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THIS world, THIS generation from all directions, the signs of the Apocalypse from EVERY direction!

THIS world,  THIS generation from all directions, the signs of the Apocalypse from EVERY direction!
Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Hypocrites come to you they say: we bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah, they say. Surely Allah knows that you, O Prophet of writing. God knows the hypocrites that they are absolutely false. Their oath to shield and side drew from the path of Allah. They do what they are really bad!  This is because they believe and then disbelieve before. Hearts have been sealed so. Now they do not understand at all. When you see them like that mold. You can listen to the words they speak. Leaning against the wall as if they are like index. They think themselves to be against all the noise. They are the enemy. Beware of them. Let God take their lives. How do we get? Them: 'Come, the Messenger of Allah's forgiveness for you, you, at any time and your turn their heads, they see the arrogance away.  Forgiveness to them you say, it is also a language you can not. God will not forgive them, surely. Allah does not guide the way out of the community. They say: 'Allah's Messenger spent next to nothing for those who do not let it break away from those. Yet the treasures of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. But the hypocrites do not understand it.  They say: 'Ant whether, if we return to Medina, on the poor thing out there will surely' they said. Whereas the actual rule, but Allah, the Prophet and the believers. But the hypocrites know not. O ye who believe! Your property and children distract you from remembrance of Allah. Who do so, they are the losers. Death to any of you come and say: 'O my Lord! Close to me and a good time to give alms for the delay if I! 'Say, before we give you the sustenance from the expenditure. God's appointed time comes, no one does not postpone the death of. Allah is Aware of what you do. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Münafikun]



THIS world  THIS generation from all directions, the signs of the Apocalypse from EVERY direction!


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Now they, their sudden arrival of doomsday-hour wait for someone else you do. That was the sign. Sadakallahül-Aziym.

[Time of Muhammad, 18 verse]


Satan has always denied the specter of giving the force of the heart increases. It is the denial that people have degrees, to scare the hell alone explained about, if what is said about heaven, they think false incentives. Adapts to the desires and lust. Comply with sharia, and they shall look upon those foolish and humble; deceived, fell into the trap they say.

[Chemistry-t Felicity, Imam Ghazali, page 84]


Most people probably do not seriously feather will break.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. I do not think the break would doom-hours. If I though it would be returned to my Lord, surely I'll find the results better than this. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Al-Kahf, 36 verse]


Apocalyptic portents occur after each other. Like beads on a series of repeatedly breaking.

 [Ramuz El e-Hadith, page 277, Camiü's-deaf]


Judgement of the proliferation of the signs of adultery.

[Bukhari, Tecrid'i, page 16]


Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and others narrated from Abu Hurairah in Anh'dan Radiyallahu Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Lord;

"Eye of adultery for women is to look at the non-confidential. Adultery of the ears, to listen to the words to be allowed to rest. The language of adultery, is to speak things that are forbidden to speak. Adultery of the hand, to touch something that is forbidden. Go to the adultery of the feet are not allowed to go anywhere. The adultery of the heart has a wish and desire " they command.


Effendi brought Aleyhisselatu Vesselam measurement, covering the entire universe is in reality. Men's and women's veiling is a certain place. Against whom, who should be avoided, not to be needed are open to interpretation. Including the core and heart of a man's knee between the knee and intimate, her entire body except the face hands, shape and body lines will not be certain, will not feel the way is confidential.


Or Esma, women, girls entered adolescence with his hand now face should not appear elsewhere.

[Ravi: Hz. Radiyallahu Anha A'ishah, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 493]


O women! But not in marriage, domestic Confirmation of the close relatives of men who are forbidden to talk to. Do not talk to those without.

[Ravi: Hz. Radiyallahu Anh Hassan, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 469]


Men and women look like women to look like men.

[Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the End Times, page 451]


Men like women to dress, this time dressed, groomed with the idea. Trousers for women, like men, wearing suits, their hair is cut short.


The men wear women's clothes, men wearing women's clothes to fuck!


Art artist under the name of those who are into all kinds of costume at this time. Women disguised as men, women disguised as men are.


Men trying to look like women, women trying to look like us are not men!

[I.. Ahmed]

Many of the women trying to act like men, to show themselves strong, to prove themselves. "I am, I'm stronger, I'm different" for the. There are those who try to resemble men, not women? Everyone's life itself, everyone has the right to choose the way decisions and living at this time.


The men act like women, men who treat women like shit!

[Imam Bukhari]


Women like men who like women and men with God curse you!

[Imam Taberani]


Men and women look like women to look like men.

[Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the End Times, page 451]


Even men are made up, especially artists, who advocated modernity. Basically do not even have all kinds of care. As men and women, their hair is cut. Hz. The time of Prophet Eyyub one reason women's hair would be cut. Not only of adultery, the husband who cheated on their women's hair would be cut. This time he cut his own hair, does not it? Entire body except the hands and faces of women, although it is privy to all eyes turn her head to the cause is adultery, is on a hair cut, dye does. We are living in the modern era, but we all, modernity is no longer so, not everyone is so dressed up?


Hz. Radiyallahu Anha Esma explains:''A woman came Effendi Vesselam Aleyhisselatu Messenger:''my daughter was caught smallpox and was balding. I had to marry him, I do taka wig? "He asked. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

Insert the plug until''God damn stop sign was on!''He replied.

[Bukhari, Libas, 83.85; Muslim, Libas, 115, 2122. Hadith; NESA, 71 Ritual, Qutb-i Sitte]


Do not wear a wig? Both men and women are wearing wigs.


Abbas al-u Radiyallahu Anh said:''who wore a wig, put the, who studied eyebrows, eyebrows investigated, tattooing and the tattooing was cursed.''

[Abu Dawood, Tereccül 5, 4170. Hadith, Qutb-i Sitte]


God, his face painted and decorated to the road until the road to stop sign [make-up and face area of the hair] do not give a damn.

[Ravi: Hz. Radiyallahu Anha A'ishah, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 347]


For fashion and beauty, pleasant to look, to be modern, while the men even have eyebrows investigated, both women and men viewed her eyebrows are not they pick? We are the modern age! Are in the information age!


That what a woman, then crawled out and smell the scent of a community to be heard, if passed, her minister also said he loaded the sin of adultery.

[Ravi: Hz. Abu Musa Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 178]


When we hit the street next to women going through what we have perfume and fragrance we smell. Unless both the odor and the scent lasted until the sin of adultery is loading. They asked the men if you memorize the following sentence; "Sins of men than women will be asked", Do not even care about the rest. Women are free to do what you want if you ask.


The man continued adultery is as pagan.

[Ravi: Hz. Enes Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El Ehadis / Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 236]


If adultery and take interest in a town square, the people of his district have earned the right to become God's punishment.

[Ravi: Hz. Anh Radiyallahu Ibn Abbas, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 54]


Place should be on the wane, and change the way both are essential to oil the stone. Said, "What this nation Resulallah?" He said: "Yes, their singer concubines see, they adultery lawful count, they interest eat, they Harem [Mecca] from hunting and silk to wear halal counted, they, and men with men, women, relations with women when they entered."

[Ravi: Hz. Ibn Umar Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 464]


The person committing adultery, fornication, while not believing. Believers who are not drinking wine as well. While also believing that theft is not theft, looting and nobody has a position which is not a believer while looting. Such a pillage that the audacity of that man is amazed at people's eyes because it is erected. [In Muslim narrated from Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh'dan "When you steal something from the spoils of a believer is not your. Aman Beware Beware" There are additional.]

[Ravi: Hz. Abdullah Ibn-i Evfa Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 488]


The person committing adultery, fornication, while not believing. According to this provision, which is on permanent head, the eyes of women who commit adultery are infidels! They operate continuously because of adultery! What's up with the language Muslims claim that Islam does not pass beyond their throats if they are the only words remain.


Allah is the place to be covered periodically stops at the stop sign to the minister to get the curse.

[Ravi: Hz. Hasan Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 347]


Exactly as the Messenger of Allah says:  "Hell of the People as a group, however, a number of them are women."

"How Ya Resulallah women?"

"Wear a dress over them, but they [There is a dress over them, left out in the buff, right], They wear open, wrapped up, but just a naked woman dressed to look like everyone is taking over. Just like the naked male attracts the female gaze. Had a narrow leg pants, for example, had put her body like a mold from plaster, front and rear with all eyes on the perineum and the pattern that women have poured into the pavement. Even wearing trousers, even though what wear if worn you, how much wear the dress if the dress you, your body image, figuring from the front or rear body lines are revealed if the god of this woman, wrapped does not say, barren judge does! What's going on in this state? Are inclined towards these women? Who? For themselves, they run around naked, get other guys looking at us are so inclined! The women in these clothes, 'Let's everybody looking at me do you see? " he, she or someone else is looking at women. Do you always see the eyes? The threats launched out of sight, has raged around today! In this state, a woman, dress, dress him the attention you so dressed woman, back to the locker of a woman, fine clothes and Sile glands shirts made and wore a woman ... naked entangled provision arising out of this woman, this costume, this attitude, the manner in terms for the rebellion to God is no different from a red flag! Close ALLAH, hood, hide the women in the case is opened, pouring out, is revealing. What does this state? "O God, you said you wanted to cover up, and I do not accept you, God, I'm dressing out, my own clothes I'm using a red flag" he! How could settle for making such a Muslim? He has repeatedly tend! To him, looking at it, men are inclined to it! Is forced to look at! Draws attention! Attracting lust! The heads of these women, hair, heads the same way like the camel's hump form. [Bubbles hair salon in the others, makes some scanning, some are falling, others are inflated, all types ...] have just described the Messenger. Behind the said provisions. Of these going, their clothes, unless you repent of their sins, by Jove, this woman will not enter into heaven! God will show them the smell of paradise, will not look, will not announce! Do you see what looks so terrible? What to look great! Killer look how much? This happens on all of the provisions eyes Do you see? Happens on the eyes!


Graduated from the University of the. What it takes care that the college? Obedience to God's provision of no value unless the 100 but does not express them finished college! See, this is our values and our terms! Muslim has to believe it? Bare legs or walk to the perineum to wear jeans to reveal patterns in your body, it attracts the gaze of lust that I asked a girl! I asked in a relationship! I said 'Brother, do you show your body all the intimate spots. Reveal even to your perineum. Do everything with your square. Why would you do that? Who you are in the order? In order that Allah created you get? If you're under the enemy's European designer? " Stopped. European fashion houses are commanded! According to the orders they're taking their clothes. European fashion designers are ordered, what do they say? "Top off your dress you will, that dress you wear a dress instead of that model" they say. In ours, they immediately obey.  Is four months after the break, is an order to come out, "Over the fashions have changed your clothes, are now outmoded. He'll take the clothes, you wear a dress in this type of " They say, just do not obey them. Why us, our women, our girls of the European infidel, a hamalımıdır European designer? Porters load as the download, the download installed, will do their porters? They will be ordered, our women, our girls wear, they will also remove the women out of our girls that they will wear, things like that can not be! We have to obey the command of Allah! Europeans are ordered, "Upper remove your dress. Fashion crossed that this will wear mini skirts, midi skirt you wear, you wear maxi skirts, blouses you wear, ... Hey, you wear, you wear it. " he says. Emir is from Europe, our daughters, our partners can not even see the face of the unbelievers, the pagans, it münkir, that nasty, shameless lack of Europeans to the blind obedience to orders. How can it be satisfied? I do not see the face of a European fashion designers will follow orders? God, who created from nothing, you will obey God's orders? Why do not you think? Orders coming from Hollywood, Broadway future orders, future orders from Paris, London and then the costume will change future orders, the foot will change, to change clothes. Why? Are they of your superiors? Are you their God? Do you they are the creators? For him, I said to her, I said that the young girl, "swear by Allah, I can say 100% that you do not want to wear that dress, European fashion designers do you wear because you like!" "Sir, On-fashioned way, like you would want, I am obligated to not to want to wear." He says. Who's who forced you? The article has a law? In criminal law, European "put the fashion scene of the dress she wore to a jailed criminal laws do not like? Women who do not wear jeans to be taken to jail he got a law? Who? Who? Who? Who is driving you? That naked women, O, O naked young girls! Naked on that dress you want, not for, the bosses had ordered for the European fashion designers do you wear? You are in their orders! We move they said, would stone! Remove they said, would remove! You are a carrier of Europeans! Porters are a! Porters are a! Porters of Europe! The call load, loads! Empty they say, is empty! Porters do you? Why do not you obey orders from creation to you? Covered from head to toe she ALLAH [c.c.]! Even the prayer that gives the orders! According to Islamic law, or even prayer, a woman, always come with a different attitude! A Muslim woman to pray! Women can not pray? Hz. Rumi is wailing! If the wife of a Muslim does not pray, then pray they do not cook food in women's mercy and blessings of Allah there is no jingo! That food is not healing! It is not a cure for food! Prayers of the women cooked meals; undermine the spirit of man which is a poison! Muslims pray to the wife! What is the prayer I put it back? To put back what you pray? Will pray! While praying the divine will comply with the orders! You all know, a Muslim woman to pray to stop standing like men? While the men iftitah Lohan, Lindsay Lohan started to pray when you receive the men lifted up their hands in their ears "Allahu akbar" they say. Women can not do it? Women standing in prayer, while Lindsay Lohan brought her hands to her breasts, and so aligned will Lindsay Lohan and her breasts on Removing! What is this? God does not decree, to come to order! "O Muslim women! I also know my peace, my peace of mind, too, even as the men lifted his hands to his ear armpit show! I will burn in hell for you, such as wood " Allah says [c.c.]! You will not show armpit! Women's arms are attached to the seat bottom, the chest will close on his chest at the level of debt and Lindsay Lohan! "O woman! I also know you're my peace of mind you have to cover! Leave open the chest! And that you may pause to pray standing erect breasts, hands down, but connected on his chest! If you hold the chest open when you burn in hell breasts, I would punish " Allah says [c.c.]! Or what is now state of the streets? Muslim and his wife, God, even in the presence of the creator can not open the chest! Not shown under the seat! Or streets, or how? On the streets! You're supposed to question you kidding? For this is that, in covering the Ottoman Islamic scholar at the time of transfer, how Muslim women wearing a dress, let that six seats they say should not even look. What kind of clothes? How to wear a dress, let out into the street when that time will have to remove the arm, underarm Muslim woman should look! Thinking how we had a dress made. Ultimately the best, most perfect as the sheets were declared. Six seats will not even look!


So,  What is our state of today? Our girls, are abandoned, with the patient fears is loneliness. Men are pushing the boundaries of the rut. Now, we come to be described, in 10 days with 15 girls!

Women in Islam, the house is the most hidden places. Today, in females, hostess, secretary and general houses. Girls, naked women are marketed through newspaper and magazine programs. Machine becomes a part of modernity orgiastic. It is forbidden to cover their own hide. Quirk makes girls, men do sellektör! Of red hair dye! Everything from socks to wear to the clasp is in glaring colors. Head! Open arms! Open legs! Even their most private parts of his body, covered with clothes through narrow paved! Animal putting in a lascivious man does not have any other bait. Tone, as against the high-pitched screams are made in the village shepherd. When you laugh, great sound from his throat, the neighborhood has attracted the attention of all men.  The men will talk to the hand, will fight, will drive. A rough voice, dull looks, grace and hand movement are lost and become rough. In an effort to beautify themselves, and opened all the organs that could draw attention from the outside, the inside of the man himself by pulling peşkeş eyes, his soul has died.


Your items will not save you! Your goods will not save you! Nothing you can not save! If the goods may know who makes the illusion that no securities will remain? "He'll be the day too! But the Muslims, even if a flood comes; After rain floods do not flow? He dragged away the garbage, such as flood flows, such as garbage will be worthless by Jove " Messenger says Vesselam Aleyhisselatu! He sweep away the garbage, such as flooding, garbage will be like! Will be personality! Disbelievers will not afraid of you! Because they have been caught up in the floods! Because your life was like in the lives of unbelievers! Because your daughter, your wife were like them! You like them was because the education system! Because your sidewalk, your street, your street said they like them! Us today our streets flood flows of the unbelievers! Someone did not walk our streets abdestsiz today cünüp 90% of young people in the street who walks around! Or wander Cünüp Lord! Destroyed the country! Get the blood of our ancestors by giving the land! Martyrs by giving our lives to take back the land that dressing up and wandering, what are you for sale? Thousands, hundreds of thousands of women into the streets of lust market, women have turned to the streets of the market! We like to have fallen into the garbage torrent though! Drag and drop events is taking us! Nobody does not say stop! What happens when someone does not say! Our generation is drifting! Our people drift! Our women, our girls are going like a whirlwind swept! According to the canon of Islam, a Muslim girl back, stomach, belly, knee cap on the top of the perineum, thigh show of his own father can not hear, hear! Muslim girl back to his own father can not show nothing? If a father looking at her daughter's bare back, look at her daughter's thigh as if Jove had committed adultery! This is Islam! But I do not see on the street are we? Back thousands of women were dressing up, crawling and walking around the streets with animal appetite! Those who make this nation will account for this! This nation's honor sidewalk poured into those who honor and our shame our sense though bombardment whether to destroy, this nation's generation without shame, lack and a rogue, a wild appetite with street clients into those, this nation that makes those who will account!  Dressing up in the streets and around the back streets, I wonder what people are thinking? Back on a Muslim woman, married to his abdomen and only can show. You can only show to her husband! Can be shown to only halal! A Muslim woman back, chest, knees up by his father can not show Jove! What does this mean? Means that In the back streets that all the men dressing up women who think their husbands are! No such thing! Acts of God to come to such Aleyhisselatu Vesselam! "He was away attending to flood the front of garbage will be like. This will dump you! Unbelievers wiped his nose, you would put such garbage " Messenger says Vesselam Aleyhisselatu.


Covered the naked men and women who dress like women and dress like, damn it to men who dress!



Implicit in the nude:

Who are covered with naked? Artists, models, musicians, artists, right? Money is what we have in this issue covers. In fact they do not cover! How much money are changing so much they took. Money is their religious faith. Singing, to fame and acclaim. If you ask them they say they are doing for art. According to the art of trying to show people what actually money, glory, fame and praise will be dressing for. It costs the public a say or we are people she has. Goods and goods that they are in fact true. It costs have become the devil. The goods are an SATA. Who is covered naked? If anyone knows, does not apply in many of the provisions stipulated in the religious bodies who do not cover ground cover should be. In the heart of men, including knee and confidential between the knees and covered her belly covered with non-nude. Covered her entire body except hands and face in women non nude covered.  Even those covered only the scattered light is naked.

I'm not a bigot? I live in what era. The modern age, it is considered good news in the information age? According to the opinion of today's people living in the modern era, we're actually living in the End Times. Countless of Fire, whereas the Garden, the Fire will be considered alongside the finger when we are living in the less.

Even a handful of hair to be turned into the eye because of adultery, her hair turned to the woman who had committed adultery, every man has eyes. The woman described her hair as many of the men who see her sin of adultery is installed. During the beginning of primary school, our sisters, our sisters, our daughters are in school is clearly not the heads?


The states claim to be Muslims, the unbelievers are ruled in defiance of the provisions of the state religion. If the corruption of girls had taken off early. When they grow out immorality, but no one cares about that! After a call has been broken because this generation.


Not enough hair to be uncovered, as they make up a name or beauty. Are decorated, to hear compliments, nice to see, in the same environment can be different from other women. Not a few had not done? Very rare. Some also the name of modernity, to prove himself, show that self-confidence to be able to do. Made up of ministers are not subject to scorn when they see one, 'What age do you live in, will you neglected women as'. Everybody's doing it, does not make the start this time after a while.


Remove religion from eating pork, are unbelievers. So, why pork is forbidden? Why this degree is also prohibited? Pigs, who eat their own feces is the only animal on earth, and the jealous spouse is not a single animal. The pork fat is found in cosmetics, materials are blended lard. If you have not found what you? Except as required when they should not go home even for women, beauty, before everything comes to be like.


Jihad is to stop the woman in the house! Varid the hadiths on this subject are as follows:


Anh Radiyallahu Ibn Umar, Umm Anha Radiyallahu my seat and the hadith narrated Aisha Radiyallahu Anha'dan be that the command;

"Jihad of women is to stay at home."

[Hasendir. From Omar Ibn Abu Ya'la, Ibn Hajar, Metalibu Aliye (1591); Umm Seleme'den: Taberani, Evsat (6 / 198); Ya'la Abu, Ibn Hajar, Metalibu Aliye (1590); Aisha from Ahmed (6 / 68), Ibn Kathir (4 / 1953); Ibn residence permit, İ'lamul Muvakkiin (4 / 221), Abu al-Leysi'den Vakıd Ahmed (5 / 218); İbnül Cevzi, hand-Hadaik (2 / 336)]


Enes Radiyallahu Anh'dan; PROPHET Aleyhisselatu Vesselam He said women;

"We have trouble in your house, the deeds of Mujahideen in the way of Allah is reached." [Hasendir. Ibn Hajar, Metalib (1595); Abu Ya'la (6 / 140); Bezzar; Ibn Abi Shaybah Mecma (4 / 304); Maksadu Ali (770); Dürrü prose (2 / 153); Busayri, Dedications (3919 ); Kenzi (45 146); İlelül Mütenahiye (2 / 631); Taberani, Evsat (3 / 163); Mizanul moderate (3 / 91), Ibn Adiy (3 / 143); Mecruhin (1 / 299); Beyhaki, Şuab (8742-3); Lisanul Trial Balance (2 / 468); Camiüs Deaf (9162); allegations about the soul Bin Ibn al-Müseyyeb Bezzar reliable and they said Maine. Asma bint Yazid RA to see a similar story; Abdilberr Ibn al-İstiab (4 / 1788), Ibn Hajar, al-İsabe (4 / 229) Ibn Sa'd (8 / 319); İbnül POW, Üsdül Gabe (7 / 19); Halebi, İnsanul sleep of the (1 / 149); Heytemi, ez-Zevacir (2 / 121), encouragement (3 / 53); authentic record: Judge, Taberani, Bezzar, İbnül Cevzi, Ahkamun Nisa ( 65); İbnül Cevzi, Telkihu Fuhum (s158)]


Umar ibn Anh'dan Radiyallahu;

"Whereas women do not have enjoyed being on the street outside. They also enjoyed the side of the roads are no exception."

[Taberani, Kenzi (45 062); Camius deaf (7657); Mecmauz Zevaid (2 / 200), Ibn Adiy (3 / 454)]


Abu Amr Bin Hamas Radiyallahu Anh and Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh'dan;

"Middle road is not for women."

