-toxic materials. In general, the nicotine in cigarettes is addictive substances known to. In fact, a substance found in cigarettes are not addictive. What's funny is not it? so why not leave one?  The article called the''inside''of smoking akineton nerves fray at the seams, the numbness wakes up and causes damage. Cigarette smokers who want to get angry when he thinks Chill. But contained more than. This is because in the''substance''of the nerve vessels akineton warning is caused by stress and wear. So that we become even more frustrated. akineton medicine to get rid of the influence of substances as many drugs have been released today. In fact, none of them do not have to. To get rid of non-renewal of blood vessels and nerves can be used to soften the vitamins. Those who think smoking is adding vitamins b1 + b6   (+ B12 vitamin is also helpful if people) can get rid of this scourge using. So that you do not have to pay a higher amount for this vitamin. 30 for the price of a pack of cigarettes b1 + b6 vitamin tablets are sold in all pharmacies. Whether side effects can learn from the pharmacy. Quit smoking will only be asked if the drug, or for not knowing about it for such an effect is not an explanation will not say. One tablet per day / full stomach. Depreciation of vessels and nerves to affect your body time may vary depending on resistance.


But I already have a strong will and a firm faith in the medicine, this issue should not need all of us. All of us.


There are two organs in the human body that one of the world, and the other represents the Hereafter. One of them is impaired when the attachment is in the other extreme. When corruption is one of the other effects. This effect is not a simple contrast is great. This organ is the heart and stomach. Go to any part of the stomach food affects the body's control of the heart. The heart is the fact that all other organs than the heart, is tafsil, and declared that the heart is the one explaining.


Folk songs, as originally forbidden. Imam-ı Rabbani Faruk Serhendi''is forbidden to sing. Forbidden pleasure to hear from folk songs. What is music, song, sing like one,''he ordered like they are abused.


Is forbidden in public affairs, had been so simple nowadays that, been reduced almost to the level of halal. Songs, folk songs and like all music, regardless of content, structure due to the volume, is forbidden! Words such as locked in some of the association and not think of a smart, self-noise is forbidden because of the timbre. By comparing the contents of the sacred poem poem-tolerated considering the extent of tunes such as folk songs sung those words were put into the same extent. Wrong wrong. In fact the music is melody. This is a tune that spread in the ear directly to the heart is breaking. There is another spoken poem in music that takes influence on the heart rather than poetry. Effect of the intent, that weakness should be known. Yes, music weak heart, draws rapidly to the desired direction. Including women, abroad, separation, death, love, Vuslat, longing, no matter what occurs, melodies from the weight, the effect is due to just take heart in that direction.


Ears, eyes and other senses, including, above all, is more effective. Reasons, the ear to the brain and heart by the veins is more active and immediate. Therefore, the word testimony does not appeal to eyes and other organs, but will appeal to the ear.


Music tastes of the heart, can not get flavor from the Koran. The Qur'an does not affect a listening ear. A heart in love with music, gospel and the Koran can not understand the warnings.


Any of the singers, the people who buy any tape, know that God is addressed to the following verse:

Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. There are quite some people that know not veer from the path of Allah and mocked him saying to get the entertainment they purchase. Here they have a humiliating punishment. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Lokman time, 6 verse]


Without any need for interpretation of this verse is obvious that the music belongs to.  Exploration and research in line with the consensus among scholars is their news. Also music, forbidden by all religions is a fact for sure.


O my ears accustomed to receiving from the music tastes and listening to the passionate heart of the tune, you gotta know how simoom dried leaves and pour the music killing you in the same way. Music, lust, rebellion, inciting feelings of grief and scale to another does not work. Music, friendship is the devil.


Which aggravates the stomach, break things, cola and carbonated beverages are. Of the stomach, adherence to the heart, the commander is known. Carbonated beverages, ethyl alcohol or caffeine content that is not like the results is not permitted because of the ugliness. Wasting of the stomach is already filled to repletion. Use of this drink is also packed is to facilitate the digestion of the stomach. Also, drink the gas, is in the mouth, causing belching. Gas is already plenty of food. It from below or burp or fart from above through the emergence of drinks, which come to mind, and like religion? Drink now or not this brand, because it is the function of disgust is mekruh. Anyone with experience has confirmed this truth. Cause burping that even indicates it's revolting. Burping also prohibited by all religions, especially Islam, has resulted in forgiveness from Allah.