[Hasendir. Ibn Hibban (1969); Deylemi (5255), Ibn Adiy (1 / 192); Beyhaki, Şuab (7821-23), Ibn Abi Hatim, Cerh veTa'dil (1/2/73), Haytham bin Küleyb, Musnad ( 1 / 190); Elbani, Sahiha (856); Sahihul Mosque (5425); Feyzul Kadir (7658); Busiri, Dedications (2670); Metalibu Aliye (2685); Taberani (3 / 158), Samarkand, Bustan (854) ; Nevafihul Atire (1630)]


"Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, a woman one day by an intimate night way to go without a man is not lawful."

[Bukhari (Mescidu Mecca, 6), Muslim (Hajj, 423); Darimi (2681), Abu Dawood (1724), Tirmidhi (1170), Ibn Maja (menasık, 7), Ahmad (3 / 7), Malik (1884 ); Ibn Hibban (2714); Beyhaki (3 / 138), Ibn Huzeyme (2523); Tahavi, Müşkil (2 / 113); Tayalisi (2317); Kayravani, Mosque (256), Ibn Hajar, Rahmetül Gaysiyye (s142) ; Leys bin Sa'd, Erbaun (36)]


Whereas it up to here, but if women can go out with the consent of their husbands, when they go from the edge of the road, once the distance was told they should not go alone.


Sarahs Imam, Imam Muhammad said, explaining the Kitab-ul Kesb'ini;

"Men and women carry water for some containers provided must. Because women's stool to get water for drinking water is in need. Ablution instead Tayammum not even drink water from can not. Rivers, wells and pools to get water out of the impossible. Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. The honor to protect your homes to running the previous cahiliyet cycle as in the decoration and Do not go. prayers, alms-giving. Allah and His Messenger, to obey. "O Ahl al-Bayt Allah you dirt to remove, and you clean, Pampa wants to do. Sadakallahül-Azıym. [Ahzab Suresi 33 verse] and the women are sitting at home, but orders. is the duty of men to bring them. Sharia alimony has been uploaded to the supply of men. "

[Sarahs, Kitab-ul-u Kesb Commentary, page 89]


If attention to the statement, the drinking water for the ablutions of women can not get out of the house said. Now women, the city network, including the need to go out today, what would account for why they may be.


Woman from the balcony of his house to get something out even dress [sheet or coat] from wearing out is forbidden.

[Faruk Beşer, wife of the special Fatwa (1 / 82)]


"Youth, a subsidiary of madness and women are the devil's trap"

[Is authentic. Ibn Abi Shaybah (8 / 162); Abu Nuaym, Hilye (1 / 138); Heytemi, Zevacir (2 / 450); Zübeydi, Dedications (7 / 280); Dürrü prose (2 / 225); Keşful mem into ( 1528); Münavi, Camiül Azhar (2 / 334); Mekasıdu Hasene (586), Appellate (92); Deylemi (3665); Camiül Ledger (10 985); Feyzül Camius Kadir and Deaf (4928); Darekutni (4 / 247) ; Fethul Vehhab (38); Lalkai, Sunni (1058); Beyhaki, Medhal (786), Kuda (56) encouragement (4 / 298), al-Amiri, authentic he said, Suyuti and İbnül Insert Entity Hasen said] command has been.


When the freaks are, waist narrow should, colorful, or even half-coat the ornate, flowery, gilded scarves outer garment worn as is, pants-wearing, make-up, the hand, face open when not enough like the outer clothing worn, not slit skirt wearing, wig wearing work and they all this The women are supposed to have been covered. They are all covered in the Quran and hadith in Jove is contrary to the orders! I do not accept those who pray the prayer! Your own preferences do not become the devil's trap!


Abu Şakra Anh'dan Radiyallahu;

"As head of the camel hump when you see women who reported they would not be any acceptance of your prayers"

[Ahmad (2 / 223); Taberani (22/370), Ibn Hajar, al-İsabe (7 / 206); Camius deaf (644); Mecmauz Zevaid (5 / 137); Berika (5 / 346); Dümeyri, Hayatül Hayevan (s133), attributed in Thousand Mahled about Ukbe see Bukhari, Date (7 / 437); Cerh and Ta'dil (8 / 348), Ibn Hibban, Sükat (9 / 185), Ibn Hajar, Lisan (6 / 9)]


Except as required when they should not go home even for them the beauty, like everything in front of revenue. They eat, they drink it all, they had their lips in lipstick mixed with pork fat, lard, go to the stomach. The interests of religion. Become disbelievers. Whereas the occurrence of even a handful of his hair, although it is adultery, are opening their hair cut, paint and, on the make-up they do. But they use makeup, do not care about the pig that contribution. You entered in the name of fragrant perfumes they use. All of the men in the sin of adultery that media is loaded because of his sin of adultery and its environment is installed in the same number of men themselves. But beauty comes at the beginning of all things modern for women.


That what a woman, then crawled out and smell the scent of a community to be heard, if passed, her minister also said he loaded the sin of adultery.

[Ravi: Hz. Abu Musa Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 178]


In addition they wear jewelry and are decorated!


Sevban Radiyallahu Anh says: Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın''near Fatima Bintu Hübeyre, large gold rings in his hand had come in with that. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam, began hitting the woman's hands. Fatima immediately [and flee from there], daughter of the Messenger of Allah entered Fatımatu'z-Zehra's side. The behavior of Him, the Messenger of Allah told him Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın. Thereupon Hazrat Fatima Radiyallahu  Anha gold chain around its neck out and said:''I gave it to me,''Hassan's father Ali said. More hand side chains at the entry to the Messenger of Allah, and say he Vesselam Aleyhisselatu. "O Fatima! People:''The Messenger of Allah there is a chain of fire in the hands of the girl!''Will please you say?''He said, and said so from the back seat and went away. Fatima Radiyallahu thereupon sent to market and sell the chain has Anha, a slave bought with money and had freed him. The Messenger of Allah who explained that Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'a:''Praise be to Allah who saved Fatıma'yı fire!''Speaker.

 [NESA, Ritual 39, [8.158]; Qutb-i Sitte, 2105. hadith]


Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: ''One woman asked the Messenger came Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'a:

"What do you think about the two gold bracelets, [i taka Do?]"

"Fire has two rings, [Do not install!]" Speaker. More women with:

"Well, gold necklace [What do you think?]''She said. PROPHET Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'dan again:

"A necklace from the fire!" Was the answer. Women still asked:

"How about a pair of gold earrings?"

"Fire a couple of earrings!"


[NESA, Ritual 39, [8.159]; Qutb-i Sitte, 2104. hadith]


They decorated the stand, clothes do not wear jewelry as accessories? But most fans to wear gold! Fashion was.


Reach out and paint either a quotation.


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord again, another regulatory Aleyhisselatu Vesselam passed and [Satan] he asked,


"So, when he blew simoom time when their children where the temperature and there you might shade?"

"People in quotes [shaded do]"

[Muhyiddin-i Arabi Seceret'ül about the universe]


For the extension of the shadows and onto the devil they paint their nails long. Eat it with a long claw-hand, they do well on the food. Fashion was. Was progressivism, was civilization.


Carcass parts have overhead like vultures and crimson lips. Those who see either an inner resolve, too. They gawk. In fact parts are indeed dead, but I do not know and do not accept. There is an obsession in some of the brand, but they will be foreign brands for their world of fashion. Fashion he either travels. When they receive foreign products in the world war that the Muslims, Muslims killing and murder are a means to contribute to the economy of the infidels. Regardless of what they do not give up beauty. Latest fashions for Muslims who persecuted the true makeup of the unbelievers produced.

Those with closed eyes and reactionary or look in a derogatory manner, their own inferiority, they committed sins do not know. Open-spicy dressing and the body will exhibit.


We are living in the modern era, is not it? Modern era. Former disbelievers, idolaters, heathens, pagans, even women does not even let their hair to their bodies were displayed. "Come on back in or so are movies, how about it?" The movie is false scenarios. Even if a film on the clothes and speaking their minds according to the authors and screenwriters. The only contact many scenarios, the main themes and character names are correct. The rest is all false.


Also uncovered that those who do not refrain from exhibiting any kind of body, even among those who claim Islam is not there? What language of Islam, nor the identity of Muslims in the writing is on. Islam miss, the heart is. Heart.


Uncovered, which will be exhibiting their bodies and body lines to show the way people dressed, constantly committing adultery with the eyes because they are prostitutes. Allowed to dress this way, the sound is not the family elders, brothers, sisters, wives, is a pimp! But this management system, managers will want to be that way, so that they do not have laws for? Our world of pimps ...


Muslims believe that God really and in truth a man, leave open-rough-dressed woman, even with only marry a woman with uncovered soon. Not subject to the so-called, in essence, if the Muslims! Because of sin, and closure, even though the need to hide, hair, although it is described as confidential, each time for the media loaded in the sin of adultery; Even women who are uncovered are infidels!


Hz. Kerremullahu Vechehü Ali says: Rasulullah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam "Truth of Youth found that when women become less of your what?" He asked.

[Qutb-i at the site; Heysemi, Mecma'u'z-Zevaid]


Right deviation of the young: young people where to go, do not even know the young people themselves may know that how big. Just trying to satisfy their desires. They live a day. Whatever comes in front of them, if they thought of what work they want to do it. To blow their mind, what do you see around.


The women received early going, but everyone is acting according to their wishes. Not everyone has their own right? With his own right, from right to live in its own way it works. Confirms the fact is ignored and the reaction is called. But everyone is trying to find the quest is calling and what they do not know where to search. Everyone is free? This time, there is liberty. Everyone free to do what you want! But nobody wants to do what he wants is not known exactly. And going to something worn, it directs itself to other things after. In addition, because the remaining half is a kind of complete. Do not know what to call, because it really can not find the calling.


"I arrived about me!". This "I" Either there. Everyone "I" well, right? According to his own solo. Everyone wants the right to find their own souls, and the rules by putting their own aklınca, wants to live by their own enthusiasm, trying to live their lives. And he wants to live life by putting in the rules of Islamic rules are also trying to add their own aklınca! Have done and what's going on? He put out its own is a new religion! I'm free. I'm just saying for free.


Is free, is free, each claiming to be able to do is ask you if you hit first will attempt to stamp: "You're unbelievers. Do you disbelieve in Allah!”

[Abdulkadir Geylani, Futuhul-Unseen]


Men with men, women enter into relationships with women is they will doom approaching.

[Ramuz-al e-Hadith, 448 / 8; Death-Resurrection and the Resurrection, page 480]


Males had sexual intercourse for men, gaylar, homosexuals, Turkish de ipne'ler. Women into relationships of women, lesbians. And had sexual intercourse with animals! In this era we live in, we called the modern era, the era of science and the age, the era of reality in the end times, we do the perversity of only one of the tribes have been destroyed because you know that? Let us know where, I is not talking about them! When talking about wanting to listen.


Scholars in science just to make money when you learn [or see <okumak with knowledge that is obtained by listening to and learning to make money whether bilgi> the money was taught to win]. Dünyalık sold for religious, they have approached the provision of Resurrection they will be sold.

[Death-Resurrection and the Resurrection, page 480]


Our statement that our scholars, teachers. They give money for education. God has given them the reason they use their minds and they benefit from it. Defiance of God's provision, and the salaries they are taught the information prescribed by the state. Former scholars, educators, students leave their money to buy them all for their training needs would be able to. Provides the students were living. "How can so that when students are there?" Is not it? All of this knowledge when it is empty or the sciences. Minds of all involved, tampering, and tired in vain to the brain, and many who just want to be teachers and teachers of students to learn information that does not hurt anyone else's work. For all the subtlety of the world has any knowledge about that at this time. But in terms of religion, a proper education system does not respect the truth! Primary 4 Beginning foreign language classes, English is taught for example in Turkey! What was the master? English He was the world's languages. But until universities, universities are not teaching Arabic in the Arabic section is not selected? Our holy books, they do not teach the language of the Koran. But she is a Muslim country when it comes to Turkey. Or a claim, the most developed Muslim countries that Turkey! When it comes to infidels, they keep saying they respect religion, apparently so they actually have declared war on the Islamic religion.


Readers will be wolves in the End Times! Who then train, if they do seek refuge in Allah from the evil. They are very dirty people. People would be a hypocrite, hypocrisy and pretension will not be ashamed of.

[Death-Resurrection and the Resurrection, page 470]


The man continued to hypocrisy is as idolatrous.

[Ravi: Hz. Enes Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 236]


What has been said imams, scholars know what they are reading as well, though they have religious knowledge, is all sin. Continuous news comes. Are behaving hypocritically. Seem to tell the public the good and the evil ones, as ordered, many of them aside to clear the hidden sin in front of everybody works. If they do know is normal but other people do too.


End time he would come out so that will be sold in exchange for the benefits of world religions. Sheep's clothing will post them to look smoother, sweeter than sugar languages, but the hearts of wolves will be participating as the heart.

[Imam Tirmidhi, Asceticism, page 60]


Scholars of religion do not charge for training, to give a verdict. We also see the television or, come to the screen to tell them about Islam than they do and charge for it. Are using religion for their own interests.


Those within the mosque in rebellion to God, to raise their voice of those who sinned, who periodically stops functioning as something forbidden, they fulfill the orders of religion on the winner of the sincere believers and forced them to rule the sign of the Resurrection.

[Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the End Times, page 450]


Because they are sinners who are leading the people, and ranks in the order they have in the mosque, mosques and chatter as they are, are directing everyone. Many do not come, but somehow is involved!


Come on people that the rich travel time for people to trade the middle, to flaunt their hypocrisy and scholars, while the poor would beg for the pilgrimage.

[Ramuz-al e-Hadith, Ahmad Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi]


"Hadji" Those who said they might go on a pilgrimage, people look into the eyes of pious pilgrimage to the executives. Advertising is just to refrain from exploiting religion for non-singers, artists, actors, even a pilgrimage, there are those who go to Umrah.


End Times, at least in my nation to be found within the lawful thing is money and his trusted friends.

[Suyuti, Camiü's-deaf]


But I do not know what we're trying to work. How do you know that baby is in swaddling clothes! You give pacifier in her mouth, lamentation when you wine and dine. Husband, we'll really big baby. The only way permitted by the state and the state are working in the stipulated fee. If the state allowed or he can fix the economy we eat, we drink. We all are like that baby in swaddling clothes. Pışlarlar lest you cry babies cry or cooked. Pışlıyorlar us so fired. How come if the money would come from. We poured blood and sweat we shed blood and sweat, but even without knowing what for, just because we get to spill the blood and sweat we believe to be lawful fees for any work there. What we're going to produce or work, we do not know what works for you. We're just working for money. Without lawful search. The only money you have coming. Long as they come.


This time, End time. Many people in this time of God [god], money is simply. Most of the time people, like Moses said to his people Aleyhisselam'ın. Jews alike. They are the golden calf, their God [God] had acquired. Golden calf of the people of this time is the currency. You have to get their money god, god did. Do they worship the money! You adore your money!

[Abdulkadir Geylani, Fethur Rabbani]


Nothing happens but it's not broke? This world is spinning with the money, money works. Take the step, the water we drink, even with the money! One of the things that are forbidden to sell water. But everywhere is sold! I do not give free water is not it? Even with the money that we breathe? Money, was the sine qua non of the first!


Let other people at this time, our own parents, our siblings, and even ourselves can not even rely on that, where you will find a trusted friend. Confidence for a while does not behave the way we want, right? We want everything their own way and everyone would like it to be.


"I" We also do another thing. This "I" Either there; We worship in us is our soul.


Judgement of the front row to salute one is familiar to people. Trade takes place, it's as that helps women and men. Relatives in attendance to take off and remove the false witnesses, real evidence is concealed, the authors reproduce.

[Ravi: Hz. Ibn Mes'ud Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 121]


Resurrection, just before it became false testimony, the testimony about the hides.

[Ramuz-al e-Hadith, Ahmad Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi]


Our best friends when you make a mistake or fault processes the "I have never heard of him, I do not know" or that is in case you did not do well. We are defending him, a lie. Our friendship, our sincerity, lest corruption. Within ourselves, our self we think we are always alone in this case, we value what people do, as we have done. They also have a diagnosis. See, and hide in case we have witnessed, we do not know the word. "Oh, what are we doing, there is way. Looking for carefree trouble? " are saying. We are even afraid of our shadows sometimes. Would refrain from telling the truth. Everything around us are human beings and their right according to our interpretation. I know the benefit of our friendly, even the ones we hurt the enemy belle.


Repose their trust in you and everything you, your God belong, belongs to God. You're afraid of her or his grasp of everything belongs to God, belongs to God. Completely forgotten the main cause of Allah, the damage or benefit from the acceptance of everything you own, you belongs to God, belongs to God.

[Abdulkadir Geylani, Fethur Rabbani]


Portents of doom are spreading slander.

[Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the End Times, page 450]


Most simply, in an environment where a crime or misdemeanor, even at first we thought he did not like media and people who do not behave the way we want not're being installed? We are the first to accuse him. We blame her! Research, we judge it without thinking first. We had a slur.


Not until the public gives a special salute to the people of Resurrection will not break.

[Death-Resurrection and the Resurrection, page 470]


The only familiar signs of people to greet one of the Resurrection.

[Ramuz-al e-Hadith, 121 / 4, Ahmed Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi]


Let us salute one of which, we humans are crawling out into the street. If we look strangely and say hi "Do we know?" so.  We'll go say hi to all from the front where we can not grow. We need to take steps to greet.


December is bad or we're offended, do not talk to people we do not even say hello. We cut the hi. "Get away from me, too, regardless of who next" We call!


Salute as Jews do not salute. Because their hand, they salute marking start.

[Ravi: Hz. Jaber Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 474]


Us with hand signals, we salute their car horn is not it?


Hypocrisy will rule, not be ashamed of the hypocrisy and pretension.

[Death-Resurrection and rebirth, page 470]

We know the most robust, most reliable, even us, we know our backs are back. Everyone is behaving hypocritically. We even make our own hypocrisies, but can not be unaware or do not want to be. Our work does not come!


Unless three things that across the nation will be a nice way. Unless you get good, do not reproduce depraved children, among them "Essekkarun" not, occur. Said, "What is Essekkarun?"

Replied: "End Times is that in a future generation, their greetings to each other would be to blaspheme.

[End of Times, page 141-142]


Derived recently, when confronted with each other greetings from the curse, which consists of threats emerged drunk from a generation of Judgement will not break.

[Ahmad ibn Hanbal / / Hakim, the last time with the relevant Hadith, page 54]


Slang among young people [abusive] talking stage at this time line, in the end times. Deyyus, scoundrel, ipne, whores, prostitutes, and say .... Even the mouth will not be cursing the curse of.


In my Ummah after me will be transferred fetret. In time everyone will claim the goods from lawful search, will shed blood to keep the cost to the Quran and poetry.

[Deylemi; History of the Future; Ravi: Hz. Umar ibn Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 456]


Poetry will be the cost to the Koran. Musical version of the poems and poetry of the songs, folk songs.


The Messenger of Allah, our Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam thereafter, another questioned asked. Satan replied.


"Rabbından what you claim?"

"10 things I demanded."

"What are they, or Lain?"

"You are:

4-for me, I wanted to give a reading book. I was reading the book of poetry.

5-wanted that, give me a prayer, read in a harmonious way of the eulogies, hymns gave. "

[Muhyiddin-i Arabi / / Seceret'ül about the universe]


Satan, then thrown to the earth, "O Lord, give me a home," he said. "Bath and get your house" was commanded. "Assembly" wanted "Bazaar of the mouth and the way was given. "Dinner" wanted "and you get eaten Besmelesiz" bid. Asked muezzin, "the muezzin's get musicians" were commanded. "Koran," asked, "poetry" was given. "Summer forging hadiths are lies, the patriarch of the caregivers, fortune tellers, whether of lime, trap or get women" were commanded.

[Ravi: Hz. Abu Ümâme Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 110]


Islamic scholars to come to that!


Ibn-i Hibban'ın reported in the hadiths, the Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam, The neck of the camel bells were removed. Whereas the bell does not incite lust. Angel of mercy do not enter the place bell. Now the instruments, musical instrument, then you should consider.


Sheikh-ul-Islam Ahmad Ibn-i Kemal, 40 Hadith in his book Holiness to come to The Lord said:

"All instruments of the break and was sent to kill the pigs" These hadiths, and instruments of all kinds are forbidden to eat pork.


Hazrat Abu Bakr-i, the burial of two young concubines, playing and singing as they saw them and scolded "Do you play the instrument of the devil are you?" he said.



Ibn Umar nibs, singing in a community with one Ihram, "He should accept your prayers" he said.

[Ibn-i EbiDK-World]


Rental Ashap Enes bin Malik from his nibs "The dirty wins, won with the song and instruments" he said.

[Ibn-i EbiDK-World]


Ibn Abbas Holiness, "Instrument instruments is haram" he said.



A'ishah, our mother, in a house when you see someone singing to him, "Woe to you. This is Satan, remove it out " And he took him.



Iyad bin Fudayl Holiness, "The music and songs, adultery is the prompter" he said.

[Ibn EbiDK-World]


Shaykh al Islam Ibn-i Kemal Ahmed Pasazade, Risale-i Munire to come to in that:

Fataawa book Cevahir-i "Raks [play], song and musical instruments are haram!" he says. İstihsân book instruments are reported to be forbidden to listen. Hida is the owner of the book, "Sing from the testimony is not acceptable" he says. The great scholar of Tafsir Imam Kurtubi, to sing, play and dance to what is forbidden by ICMA he says. Abdulkadir-i Geylani'nin "Raks to the [dance, to sing] halal is also the infidels!" There is a fatwa.

[Vesiletü'n Necat book]


Sheikh Mohammed to come to Rebhami Holiness said:

Reeds, drums, tambourine, and other instruments to play what, will not keep the commandments of God.



Sharani Holiness Imam to come to that:

"Judge Rules Nevadiru'l-Tirmidhi narrated in the book called the Rasul-i Ekrem the hadiths, our Lord," He who listens to the singing voice, if it is allowed to listen to the spiritual "He said. There by one of these, "What Resulallah, Who are the spiritual?" He asked. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Messenger said, "People of Paradise are the readers," said.

[Concise-i-i Kurtubi Tezkire]


Birgivi to come to Holiness Imam said:

Should keep their ears to listen to instrumental.

[Risale-i Birgivi]


"Songs and music, evil feelings are one of the most effective action"



Songs, books, and circumcision has been banned.

[Imam-i Kurtubi]


Songs and musical instruments are forbidden to be about the ICMA.

[Ibn al-Salah]


Holiness to come to Imam Rabbani said: Imam Sami, Mültekıt book "No website, read in a harmonious way to the hymns, eulogies, the song, did not say ... is not a sin." He said.

[Mektubat-Rabbani, 266]


Singing cats and dogs are forbidden to read the Koran.

[Fataawa-i Bezzâziyye]


ICMA's forbidden to play musical instruments that were reported.

[Makamat Mazheriyye-i]


Play musical instruments or games will be among the unbelievers who read the Koran.



Drum, ney, saz playing is forbidden.

[Tahtavi annotation]


Authorities who read the Koran and the prayer behind an imam in the hair must be done again.



The Qur'an, according to Arabic accent, and beautiful sound with tecvit must read. Abu Davud'daki hadiths, the "beautiful voice, read the Koran!" Buyuruldu. Ie, "fear Allah as read" means. This, according to the science of reading is done tecvit. If letters, words by changing the meaning of the verse by breaking the authorities are forbidden to read.



Intone, singing, musical instruments are forbidden.



Authority with the Koran, read and listen to singing cats and dogs are forbidden. Mergınânî nibs Burhaneddin-i said:

Authority with the Koran, studying memory cats and dogs sing, what did you read the good faith of anyone who goes. Bring back the words I utter must be Muslims. Kuhistânî said, it is written.



With the authorities is forbidden to sing and to listen. By reading the divine lodges to dance and play, and forbidden to return. Now, religion is not aware of the hypocrites, are they doing this sectarianism.

[Fataawa-t Hindiyye 5 / 352]


Allama Zahirüddin bin Jafar says:

In Mevlit instruments, songs, dance is the greatest sin to do such things!



Kitab-ul-Kırare'deki hadiths that are considered signs of Judgement, the Quran is read from the instrument, [singing cats and dogs, will intone] buyuruluyor.



What also never like the other instruments are not permissible. Singing for fun and making money is forbidden. And listening to each instrument to play, is not permitted to dance.



Filled with love of God, Holiness Rumi is one of the great saints, and what did not play any other instruments. Did not listen to music and dance. Would be a quiet remembrance of the heart are reported in Masnavi.

[To the Eternal Felicity-i]


Songs, musical instruments and entertain others can not be a witness, can testify!

[Mecelle m. 1705]


Each instrument is haram.

[Moral-i Alaiyye]


Tambourine, drums and musical instruments of all kinds in the house, to keep in the shop, even if their use, sell, donate, lease is forbidden.



Music, soul food, is the poison of the soul, the heart will darken.

[Dürr-ül Mearif]


Halal and haram is forbidden as well worship is involved in the infidel.

[To the Eternal Felicity-i]


To listen to all kinds of musical instruments is haram.

[Fataawa-i Bezzaziyye, Hadika, Moral-i Alaiyye]


Music is the greatest sin in all religions.



The music is prohibited by the Bible, Christian pastors launched later.

[Mevahib-i-i Zerkani Ledünniyye Commentary]


Of commentators, the 64th sura Isra verses evil, (Vestefziz. .. I savtike [with audio player]) say that it is played with the instrument, this verse all the different instruments have been reported to be unlawful.



6 of the duration of the bite âyetindeki "lehv-al hadith," the website stated the song, musical instrument, as was reported. Ibn Masud oath Holiness "-al hadith lehv than" intent, musical instrument, and the song was saying.

[Tafsir-i-Ibn Kathir, Tafsir-i Medarik / / Ibn Masud who does not believe such a person ignorant of what is called that?]


Authorities with the first reading, singing is the devil.



Whoever can raise the devil haunting singing voice.



Angels of mercy, bells, bells, bells do not enter the ground.



Angels do not approach the dog and the bell the community.

 [Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi]


Bell is the devil's instruments.

[Muslim, Abu Dawood, NESA]


To listen to female singers, is forbidden to look at your face.



ALLAH [cc] Zurna, Granada, lute, tambourine all the instruments like tools, cahiliyet ordered me to remove the idols worshiped in the period.

[Ibn al-Ahmed]


A time will come, adultery, alcohol and musical instruments will come out of the lawful counting.



Faction makes up songs from the heart.



Raised, such as water grass, songs, games and entertainment heart of the faction grows.



My Lord, liquor, gambling, drum and the singer has forbidden women.

[Ibn al-Ahmed]


Another name given to drink to drink. Have fun with their instruments. Where they are immersed in God, makes pigs and monkeys.

[Ibn Maja]


If the occurrences are, my people would be right helaki: Curse Encounters, drinks, musical instruments and a man's man and woman to enter into relationships with women.

[Deylemi, Judge]


Their instruments, was sent to destroy the idols.

[Ibn al-Ahmad, Abu Nuaym, Ibn-i Neccar]


Satan, "the muezzin of the instrument, the forged letter, Verna oracles and fortune tellers are the" Street said.

[Ibn-i EbiDK-World, Ibn-i Cerir; Taberani]


Two voices is cursed: When the instrument attained blessings, remaining susceptible to calamity howl.



Divine wrath and play instruments to reach the favors he causes.



Songs, drink, releasing, They are sinking into the ground.

[Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Ibn Maja]


Musical instrument, read the Koran before their deeds are better hurry.



Die die when you can read in the Qur'an instruments.



Allah will curse the musical instrument, reading from the Koran.



Expose the unit one of the 15 worst scourge of the instruments is spreading.



Adultery of the eye [forbidden] to look, the adultery of the ears [forbidden things] is to listen.



The Messenger of Allah has forbidden to make money from their instruments.



Nafi of course, explains much of Abdullah ibn-i went with Omar. What we heard sounds. Abdullah, closed their ears with his fingers. We quickly away from there. "Do you hear what sounds better?" He said. "No, not heard," I said. Fingers in their ears were separated. "The Messenger of Allah had also done so," he said. Nafi, then said to me that when I was child. It is understood that Nafi not ordered to shut their ears, because the child was. If you listen to him because the child does not sin. Abdullah because of piety or shut their ears to say is not true. Nafi, to prevent such misunderstandings, the child was reported.



There is no such thing as Sufi music. Music, soul food, is the poison of the soul, the heart will darken.

[Dürr-ül Mearif]


Rear-wheel drive, or permanent or continuous wear silk continued to sin as instruments to listen to your heart's decision will cause.

[Imam Ghazali, Chemical-t Felicity, page 580)


Instruments, such as drinking and listening, not about the right to use all of them to repent of sins should be.

[-U Ulumiddin revive, Imam Ghazali 4 / 65]


Work will be raised by anyone in the world. Those who drink, get drunk, the musicians play instruments as are raised.

[Durr-tulle Fahir Ulûm-fi-Discovery-i il-stable - Resurrection and the Hereafter, page 36]


Listen to testimony from the instruments will not be accepted from or silk dress.

[-U Ulumiddin fortunate, Imam Ghazali 4 / 41]


If sin is something on the floor were invited, for example, if you have pictures or play instruments on the wall if alive, men and women that's not going to invite.

[Imam Ghazali, Chemical-t Felicity, page 207)


Ut and playing instruments is forbidden.

[Imam Ghazali, Chemical-t Felicity, page 231]


To avoid the production of instruments, to avoid persecution is.

[-U Ulumiddin fortunate, Imam Ghazali, 2 / 218]



Rumi and Music


Question: In Masnavi, [listen to what ...] trying. Do what is in here from the purpose instrument, or an analogy is made?


What is the instrument, but here is what's instruments. Each type of instrument is haram. Holiness to come to Rumi said:


In the first couplet of the Masnavi, [listen to what, how it is explained, is the separation of the complaint] is called. From here, what's the purpose in Islam, grown perfect, high-human means. They forget themselves and everything else has. Minds all the time, seeking Allah's pleasure. What, in Persian, "no" means. And they were not of their own assets. What instrument is called, is a hollow rod, so the all voices, and stole it from someone who does occur. He said the big, empty of their presence, and from them, God's morality, adjectives and kemalatı arise. What's a third meaning, bamboo, pen means, that also is intended to perfect human. The motion of the pen and write as if the self, the perfection of man's actions and words, it always is with God's inspiration.

[Masnavi Commentary]


Briefly Jalaluddin MUHAMMAD RUMI: one of the great saint. Mekatibi sheriff's 107 In the letter says, Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, the great saint of the Ahl al-Sunnah. Also born in the city of Balkh in 1207 and died in Konya in 1273. His father, Mohammad Sultan-ul-Ulama, scholars and parents Behaeddini Veled was great. While children with more knowledge gained in her father's heart. Nefehat also says that, five years old when the Kiramen Clerk of the angels, and the saint's spirit wandering in the streets would see the genie. Father, son to the Hijaz, and then to Damascus and arrived in Konya. When his father died, his son gave instruction. Before the caliphs, the father of science has learned Sayyid Burhaneddin Tirmüzi'den nine years. Sayyid Burhaneddin was interred in the City. After that, came Şemseddini Tabrizi said irşat action. What did not and tabor. She did not turn, did not dance. They then made up the ignorant. Divan-ı Kebir of 30 thousand, 47 thousand Masnavi Family House has said. They are Pharisees. Turkish is the annotations too. Most of the Naqshbandi sect Abdullah-i Dehlevi nibs, "the wife is no third book. These are the Quran, Bukhari Sharif, Rumi, and Celaleddini Mesnevi'sidir "He said. Ie, Evliyalık path of virtue at the top of the book Mathnawi report. Evliyalık and virtues of the prophet and the subtle ways to notify the Mektubâtı'nın Hazrat Imam Rabbani is no spouse. Shows that large of mysticism, praised each other and they'd like. Abdullah-i Dehlevi Grace, 107 In a letter to come to say: "O, great saint of the Ahl al-Sunnah and the community and was one of the scholars."


Now circumcision Seniyye Hadith the Sheriff and the Qur'an and the Ahl al-Sunnah to this depends a great person's other Ahl al-Sunnah scholars reporting provisions, the hadiths and the Quran in contravention of the music halal said mean a great falsehood and ignorance is. Do so from those who should know what that meant in Masnavi God himself [cc] destroy the "Kamil human" means. What, in Persian, is not.


So what's the word that kept clear and in Rumi's halal Holiness said he does not understand anything other than plain ignorance. A word does not belong to Hazrat Rumi, Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi said to look like, to outright slandering Prophet and the Ahl al-Sunnah, and Allah will smear. Rumi, the music is forbidden because it is above Holiness declared the hadith of the hundreds and hundreds of scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah and does not act contrary to the Koran, every word, like other scholars, this way is appropriate.


Allah's pleasure, the forbidden, the prohibition is not in things, that process is forbidden by Allah will not win. In contrast, it is forbidden to leave the winner.

 [Full catechism / Our religion Islam]


There are 10 things that make them folk of Lot, and so were destroyed. My nation is to them also he adds: boys to men copulate, nuts, such as peg-tiles sling, pigeons to play with, tambourine playing, drinking, hair cut, mustache, to extend, to whistle, clap [clap], silk shirt to wear. I would add that one of the nation, it also means women have intercourse with women.

[Ravi: Hz. Hasan Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz al-Ehadis, page 315, Ahmed Ziyauddin Gümüşhanevi]


Even just to play tambourine devil's call to prayer. Even playing a tambourine. Songs, eulogies the chapters, hymns are the devil's call to prayer. But religious hymns, soothing, eh? Satan is not to wake up from our sleep, such negligence does not distract us? The devil's call to prayer hymns. Satan is a book of poetry reading. There is not anywhere in the poem? hymns of God's name,  the name of the prophet, was the work of Islamic issues are divine. Remarks are made fun of. 7 days 24 hours, on television, on radio, on the streets, in cars or even mobile phones, even the devil would listen to the call to prayer. Our souls, because our ears are welcome. The devil's call to prayer in this generation of songs, hymns, eulogies and ears to listen to Satan worship. Satan's read the book, reading the poetry of language, worship the devil. To the heart to win the heart of the devil is worshiped. We do not read God's book, the Koran, but the devil 7 days 24 hours to read and listen to their prayer. Already aware from the Qur'an in Islam!


Bismillahirrahmanirrahıym. There are quite some people that know not veer from the path of Allah and mocked him saying to get the entertainment they purchase. Here they have a humiliating punishment. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Lokman time, 6 verse]


If sin is something on the floor were invited, for example, if you have pictures or play instruments on the wall if alive, men and women that's not going to invite.

[Imam Ghazali, Chemical-t Felicity, page 207]


Sin is not what I invited this time? Men and women dancing together at weddings, mutual play. Getting drinks. Do not disgrace not to celebrate. Our families, our friends, but it is not going to? Let's look will be able to save us from hell, he can not break people? We intend to wood burning in hell along nice:)


While reading the Koran to cry, cry if you do not like networking.

[Sa'd Bin Abi from Vakkas, Ibn-i Mace / / İhyau Ulumi'd-religion, 1.cilt, Rub'ul-İbadat, Imam Ghazali]


When reading the Quran, while listening to crying is good deed. We do not understand, but is not it? But the singer or something, or something heavy and sentimental songs of the artist, the artist sings songs while listening to the cry, we moved. But we can not understand the Koran the holy book of poems, songs, appealing directly to our hearts. His is our interpreter. Accompanied by a moving song playing, there are those who dance. Former slaves, concubines would sing songs to dance to master. Now everyone is beautiful slave, concubine, the slave of Satan, became the concubine is dancing with himself. 7 days 24 hours anywhere in the four rings. 'So long forbidden, forbidden, since the devil's call to prayer, why do they play anywhere? If I had not did not play the blame? "Tell those, who play the devil's servants, are slaves. They worship their money. How comes you're coming from the money whether they cared! We do not understand the Koran, but I do not read poetry, songs like we come into our hearts and ears. According to those who claim to be Muslims but we are all Muslims. Pseudo-Muslims who worship the devil in essence, my devil worship the pagan world. Unbelievers are already in their own souls, to enjoy the world adores.


When approaching doom of that era's most reputable ones do yaltaklık and flattery.

[Imam Taberani; Deylemi, the last time with the relevant Hadith]


If you come to a place at this time, going up to an authority, or be torpedoed, or by going to suck on them, their superiors. From truth is not winning anyway. Doomed to lose the right. The wrong ones, flattery, who cringe at running a good job, good lives.


Of snout, rear drive, and cynical place it among the increasing signs of Doomsday.

[Beyhaki, Ibn-i Neccar; the last time with the relevant Hadith, page 11]


Speakers from the back of friends who make fun of mistakes, who do mimicry. And does not enter into action only impersonation. Artists do something that makes the hair, is dressed in something. Also that our favorite artists! We are trying to emulate him. To dress like her, trying to be like her. Not all artists are making fun of? Islamic values, in vain do the fun words, just to get paid. For the money! For they worship money, applause, glory, fame!


In fact, films, arrays are also simulated. In the face of human behavior and events of their reaction is to mimic the animation. All kinds of events is portrayed.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Signs and deride what they have been warned. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Al-Kahf, 56 verse]


Who laughed sin, weeping enters Hell.

[Ravi: Hazrat Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 400]


As the cattle eat with their tongues licking, language provides the livelihood of the people appeared to be a team will not be terminated unless the Resurrection.

[Imam Ahmad, Hadith related with the last time, page 15]


"Cattle like to eat with their tongues licking"

They initially singers, artists, actors, actresses are. For the money, the chance to clear their mouths and mumble and. Chance of fame and get some more art, so get out a bit more mobile. God gave beauty to some, others have given voice to. The name of their profession "sanat'dır."Actors, actresses are all in shape. Those who swear words to make it, those who speak lies, all those who speak lies. But they is not doing his job? I really do not have a job like that! Ask them if you are prominent personalities. But in reality they are puppets! You give the money, "say " course, they say, "dressed like"You say, they dress,"behave in this way"You say, they act. "Open"Course, will be opened,"dressing"You say, are changing. "To bed"You say, they lie,"Hungry"Course, are open. "Cursing"You say, they swore. "Oath"You say, I shall swear. According to them, but they just do their art. Who's hand in his pocket, obviously not who, who's obviously not who you sleep around artists. For the money, the chance to leave their faith in their religion and for the fame, money, glory, fame, artists who hide their worship of authority. One of the people in our own religion, book, ALLAH'ına, prophets, religion has rules soon, but for artists, actors, singers have not removed? They argue. Because we love them.


God damn you, sit down until the middle of the ring. [That is to make people laugh, to the stage to entertain.]

[Ravi: Hz. Huzeyfe Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 347]


Everything except God, is an idol. What else was attached to people and what God has given to the soul, and some love if he is the idol of his.

[Abdulkadir Geylani, Fethur Rabbani]


People that are associated with love! Hell along with our favorite artists alevlendririz wood fire as hell then!


Ibn-u Gafle Süveyd Radiyallahu Anh says:''Ali said Kerremullahü Vechehü: When I tell you a hadith the Messenger of Allah''Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'dan, swear to God does not say whether Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın heaven than to say something [where]  I'd taken. But between you and me talking about things that occur, he may know the war is deception. I say that because I heard the Messenger of Allah Vesselam'ın Aleyhisselatu:

End time locked in''by some imams will mind. They say that of the most beneficial to the creation of the word, read the Koran. Faith does not pass beyond their throats. Pierce the prey, such as reading from religious interests. If you kill them where you found them, then [kill]! Because they kill them, there is the Day of Judgement Allah will give reward.''

[Bukhari, Fezailu'l-Qur'an, 36, Menakıb 25, İstitabe 6; Muslim, Zakat 154, 1066. hadith, Abu Daoud, 31 Circumcision, 4767.hadis, NESA, Drive 26, <7.119; 4780. Qutb-i Sitte hadith.]


According to this provision does not act like they say, do not obey the fatwa of Imam have to die. Only the religious who abuse their own interests for the imams death sentence if there is, money for religion-selling, top religious uses, on the addition of Islam in the generation disrupts artists, actors, artists, singers of the cranium where the head shot should be! But human rights is not there? Sin to kill people! We are living in what era. Effendi, rather than the orders of Allah and Aleyhisselatu Vesselam not know the creators of this system? More merciful than Allah at that time. God's provision does not apply where Islam is not! They do not let die, let? They tortured! They put you in jail! Hereafter, they will also take us to hell, but in this world is transitory in this life, we say, religious objections provisions do not apply. The innocent person was murdered does not move even a hair. But when it comes to talk to those who claim to be Muslims, "we are Muslims" are saying.  Now in Afghanistan, Iraq [Iraq], also murdered in Palestine and the Middle East real Muslim is not human in the vicinity? You know killing people was very great sin? Be no reason to invade countries for no reason are they killing someone does not open his mouth, but it comes to distorting Islam in the generation of human rights and freedom there! All Muslims are brothers! In this time of the person's own brother did not make enemies, but is not it? Muslim would do! What can we do? Laws, there are rules!


Apocalyptic future in peace buyuracaklar us what you know? "God, created by slaves, to judge between the laws of the place did not know that, as you put other laws, other laws have ruled?"


As with their tongues licking their cattle eat, the language of the provision of livelihoods of people appeared to be a team, unless.

Poets, writers, journalists, supervisors, clerks, teachers, ... More precisely, their livelihoods, or just talking and writing winners. These are as the cattle eat with their tongues licking, tongue shall ensure their livelihood. Without the use of force, provide a living just by talking and writing.


A time when people come on, man, himself a seat in the language of the community will not stand in fear.

[Deylemi; History of the Future 1, page 30; Ravi: Hz. Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 504]]


When we talk about entering the wrong places, but sometimes can not get up if we want to get up? We do not make comments about something not quite right, do not tell the truth, we do not want to interfere, he wants everyone to ta, free to say what you want anyway! Especially if our friends say it wrong, we're approved. We're making a few comments sometimes. We are silent and listen! Susan also said that those who are able to accept and approve. But we think differently of us. Although we know the truth are silenced. We need to talk with abandoned abandoned his environment do not know.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. O ye who believe, a nation other [with a people] should not mock, maybe they are better than them, women with women, [regimen should be], maybe they are better than them. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Hucurat Qur'an, 11.ayet]


Susan is a dumb devil in the face of injustice!


Islamic countries the world over as the most civilized countries, Turkey is showing that. How, if there is any kind of freedom! See who you who do not have the modern, we are civilized. Of the work we do, "halal? Do haram? "is without significance, as long as the money come from, how comes you say, and try to make money any way we are modern. 7 days 24 hours anywhere in the devil's call to prayer was said for the modern we are read. Read the book of Satan, even in schools that are modern with a book of poetry. Periodically stops everything is forbidden, halal haram everything we say we are modern. Islam is the most beautiful place on earth, but not in Turkey?


Woe to you! Only the name of Islam are above you, the name of Islam does not give you the benefits.

 [Abdulkadir Geylani-Fethur Rabbani]


Iran, in Afghanistan, women were going around the sheets. What reaction is not it? In the modern era of free things. More precisely, we call the modern era, the end times, are all forbidden, haram, what if there is free! What if that was forbidden to do, all of them were allowed to do, we overlook the advanced. But other backward Islamic countries. Have already ruled on by Sharia fi, right? I beg things from the Islamic civilization, religion, faith is nothing other than to give up!


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Who do you get your gossip who [traction from the rear.] You have one, I like to eat the flesh of your dead brother? Here, you loathe it. -Fear Allah and beware. Sadakallahül-azıym.

[Hucurat Surat, 12 verse]


We all everybody their wishes to make it behave the way want to make either its own right of otherwise is an act which, who, regardless, or if the formerly close friends do we, again talking about it, and narrate. Behind her was not enough as we speak, we do add our own. We do not even know the meaning of gossip. But we do! Gossip about people who say, if you hear or have heard, do not like to say something. Not in our dictionary, but we do not have such a word? Our or our dictionary definition of that word is not in that way!


"We are deadly diseases like anthrax, cholera and your call will become widespread."

[Sahih al-Bukhari]


Deadly diseases, epidemics.

Together with the anthrax letters were sent the virus. China''SARS''Virus emerged. A "bird flu"Of course. Turkey'S Pain disinfected, dressed in the province of the unbelievers, the so-called bird flu in chickens injection of dysentery germs were vaccinated. Dysentery germs from the air to leave the plane on Turkey's. Biological control of parliament he was not even explain, but I did not tamper with anyone. As always, on the subject was blind. Later closed. But are not we a free country? Livestock have also now completed.


Let us come "of swine influenzae ".


So far three companies have produced:


Pandemrix GlaxoSmithKilne firm, called the vaccine.


Baxter International 's H1N1aşısı.


Yet both have licenses. Drugs not approved by the European institutions.