Now, today's diet cola and fizzy drinks, let's drink to share some information about:


Diet Coke


Soda cans over "cold drink"Letter to taste unwritten. The following diet coke about a post there. Events in the U.S. is running out. But as you know in Turkey and many other diet Pepsi and diet Coca-Cola drink. You If you smoke after reading change your mind'm sure.


In October 2001 my sister was very ill. He had stomach cramps, had difficulty walking, walking was a problem in itself. I would eat it just to get out of bed, there was so much pain.


Biopsies were taken in March 2002 and began taking 24 different medications. Doctors did not find what it is in itself. There was so much pain and she was so sick that he knew was dying. Preparations began. House, bank accounts, life insurance and other things, has recorded the name of their eldest daughter and eldest daughter of a small child to be helped with. The last was a pleasure to live, so on March 22 (to be provided in the wheelchair) was planning to go to in Florida. On March 19 passed the test to find out how I called him. Something not found in tests, but in his MS (multiple sclerosis) that they are thinking, he said. Was very surprised, as after my friend sent me an e-mail and I remember an article that asked:

"Do you drink diet drinks?" "yes"He said, at that moment that one open and inside was about to say, not to open and diet soft drink told her not to mention the article by e-mail he sent. Phone calls us 32 hours later called me, diet soft drink has left and walk able, climb stairs can and muscle spasms of disappeared, he said. Good, but he definitely much better feel. Article doctors to show and back home call me when he said. I called the doctor is very impressed, and other MS patients in the artificial sweetener (aspartame) that if asked said he was going. A shell in the diet soft drinks in 'aspartame' and slowly dying poisoned by article.

March 22 in Florida, when ta-took one pill, which would poison pill against the road-improvement and was able to walk!

Without a wheelchair!

Had this article saved her life.

Life-saving article:

Label "unsweetened"Do not even think to write if you never use! Nutra sweet ',' equal 'and' Spoonful 'and marketed brands''aspartameAbout "the world environment conference in the few days I spoke. EPA for an article in 2001 in the United States of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus epidemic is, what poison it spread to become lead the understanding can not be been specified. I got up and fully on this subject I said I want to give information. aspartame is so dangerous Let me explain why:

This artificial sweetener of the heat of 86 º F (30 º c. 1fahrenheit 8.1 cantigrad degrees. 32 º F 0 º C) levels reached the inside of methyl alcohol, formaldehyde, then formic acid is transformed, and this metabolic asidosise leads. the other conditions in methanol poisoning is similar to multiple sclerosis. Physicians are people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in error. While MS does not lead to death of methanol poisoning is fatal!

(Bottles, cans "cold drink"Is written. More must be said:"If a cold drink you being poisoned."), Systemic lupus almost least of multiple sclerosis as widespread as has become, especially diet Coke (Coke, Coca-Cola registered a second name), and diet pepsi smokers between! Victims often blame the aspartame does not know.'s Continues, lupus is no longer life-threatening level reaches. Diet drinks after leaving systemic lupus patients asistematik become what they saw. multiple sclerosis diagnosed patients (in fact, these methanol poisoning patients, respectively) symptoms often disappear. Opinions ability recovered and hearing the significant improvements we have seen. that tinnitus in cases of valid, respectively. a speech in my "aspartame if you are using (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc.). and fibromalji, spasms, sudden pain in the legs numbness, cramps, vertigo, nausea, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, speech impediments blurred vision or memory loss you probably suffer from symptoms of aspartame patients. People fly up during a conversation "I also have some of these symptoms. Is it possible to get rid of this?"They asked. Yes! Diet soft drink if you do not, and food labels written in the aspartame word if you notice, yes! Very serious problem faced. An alien Bay Espisto'ya (speakers one of) and come to me and said," why so many people MS said that I can tell you, "he said. One hospital we visited during a nurse heavy diet Coke addicts, the six friends in all AD problems had said. This coincidence beyond the situation was! Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, etc..


Diet Coke is a diet product! According to congressional reports, and causes the accumulation of carbohydrates makes you fat. Formaldehyde is stored in fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs has accumulated. Dr. Roberts, a time when these products leave etc without the extra games within the trial period the patient had lost 19 pounds said. Aspartame, particularly dangerous for diabetics. The doctors think that patients with retinopathy had a chat, in fact the cause of symptoms in patients aspartamdı. to exit from aspartame causes blood sugar control.  Therefore, the protein in diabetic patients without other amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine groups neurotoxic agents complain about memory loss is due to become. aspartic acid and phenylalanine blood brain barrier and brain neutrons and is destroying, diabetes (diabetic patients without a) various types of brain damage, seizure, state, depression, manic depression, panic attacks, rage and violence is causing. (Gulf war fought thousands of men and women consume aspartame diet coke and diet pepsi in the well-known Gulf War Syndrome may be the reason)


(The first Iraq war) Dr. Roberts of birth defects that are consumed during pregnancy and early in pregnancy can cause mental retardation has warned. Children are particularly at risk in terms of neurological disorders and NutraSweet (artificial sweeteners) should not use. nutrasweet'e depending on state and other seizure disorders in children can explain the various patients. Unfortunately, the disorder in mothers of children aspartama depends not always easy to convince. Trial-and-error method, but with the other mothers holding their children's health they can warn you about. Glucose metabolism (which is ideal for diabetics) and artificial sweeteners do not help the plant Stevia a sweet FDA approved by a diet product. MONSANTO'Or, as they are connected FDA fresh food was ignored for years.


Existing literature on this subject:

excitotoxins: the taste that kills [kill the taste] Dr. Russell Blayblock  (Health press) and the Defense Against Alzheimer's Disease [defense against Alzheimer's disease] Dr. H. J. Roberts. Dr. Roberts is also a diabetic specialist. Deadly effects of aspartame, these two doctors indicating where a study of patients with broadcasting on the internet. According to American College Of Physicians Conference "this fatal neurological disease caused by poisoning outbreaks are talking about." the problem is this: there is aspartame found in 100 different products available on the congress theses. After the first argument to the two theses were presented sequentially, but it did not help. Nothing was done. Of drug and chemical lobbies are very full pockets. This article is currently available in more than five thousand products are exhausted and sick! Monsanto, the manufacturer of aspartame, this I am sure you know how deadly it is. Many organizations, as well as the American Diabetes Association, American Dietetic Association, American Medical School are funding the conference. New York Times that was published in the newspaper, but it did not help. These associations can not criticize any additives or to explain the connection with Monsanto because they can not take money from the food industry and they have to support their products.


Senator Howard Hetzenbaum all infants, pregnant women and children, wrote an article warning about the dangers of aspartame. In this article, the current problems in society (seizures carpet, the changes in brain chemistry, neurological and behavioral disorders, symptoms) about the independent studies also took place. This article by the powerful drug and chemical lobbies have been destroyed, so that people who do not carry any doubts were left helpless in the face of illness and death.


Coca Cola's last game:

-Turkuaz/Damla Truth-

On the way home last night I went to the store to buy water.

"He asked the clerk: 1.5 liters Do you have water? But Turquoise / Drop out, please"


Turquoise / drop out in this way since it was taking on water. Poor pay and have no intention to drink water. The man said they would transfer the same market:


'I do not sell that water. believe that the customer, nine-tenths you say what you say, "So why still sell I asked. Turquoise / Dripping water, to markets free offers. Satan if you pay dirt, you sell if you do not just looks. But I sell do not, because the space available".


No longer need to say, no one does not receive, can not sell to anyone.

Please read, then read! I want to draw your attention to something. In Turkey, some bottled water is not potable water and natural resources. You need to pay to the state waters of the natural resources, + very high investment cost of this facility. Thus, for example, Coca Cola What did he do? UU from the spring water found in their research costs are high for Bursa / Kestel at Coca Cola plant, deep well pumps that pull water on the plains of  tersosmos'dan and by filtering the spent Coca Cola beverages as well as the Turquoise / Drop 've started bottling. Turquoise / Drop 's label tapes make sure to brown the top and bottom. Writing table drinks. State, Coca Cola's awareness and vigilance to keep the law to eliminate objections to be made to such a rule would remove. Thousands of acres of the agricultural land is located and Coca-Cola than any business deeper wells pump driving permits are not in Keszthely in the plains, through underground drainage, filter whether or later into some minerals after joining Turkey's most remote towns, even being sold and is inside. In some towns and villages, summer is almost Turquoise / Drop will not find non-potable water. Because a very strong distribution network. Even when print dealers got in the way sensations. Turquoise / Drops are going to continue to drink, do not forget. Are an artificial water. Sensitive issues as a citizen would like to draw your attention to. Everywhere in the country filled with natural spring water, well water, forcing people to drink and are also taking on the currency.