Produced by Novartis Influenza A (H1N1) monovalent 2009.


America's reactions to vaccination compulsory in some states are increasing. Death has occurred in the vaccine. In Britain, the country has certainly would not make such an application. In other countries the situation is no different.


If these vaccines are made:


-Guillain-Barre syndrome






Anaphylactic shock-


-And it may cause death is announced.


Moreover, the adverse effect of the Novartis pharmaceutical company has developed its own laboratory results can be read Novartisin.


1-swine flu vaccine is in the blood of pigs.

Sterility of the vaccine in two-constituent has side effects.

3-This vaccine disrupts the genetic material of humans there.

A number of these vaccines in the world in 4-articles that feature kansorojen has formaldehyde. Foes that America, a substance banned in Europe!

[A shot of this vaccine in the United States citizens, sued the state]


Sociological dimension of the work now!


1-Germany 's government authorities civasız vaccine using cutting bureaucracy, ring vaccination were used for mercury. Were heard this news the people rose up in Germany. Vaccine is the first party in Turkey [500 thousand vaccine] was mercury!


Two-bird flu drugs for the disease of which drug company owner Donald Rumsfeld Tamifulu [America's 3rd influential men] and two billion dollars was won. Disease of swine flu drug companies producing companies are all Jews!


3-Turkey seriously Although nominally a few provinces in the former agents of Lawrence, such as into Turkey so-called virtual illness and people fool the country managers, on the news the swine flu, with news people psychologically under pressure to take themselves to be taken 43 million of the vaccine, ie one billion dollars the vaccine created an excuse!


4-in any country, even in countries where the death occurred, even if the country does not demand such as vaccines, because Turkey has been tested as a nation of guinea pigs?


5-swine flu, the disease itself is a disease that may occur as a stage! Require special preparation of the private laboratory that is a disease!


The main thing to consider now!


1-Torah of Israel "Battle of Armegeddon"It will make 144 thousand people and the world will remain just writing! Weapons of war, a war that just when we think that this is an epidemic disease that is prepared to consider all of the laboratories and pharmaceutical companies, we think that all Jewish organizations, we go ... what do you think is the result?


Pilgrim wants to go to two-shot vaccine. Pilgrims to now, I ask the Ministry of Religious Affairs. "Will be treated as unlawful"Hadith in the swine flu vaccine and when there is blood, while the pilgrims of the Hajj acceptance of this vaccine and how health can be disposed of defiance?


Swine flu drugs were produced before the so-called nonsense. This drug should have been invented to sell a disease and swine influenza A virus by the name [of microbes] have infected people. Swine flu, not even the name of the news when he had come to Turkey. This news was given what was obviously intended. One of the diseases that now intentionally applied.


You remember in this way into Turkey was poisoned ticks, the ticks in the home village for centuries kill anyone. Still occupy the agenda to divert people to linger a while and was adopted by ticks. There was poison in all the media tick. They had brought the jar and poured the picnic area. Now humans can cure the flu vaccine they sold. Actual content of the vaccine in primary health care to babies until we know what is what?  There are dozens of types of vaccines, which for real health, which DNA'Ve been doing to change? These are puzzle!


Brought three students from abroad and the school was quarantined, and even parents in the past. Case ready! Alas! Unfortunately many of our people were used as guinea pigs!

Internet users know better, anti-virus program [the program that prevents microbes] to sell before the virus is invented, they spread it in all the internet world. Or format so that you assign to your computer or to get rid of that virus will buy anti-virus program. That is the same as applied to humans.


Physicians, "Do not avoid the vaccine"She says!

We Yeniçağ'da dated September 27, 2009, "Because the swine flu vaccine was first in Turkey?"When I asked the Turkish people mentioned were used as guinea pigs. Two weeks later, former Health Minister Osman Durmus, also a medical doctor, the tests are not the vaccine In Turkey, try to be condemned, and the influenza epidemic in the face of the immune system to strengthen the measures would take but the family have been vaccinated will not told.


Health Ministry insists it still. Meanwhile in Ankara epidemic, the flu vaccine coincides with the coming of the day was also significant! TRT will broadcast the public did not panic!



System in which doctors did not openly oppose the vaccine! But beneath all the doctors hands, "Do not be vaccinated, have dangerous side effects"He warned relatives!


Osman Durmus, aluminum and squalene in vaccines has received the Ministry of Health of the deadly and crippling effects of substance that had made available.


Be deemed to have made the test a vaccine for three million people should be tested on. Some of the vaccination campaign began in the United States argues, but if it is not at all. The vaccine must be allowed to make New York City health officials, vaccine tested was not sufficiently specified sued to stop the vaccination campaign.


Federal lawsuits filed in court in Washington in the petition, "Leave to prevent a flu pandemic, which contains attenuated live virus nasal vaccines can trigger an outbreak of H1N1 " said.

Turner, in case of complaints accepted to stop the distribution of the vaccine across the country said.


Containing live attenuated H1N1 virus in the U.S. 2.4 million doses of flu vaccine in nasal spray form of state and local health authorities had been distributed.


The swine flu vaccine in Australia has started the implementation. In the first stage, the health workers most at risk groups, pregnant women were vaccinated and chronically ill. Children under age 10 to continue the trials of the vaccine because of vaccine yet been saved.


As shown controversial case!




So, a government, how his own people, by the drug companies would be willing to be used as guinea pigs?

As seen in the brains of the ruling party, not only with Turkey, there is a problem with Islam! I'll be at peace with Armenia, Azerbaijan may attempt to ban the flag of a government in Turkey, the discomfort of using people as guinea pigs do not! Indeed, the Turkish cemetery in Baku, the Turkish flag at the end of the download results were obtained!





Former Health Minister shocks explain about swine flu!


MHP Kırıkkale deputy Osman Durmus, from herself and her family to protect the swine flu epidemic would apply preventive measures, however, said the vaccine would not be.


Stood, MHP and MHP Afyon deputy Abdulkadir Akcan Kahramanmaras Deputy Mehmet Akif Paksoy with swine flu vaccine and will be said about the press conference.


Health Minister Recep Akdag "February, March, influenza vaccine is not made in the months you will be sick, 21 million people, five thousand three hundred people will die" expressed in the form of prophesy Durmus, in order to inform public opinion towards the need to make the meeting, he said.


Swine flu pandemic virus is produced in laboratories officially been declared to the UN General Assembly noted that the expression Durmus, who made worldwide flu epidemic infected over 60, he said.


250-500 thousand of the world each year, seasonal flu outbreaks in Turkey, stressing that the lives of 17 thousand people stopped moving, the number of patients who died due to swine influenza in a year people all over the world said it was only 500 thousand.


Osman Durmus, "The swine flu more quickly spread into seasonal influenza as well as intimidating and killing is not. So, why society panic are being?" Oh, your hand, quickly hold and now the vaccine be in? Global crisis bills in developing countries pay this " he said.


- "Our PEOPLE TO BE USED as a subject"


During the Gulf War, American soldiers made to the anthrax vaccine involved in squalene name given unsaturated fatty acid is added is, as a result, the military percentage of 95 body destroyed, the disease emerged indicating that the Durmuş, the Ministry of Health receives Smith Klein, Pastor and Novartis vaccines in the aluminum and squalene Article has said. Standing the necessity of the vaccine, efficacy and effects of both lethal and crippling, leading to reluctance of scientists says.


Osman Durmus, civilized countries, drug or vaccine is produced after the laboratory effectiveness, side effects, biological experiments on animals with the reliability and tested on human subjects, Phase-1 [third world countries, voluntary and incentive] and Phase-2 [underdeveloped countries, people over to try it] practices were told to go.


Not yet received the vaccine to Turkey Phase 1 and Phase-2 results are not in-striking has stopped moving, "So our people have to be used as test subjects!" he!


Mr. Minister, company officials would not give the vaccine to the Health Ministry, with the interests of its staff vaccinations to do in Turkey 'was expressed.


If this information is correct, this means "We do 40 million subjects on the Phase-1 application will ' means. Turkey's people like a citizen of a third world country to use as guinea pigs, the Health Minister, what is likely to win a reputation, "he said.


- "I will not be vaccinated," -


New Jersey in 1976, military personnel, among the swine flu epidemic in the first person had died, whereupon everyone to be vaccinated must be said that indicates Durmus, 40 million Americans vaccine was that the vaccine depending on only 25 people died and 532 people nerve paralysis caused Guillian-Barre syndrome has been seen explained. Upon which vaccination stopped indicating Durmuş, "An honest politician that period, U.S. President Gerald Ford, vaccination ceased, the export ban, and each country's national immunization program, launching wanted. I also President Ford seriously get. Myself and my family flu epidemic to protect I will resort to protective measures, but will not be vaccinated, "he said.


Stopped, the Ministry of Health has ordered 43 million doses of vaccine, said it allocated 500 million TL.


Prof. Selcuk University veterinarian. Dr. Osman Erganiş'in "£ 50 million to Turkey's 10-year vaccine could be produced" Durmus indicating expression, "So while the annual requirement can be met by £ 5 million, would give £ 500 million. This would leave the interpretation to your citizens" he said.


Stopped in 1977 "Russian Flu" referred to as H1N1 virus, compared with that of some people over the age of 32, have expressed resistance to this, the 2009 swine flu deaths in Turkey as of year that reminds.


About four cases in the laboratory school at Bilkent "Epidemic began," Durmus as saying there is no need to panic, schools, laboratories placement of liquid soap, hand wash, dry mouth and eyes of the press regarding the protection of hygienic knowledge, publishing route and can be given to students in schools with education said.


Stopped, "the Minister of Education, secondary school curriculum first aid and health information, lessons should set. Thus, the Minister created by the crisis, a rant opportunities into, instead of our people the true and useful information is given," he said.


Disease, divided into 500 million pounds with 250 beds, 25 high specialty hospitals can be done, or the newly established 20 universities all classrooms, laboratories and administrative buildings made recording Durmus, 50 thousand TL 10-year safe vaccine can be produced, while the reasons have not been asked.


Osman Durmus, "500 million pounds so easily spend the Minister of Health, Agriculture Minister companies such as whether favoritism is? Three separate companies on the vaccine order the companies to silence you intended? Market research was conducted Does? 500 million pounds vaccine deal with different prices, the Minister for the prosecutors operate might have ? Prosecutors in the continued threat of Is there Ministry of Health on this occasion the flu vaccine routine immunization program you got going on. Health Department staff donated flu vaccine because not used. the ministers protect public health rather than community outbreak of a scare from the virus and loss of benefits rather than the expensive vaccine, attitude puts you in favor of the importer? " wanted answered.


- "If there are Discontinued vaccine problems account of me!" -


MHP Afyon deputy Abdulkadir Akcan, may take measures against the epidemic, the vaccine could produce 58 institutes and research centers Been closed by the government, stating "This plant was turned off, everything the private sector by means to do with the conception of action is. 10 million pounds 10 years than you will produce potentially have. If our country can not be produced vaccines have come account of me problem. Trader mentality in the country with managing human health, the victims are" he said.


Akcan, swine flu vaccine must be renewed every 6 months to indicate that 35 million pounds each year, said the vaccine could be imported.


MHP Kahramanmaraş deputy Mehmet Akif Paksoy is on the agenda of the two years before the case is a tick in that period and stating that they allege fraud, "Inspectors prepare reports on the ill-gotten gains is not accepted is maintained. Pelf is provided to another company" he said.



danger of Zionism


Consumers Union's decision to boycott certain companies to share information about the short-let!




Starbucks Coffee chain has branches worldwide 4709.


Howard Shultz, Starbucks general manager is an active Zionist. Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah'ın 1998 "in the development of relations between the U.S. and Israel have played the key role" because of his "Friends of Israel's 50th Praise Zion Award" and honored. Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah'ın, the butcher of Jenin where the Israeli army, General Shaul Mofaz'ın president of the Zionist propaganda website, which is fair and honestreporting.com 'u will be financed.


Shultz'un studies by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel for Israel's long-term success has been noted to play a key role.


Palestinians in the Israeli army, Jenin, killed while Bethelem and Nabulus'ta, Shultz accused the Palestinians as terrorists and Intifada'S Anti-Semistism'S is an indicator and it should be against the people of Israel in the back, he said.


Other large companies, while the Israeli withdrawal from the country's economy deteriorated, Starbucks Waving to stay in Israel has decided to help the economy. After this the wrong business decisions, and Starbucks took a heavy loss in 2003, Israel was forced to close six branches.


Starbucks Israel, which still continues to benefit. At the same time the U.S. administration in Afghanistan and Iraq [Iraq] invasion policy that supports sustainable ta. To support this occupation forces in Afghanistan and has opened offices to support and serve.


Coca Cola


Coca-Cola since 1966, is Israel's staunch defenders.


In 1997, the Israeli government, Israeli Trade food economy based on the company's support for Israel and the 30-year decision to boycott the Arab League was honored for rejection.


In 2001, Coca-Cola headquarters, the America-Israel Chamber of Commerce hosts the awards gala, and was the biggest sponsor.


Coca-Cola Company employees including the Israeli-Arab conflict issue has been organizing training programs on various subjects. The contents of this training program, the Agency for Israel and Israel is being created by the Government.


February 2002, the "Friends of Israel" and created a group called the University of Minnesota has given a seminar at the famous Zionist Gradstein'a Linda.


In July 2002, Coca-Cola stolen millions of dollars on the territory of Palestine with a new factory was built to be announced.


October 2005, 51% of the shares of Tavor Winey'in also increased their investments in Israel are taking.





A Swiss company, Nestle, the Israeli food company Osem'in 50.1% of offers. Nestle in December 2000 so, millions of dollars in Israel announced it would establish a global R & D center.


Nestle Siderot'ta fast-food manufacturing plant was established. Nestle many products that are produced in factories.


In 1998, Nestle, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's government as their biggest prize from the hands of the "Jubilee Award" i took. This award, the highest contributor to the economy of the Israeli people and companies are given on behalf of the state.





In 1998, Frank Riboud of Danone Başbakanu Netanyahu of Israel on behalf of the state as their biggest prize from the hands of the "Jubilee Award" i took. This award, the highest contributor to the economy of the Israeli people and companies are given on behalf of the state.


Danone Enstitusune Israel was founded in 1998, owned a research and development.





Nokia is investing heavily in Israel.


Nokia chief executive Lars Wolf The Jerusalem Post with a speech on [March 4, 2001] "We are Israel, to the subject in all its aspects seriously. Because our Israel Project, which we have called, including a project there. This project to Israel a network perspective," Nokia Venture Organization 'and look at from the perspective of Nokia Research Center "


Nokia Venture Organization, December 2000, a new 500 million dollar fund was set up and part of that was sent to the Israeli company. Nokia Research Center in Israel to start new studies point to an officer.


Nokia Networks, Rosh Ha'ayin'de stores opened a year ago. Nokia general manager Lars Wolf "from zero to the number of employees out of forty that the infrastructure is complete, this number exponentially with the number 100 to 80 within three to four months to reach it," he said.


Wolf also movements of the objectives of Israel in the Internet Protocol, wireless net access, and is said to become the leader.


Johnson & Johnson


The Company has paid $ 400 million for the Israeli company Biosense. Biosense, a Haifa-based medical supplies company.


Johnson & Johnson, has opened offices near Shfayim.


In 1998, Roger S. Fineon Johnson & Johnson on behalf of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's government as their biggest prize from the hands of the "Jubilee award" i took. This award, the highest contributor to the economy of the Israeli people and companies are given on behalf of the state.


Until recently, DNA, has an area of impenetrable. But today we know very clearly that the genetic spirals can be opened easily and add as desired to the chromosome sequence of interest can be made.


Genetic structure manipulated foods, direct genetic structure related to the vaccine, just the computer in our way or the entering virus programs, such as yourself with the system integrates with the programs very well the human genes can change, structural break can even slow death can lead


Therefore, not be made today in practice, winged horses, animals in human form, the presence of integrated pig, half-ape half-human creatures is a matter of time before emergence. Because it is known that it would be possible. Why not do; power of the clergy in Israel, the Christian moral of the walls are spiritual!


Soon, the human body, do not be surprised if the materials that are produced laboratories. In their religious and legal aspects are being discussed. We are rapidly heading towards that direction for the bride by the hand doing the devil. Exile in the world for a moment before I get finished, with hidden and secret delusion of humanity is drifting to destruction. To incite people to political expression, "God is forced to Doomsday"


That pig is the last stage of this work the integration of operations. So if the statement referred to the essence;


As you know, the last on the agenda was a disease called swine flu. And of course, the flu vaccine in the world of dignity, scientists have had serious reactions. "This vaccine was not designed to destroy a disease, but rather to move humanity produced a new disease." They said.


No, I can assure you that the vaccine not only bring disease, transgenetik 'terminator genes' includes. Human nature being slow to delete and convert it to another gene.


Surprising and overwhelming situation, Turkey's Minister of Health in his hand was dragged into that trouble. Turkey trouble that has surrounded it at the beginning of humanity, such as vaccination in the pilot regions [subject country] was Turkey. I do not know how many million people at risk do not know how many thousands of people were in the vaccine would die too! It is mercy, mercy! And fear Allah. See what logic and conscience to do with this job?


Somebody's guinea pig was performed to enrich the Turkish nation! Well, to be rid of a disease such as influenza, no one panicked so much to tell really creates questions in your mind!


This is how such a panic? If someone had sprinkled the virus from entering Turkey and I have no one?


Despite this clear warning and the warning was imposed vaccine! This nation has been betrayed! Flora, genetics, clean, still living human beings has dealt a blow worse than the invasion of Anatolia! Think of this land, seeds, breeding for. Grain is dead, died of rice, fruits, dead, dead animals. Dead bee, honey dead. Died watermelon, cantaloupe dead, dead wheat, ...


Planning once the population under the name of this nation have made vicious make vaccines. And today we know that infertility in Turkey in the last 10 years has increased at a rate of 27 percent.


Vaccines, gene enlighten people about how they will be destroyed, most belonged to the Zionist drug barons will be rich in factories, so that the blood of the nation, played by genes!


You love your country what-is-destroying humanity! Wake up now! Distorted because the Torah says so!


The belief of the Jews, Israel's largest faith, faith is! Wake up now!


Before Judgement six [things] say: My death, Beit-i Makdis'in conquest, then the quasi put [the killer appears in the chest pains], as the numerous incidents of death.

[End of Times, page 123]


Sudden death are also signs of doom.

[End of Times, page 147]


We always hear a heart attack, even at a young age have died of a heart attack. Traffic accidents are sudden death. Every day, traffic accidents are numerous, numerous people are killed.


Of people in rebellion against his mother and father are a sign of trouble to give Judgement.

[Tirmidhi, Fiten, 38]


We're acting cold towards our parents. We want for not providing the conditions, for not allowing what we want to do, they do not care enough for us. They do not understand us. They bring us to the world! I did not even allow married mothers, even youngsters are killed, or tell stories in the news.


Become a common misunderstanding among neighbors are apocalyptic signs.

[Ramuz-al e-Hadith, Ahmad Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi, 448 / 7]


Our parents, she do not agree with our sister, neighbors, how can agree with our environment? Is understood around sometimes, but after a while, after some events are also deleted them from our lives! "I" We call, and we stand alone in my prisoners!


This "I have to say either''everyone in the worship is the god. Anyone "I'E, that the soul is adore.


Great mercy to young, small and great respect, doomsday was approaching when the child is angry.

[Death-Resurrection and the Resurrection, page 480]

Small to big ones always yelling, calling, is beaten to scold. Not even a tiny bit of compassion works are great. Minors are more opposed to now, but big! Those big threat, even those who beat path to cut a variety of reasons, the window frame. Even little kids are upset, is nervous!


Judgement of divorce due to the proliferation of the signs.

[Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the End Times, page 455]

No account of the terms of the number of divorces. With each passing day, the social life of being corrupt, adulterous, and environmental factors that everyone is their own reasons, even collapsed the number of slots is not clear.


Stinginess and greed in humans will increase.

[Muslim, Reconstruction, 176; Ibn-i Mace, Fiten, 24]


Judgement was approaching, but people across the world to increase their ambitions but Allah, are also removed.

[Suyuti, Camiü's-Deaf, 2 / 57]


Everything ourselves, we just adapt to people. We see around us are the ones we wanted. We call the world and matter, the money would also do something else as well. Infestation by greed but also our eyes we are all different. Even a small mistake others have made the response, such as mountains are destroyed, we do mountain of a molehill, but when it comes to ourselves, we even do wrong too great to meet everyone's waiting with understanding.


Unending requests

Heart disease is the tenth of the Tul-u ambitions that "endless istek'tir.." Want to live for fun and pleasure to take the stand. Tul-u ambitions [endless requests] owners do not make it in time of worship, to repent leave. The heart is solid, do not remember death. They do not take heed of anything. For all the world to meet their cost and the authority to spend life. They forget the Hereafter. Think only of pleasure and joy. Causes of unending desire, Jews, Christians and hypocrites as worldly as in death, and to forget, health, youth is mistaken.


Of gossipy, sarcastic, and place it behind the rear-wheel drive are among the signs of doomsday.

[Last time, with the relevant Hadith, page 93]


Move or say that they liked an even back and forth about our friends, to talk, not afraid to bandy about. "Oh, sir, did listen, wow did it, sir. Or is he, when she had done or something, but what happens then do it. "Mockery of our friends who said I do wrong, we would like to imitate them.


Especially from an artist, televisions, arrays, counting skill to imitate what we see. Even those who actually have the job or career. Stand-up'çılar. Everyone is pretending that everything now.


When approaching doom of that era's most reputable ones do yaltaklık and flattery.

[Last time, with the relevant Hadith, page 97]


This will be the time or favoritism, or if you want to come to a place you'll cringe. And 90% of greasy flattery on those who are rising faster anyway.


Painting and sculpture of a creature who if any, that this Judgement is to give life as he bids to become the punishment be. Yet it is not possible to give life.

[Bukhari, Ta'bir, 45]


Anh narrated by Ibn Umar Radiyallahu Aleyhisselatu Vesselam PROPHET said: "These paintings and sculptures that made DOOM what gives life to those who look he will be punished."

[Bukhari, Growth, 40, Muslim, Libas, 1996]


Doom is the most severe punishment of those who made paintings and sculptures.

[Bukhari, Libas, 89]


Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh, I've heard PROPHET Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ı buyururken follows:

GOD: I have created paintings and sculptures, such as by making unjust than those who are attempting to live? Come on, fly up to a particle or a grain or a grain of barley grains they look not exist. What possible! He said!

[Bukhari, Libas, 1990; Muslim, Libas, 101]


As soon as school starts again painting. Painting at the age child. Animals, pictures of people doing their. Grow up, finish school, even when the painter has chosen. There are those who consistently paint.


Get the technology right on the one hand, when there are cameras who attempt to paint! Everything in color, colorless, no longer able to be depicted as it can freeze. Three cheers for technology. About technology goes hand at something new when there are those who are not religious? They do not say why! But they do not say! There are not many restrictions on religion? Is prohibited! We wonder why it is forbidden? I wonder if we'll investigate! But I think we need the information we already teach us anyway. In fact, empty and useless things they teach. Things to occupy our brains! Something that is forbidden in religious terms is forbidden in every way! Until done! Stop sign done! Keep one! To the minister! In short, is forbidden unless it benefits all the way! Shoot till, checks stop sign! To remember the old days, memories, memories that we keep the photos as we have attracted even have photo albums. But memories! Memories! Recalling memories of the devil in our hearts, our spirituality is breaking endlessly! But we do not mind! We like to remember is to keep the old.


In addition over a people, and animals by moving cameras and televisions are showing. Technology was further developed. Almost everyone has at home. Do not! We are constantly staring at the TV! Even cell phones can take photos now! That in our clothes on pictures, pictures of animals are imaginary or real! Almost all of our children have clothes pictures! Use of the money, now living in surrogate technology outfits, there are pictures.


Taught in schools in each book, files, copies are available. Teachers, students always have a book.


"Everything is forbidden in religion, not living then! By way of Islam are cool! Islam is a religion of religious tolerance. " Islam is a religion of religious tolerance, but not haram and halal count! Muslims are already, I really believe as a Muslim, Islam does not even use the sentence are cool! The Muslim religion is not cool, non-Muslims will abstain, absorption!


Said Bin Ebi'l-Hasen'den is narrated:

"A man came to Abdullah ibn Abbas said:

"It means that the [pictures] I made a living by providing her a man. About my art and they give me a verdict!''He said. Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the man:''I said closer!''He said. O man, came to Abdullah ibn Abbas. Then said:

Approach''to me, "he said. He approached the man. Finally put his hand on the man's head:

I listened to you a hadith the Messenger of Allah''Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'dan-i will tell. I Vesselam'ı Aleyhisselatu Messenger:

"Every artist is hell. God, by the artist in whatever he will give life to the Day of Judgement and he shall live [picture] has also made himself the punishment in hell will be.''Heard''said buyururken.

[Sahih Muslim. 1938. hadith.]


Even now there are pictures of ID cards. Copies, there are pictures everywhere.


There are ornaments as a trinket. Monuments, statues. Which is now so easily buy alınabiliniyor. Sometimes we think; "Or how people used to worship them if?" so.


Hazrat Ali Kerremullahi Vechehü from rumor; Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said: Allah Muhammad Aleyhisselatü Vesselam funeral was: "Which of you on the road broke a most idols, to the ground makes trop grave, corruption did an image without leaving Medina expenditure?" He asked. A man: "I am, O Allah Muhammad," I replied. Kerremullahi Vechehü Ali said: "Medina said residents feared. The man set off. After a while back: "O Allah Muhammad, broke-for idols, tombs razed-for, a distorted picture did not." He said. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam then said:

"Who is this art, if one turns back, he swore no one was down to Muhammad."

  [Ahmad Bin Hanbal; Fıkhu's-Sunne, Sayyid former]


Down to Muhammad to curse, to swear that down to Vesselam'a Aleyhisselatu. God's curse on the book. We swear to the Koran the holy book.

Instead we have seen disturbing images, rather than tear up, watching, look, we spent our time! Take photos, we take our time spent! Stop spoiling, spoiled, damaged which can make beautiful pictures even longer than before thanks to technology! Sightly, but! Looks great! To swear to the Koran at the expense of doing them? In religious matters, the scholars said that the ban prohibited bigot but he named.


That many scholars on the other hand, there is an imam, or even those who make them, check Linguatic, showing length in the newspapers there.


End time he would come out so that will be sold in exchange for the benefits of world religions. Sheep's clothing will post them to look smoother, sweeter than sugar languages, but the hearts of wolves will be participating as the heart.

[Imam Tirmidhi, Asceticism, page 60]


Angels in the dog, painting and sculpture do not enter the home.

[Bukhari, Libas, 1994]

Newspapers, magazines, posters. There are pictures all over this world. This means there are all over the world. Now you do not even want to take picture books, many are not! Textbooks in all the pictures, there are way! Go to mosques to pray through those pictures of clothes, mobile phones, the call to prayer, the music of the devil, to perish on the Day of Judgement shall be called as the photos are! Carry their wallets in their identity, have the money, even pictures! This deprived the world of angels! Angels in this world again, we are deprived! We carry on going to the mosque to pray, even when these pictures! "Off, it does not look a thing can not happen but it's not?" Do not have closed the matter on! Not everything is fit into a jacket? But nobody wants halal! The minaret is forbidden to steal something that is preparing the case! Why? If this is how everyone! Welcome to our souls! The devil is poking! To swear to the Koran at the expense of all the places with pictures, are adorned with photos, on the Muslims claimed that we are, trying to pray. Governed by sharia law in Muslim countries, Jews, Christians, and Mason will bring them under the name of democracy.


End time came, my people man to, peştamal even if the bathhouse to enter the forbidden happens, said:''What the Messenger of Allah, so is it? "He said:" Because they're naked on the people fall into or over them naked people entered. Be sure that God cursed the minister also has his own look at the stop sign.

[Ravi: Hz.Zahri Radiyallahu Anh, M Ramuz al-Hadith, Ahmad Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi]


"When the End Times, the nation's men peştemalla be forbidden to even enter the bath." What are these baths? The first is the television! Television is a bath so that means if the motion is shown. Is heavier than the provision of photos! Adultery is any business, look for fornication, adultery of the heart! Leave hair uncovered women, even those who are stripping stark naked! We've made our own homes, even baths! We're entering into our own homes, even baths. When we enter into our house to the nest of adultery! Our ears and our eyes to all kinds of adultery works! A racy scenes or draw more attention, so artists are dressed immodestly dressed! There are religious programs, but those who do not? Let's open a handful of hair that women, as wanton scenes of the programs, religious programs do after the movie! Peştemalla even be forbidden to enter! Entering any kind, shall be displayed throughout, because pictures are forbidden, even more importantly, the eyes and ears of adultery job! Constantly playing devil's prayer drop channels, even music playing in the religious program, is not it? Background music, ney'ler. But the more knowledge, scholars, imams do not know, how? We both learned our religion!


Characterized as the greatest scholars of our day, even take charge of their program. To teach religion in return! Scholars from the old books they had left, with flimsy information, most provisions of defiance against the world shaped by their religion to eat! But science is not there? Have in mind, the price trend in wage and their right! Learn about the ancient religious scholars, more knowledge of them, even though they charge a fee to drop, religious, Islam, to teach their students, for service to Islam, all students would make a living. Scarce information they learned from the old website to teach people to ornament the fraudsters are paid at our website!


When will the people on that one, they all read the Koran, seek to worship in the religion and religion did not seem like there's a show become too busy. But the unbelievers will not know the direction and amount of reading and knowledge to take Rizk and place for the world religions. Here they are blind will AVENE of Antichrist.

[Ravi: Hz. Anh Radiyallahu Ibn Masud, M Ramuz al-Hadith, Ahmad Ziyaüddün Gümüşhanevi]


We are all blind us AVENE of Antichrist!


In a cartoon, animation films have the children is indispensable! And copies of the motion picture version, was called on cartoon animals are even!


Anh Radiyallahu Abu Sadi explains:''The Messenger of Allah Vesselam Aleyhisselatu said:''By Allah who holds my soul might get that wild animals do not talk to people unless pandemonium broke out.

[Qutb-i Sitte]


Portents of doom, the animals are talking to people. Wild animals, ie non-domesticated animals. But I just do not talk in these imaginary creatures being spoken of.


Magic, the secret word, and implicitly to mean something, to deceive the eye by making vineyard and shining eyes is to mislead people.  The magic is called speaking to deceive so good. [Bukhari, Tibb, 51] said,''Nice that there are words,''buyurulur magic is just as effective.

[Riyazu's-Salih, the Imam Nevevi]


To show such a thing was not, that is something that does not exist, a non-living things to live like the magic is called can mobilize. Copy, images, cartoons, because they be called to give life, magic is forbidden in the religion because it is!  Assembly is done in many films, but even now. Not even the movies have not been assembled film. "Live like moving, they sound like live, how much is it portrayed?" But they do not breathe, eat, and not smoking. Do not exist in reality! Tangible, but not CD's are kept? Islamic names, the Islamic word processing with the religion of the films have been exploited for the program! Saban Enterprises cows. So that forgiveness and mercy, so forgive the crimes of the names of Allah in the sense that Gaffur. Forgiving psychopath "s! Although not religious movies, religious shows to violate Islamic values of different movies! Subject of religious cartoons, even some religious films! According to those who are made for service to Islam, but in return they get paid! "You're watching television, or electricity bill or do not receive the money?" Advertisements of the products shown in getting the money you give 50inden% more advertising to pay expenses for those who use the products. "Which is good, we know which is worse, but in this way?" He! Advertisement of the goods which is made more so we selected him. Advertisement call has been made, is good! But the money is given to the ad!


Abu Hurairah narrated According Radiyallahu Anh'dan, Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Our Lord said:

"One of the seven things helake Avoid dragging." Companions are:

"Ya Rasulullah! 7 What is this? "He asked. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said: "Allah, the common run, magic and voodoo, God's killing has forbidden a man to kill and interest dinners, orphans goods food, the enemy attacked during the war, to escape, is married and nothing from the news without honor man of Muslim women To accuse someone of adultery. "

[Bukhari, Vasaya 23, Medical 48, Hudud 44; Muslim, Iman 145 Abu Dawood, Vasaya 10, NESA, Vasaya 12; Riyazu's-Salih, the Imam Nevevi.]


Judgement day of painting and sculpture, as created by God to do more wrong than by those who are attempting to live as she buyurulacak images, photographs, images that television.


God forbid that something other reasons put forward, namely the Quran and Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın Sunnah contrary of what is done to God common condition established and even spell the dead of the movement, voice was cartoons, animations that living things are the way the image of and the television movies that have sound! On an every home TV to be, with Allah blaspheme, magic, adultery, the religious abuse, religious, using the interest to obtain material gain causing the television contains at home to pray and to pray employees! Both of gods with Allah, [circus], and threats and worship!


According to Ibnu Sa'd Ibnu Zürare'nin Abdurrahman told to him, wife of the Prophet PROPHET Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın. If memory will be freed when he was killed Anha'ın Radiyallahu a concubine, because he made magic, magic, could gain because of the killing.

 [Muvatta, Ukûl 14, [2.871] 4900. Qutb-i Sitte hadith.]


This provision is based on the magic of those that perform to kill while, liked it, our time playing for us, to hell drag because we love, abandon unable televisions and televisions out and make a program who follow spend our time.


There are also a passionate football. How football has emerged?

First, the Prophet. Hussein was martyred in Karbala, the holy head cut off and the Umayyad palace while being hypocrites, Hz. Hussein's severed head had sent the kicking each other!

After you cut the head of British Muslims, mutual standing, kicking off their heads together at their Muslims. Hat-trick he scored three compiled miserable. Here, we uncovered by Muslims following a game, we spent our days in football. Does not speak anything other than a football around in the middle! Everyone was holding the greatest team. Some of the biggest Fenerbahce, Galatasaray, some of the largest and some of the greatest Liverpool! Some of the greatest Barcelona, some of the largest Real Madrid, Manchester United, some of the biggest. Allah only knows are the biggest?! "You know the greatest is God, these teams are among the biggest." True or separate everything for us? Religion apart, separate sports, art, separate living apart! But in every aspect of Islam is all! Islam is experiencing all the conditions applied. Islam Islam is experienced in applying the rules.


Or their duly fulfilled all the conditions of Islam, or otherwise,''I am Muslim,''say.

[Abdulkadir Geylani, Fethur Rabbani]


"Who are we to follow that practice?" We adjust everything around you! They're doing is normal for everyone! One would not normally do!


"Waterless bath on the one hand, okay?" What are the water of television? Saliva flowing from our mouths are, while shouting, laughing out loud when our mouths are scattered saliva. Crying tears of those emotional issues.


"Nice work if Bath are constantly washed?" We are washed properly! That the deeds of our books, by our sins are washed from our good deed is considered low enough not to. We adjusted our reward! On sin as sin, hell to the Fire, who suffered the most severe penalty in preparing to take our place. Fire burning in hell for everything we do!


Normal picture of any obscene, indecent images as newspapers, magazines. A sheet in a religious provision, a page from the life of a subject, another page in the fortunes of the mentioned, they do so inhuman a portion not taken; animals more abject case though, we are hypocrites enthroned the artists, models of the rich and articles about the baths.


Of this world, only the hair that is open, even adultery, though, over the bodies exhibited the clothes, the body contours reveal dress of women including the streets, television, the houses, the first desktop in the hair of a pinch, even intimate that case, the hair light brought to school and scattered light to the school sent her children to men the same class taught in school, the whole body to exhibit at the expense of only two pieces of cloth with a whole body exposure of the women was found in the pool, sea sides, this world in bath!


Clothes, religion, faith in money, one also on the even some of the Muslims is, in some of the faithful that have claimed that no provision did not perform like the religious No provision known even if not for the money, the chance for fame, whom I had fallen off, obviously not in They exhibited all over their bodies, their cinema films, posters in the streets, all over the world ... The bath! Supposedly believes in self infidels, idolaters, our world! Everywhere we turn into our own hands to the world of baths. Die need to be though; die, on each branch separately, a fan of where the art under the name, from the front of the relationships entered into, who you sleep around is unclear, their bodies all over the exhibition Avoid in women, devil's call to prayer is; eulogies the hymns, songs, folk songs telling singers Satan's read the book, place it called poetry reading, says is where the bath! We listen to them on the unwary, we'll watch! If for some people who kill each other even exists! We call the art world in our modern media whores!


At that time that some people will call the gates of hell would be the summoner. Although he warned people to invite whoever the hell it will take.

[Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the End Times, page 382]


Hell awaits us! Hello! We made it in this world, had come together in the past we do all of perversion! We are adding new ones on. Hell, we're a generation! Harla need to log in the fire of hell, people! We will log into the fire of faith! Scratch-awl will turn! Our cızır cızır will be in the fire! When thirsty, we started down the organ has spilled boiling water melted and made into pus becomes of us will drink it! Sweet!


Let the universe and the greatest antichrist come come!


No doubt, will come Antichrist. His left eye is blind and eyeless abraş good will .... The antichrist, if ratified it will raise the dead ... who was caught up in corruption ...

[Ravi: Hz. Sumre [Radiyallahu Ramuz El Ehadis anh/ Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 97]


Dajjal is blind in one eye.

[Steam, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Abu Nuaym]


Antichrist, will be resurrected to kill someone.

[Bukhari, Muslim]


"There is no doubt, will come Antichrist. His left eye is blind! " Yes! Television is a pig's eye! Do not see eye! It shows what is shown! Say that it will announce what!


"Eyeless and abraş the better." In films, commercials, players are blind or have his eyes open. Those patients getting better all of a sudden, 10 years, 20 years, is told in seconds or even centuries! That something so simple, that we are too blind to see something so easy! Blind! Blind! Blind!


"The dead are raised ..." In cartoons, is fired, they fall from the mountains, or somehow do not die. Players are hit with fake bullets in films, died showing, again like the film does not die after a period is put to ya! Both are killed! Has been raised as well! That is totally false! Completely false!


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Some signs of the coming of the Lord that day, believe or not believe what is not, no gain, [the faith will not benefit.] Sadakallahül-Azıym. 158 of Al-An'am Aleyhisselatu Vesselam verses describing Lord said: "These three things occur, he does not believe in or no faith in what is seen, does not believe the benefits: the sun rising from the west, the Antichrist and Dabbet'ül-supply."

[Muslim, Tirmidhi, Beyheki]


Antichrist is not the child.


The television is dead, do not eat, do not drink, do not breathe. Fertility is not a feature!


Hz. Adam Aleyhisselamm'dan, the Resurrection from the great tribulation is not the Antichrist.



Television is stupid box? Hours per keeps people! Our time playing! I have not done anything else than watch television, right? How many people who have damage to the television? Disrupts the moral! Disrupts the honor! Removes the feeling of shame! Do you? NO!


All the prophets, the nation was frightened by the Antichrist.

[Bukhari, Muslim]


Television has given up a damn thing düşünülüne no damage on the earth! Not something that will not be afraid!


In the first seven in amel hurry. What are you waiting for deeds, less poverty and wealth User, User's disease do not seduce, your mind will do the old, whether sudden death, antichrist whether you would expect a stink? Worst of all is the Resurrection.

[Tirmidhi, NESA]



Without any sign of Resurrection on unbreakable. One is the Antichrist.

[Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja]



3. (5011) - Pr. Huzeyfe Radiyallahu Anh says: "The Prophet said:

"The time to go along with the Antichrist is water and fire. But the public sees as the fire is fresh water;  If the public sees as the water is like a fire burning ... "

 [Bukhari, Fiten 26, Enbiya 50; Muslim, Fiten 105, (2935), Abu Dawood, Melahim 14, (4315); Ibrahim Canan, Qutb-i Sitte Translation and Commentary, Akçağ Publications: 14 / 296.]


"But the public sees as the fire is fresh water;  If the public sees as the water is like a fire burning. "

They want what they want on TV not tell us the way? Like a wrong thing right tell us! Why? Because everyone is at home! Everyone is watching! Everyone is watching! They are displayed incorrectly in many things, in fact, actually true! Given the provisions of the picture, they do with television is evaluated in the world until this time, television has emerged from a larger Antichrist!


Sexual intercourse with the woman approaching doom in the middle of the road will eliminate embarrassment enough. Men with men, women enter into relationships with women is they will doom approaching.

[Last time, with the relevant Hadith, page 97]


"Women will have sexual intercourse in the middle of the road will eliminate much shame." Let the streets, even in our homes of others to kiss, make love to have broadcasters! Release the middle of the road, even in our homes have television! Arrays of film, different actors play with the actress of the kiss they each relationship they enter, what they apparently do not, saying when it comes to the ring it costs, it said that, in reality the devil it costs become women, all from the front of the bed in, kiss, the love of women in films are!


Men with men, women enter into relationships with women, they will doom is approaching! " Indecent scenes that leave the scene, totally naked, and had sexual intercourse with each other and where people are exposed to consider every aspect of sexuality, porn movies! Gays men man had sexual intercourse, homosekksüeller, ipneler in Turkish. Women had sexual intercourse and lesbian women, women who kiss women! Us from all directions on us, necaset each hand, the nation is falling dirt. Hell is calling us, folks! Hell is calling us! Şehvetperetsler succumb to the lust of our world. Unbelievers, putperetsler, women were exposed, were exposed to sexuality, including indecent scenes in films and television broadcasters, and the time spent looking at the program, from enthusiasm to pimps Our world!


Baths would be after me! These cases are not good for women, with cover even if entered. No woman is ever that you turn your head or elsewhere in the house, the link between God be lost.

[Ravi: Hz. Aisha Raduyallahu Anha, Ramuz al e-Hadith, Ahmad Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi]


Shut down even the hair of babies! Schools are being opened every girl's hair! When growth is already no shutdown is not supported! Why? The job of closing the reactionary. They have the right to exhibit the body! Beauty has been given to them! Are free because they want to do. Because modern, civil and! We call our civilization, from disbelief, Pagans adjusted, from atheism, of committing adultery, şehvetperest adjusted, whether the heart blind our eyes, our eyes actually screen support goes to worship the devil!

Şeytanperestler world! Halal is haram not know, that our people do not know what to believe, upon a claim that some of the Muslim, the disbelievers, the Fire of our world!


Knowledge of the removal of ignorance increases, adultery is on the procedure, the drinks place to take the men to go and women remain, even 50 women facing a man until it men decreased apocalyptic portents are.

[Ravi: Hz. Enes Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El e-Hadith, Ahmad Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi]


Rather than real science, we learn only in schools of secular science, education, places! A few details are given in the teachings of the religious establishment, many of them also altered, such as the tale is told.  Secular trend of about everything we hear, we know, but ignorance costs, the ignorance lifted, heart eye opening, faith thirsty hearts the light of filling people's faith to increase religious knowledge to teach not to us! What are they if they wanted to teach him! We do not investigate! They also had to teach you! So, we have no need to call! Life thrown in a hurry to do, but what's right and wrong even know, without anyone of his own right as a society becomes, the disbelief, the idolaters discrimination the right path to take and one match stick the flame to the stand were unable in this case, 69 floors above the fire makes the world into hell fire, we're running!


Muslims who are not drinking wine.

[Ravi: Hz. Abdullah Ibn Evfa Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 488]


If the five things that appear on the right to destroy my nation is: damn recovery with each other, drinking, wearing silk, instruments, and men with men and women to enter into relationships with women.

[Ravi: Hz. Enes Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 54]


Wine, grape juice, this nation, interest exchange, such as bribery, accept gifts and alms [poop is] doing business if the occasion is, that sin, because they increase the helaklerine causes.

[Ravi: Hz. Huzeyfe Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz al E-Hadis/Ahmed Gümüşhanevî Ziyâüddin, Page 29]


Wine of my nation in the end times, including changing the name.

[Ravi: Hz. Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 117]


Make sure that the drunkenness which everything is forbidden. Each drug is forbidden. Most of the few things in which drunkenness is forbidden. Cloaked in the heart of what is forbidden.

[Ravi: Hz. Enes Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 169]


The mother of evil spirits. Who drink but 40 days of prayer, Allah will not accept it. When someone dies in the womb have a drink on the miscreant's death goes cahiliyet.

[Ravi: Hz. Amr ibn Radiyallahu Anhüma, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 205]


Spirits of all breeds prostitution. Is the greatest of sins. The person inside her mother's, aunt's, aunt's like to be dropped onto.

[Ravi: Hz. Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 205]


Soon, say after me from my nation to drink alcohol beverages and it also helps to drink [on liquor sellers] managers will.

[Ravi: Hz. Abu Eyyub Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 297]


In the End Times, entertainment and belly dancer, dancers take their place as the drink was also shown halal sink to the ground, the stone will appear looted and people will come in costume.

[Ravi: Hz. Sahl Ibn Saad Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 302]


One group from my nation, will be deemed lawful by the drink they call themselves.