[Cemalettin Camci Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Firat University]


Note: Bursa industrialization and agriculture are concentrated in a zone of Coca Cola's wells pumped and pulled the base to the water, especially pesticides to what types of chemicals and carcinogenic substance was involved, and tersosmos method and the substance to what extent treatment Please be well thought of.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. O ye who believe! Do Jews and Christians for friends. Each other because they are an friendly. Them for a friend who, if you have them. Verily Allah does not guide the wrong-doing. Sadakallahül-Azıym

[Maide Suresi, 51 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Unless you adhere to their religion, never satisfied with what you are not Jews nor Christians. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Baqarah, 120 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Islam is the religion in the sight of God. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Al-i Imran, 19 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Believers! My enemy, your enemy is your friend, not who. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Mümtehine Surat, 1 verse]


Jews in different regions of Coca-Cola advertisement ...

Coca-Cola drink, to support Israel!


Did you know that!


The entire company of his wife was transferred to the Israeli army.


Most Muslims around the world as Coca-Cola lovers.


Belgium Health Minister Luc Van Den Bossche'nin Coca-Cola 's of all the products in bottles or boxes were ordered withdrawn from the market. And the ministry's, Coca-Cola products on their inner noted in people with serious poisoning, the Coca-Cola 's in the melt which causes red blood cells in the blood and cause anemia'hemolyse'The article explains that the found.


Coca-Cola logo from the Arabic translation of the opposite! "La Mohammed la Mecca! "Muhammad does not exist! No Mecca!


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Surely the unbelievers are your open enemy to you. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Nisa, 101 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. If you afford them, until I get back from your religion, you shall continue to fight against you. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Baqarah, 217 verse]


Coca-Cola's taste is different from other starch that is preferred by so many people know the truth.


COCA COLA, said the secret!


Soon after the blood of people will read the information frozen kind. How we sleep and health for years play vicdansızca will witness how openly. Hang on tight, you'll leave comments entirely.


In Turkey, even for the first time on September 15, 2006 against Coca Cola, for an explanation of the contents of the case was opened in Antalya, the Consumer Court.


In lawsuits, which center in Atlanta and in 1886 Dr. Ph.. John S. Pemberton to operate by July, and later the American-Jewish friendship is a fine example of the Coca-Cola, with 120-year history, "to explain to anyone, anywhere in the world"He was going to explain that the secret? 3 of the lawsuits filed on March 19, 2007 hearing was held.


Hang on tight now. This, "to explain to anyone, anywhere in the world"So-called secrets were open but most of the mass media in Turkey and the world body did not take much more seriously. "That a large organization, is engaged"Understanding of the case, why are prevented under the lens. Also imagine that the TV channels 20-30 second short ads for the millions of dollars in their pockets downloading and all the people of this cake valued while, because a documentary or a news program, you arm the people gave this disgusted the damage described would they?


Yes. After all, Coca-Cola's advertising budget has greatly. Let's deal could come on at work. But remember that those companies who make this point again, we'll consumers. What happens once I do not say N to get coke, and do not put your life on a more simplified look, tell your children, then this company can still continue to grow?


They want any kind "value"They will play the game. Will shame them, but you'll only consumers. Out your voice. You will not ask questions. In short, the replacement will be stupid! How much worse is not the case? However, these fraudsters to flatter, call down, in fact we are always in the hands of the people. Why these fraudsters? We speak so heavy why? Why is then that they are dishonest and less than tinsel looks very good arm will understand what it is actually!


Hang on tight, put your eyes open for and please do not be fooled anymore! Coca Cola secret hidden here:

He held the secret formula of Coca-Cola extract, in fact, a variety of insects [Cochineal] is a liquid obtained by crushing.


Cochineal; Canary Islands and is an insect living in Mexico. Replicated in their natural environment as a cultivated culturally.


Cactus plant life will continue to adhere to the tick.


These insects and larvae, collected by the Mexican peasants. This insect eggs extracted from female or to a paint pigment, "Carmine" is called. Cochineal insects are like the dried version of raisins, dried bugs! Dried by the villagers, and is beaten. Peasants, with the classic method for their needs remain Aztekler'den, insect extracts, one of the world's most beautiful colors, "Carmine" I produce.

The Aztecs and the Latins, the dye obtained from insects, ropes were used to paint (!)


Water is extracted by crushing. Such a beautiful color and has a different taste that people in this mess, even when they feel in a big sense of relief. This article is even worse, if taken in excess, just like the highly addictive drug and people inside refutes the long term. If you come inside I still believe you can convince a very short time of experiments. Just a little bit of red meat from the butcher on the forehead and pour easily. Not much, how coal is 50-10 seconds later you will amazement. Our request is that if non-persuasion: You are of course free arm inside your stomach, but at least the young kids that can not stand it and make sure you know at least they avoid the drinking of cola!