[Ravi: Hz. Ubâde Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 346]


He drinks, to drink, the submitter or sell, unless the buyer also, frequently, and often until the stop sign, until the move, take yourself too damn until eat well and get his money.

[Ravi: Hz. Umar ibn Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 347]


Drink, unless subject, religion is seen in the width continues. While drinking, God will tear the veil of her and her guardian demon, ears, eyes and delivered to every evil and every foot will be no leaves from the back.

[Ravi: Hz. Ibn kata Radiyallahu Anh drunkard, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 354]


Continue to drink like a man who worshiped idols.

Ravi: Hz. Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 392]


Anh Radiyallahu is narrated from Abu Musa: PROPHET Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said:''For me i was drinking ha, ha does not matter that I was worshiping in the pole.''

[NESA, Rudanî no: 5619]


Aleyhisselatu Vesselam PROPHET said: "Whoever dies while drinking wine, He said to drink from the river gutta."  'What is gutta River' replied that he was asked:''prostitutes are flowing rivers of the ferclerinden that ferclerinin smell of hell supremely qualified for comfort.''

[Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Abu Ya'la and Teberani; Rudanî no: 5656]


Take place of drinking in the streets, snack bars, grocery stores, the grocery store even sells drinks, despite being forbidden! The money come from, how comes it! Money is important! People worship where we worship our money, on the picture with a piece of paper merely that, and we unbelievers, god that, take it to try in every way that, come the How comes you say money!


Enes Radiyallahu Anh story adds: Resulallah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam "wine grapes squeezed until, often stop sign, to drink, drink stop sign, stone until the stone sell unless buyers to donate until the money eat unless shit was."

[Tirmidhi; Rudanî no: 5618]


Our Lord does not give a damn Vesselam Aleyhisselatu whom?


1 - often until grapes. [Factory Workers]

2 - frequently stop sign. [Plant chiefs]

3 - Inside a. [Taken from the Market to drink]

4 - Ichirin a. [I do not drink, but also to anyone until well mixed]

5 - Move a. [Driver hard work!]

6 - Move. [Logistics in the general manager]

7 - Satana. [At the corner grocery store]

8 - Buy area. [Took drinkers]

9 - Donate a. [Where beer or something from me, you also young people who drink]

Eat until the 10-Para.


What curse?


Look, one day at a time when a woman is cursed camel. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Lord,  'He shakes camel let it go. I do not want to be a cursed came between us. " he says. Camel sacrifices are huge.

Mercedes thinking of today's cursed he was sacrificed.


Males were destroyed when they obey.

[Ravi: Hz. Abu Bakr Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 455]


Men, women, does not dominate anymore! Do what makes you want to divorce for fear of others! Mistrust! To deceive her husband, to cuckold by sensing some crocodile tears when they're done! Women everywhere have a voice now!


Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and others narrated from Abu Hurairah in Anhum'dan Radiyallahu Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Lord;

"Eye of adultery for women is to look at the non-confidential." they command.


When crossing the street when they saw a girl dressed stupidly stupidly open ministerial, diss those who had got inside! Thousands of women to 50-day leave her racy women, girls see that. In schools, streets, television! There AVENE we are the largest of the Antichrist, or blind!


Judgement will not break unless you talk to people their own voice.

[Death-Resurrection and the Resurrection, page 471]


Audio recording devices can now be obtained in any way. We know the cell phone with voice recording devices, audio and even images can be recorded.


Abu Sadi Radiyallahu Anh says:''The Messenger of Allah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said:''My soul power, holding that he swore by Allah that takes the cake, wild animals, talk to people unless the people whip tip of the leather, shoe ties to talk unless the descendants tame what he did series of notice unless the Resurrection inseparable.

[Qutb-i Sitte]


Wild animals, cartoons, the normal assembly of film, no longer even speaks reklâmlarda with us? Aaaaaa too, how advanced technology. We sometimes look at the goods and the goods show up! We laughed!


They no longer make the technology so that every place to put a microphone or listening device, signaling systems can talk via the antenna. Video phones. Microphones can be placed in any household, there are cameras.


We're in an old regiment. "Elders do not live" We call some time. Facilitate the lives of people-we think our lives easier-and we think we know everything, but in fact we do not know anything right in this case, keep the modern era when he boasted! The former did not live, we live in! In fact true in a sense! For the former heaven and hell in the world, we present the world we live in Hell!


A voice from the sky that everyone can hear it in their own language.

[Kitabül Burhan Fi Signs-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, page 37]


Each community will hear a voice in their own language! Radio, television, mobile phones and similar communication tools.


Dusty, smoky, dark to see a trial, so others will follow.

 [Kitab-ul Burhan Fi Mehdiyy Times-il-il Ahir Zaman, page 26]


On September 11, 2001 America's attack occurred in the cities of New York and Washington.

As a result of this explosion was a big smoke and the smoke could be seen from cities all around the city and even rose up and spread. If the buildings collapsed, led to the creation of a larger cloud of dust, or even of the people around them, completely covered with the dust. Imperialist purposes, even for the sake of its own people do not hesitate to attack the American administration, this time with a false scenario of the twin towers collapsed, and three thousand people were buried under the debris with their hands. Exploded in a systematic way of building debris, has no place in America like no one rushed to the ship was transferred to countries outside of America.


Afghanistan was a shame! Treasures of gold and silver there is not doubt that God has.

[Kitab-ul Burhan Fi Mehdiyy Times-il-il Ahir Zaman, page 59]


September 11 the United States a pretext, a point irrelevant to the world in 2001, Afghanistan was attacked. Not yet started to operate in real causes of Afghanistan's endless reserves of natural gas to prevent the flow to China and Russia is surrounded from the south. This 100 thousand Afghans have been killed in attacks and killings still continue.


Some people are claiming to be Muslim, right?

All religions are Muslim brothers. Muslims who attacked us because we're Muslim infidels whether assistance, logistical support, and we in our countries, we allow the use of our land. Actually Muslim, drop, to help those who attack Muslims, who oppose the persecution of Muslims, religion would be in addition to our brothers! But we're supposed to Muslims, for the sake of the interests we do collaborate with unbelievers, We are using all our resources to unbelievers, to kill Muslims, the rich countries of unbelievers, Jews, Masons he could use! But America is not going to take the place of democracy? Reaction in Afghanistan, he explains that Sharia is being managed by the system. Sharia in the sense of that word the right way, rights, religion, road, light, bright, light, and reported that the Koran and describes the way Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın. By God through our Lord preached Aleyhisselatu Vesselam and notification of the provisions included in all the subtlety of the divine laws and the laws that have! Sharia also used with the meaning of religion that the actual provisions of the original law called, which formed the basis of religion to believe in something, that means Islamic law. We are the anti-Sharia is not it? We are against the laws of God that is! Therefore, governed by sharia countries claiming to take the so-called democracy, in fact Muslims kill, rape all the rights that are helping to unbelievers. Do you know what buyuracaklar us tomorrow? "You ignore God's provision was not enough, as if clinging to a provision of God, governed by the laws of Allah with those who have wronged the Muslims claim to be Muslims Were you in case. Did you collaborate with those who persecuted the Muslims, for Muslims to help those who do wrong, you have wronged in you. "

"But the government and the state allows, we can do that?" are saying. Government, do not choose these people who manage the state? Do not bring themselves to deal with what we choose?

The Incirlik base in case of a strike, a point away from the firing range, that is the province of Izmir in Turkey gave into the hands of infidels. The so-called infidel Muslims put their hands over there who claims to be the disbelievers!


"Iraqi women victims of rape scream: we kill for God!"

My people, Ramadi'nin, Halidiye'nin and to the people of Fallujah, do not lose their virtue and dignity of all people around the world. This gives you, the American-Zionist jails Garib'ten your brother Abu Nur is a letter. Believe down here, how to explain the misery and insult you, put into words how I do not know. Our warm homes abdomen of fed and loved ones in one sitting we exposed the humiliation and support our hunger, we drink water while taking the thirst, you in deep sleep while the Americans we live sleepless night, we dressed as we are living nude us, robbed and in front of them lined up to
How you can tell, how can I put it into words? O my brothers, trucks carrying American goods, and we saw our car, our heart is compressed. Because it means I belong to my people and my country. My heart bleeds as I say: God! My peoples, their dignity and honor you have sold a handful of American dollars? And consider the experiences of our dignity as pollute the tears to my eyes. O my brothers, the Americans suffering at the hands of what we take, what we suffered ... God's sake, and how to put into words how I'll explain. My brother, I swear to God, I'm incapable of expressing the experiences. I'm ashamed of that. But still taking shelter in words I will tell you what happened. Americans insult us that the support of the persecution, torture, and I will tell you as best I can. We are not instrument of animal pleasure, how to us unless we delivered the death lust
Allow me to express their beat! O ye of our religious leaders and walkers as dust in the middle! Americans' joy to us that this animal cruelty in the face of sexual and how can it still be open in the middle you can see! Your most precious treasures of our prophet had said violated your dignity and honor not seem very bored! Us and yourself a few dollars in exchange for crumbs, such as the slave markets have sold to the Americans and Zionists? How quickly did you lose your dignity and honor? God has given us what we quickly forgotten as a deposit? You know we will protect, to nurture and honor our never chew? What happened to you, you are given what happened to that? Americans, Abu Garib'te your honor is trampled every day. I read the letter the name of Allah, Abu Ghraib prison, I'm calling to say stop to the brutality. You do not fit into the humanity of torture would be invited to stop raising your voice. Those made here, the Zionist Palestinian youths and women in prison worse than they do. There was physical torture. Yet they come here every day to our chastity. Savage, bloodthirsty animals are attacking our body like. We're screaming at the top of our lungs, but no one has heard us! If in your heart, your soul an atom of humanity, dignity, honor and glory if you have to unite and attack the prison. Come and save us! All weapons in your hand, this last attack to prison! And we kill them both! We're already willing to die. To the ground from here! Are they bastard all of us in the belly! Most of us are pregnant! We are willing to die yesterday! We implore you, come and save us! We give our families and our country more shame we do not want to die for! Kill us! I implore you! Us to God, to kill Americans and their bastard! ALLAH for consent! We implore you!

[From Abu Ghraib prison, Nur Your Sister, April 10, 2004]


O pseudo-Muslims! Prior to probe your body! Do you really have your heart? So place your heart? Consider this letter later. If you do not understand, read again and again. The same events happened to you then if you think it would do. If you do not listen to the screams already in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine, Bosnia, Muslims and other Islamic happened to land in, you soon come into your head. Soon you will also be tortured, raped you will too! To you at your home, your sister, your wife and your daughters will be raped! Shut down since he never received a reply to your ears will not cry that day! We understand that the day will still error! Your last regret, but you will not benefit! And that day will be all alone! The persecution of the silent partner today, that day you will hit your home life!


Pulled under water by the Euphrates River about time the wealth of description. Whoever, then you buy something from there if that treasure.

[Kitab-ul Burhan Fi Signs-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, page 28]


"The withdrawal of the waters of the Euphrates River"

Dam and other dams subsequently established Keban, The mountain looks like a giant concrete, below this threshold value of the asset is put, namely electricity.

Whoever, then you buy something from there if that treasure.

November 4, 1973 in today's edition of daily newspaper from June to provide electricity to all parts of Turkey with the title typed Keban Dam. There when it should not take anything from the treasury, while the electricity used in Turkey are used all over. We are the people who already do this dam. But the power of civilization, the cart, curtlar. Infidel civilization that recovery is coming to us first of all anyway!


Like yesterday it was no big cities are destroyed, is destroyed.

[Kitab-ul Burhan Fi Mehdiyy Times-il-il Ahir Zaman, page 38]


Were destroyed in the disaster areas. II. World War II were destroyed by atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima.


To be rebuilt the ruined places in the world, built and sign the terms of the apocalyptic destruction of places.

[End of Times, page 138]


Old buildings, historical features, a potential bonanza for the repairs that are being demolished in the earthquake areas are being rebuilt, the building today and in the near term, cities are destroyed by the war.


Iraqi [Iraq] in the hands of a weighing instrument will measure and a currency can be exchanged almost will not.

[Kenzul Ummal, Kitab-ul-ul Efal Partial Kıyame, 5.cilt page 45]


Iraq [Iraq] invasion, before the U.S. embargo was put to remember. 5-6 to obtain even a single resin support were given money.


Iraq [Iraq] people are divided into three sections. Some will participate in a swag. Some families left behind and flee. Some of the war and are killed. When you see them prepare for doomsday.

[Fera Imam al-Mahdi al-idu Fevaidi'l Intellectual Fi'l Muntazar]


Participants in swag, swag, namely Barzani and Talabani who participated in the U.S. and UK. Those who escaped the war to begin with a little time before the country had migrated to the border. Skins fought and died, despite being a power in the hands of very few American and British troops to fight in the neighborhood workers. Meanwhile our little news media interest or sold to us. They're working for us but not in vain? America will not fight. America the world's super power!


An innocent child was killed by Muhammad Ummah, an angel from heaven 'is right next to him and his' he cries.

[İsafur Ragibin Sabban, page 154]


In wars than soldiers killed many innocent civilians. Babies in swaddling clothes, women, the elderly. Without any relevance to the war, civilians, soldiers and civilians without entering into conflict with the weapons of mass destruction, are killed by bombs. Unaware of anything but babies are killed in the carriage.


I swear to God who has sent me with truth that, in my Ummah after me will be transferred fetret. Search halal products from that time everyone will claim, will shed blood to keep the cost to the Quran and poetry.

[Deylemi; History of the Future 1, page 50; Ravi: Hz. Umar ibn Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 456]


Do not know what it is haram to halal-thatThe money would come more than enough. Blood is being shed for the money! For a piece of paper, roads are cut, people are being usurped, after being usurped usurper who are being killed. These events are always increasing in this world. What he brought to people's busy managers to take early, more relevant to business management to avoid confusion in the public release for them to turn a blind eye, allowing them to these crimes. Kapkaççılık is done, the bag gives those who resist being killed, but the criminals will go to bed and 3-4 months. The world of human life so seriously.


Poetry will be the cost to the Koran. 7 days 24 hours everywhere on television, on radio, in movies, on the streets, in cars, mobile phones, poetry, songs and music that we have become. We do not listen to them read the Koran. Allah's book, the Quran is read it.


Interpretation of the Koran to their own opinion instead of the hell should I prepare.

[Tirmidhi, Ibn Abbas, İhyau Ulumiddin, Imam Ghazali]


Because we do not understand when reading the Koran, we read or understand the meaning we want. To understand the Qur'an, we read only the commentary prepared by the old scholars. Everything is ready, we ready.


Ali the Prophet in the hadith narrated Kerremullahü Vechehü'nün, Aleyhisselatu Vesselam our Lord: "I'm sending the right as a messenger I swear to God, my community, my nation and religion separate from the fact that they are connected shall be divided into seventy-two sects. They are all perverts and people will go crazy with the invitation to hell. If by chance this time, wrapped in God's book. Previous ones because the news from you, then you come to dominate the news and how there are among you. Towards establishing the waist of the cruel, ALLAH [cc] breaks. In the Koran by leaving those looking for more scientific ta God is crazy. Establishing strong rope of Allah, open the light and is useful for people who are healing. Conform to the Quran for those who hold to the Koran for protection and saving. Foolproof fix that, that point the matter will not warp, and the extraordinary delicacy of the ball, again and again to read the Koran,''the former does not have command.

 [Ibn Maja, Tirmidhi]


"Actually, religion and community, leaving seventy-two sects as to the [Seventy-two communities to] be divided."

Nationalism as we were leaving! Deeds in the fourth, the two sectarian creed as we were leaving! Allocated as a sect sectarian imams who read the books just do not read books of other denominations imams. In fact, Islam sect was no Islam, the sect has're not sectarian imams as we know it müçtehit scholars, imams, subjects have different views so that each denomination imam of the students of the Imam of the books and ideas meet, the worship, because it differs because the sect called the split! Communities to leave! What about religious communities are now asking when we talk or a? Let the light from the congregation? Get free from the congregation? Solomon pressure you? Fethullah pressure you? ... She.


Because of different opinions who induces changes in the provisions of Islam!


Judgement will not break unless these events occur. Deaths and massacres will be widespread.

[Camiü's-deaf, Musnad]


Death everywhere! The number of those killed in the war the country is not clear! Were killed by torture had no account! Even the man in the street are cut, they kill! We were even afraid of our shadows become longer.


Judgement will not be terminated unless the killings increased.

[Death-Resurrection and the Resurrection, page 468]


After usurped a piece of paper because of the killing of those who received the money! I do not like If I Die said a word! The effect of listening to the song who killed himself!

It smells blood everywhere! Blood!


Not even unborn children are killed? Even unborn children are killed again! Abortive drugs, with the abortion! Even unborn children are killed.


Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: Resullullah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said: "People will see it that day, why he killed the killer, who was killed will not know the why was murdered."

[Abu Muslim, Fiten, page 56]


Those who are killing their own children, even mad! Who killed himself after killing his family! Unknown reasons, first place it would kill himself after killing, were killed, even the exact cause of death is unknown! Written on the assumption that everyone is drawn.


People going to work well 95.seneye, 97 or 99 goods per year would be wasted.

[El-Kavlu Mehdiyy-yl-l-yl Muntazar Concise Fi Signs, page 54]


Selcuk Demiralp, the Central Bank in 1993 as General Manager of Foreign Exchange, Central Bank, despite the warnings, Dışbank Lapis Group [Aydin Dogan to] the sale, by changing ideas in six days was the person who gave consent.

Any bank's credit open no Lapis Group Dışbank sales and descent behind Turkey with the 1994 crisis into Selçuk Demiralp'in heavy responsibility, big country, the economic crisis bites, in 1998 the prime minister inspected by the board investigation had been. Events that are waiting to rinse! Accustomed to people, to forget! Selcuk Demiralp, but while the investigation continues, Aydin Dogan, Ahmet Mesut Yilmaz's ancient man merely by being awarded was appointed undersecretary of the treasury.


Treasury Undersecretary Selcuk Demiralp was parachuted in during the task, Turkey, one of the biggest economic crisis has put. Aydin Dogan, the rights lawsuits because the investigation is still by means of their blessings to the crisis, which donated the use of Disbank Demiralp'i the Shah was appointed to the board membership Disbank.


3-coalition in the period, Bulent Ecevit, the prime minister in February 2001 in the reign of Turkey's biggest economic crisis in the face.


Apdullah PKK leader Ocalan in Syria in the period. President of the General Staff of the army by going to the limit, or give Apdullah Ocalan also when we get or we come; Apdullah Öcalan, was sent to Italy by plane. Italy, given the absence Apdullah Ocalan, Italy and the European countries where there is no limit to the unbelievers because of the country can not be printed for the military aspects, economic sanctions were applied. Italy, especially the embargo did not care. 3 months cut imports and exports with Italy, Italy has understood the seriousness of the situation and had sent Apdullah Ocalan flew to Kenya. American CIA agents kept by the Apdullah Ocalan and Turkey's ear was delivered to the MIT element. Apdullah Ocalan, was founded by Mesut Yilmaz,  Savings Deposit Insurance Fund [TMSF] 's bankruptcy after the assets seized by Cavit Caglar's hacizli by the state confiscated the former private plane was brought to Cavit Caglar to all assets returned.

Apdullah Ocalan on trial, the person who caused the killing of 30-thousand people were tried. But nobody did anything. Was just thrown into prison. As every comfort provided, kings, sultans, such as looking, although it was observed that was not enough, as in case of poisoning, every meal eaten by the three men are being checked. Ie, Apdullah Ocalan, wanted to poison, if that can not be poisoned, Turkey's military to die instead. Turkey's own military is more important than the life which causes the death of 30-thousand people Apdullah Ocalan! Moreover, even the statements to the press is now! Apdullah preparing the ground for Ocalan's release shortly.


Turkey to Syria to show military strength, military power the world has once again showed. As the political pressure on Italy in a European country, applying economic sanctions, both political and economic aspects as well as demonstrated strong. As always, the United States and European countries, Jews and infidels in the game, was removed in February 2001 crisis. Military, political and economic power after being presented with insidious disbelievers, in February 2001 and moved to Turkey in the crisis dragged on.

A political event in search unbelievers, Ahmet Necdet Sezer, Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, head of the Constitution, launched last night, the malls in America and England in the Citybank and HSBC Bank, Turkey is located in offices in boxes of 50 billion U.S. dollars to foreign countries have missed . Bulent Ecevit's only on this crisis incident were destroyed but no one was behind the tampering. Citybank and general manager of HSBC Bank hoses were brought to court because of assertion, but as always, was trying to obscure issues. Just as news was little in the press.


During the February 2001 devaluation of the notice area businessmen, the rich, the banks made dollar loot as he put the country into crisis. Devaluation to take notice? In fact they had not heard. Infidel America and Europe knew the prowl.


Aydin Dogan, February 2001, the owner of the Disbank through the Central Bank 258.7 million dollars, personal TL account the People's Bank, the 10-million-dollar exchange rate by taking the treasure, which the Turkish nation trillions of damage was.


Aydin Dogan and similar operations carried out by Central Bank Governor Gazi Erçel severe punishment in the court on trial, Aydin Dogan's trillion foreign exchange scoop regarding the Ankara Prosecutor's Office initiated 2002/88946 No. investigation as usual, has vanished. Dogan! Dogan Media Group owner!


Dogan during February 2001 in the state-owned People's Bank Branch Mecidiyeköy account No. 176 483 799 200 Turkish lira took a 10 million dollar. Dogan received 10 million dollars, foreign currency account No. 185 393 invested in the same branch.


Aydin Dogan, the Turkish lira has gained from the 799 200 dollars on February 22, 2001, of $ 900 000 in the free market in the Turkish lira, the Central Bank of the Turkish lira traded was 962 499.


While the middle market prices, Public Bank foreign exchange sales at a discount to do with Dogan, Aydin Dogan trillion profit, while the treasury has also suffered trillion. Treasury; that benefit the Turkish people!


The next day on February 23, 2001 that the American and British branches of banks in this country $ 50 billion dollars of overseas missed, he rose to 1,078,988 Turkish liras Dogan was the trillion-fold profit.


Aydin Dogan's revenues from this emphasis, the 2001 rise in the dollar each day has increased exponentially.


February 2001 during the State Banks to attack the low exchange closed regarding the administrative investigation of the People's Bank, and relevant departments, the People's Bank Headquarters branch sent to an article in the crisis days referred to as 20 and 21 February 2001, large sums of foreign exchange purchases made list of people the preparation asked.


In this list of people with large amounts of money in the bank branch Mecidiyeköy movements attract attention.