This article extract all the starch is from! Does it matter what brand that Coke?


Before the Supreme Court of India, on the grounds that it is harmful to the health of cola ban was a step in the direction. In Latvia, behind Coca Cola and Pepsi were banned in elementary schools. Banned in some schools in Britain and Ukraine.


Our country in particular has been banned from City Performing Arts Center.


Now we'll talk about an ugly situation, at least until the Cochineal beetle. 23 years working in the Coke factory, the transfer of any description of this very seriously indeed the human mind and the stomach is upside down.

"Your known cola drink called licorice is the most basic raw material for animal feeding with licorice root and are located in the mouse. For large companies that produce tons of licorice root are collected in buckets. They collect a ton of trouble for a while to extract the mice were not sure. Therefore, licorice root, are pressed together with the mouse in, (is crushed), only the skin, feet, legs, parts are extracted through a sieve. Of the water next to licorice mouse blood, gastric juice, etc.. As the fluids are mixed, the blood of mice in a color close to black color is not a problem for the aesthetic. The company produces coke, coke and chemical methods, this asshole trying to make it harmless to health at this time, they use a variety of chemicals are poisoning people with long-term official. "


People describe this event, running for 23 years, even a glass of cola did not drink. Moreover, within their own family, especially as not all the love they did not drink this crap. Poisoning of the people who later served for many years, this company has done just as drug dealing was regretted.


Carmine Cochineal beetle that is water, from the Jewish "Kosher Certificate" for failing to take significant business has faced an obstacle. Forbidden by Muslim scholars in the Hanafi fiqh is considered. Coca-Cola's sales on the other hand is the best country in the Middle East are Muslim countries. The coke consumption in other developed Pleiades is not even half of all you here. What is so interesting?


Internet http://tr.wikipedia.org from the "Cochineal" Did the information accessible by typing the search.


If there are still those who want to drink, do it behind the ears can be very serious information. But at least old enough to listen to our children not to drink! Kolasız days!


After that, water, soda, drink, buttermilk-lemon drink. Or, what we do. The inner arm, millions of people can not be mistaken. It does not mislead millions of insects.


This means that with our own money with our own hands, insects, water we drink and the blood of mice.


O humankind, O Lord Ahmed Mahmoud Mohammed Mustafa Aleyhisselatu Vesselam ummah.


We are the End Times.


We drink in every sip, every bite we swallow is the forbidden. There is blood.  Among the products we currently consume are in completely wasted. Over the world, many people most of our Muslim brothers eat a morsel of bread, even vulnerable they are and fully exploit was at this time; Aleyhisselatu Vesselam our Lord had commanded to:''Muslims Muslim religion is the sister''hadith Do not you know you that the world on our Muslim brothers case and persecution of our knowledge In case without waiting for anything, and furthermore, without shame, I still can my Muslim. How is it that Islam, religion of persecuting our brothers, who exploit them, occupying their homeland, the servant of Antichrist, we are fed.


Do have a second and before I forget let me tell you something.


We condemn this situation is not it? We only condemn!


We are all children of the devil, we bow to all servants of the Antichrist, we collaborate with them we are the servants of the Antichrist.


Just a day in Istanbul One-half million piece of bread is going to waste you know? Days in Turkey 12 million bread goes to waste. Days only in Turkey 12 million bread go to waste if the world is going to waste a day think about how many millions of bread. But he gives all his money is not it? Wow us for us! Give us the grace of our Lord, please think of ourselves.


7 Powers has a reputation for our ancestors, Islam, Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Lord our Lord, be communicated to us that our religion or has three continents, many martyrs have given our ancestors the name of Islam, but we did not fall into such zındıklık.


Wow us for us! Wow us that our Islam, our own brothers we are the occasion for the shedding of their blood, although some of us knew that some of us know that despite their slavishness are servants of the Antichrist.


A drop of blood spilled by Muslims in the world today we have the crime and blame.

We all do every day of our Muslim brothers in their blood. Us.

Religion can not claim in this case, still, "I'm Muslim" and enemy units can also be instrumental in the death of the religious sisters who are still without shame "I'm Muslim"He who shame on you.


ALLAH [cc] is to repent of all sins can be forgiven only servants were duly reported to peace should not come?

Wow us in our case that the world has come over the whole nation in the past that they have done all the perversions that we are living in the End Times, the nation is doing. We are people that have come from the past, been destroyed nation punishable by a penalty greater than.






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