According to the list of media magnate Aydin Dogan, Dogan Media Group owner Aydin Dogan, the start time of the crisis in the hands of the Turkish lira had been translated into dollars. Dogan attention to the point, but sold under market value, the price of dollars, that was cheap.

Selcuk Demiralp, the Treasury secretary!


Used to exchange lists of those who seized the deputy Emin Sirin, 9 October 2002 after one year and 8 months, 20 months after you leave the crisis, the Supreme Court wrote a letter to the Chief Public Prosecutor Sabih Kanadoğlu'na:


"Mr. Sabih Kanadoğlu,

Court of Appeals Chief Prosecutor


Mr. Kanadoğlu,


Enclosed, in February 2001 during the crisis before the People's Bank of the seven units would provide information regarding the exchange process.

If this information is true, I was reached by Peoples Bank will incur losses in quality. Allegedly belonging to Dogan, especially in the accounts of foreign exchange transactions have been made in the People's Bank, the damage could have one trillion Turkish liras.


I enclose to investigate the accuracy of the information is correct and if necessary legal procedures to be done about the prosecutor's supply would be appointed.


With respect

Emin Sirin



Damage could have been just a trillion?


Immediate action on this letter to the Court of Cassation Chief Prosecutor Sabih Kanadoğlu days, a letter containing the information in the hands of the topic has been transferred to the Public Prosecutor.


Investigate and present to the public prosecutor, Fethi Şimşek, the People's Bank wrote an article as "the year 2001 in February caused the economic crisis during the [February 21, 2001 - 22 February 2001] Aydin Dogan to the foreign exchange sales whether or not" he asked.


By the bank in the response "22 February 2001 Republic of Turkey Central Bank transactions in U.S. dollars Minimum 830 000 Turkish lira, up 1.02 million Turkish Lira sold in case Dogan to Mecidiyeköy Branch from February 22, 2001 on 799 200 Turkish Lira at 10 million dollars sold" was reported .


Aydin Dogan, this only made to favor! Mesut Yılmaz Dogan made to the ancients that favors friendly! Demiralp'i Selcuk Aydin Dogan's ancient man who brought to the Treasury, Mesut Yilmaz.


Prosecutor Fethi Şimşek, Public Bank, the answer on "services because of the fidelity guarantee," the crime of processed area in Istanbul because of his incompetence with the decision, save the file, the need for the creation on 31 March 2003 at Sisli Public Prosecutor of the sent:


"Bank of the foreign exchange sales by the amount of large amounts of damage alleged with respect to the investigation and prosecution at the end, 22 February 2001 mentioned person made to the foreign sale of Turkey, the People's Bank Mecidiyeköy Branch of made all the papers covered understood it was criminal in as Attorney General of our lacks, due to preparation of documents to be sent to the Sisli Chief Public Prosecutor, in accordance with Article 8 CMUK.nun was decided. "

March 31, 2003


Fethi Şimşek

Ankara Public Prosecutor

ANNEX: Treasury papers.''


March 31, 2003, ie two years, one month after the crisis! And who, after ending!


And sending the file to Istanbul, Aydin Dogan, the emphasis is on exchange of files disappeared! How simple! How easy!


Aydin Dogan and similar operations carried out by Central Bank Governor Gazi Erçel, High Criminal Court on trial, Aydin Dogan's trillion foreign exchange scoop regarding the Ankara Prosecutor's Office initiated 2002/88946 No. investigation as usual, has vanished.


"The exchange rate of 100 thousand pounds due to lower implementation Dogan People's Bank, so the government [ie the people's money] damages are one trillion pounds. [This figure is taken from only the low price of exchange rate losses, the dollar price formed by folding the incalculable damage is not clear.] Aydin Dogan's investigation was opened regarding this unfair gain. Managing director of bank funds for Chronic Balamir only cover up incidents per month was given a sentence cut. Balamir of lawyers of the accused "to a misconduct" and that the punishment of this crime should take his wife noted, while the criminal case was closed only to deductions from salary. Who gives the orders that did not go on, Aydin Dogan's profit was achieved on the wrong side wins.''

 [Universal Newspaper, July 17, 2002]


In the case of a whole nation has suffered the consequences! Not go further on the subject was closed for the People's Bank! Was later privatized and start serving!


Aydin Dogan's personal account in February 2001 and the dollar crisis into the opportunity, while the owner was not idle Dışbank also documented.


According to documents on the crisis the Central Bank for 258.7 million dollars Disbank pulling trillion, scored on a scoop.


During the February 2001 crisis, the devaluation of smell [the dogs 30 miles Beyond the smell] Turkey Central Bank safe to attack, and billions of dollars in the exchange attracts banks inquiring expert Wealth Taşdelen prepared by December 4, 2001, dated "the Parliament of corruption causes, social and economic dimensions investigated and taken the necessary steps to determine" Established "Parliamentary Investigative Commission "presented in the report, the dollar profiteering profiteers and individually listed.


During the February crisis, the state's case to gain unfair to those who have plundered their official reports''Speculative attacks'' As he reflected:


"November 2000 crisis, almost three months later, 19 February 2001 the National Security Council meeting, President Ahmet Necdet Sezer and Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit formed between the discussion currency against a speculative attack triggered, and this time, a currency crisis began.


Attacks in the foreign exchange crisis in November 2000 but limited to cases where foreign investors in a $ 5.2 billion in February 2001, the melting has occurred. The intensity of speculative attacks against currencies in the November 2000 crisis hurt the sustainability of the disinflation program was eliminated. [Notice that Citybank and boxes of HSBC's branches in Turkey of 50 billion dollars to be smuggled in one night is not even the word]


From this information the start of the crisis of authority in general, on February 19, 2001, the next day with valor in fact they can buy foreign currency up to five times the amount they claim is understandable.


Also, during this period the Central Bank foreign exchange sales transactions, understanding obligations do not comply with organizations monetary sanctions to implement the relevant agencies a very high amount of foreign exchange request to the Central Bank in this situation that demands to respond to the note!


By the competent authorities of the Central Bank on February 19, 2001 the following day with valor in the 7.6 billion dollars for foreign currency exchange gain in quality of a speculative attack.


Public expense to cause the concrete event-related responsibilities for certain to determine, this event terms to prepare in November 2000 and February 2001 crises before, and the aforementioned crises during the events relevant persons and institutions or actions which are also to cover the entire depth, so versatile, and causality relations on the basis of research and investigation is required. Apportion a thorough investigation and examination, these events result from the public loss responsibility for those who have the necessary processes of making, as well as similar incidents prevention of recurrence can be taken for measures and development can be policies to shed light in terms of special importance is. Concrete events in relation to the retired Supreme Court Republican Chief Prosecutor Sabih Kanadoğlu "by the Prime Ministry of the deal April 11, 2001 and June 28, 2001 article by the Central Bank's February 2001 attack during the president and the vice president about the 4483 law under the due diligence of making and to allow the investigation to be "on the issues examined by the inspector before the Prime Minister, however, held that investigations were discussed in the reports and decide whether the partially revealed in all its aspects are not.


Therefore, the aforementioned members of the government and Central Bank officials tangible events occurring at public expense liability of all openings in and material evidence with revealed to be to ensure, subject the Prime Ministry Inspection Committee under the coordination of Ministry Inspector, Central Bank inspectors and Sworn Bank Auditors of 'terms by a committee formed to study as a versatile, led Parliament to examine and provide information about results is thought to be in place. "


Word salad! They know everything but the words do not do anything other than a salad! We all are like that baby in swaddling clothes. Cry babies cry lest pışlarlar or cooked! We cooked it pışlıyorlar.


T.C. Central Bank 19, 20 and 21 February 2001, a total of three days to 84 organizations in total net sales of foreign exchange amounting to 5 billion 188 million dollars has been made. [Notice that in case of HSBC Bank Citybank and kidnapped abroad 50 billion dollars a night is not even the word]


The date specified in the Central Bank bought 25 million dollars and more foreign participants who buy their authorized amount of foreign currency:


Authorized attendees three-day net buying:


1 no.lu bank Citybank  1.0638 billion dollars

2 no.lu bank Deutsche Bank 764 million dollars

3 no.lu bank Kocbank  426 million dollars

4 no.lu 411 million dollar bank TEB

5 no.lu bank Yapi Kredi Bank, of $ 383.7 million

& Chase Manhattan Bank of $ 332.6 million six no.lu

7 no.lu bank 269 million dollars of the Ottoman Bank

8 no.lu banks of $ 258.7 million Disbank

9 no.lu Bank HSBC Bank U.S. $ 254.9 million

WLB no.lu bank of $ 10 227 200 000

11 no.lu bank Garanti Bank 199 million dollars

12 no.lu banks  ABN Ambro 135 million dollars

13 no.lu banks  Finansbank 121 million dollars

14 no.lu banks  Job Bank, 95 million dollars

15 no.lu banks  Türkbank of $ 90.9 million

16 no.lu banks of $ 67.7 million Economic Base

17 no.lu banks of $ 58.3 million Tekstilbank

18 no.lu 50 million dollar bank CSFB

19 no.lu bank Interbank U.S. $ 42.3 million

20 no.lu 27 million dollar bank Akbank

21 no.lu banks  Taib Bank of $ 25 million


Citybank, together with HSBC Bank, in the case of Turkey, Turkish people abroad rızkından 50 billion dollars on top like you do not yet missed, one billion is 63 million 800 thousand dollars.


Kocbank 426milyon dollars. TEB 411 million dollars. Yapi Kredi Bank, 383 million 700 thousand dollars, the Ottoman Bank 269 million dollars.


During the February 2001 attack on the Central Bank in the case of five billion dollars from 21 banks in the list of those who looted the bank code, referred to eight no.lu, Aydin Dogan was the owner of the Disbank.


According to the documentation the Central Bank daily 68 million dollar transaction limits which have Disbank, crisis day he recognized the quota five times the client in a 375 million dollar claim, and this demand for 258.7 million dollar portion against the him for 258 million 700 thousand dollars of foreign exchange sales were made.


Disbank, crisis day attack that was received from the Central Bank amounted to 258.7 million, a trillion dollars cheaper to haul, while at the signature, these people take on a night when all the prices to double, was sentenced to a crisis.


Place it in the end some of those actions in the High Criminal Court trial in the Supreme Court, while some of them as usual Dogan, said that knowing how to stand out from the investigation and also of dollars Dışbank'ını profiteers, were sold to Fortis of Belgium.


March 31, 2003, ie two years, one month after the crisis. And who, after ending!


Dogan rights in this regard by sending the file to Istanbul, Aydin Dogan, the emphasis on the exchange of files disappeared! How simple! How easy!


Now called Fortis as changing the bank's risk management and control responsibility for the Selcuk Demiralp also trillions earn the public's money as a gift that Aydin Dogan's financial operations, responsible for the right arm served as is.


From all captured and broadcast media saturation of the non-Dogan's intent, has purchased 912 thousand new Turkish Liras receive channels belonging to the Uzan Group's not forget that.


Aydin Dogan, owner of the channel, which broadcasts channels connected to the Dogan Media and other broadcasting organizations:

Star TV, Euro Star, Kanal D, Euro D, D, Scandals, D Max, Smart Movie, Movie Smart 2, Cartoon Network, Child D, CNN Turk, Turkish News, Dream TV, Dream Turk, BJK TV, TV-FB, GS TV Fix TV, PowerTurk TV, Passion TV, TNT, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Comedy Smart, Fashion TV, World TV, Science TV, Travel & Living TV, CNN International, Eurosport, Movies 24, Movies 24 Adult, Kral TV, Buket TV, FX TV, Nike TV, World Fashion, D Max, D Plus, Kidsco, luli, Z TV, Radio D News, Real Estate TV, the Hippodrome D, D, Sports, Shopping D, D, Thai TV, Life TV, Fantasy, TV, D Smartpromo King TV Europe, Lounge Portal, Lounge 1, Lounge 2, Lodge 3, ESPN Classic, Wild TV, NASN Europe [high definition], CNN Turk Radio, Radio D, Slow Turk, Hot FM, City FM, Phenomenon, radio fashion, Smart Oldies, Smart Slow, Smart Jazz, Smart Rock, Smart Hits, İradyo Portal, King FM, within a total of 24 magazines published Doğan Burda [DB], Doğan Music Company, 50 years long-running The Times, 1930 For years until the 1990s women be able to open for annual beauty contest organizer, in the 1990s, Chief Editor of this contest are no longer why not ask''it did not need, we have our goal we reached, the women were hungry at the''1950 ' name changed from the year with Milliyet, Radikal, founded in 1996, by mail, fanatic, basketball fanatic, the financial newspaper, founded in 1996 Reference, the Turkish Daily News.


Only bath the television published in a single channel became even be killed, while the enthroned the channel and constantly watched, all the people victimized even though doing nothing is not, the devil's call to prayer broadcasting radio stations owner, Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi, down to the Koran to swear to the captured pictures full of magazines, newspapers. Moreover, lately belonging to the Dogan Media channels are giving priority to the program to be mocking Islam.


In the last period of Masonic orders amounting to £ 3.8 billion to Dogan tax / penalty was given! Someone should be killed fine!


After a crisis to gain unfair profits from crime are being tried by the brother of Ahmet Mesut Yilmaz. Devaluation would be the night, so Citybank and HSBC Bank's branches in Turkey in case of the Turkish population of 50 billion dollars of money had been stolen the night, all the riches of dollars invested, a night fortune 2 double Turkey's manager of one of the brothers. And that this person actually leave provisions that people not be punished, even put the laws.


CityBank kidnapped along with 50 billion dollars abroad in an amount of the HSBC Bank, 254 million 900 thousand dollars. Garanti Bank, 199 million dollars. Finansbank 121 million dollars. Job Bank, 95 million dollars, 90 million 900 thousand dollars Türkbank.


IMF loans to Turkey after the crisis, and America has not? Turkey's safe stolen from the people's money, and self-borrowing by Turkey, Jews and unbelievers. The business people also live on in Turkey.


Interest eat until, to stop sign, the interest bill written until this year, witness unless, tattoo done and done stop sign, alms to the delay stop sign, exile, after the Islam out for going all at once, the Day of Judgement Muhammad Aleyhisselatu Vesselam language fuck has been.

[Ravi: Hz. Anh Raduyallahu Ibn Masud, Ahmed Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi]


People come on time so that interest would not eat the man. To eat it even though he will hit the dust.

[Ravi: Hz. Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 141]


Three people do not respect: respect for the funeral with money is not the woman cried. His earnings were a curse. There is no tribute to the singer, is unproductive goods, the gains have been cursed. Those who see these friends [who pretty well] have been cursed. There is no deference to the interest from the well. There is no property in his blessings.

[Ravi: Hz. Anh Radiyallahu ibn Abbas, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 267]


God, until the interest to eat, stop sign, write the bill until the interest and charity who do not give you the curse.

[Ravi: Hz. Ali Kerremullahü Vechehü, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 347]


Sign of the Resurrection, suspected to be open and clearly the interest of the ingestion.

[Ravi: Hz. Ibn Mes'ud Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 448]


705. (2273) (6692) - Pr. Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: "The Prophet said:" Laylat night, I've been a people that like house wife was coarse. This stomach was filled with snakes and serpents of the interior would seem from the outside. I asked: "Who are they, O Gabriel?" I asked. "Those who eat the interest!" he said. "

[Ibrahim Canan, Qutb-i Sitte Translation and Commentary, Akçağ Publications: 17/260]


706. (2274) (6693) - Pr. Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: "The Prophet said:" Interest is due seventy varieties of sin. Mild interest to most people is like his mother of adultery. "

 [Ibrahim Canan, Qutb-i Sitte Translation and Commentary, Akçağ Publications: 17/260]


We are still trading in banks, We are still making money in the bank. Although interest rates are eating is forbidden. But already the world's economy is based on interest rates? Who ate the smallest self-interest seems to be adultery with his mother! And interest of those who eat their stomachs will be filled with snakes! What's nice is not it? Although the interest is forbidden, also on an economy based on interest, that those who claim to be Muslim world!


Aydin Dogan, said that knowing how to stand out from the investigation and the profiteers of dollars Dışbank'ını, was sold to Fortis of Belgium.

Fortis Disbank. Belgian-Dutch Fortis bought by a partnership that Disbank, Fortisbank customers by name, began to accept. Fortisbank Chairman Karel De Boeck, 2010, the number of branches to be removed 300 183'ten said. The news media and publications have been sold in Turkey took place in almost all organs. But no one is using the PKK terrorist organization FortisBank'ın producing mines, the company did not talk about partnership. Here is overlooked, that detail!


On the world of banks track the movement of Netwerk Vlaanderen named organizations, among them FortisBank'ın including five banks, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights by the production of prohibited cluster bombs, nuclear bombs, diluted uranium weapons and mines as munitions that produce weapons companies partner that has documented. Netwerk Vlaanderen prepared by the 52-page report, Belgium's leading financial institutions, one of the FortisBank'ın, the world's largest mine producer of Singapore Technologies Engineering ie STE'de 1 million 376 thousand 600 shares is located was unearthed. The Singapore partners with a mine in the report FortisBank'ın STE'nin manufacturer vs-vs-50 and produced 69 types of mines said. Singapore company produces CSI, etc-etc-50 and Type 69 mines, the South East region of Turkey is often used by the PKK. World mine monitoring committee in 1999 reported a single mine producer of Singapore STE'nin Valsella Valmara Valsella vs-50 mines and 69 million units were produced documents.


Hazrat Ali Kerremullahi Vechehü from rumor; Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said: Allah Muhammad Aleyhisselatü Vesselam funeral was: "Which of you on the road broke a most idols, to the ground makes trop grave, corruption did an image without leaving Medina expenditure?" He asked. A man: "I am, O Allah Muhammad," I replied. Kerremullahi Vechehü Ali said: "Medina said residents feared. The man set off. After a while back: "O Allah Muhammad, broke-for idols, tombs razed-for, a distorted picture did not." He said. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam then said: "Who is this art, if one turns back, he swore no one was down to Muhammad." 

[Ahmad Bin Hanbal; Fıkhu's-Sunne, Sayyid former]


Muhammed down to swear! Vesselam'a Aleyhisselatu down to swear that! God's curse on the book! We swear to the Koran the holy book! Insult to the Koran, if we include the moving of the TV picture to look at what the bank's on television and in addition, much of which products are made advertisement would run to him! Arms and feet as well as the breakaway South East, lost their lives but the youthful body are crying for those fed the PKK, said supporters are feeding us, actually. But we are fighting with the PKK! We were left to fight those principles! Allow to crush the serpent's head, tail and do not even butter! We are confused snake shit! Snakes are trying to clean the shit mix! There is a phrase "camel thorn, people like what is commonly called!"


"People have chosen it as the government, military, why does not someone do something?" Choose whether the turkey was good in the public eye, in fact of the unbelievers, as a puppet of the Jews who are managing directors. Military, the government is taking the ball every time, I do not do anything. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has improved on many things but is not it? Do you remember? Prime minister before, or rather of the election AK Party prevail, and current President of [his wife to their country of European Human Rights Court lawsuit that] Abdullah Gul Prime Minister served as his and the law changes after Recep Tayyip Erdogan left in the prime task before you start, George W. And George W. Bush was invited to America by Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a meeting with Buhs'un? American dogs have become propaganda through the media, the public good Recep Tayyip Erdogan indicated. Boss seat before the prime minister said the world is the opinion of the American President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. What joy to Turkey, America is meeting the Prime Minister without. Well, George W. If Bush does not do what you say, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the whole family that you know will be eliminated? Recep Tayyip Erdogan! After Prime Minister Kemal Dervis to prepare America's economic plan with the same application that was submitted. Bulent Ecevit, State Minister responsible for economy of time when the economic plan on the implementation of the main opposition party deputies, the CHP is doing well despite the economy Kemal Dervis, he had made statements. Off the top of her head was covered in these countries is prohibited because it is reading that says America has successfully read Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In fact as a pretext for America to keep their children in America Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Metropolitan Municipality of istanbul beginning of his term, Recep Tayyip Erdogan involved in numerous corruption! The Turkish nation, which has the biggest stake in Dogan Recep Tayyip Erdogan who teach children with scholarships! Or always in the press comes! Good news. Half of the press in the hands of Aydin Dogan, the rest of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Aydin Dogan, who was slavishness? Recep Tayyip Erdogan. If what we see on television, in newspapers believe them. We do not tamper gold. If the press is something that is required is already sold us everything we want to show the way, is described as adorned with lies anyway.


But it also broke down between! Dogan is annoying to the government, the government is annoying to Dogan!



So that things will go well 95.seneye people, 97 or 99 per year will lose their properties.

[El-Kavlu Concise fi-l-yl Muntazar Alametil Mehdiyy, Page 54]

Here are a portent of doom, which took place in Turkey in economic crisis.


Recep Tayyip Erdogan has improved the economy is not it?

Workers dismissed!

Etibank was privatized and the Americas. Etibank debt within businesses! The price of about $ 40 million. Debt-driven cars were produced. Patented mineral boron car will run with 600 projects that emerged. Turkey, 70 percent of world reserves and the United States has seized this spring. Deputies have made one of the comments recently, boron mineral in Turkey is that does not mean a thing. That the industry does not have a turkey! The Turks have become a people so stupid here! Get the latest technology, industry get; raw materials reproduced without anything! Raw material in Turkey, the Turks called the manager of their choice peşkeş draws.


Elements neptunium. Neptunium atomic number 93, and uranium is a radioactive element in the manufacture of batteries kullanılır.1940 at the University of California Professor of the Americans, this radioactive element discovered by McMillan and Abelson in recent years in energy production and use are extreme. In addition to the cheapest alternative in which a property element. Well, guess where this is most of neptunium in the world? In Turkey. The reserves estimated how much? 127 thousand tons! What comes after the country? Bulgaria. What Bulgarian reserve? Two thousand five hundred tons. Well, Turkey has the value of the element neptunium how much? 9 trillion dollars! According to information on Turkey's domestic debt in 2010 of $ 220.5 billion! 273.5 billion dollars in foreign debt! Total debt of 494 billion dollars! Neptunium in the hands of the nine trillion dollars in value. Turkey's total debt is 18 times more than that. Boron ago, after Thoryum, neptunium now. But the industry does not have the neptunium peşkeş he drew is not it? Turkey, turned and rob, they steal people's money, even giving credit debt this as not yet exploited all the resources are.


Western countries into Turkey by the press that the truce he recently Do you know what he says? "Turkey is a country rich enough to be left to Turks" [Cüneyt Ülsever in her corner, Mehmet Ali Birand'da at a seminar in Vienna said they personally look into our eyes.]

Who will operate these mines? Clients and business association of America.


Sanliurfa recently started to operate an Italian-based hospital's existence and that the hospital birth close to the time in Israel of pregnant women are coming and their children in Sanliurfa birth and''Republic''identity card by taking dual citizenship and repatriated they do you know?

And again to the Jews, the South East Anatolia, the land was sold one hundred thousand football field size do you know? And other strategic areas in Bolu, indented and their father, their grandfather, she inherited tapusuz places, the government has seized and sold to Jews do you know? The blood of generations of ancestors who lived in Turkey for irrigated land is sold!


Is claimed that the Oguz Kagan time, China and in peacetime, the Chinese ambassador guys chat with if, while Oguz Kagan to the presence of income and the Chinese emperor Oguz Kagan silver publication wants, is not given, the war will go tell. All of the guys "come to war," the riot. Silver bow! The proverbial silver bow! That every shot at the silver bow! Weapons among the most sacred silver bow! Oguz Kagan calm their brain, "silver bow is mine, do not go," he says. Silver springs will be given to ambassadors. Envoy returns to China. Ambassador Oguz Kagan come back this time after a break of the horse you want. Disrupt the proverbial horse. Skills, the speed also has the unique non-breaking stallion in agility. You guys are still rising, "come to war," he. Oguz Kagan of the brain to calm and "corrupted horse is mine, do not go," he says. Sorry sorry guys would disrupt the stallion envoy and ambassador to China, returned to the delivery. Chinese Ambassador Oguz Kagan's peace comes again soon. This time, the emperor of China, Oguz Kagan's wife as a concubine in the palace of China Babes Wise wants, is not given, said there would be war. By this time the roaring boys are rising. Babes wise. Wise was a legendary beauty who Babes! In the wisdom of the wisest of women! Oguz Kagan of how the brain, if the leader of men, wise women leaders in Babes! Oguz Kagan, "Wise Sultana mine, going to give you," he says. Guys protests. They resisted. Oguz Kagan Bilge Hatun's orders are sent, but the palace of China as a concubine. Chinese envoy comes again, this time in the two countries' border that belong to our land of our ancestors want to be given to China. The terrain is so steep that you want, is so rocky that leave the horses to cross the human foot can not even walk. This time, gentlemen, "gave the silver bow, gray stallion was given, then we Bilge Babes, sheer, rocky terrain also Let's get going," he says. Then the Prophet said Oguz Kagan. "Development of my men into battle! My horse, my Avrat, my arms! The soil of the land to anyone but a draw peşkeş! "And the armies of China, is distributed, the palace is printed in China, will be been given back.

Generation of ancestors who lived in Turkey for the Turks, the blood ancestry, is taking one's life, not to surrender to infidels in the war they became hungry and thirsty land. Now that we are selling them for money managers. Money in return! But we live in a global world, is not it? Cursing our religion, our ancestors betrayed the faith of conservation of money by selling the land.


Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent election to the United States but opposed to? America's policy. He wants to do something which strongly opposes any. Why? All the world to America, enemies, enemies of America to the world!


Bismillahirrahmanırrahiym. O ye who believe! Do Jews and Christians for friends. They are an another man's. Friend who you see them, if it is them. Verily Allah does not guide wrongdoing folk. Sadakallahul-Azıym.

[Maide Suresi, 51 verse]


"Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Surely the unbelievers are your open enemy to you. Sadakallahul-Azıym.

[Sura of Nisa, 101 verse]


"Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. O ye who believe! I also like the enemy, your enemy is your friend, not who. Sadakallahul-Azıym.

[Mümtehine Surat, 1 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Ant, whether in people, believers and unbelievers of the most intense you'll find the Jews as enemies. Sadakallahul-Azıym.

[Maide Suresi, 82 verse]


America! Directed by Israeli Jews of America! Most violent enemies of the Jews managed to create the America! America and other countries opposed to everything that is not wrapped up 4? We oppose the American wrapped up a fourth issue! Is not only America but the comments! Been hostile to him to know, want to do to achieve the aspirations that says otherwise! Jews! The boss of this world, America, America, Israel ruled. So that Israel rules the world. Do you know the different choices are made in America? There are lodges. Chambers for the rich. The world's richest Jews in the chambers. Jews who support these chambers and the president if he becomes president, which provide support for president of the chamber has to make requests. Has to act according to their aspirations. Mason is the president, all but one of America / Zionist is / are Satanists / İlluminatidir. Between United States President Mason / Zionist / Satanist / Illuminati, John Fitzgerald Kennedy is not one! John Fitzgerald Kennedy, November 22, 1963 Masons / Zionists / Satanist and / Illuminati was killed by an assassination organized by. John Fitzgerald Kennedy President of the United States except all presidents are Masons / Zionists are / is a Satanist / İlluminatidir! I know many parts of the Muslim Barak Obama elected president in recent elections is even Mason / Zionists are / is a Satanist / İlluminatidir!


"Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Ant, whether in people, believers and unbelievers of the severest enemies of the Jews as you'll find. Sadakallahul-Azıym.

[Maide Suresi, 82 verse]


Of Masonic / Zionist / Satanist and / İlluminatinin What are its activities in Turkey?

Freemasonry is an organization of Jews hidden activities. Of all ranks, the symbol of the Torah has been changed. Entrance ceremonies are performed according to the Bible doctrine. Masons, their ties with the Jews has always denied any relationship with them is not their claim. If it is proved ties with the Jews who will not be tolerated by society. Instead, its a charitable organization, a brotherhood, solidarity as a society are trying to demonstrate to the community. Interest only to members only, as Masons Mimar Sinan, the Turkish Mason Magazine, Acacia, in magazines such as Great Eastern, have clearly expressed their ties with the Jews. "Innumerable quotations from the Torah is our ritual''

[Mimar Sinan magazine, issue 47, page 39]


1923,''published in the Turkish Masonic lodges in the Memorandum social Meşrik-i-Azam, this perverse philosophy is expressed as follows:

"We will no longer recognize God as the purpose of Life. We have created a goal. That purpose is not God, is humanity. "


In another Masonic sources are saying:

"Old-primitive societies, they were unable, because of weakness in the forces and events around the gods. The gods made man Masonizm. "


Freemasonry is the basis of the definition of humanism, religion, morality directly against this philosophy has shown to have an identity. 20. humanistic philosophy of the current century as a pioneer Julian Huxley, Darwin's theory of evolution accepted by the book "Evolutionary Humanism" in the name of establishing a new religion and superstitious beliefs of the meaning of this aberrant expression has also said:


"When I use the word <hümanist>, people, the same as a plant or animal, I mean it is a natural asset. That the human body, mind and spirit, not created by a supernatural power, but rather occurred at the end of the evolution process. So people of any supernatural power, control or guidance, not just their presence and their power must believe. "Mason purpose of humanistic philosophy, a new world, that all religious morality away from a world of make up is. The American philosopher John Dewey called path Huxley in 1933, a "Humanist Manifesto" published. II, published in 1973. Humanist Manifesto of the problems that threaten humanity after being told how to deny God's that this philosophy is summarized as follows: "to save us is a creator, we need to save ourselves."


Here is the essence of Masonic philosophy, based on the idea of man is the summary. This perverted philosophy put forward the claim is deceptive.


Non masons freemason "We're taking us non-belief in God, we all believe in Allah," they say, but this is just a camouflage is clear from the information in its publications. Indeed, given the Masonic sources of belief in God, it was eliminated within the organization is seen in a phased manner. Turkish freemasons of the biggest task of what follows is stated: "We all fall, the largest humanitarian and Masonic functions, positive science and mind stick, that the evolution of the best and only way is by adopting the belief of our people between the spread, the people of the positive sciences to train." Ernest Rena 's following words are very important: "The public good science and the mind and the train is, illumination is, religious superstition and self-destroyed." Lessing these words, this idea supports: "One of the positive sciences and the mind and the lighting one day religion will not need .


In schools in Turkey are only taught about worldly sciences.


When choosing between the members of the Masonic What are their properties?

One-to Idealist,

2 - To have a good name and reputation,

3 - Material and financial means to be in good condition.

4 - the time is suitable for external

[Mason Magazine-81 / 4, page 32]


"Freemasonry is the movement of the guide thought and wisdom. According to Freemasonry in mind, religious beliefs, superstitions of, get rid of superstition and imagination to recognize the subject as needed. Anyone with a mind free of religious beliefs about when wisdom has come to dominate. Mason is also true of the most important qualities. "

[Religion in terms of Masonic teachings, Acacia Evolution Mahvili Publications, Selami Işındağ Doctor, Page 11]


"Today, albeit slowly, to satisfy the strict sense of consciousness only, and are made a universal religion. In parallel of this universal religion, morality and a worldview extent that will be established. Kainâtla will combine such a religious person. That masonizmdir. Hearts heart of this religion will be established. Established in temples of this religion of humanity would be temples. Read hymns at the temple, perhaps in the spirit of a people as the noblest of musical works gushing Beethowen'ın 9 will be a symphony. "

[Mason Magazine, Year: 29, Issue 40-41, Year 1981, pages 105-107]


The theory of non-religious humanist ethics of Freemasonry's true purpose, the name of masonizm "build a moral world, not to establish a global non-religious. In other words, the Freemasons, they attached great importance to moral values, not just to society "is not required by religious moral values" are wrapped in humanist philosophy to give the message.


As can be seen clearly, the purpose of Freemasonry, by eliminating the religious right a new world based on humanistic philosophy, which is to create a world totally away from religious moral values.


The Templars were disguising themselves to get caught up in grand inquisitor for the various religious orders and organizations that have been leaked. Sect members as the most appropriate way to this goal have infiltrated freemasonry, were seized, their philosophy, their beliefs and rituals can report your admission to Freemasonry.


Freemasonry on the philosophy of the Kabbalah's influence can be seen that intense. Masonic magazines and books about it are told implicitly. New Age magazines, for example the publication of American Freemasonry, the connection between Kabbalah and Freemasonry is expressed as follows:


"Kabbalah, which opens the door to the subconscious and the spirit of embracing spiritual values is the key to get out. Freemasonry, it is necessary to understand human life. "

[New Age, Page 31]


"Mason and prominent symbols of the main ideas were taken from Kabbalah. Many of the logo is from the Kabbalah. For example, a piece of jack and Boaz Cheare kabbalists columns taken from there. Freemasonry, the Kabbalah's great similarities with the philosophy that has been mentioned in many places. "

[La KabbalahHenri Seronya]


Turkish Masonic source, this link will work with the same intensity:


"We see that, except for the Bible's secret traditions of Judaism, a tradition [in Oral Tradition-Kabbalah] are. Foundations, and it is only those who can understand the Bible's true meaning. We also established around Kabala, trying to understand the essence of high philosophy. "

[Salvation with Mahfi, 4 Conference, Page 48]


Freemasonry freemasons themselves to explain this implies also against Jewish religion does not accept. Zionist ideology is a doctrine, but as a fan.


British historian Michael Howard, in his book The Occult Conspiracy, freemasonry, temple pressure from trading, rose-cross, ilüminati of secret societies such as the western civilization back to pre-Christian pagan culture is carried out about a long struggle. In the book's introduction describes the following topics:


"He said that Freemasonry is a secret society, many secret societies and organizations were intertwined with many intriguing and superstitious work out. For example, emerged in Italy DUE propaganda [P2] the scandal lodges, Masonic organizations and their relations to the surface that had been removed. "


Mason of the Mossad, MI5 and the CIA to news organizations, such as relations with the secret now is known by everyone. Gladio as they are also more political killings in Italy have announced their name is a secret organization. Gladio Mason managers, these organizations were also used for the sake of masonic goals. Masonic relations with Gladio and publication of independent newspapers have been explained.


Masons of the world are currently the most dangerous institution. In each country top-level managers, bureaucrats, businessmen, politicians are.


Turkey's oil reserves are controlled by chance that I typically been in the hands of Masons. Oil exploration in Turkey with a similar chance again, all of the companies belonging to the Jews.


Unknowns about the final oil law. Foreigners allowed oil exploration in Turkey after the adoption of the law, petroleum exploration companies in Turkey belongs to the Jews of the whole.


Among those in Southeast Anatolia between the two largest oil companies made a''mobile''and''Shell''di. Shell oil company in the field of international Dutch-British joint venture will use the label. Shell is connected to the royal-Dutek. Markus is the owner of a Jew named Samuel. Other oil prospector in the company known as''mobile''Jewish billionaires Rockefeller is one of several oil companies.


Begin oil exploration in Turkey from 1956 until 1968 was Turkey's general manager of Mobile Egeran'dı Necdet. Necdet Egeran oil exploration in Turkey in 1954, allow foreign companies of the petroleum law in adopting one of those who exerted the greatest effort. Search also the Mineral Research [MTA] and the founder of the General Directorate of Petroleum Affairs. And then retired in 1956 as head of Mobile enters. Mobil's oil wells to find out concrete block on the ground were widespread rumors that the date was in the Mobile Administrator's sole arbiter. General Manager of Burhan Ulutan period Etibank shake the rumors that he is confirming the dates. During our interview with him Ulutan said in a statement:


"Mobile Oil'in at the beginning of 1965 to have someone named Egeran. Meanwhile, oil also closed the wells. "


The agenda of that period the person has property in another large Necdet Egeran'ın. This feature, published in Turkey Mason among themselves "as they plumb" We are called out by the Masonic magazine.


"Enver Necdet Egeran'ın identity. Rise on October 24 at the Lodge was tekris. [42 years old]. The foreman in May 1950, October 1950 was also a master. Necdet of the 25 founding members of the Lodge between Egeran Information. In 1955 the Master-I was respected. Egeran Grand Lodge of Turkey in 1958 was elected general secretary. Lounge by the Grand Lodge of Scotland was given an honorary title of great 2.nazırı. 1 in 1964 To represent the Grand Lodge of New York Grand Lodge was invited to the meeting. Necdet Egeran very dear master was elected in May 2, 1965. 58 years old 16 Masonic Freemasonry in Turkey became the youngest grand master. "

[Plumb as Journal]


As seen Necdet Egeran, Cevat Eyüp from ordering from the U.S. of foreign oil companies such as Taylor you convert any intrigue in an era of Turkey also carries the distinction of being the most active Masons. At the same time as the oil wells with concrete covering the general manager of Mobile is not a coincidence.


Turkey's many years of oil in terms of outside dependence and perhaps the Middle East's few oil-producing countries of the chance to lose in Turkey Freemasonry, Zionism to the cause of many important contribution and consequently hypnosis with MPs sleep At a time when new oil law Parliament passed!


Who controls the oil reserves in an era of Turkish freemasons list:

Soydanbay benign, mobile manager, Giants Lodge. Akyel Kazim, Assistant Director General for Oil Turkey, Awakening Lodge. Anwar Ibrahim with gold, MTA Consultant for Culture Lounge. Ihsan Ruhi Berent, MTA General Manager, Awakening Lodge. Osman Şevki Figen; Marmara Region, Director of Mobil Oil, Musavvaf Lodge. Mithat laughed; Etibank Başkaotrolü, Ideal Lodge. Ihsan Mizanoğlu; Petroleum Office Manager, Beliefs Lodge. Rauf Rozental; Socani Vacuum Oil Company, General Directorate of Culture Lounge. Nahr Ergene, Mobile, Virtue Lodge. Besim Tan, Mobile Manager, Love Lounge. Deriner Ibrahim, former Undersecretary of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Information Lodge. Ihsan Beech, director of the Petrol Ofisi, Beliefs Lodge. Danabaş blessings; Mining Credit Bank Manager, Cultural Lodge. Suha Al MD; Etibank Exchange Director, Ulku Lodge. Osman Bilen, Personnel Manager, TPAO, Awakening Lodge. Ersin Lütfi Quarterly Shell Co.. Planning Manager, Houston Lodge. Sabih Büyükarıkan, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Advisor, Awakening Lodge. Turhan Kut; Etibank Assistant General Manager, Awakening Lodge. David patience; TPAO Accounting Marketing Director, Awakening Lodge. Aytınbaş loss; Turkey Assistant Director General Petroleum Corporation, Awakening Lodge. Abdulkadir bo; MTA TTL Branch Manager, Awakening Lodge. Rifat Ayaydın; Turkey Petroleum Corporation, Revival lodge. Osman Ali Berkman, Mobile Manager, California Revival Lounge. Mehmet Riza Akaslan; TPAO Group Chief Financial Officer, Awakening Lodge. Aykol Atilla, Geological Engineer of Mines, Giant Lodge. John Baray; Etibank Assistant General Manager, Awakening Lodge. Zekai Boyer, Personnel Manager, TPAO, Ankara Awakening Lodge. Erkan Bergin, TPAO General Director of Supply and Group President, Rainbow Lodge. Cengiz Erdal; Petroleum Corporation Office of Assistant General Manager, Rainbow Lodge. Ilter rugged, Regional Director of Mobil Oil. ...


As seen from this name of mine for many years in Turkey Zionists "Our Farm" they have been left for people enrolled in the Masonic Lodge. In addition, most of them in Turkey, Turkey must show utmost sensitivity in the National Petroleum Corporation is its employees! Remiss in my hometown!


Preparation of the oil company in Turkey RETOG files:


"The rich deposits of Turkey Kurdistan"


Within the boundaries of Turkey to the oil intensity of the game often on public opinion, "Turkey has the oil but not out" to lead discussions. Since the news about it from time to time, many media outlets are located. What is wisdom in the oil fields around any journalist or media organization not see, does not and can not be determined. Took up this issue seriously will not find any news program or news agenda. Too many journalists who would attempt the job. Will be working to bury the crop, and they will not find a place to advertise. Because the media organizations, the media was sold!  Other hand, we are unaware of this huge magazine published in newspapers and television programs, our interest also increased with each passing day we will! About this kind of manipulation of the program is not showing because we do not ask!


The first page is dated February 27, 1992 published in the Sun newspaper reports look very interesting. "The most productive beds cited Turkey as Kurdistan." "The Americans in the Southeast Ceyarlar" sentences which include the show titled news:


"Southeastern Anatolia and the Bitlis, Van, Adiyaman, Turkey Tunceli provinces of Kurdistan as a United States company, Turkey's place in the six claims found interesting about the wealth. American Oil Company Retog Turkey, Syria, Iraq [Iraq] oil and gas reserves in the border region of the published reports. Reserves were reported to be rich in this region in the report were described as Kurdistan.

[Hakan Yilmaz Cebi, February 27, 1992, Sun Journal]


Kurdistan! Nationalist sentiment in Turkey were vaccinated, and now the Kurds are instilled nationalist sentiment. While we should be Ümmetçi, nationalists are attached. Nationalism in Turkey, Kurdistan, Kurds are distracting, actually take off a civil war; disruptive mix of religion, the religion they want to slay his brother. Turkey invaded and then they will wrap the savior role.


"Landmark Blyd 14 900. In milk, 370 Dallas, Texas, USA at 75 240 Retog companies offered for sale in the report prepared byTurkey's geographical position is very surprising was recorded. Southeastern Anatolia Region, the Middle East Oil Zones in the report that the northern extension of the current small amount of an active oil field has oil reserves, the statement added.


The opinions set forth in the report that drew attention to an extremely detailed. The report consists of four volumes, 517 oil wells in the region covers all the records. Moreover, all the geochemical and thermal properties of the region and agricultural activity in the report are maps showing. Report only the oil-rich southern region of the Middle East as opposed to the notion that, in Turkey's southeast region, including the territory of the oil-rich northern region said. Moreover, a thorough investigation not done before in this area were recorded.


Prices are up for sale for $ 45 thousand in the report, Turkey in the region called Kurdistan, on the size of the reserves of oil fields that are not being praised. Untouched area of the field is not called on Iraq [Iraq] and the oil field business in Turkey is more productive than claimed.


RETOG company "Groundwater and oil exploration opportunities, Turkey Kurdistan" named in the report, 500 thousand scale maps, well, big oil and gas fields, 52 more wells logbook, 517 wells data records, surface geo-information, Bouger gravity data, the Turkey-Syria and Iraq [Iraq] 's seismic depth map with the countries detailed maps of oil fields are running. The report also Turkey's political structure compared with that of neighboring countries are also described in detail. "


Year 1992: Turkey Kurdistan future languages. RETOG company had given the maximum importance for Turkey as well, particularly the information contained in this report, Turkey would like to draw your attention to sentence Kurdistan. Zionism Israel had built in the United States in Iraq, [Iraq] invasion of the results of this intent to perform every day. Whereas in 1990 the first edition of his book Freemasonry and capitalism, the "special section" is to draw attention to this issue. Rich oil deposits of the above-mentioned need, as well as the GAP project is a giant in the land of the project will be established where a Kurdish state, Israel is not a morsel to be swallowed. Establishment of the state's poorly designed, lacked the military power, economic aspects will be a state in need of protection at all not difficult to estimate. In the second phase of the plan, the countries of the Middle East has become another word for Israel, the Kurdish state will be easy to get to the control and patronage. Israel is a state of Kurdistan will be developed at this stage, Israel's border into southeastern Anatolia, took over end in the promised land will be met.


The report continues;


"Events are evaluated this way, Time Magazine, are plotted in the map of Kurdistan oil map of the Southeast Anatolia taken from space with a chance of overlap is not clearly understood. Magazine, published at the borders of Kurdistan, the map starts from Gaziantep. Northern Iraq [Iraq] will extend tan Halabja. Turkey's rich oil deposits of Diyarbakir, Adiyaman, Batman, between Nisibis and into all areas of the Southeast Anatolia region is drawing a bow. "


Other hand, captured from space maps of oil deposits on the Kurdish issue as a pretext to America settled in the area too, a remarkable event. Gulf Crisis, and now the Iraqi [Iraq] war in the region saying "humanitarian aid and security camp" under the name of a game is played.


America Voice of America broadcast on TV in a question to the deputy speakers are:

Question: What if America against terrorist attacks continue to take such measures do you think?

Answer: If necessary, we can go up to the bombing of holy places.

Question: What do you mean the most sacred places Kâbe'mi?

Answer: Yes, sacrifice, if necessary'll bomb.


Those who attack them, and attacked Muslims who blame themselves and our direction, our holy places, threatening to bomb a Jewish sacrifice, Masons!


Said an official from the European Union, "the Turks will be no choice but to accept the Sevres" and still did not get a sound from anyone.

But Turkey is burned in order to enter the European Union.


George W. Bush visited the Vatican with the Pope in his speech: "America now have access to the job, is crusade against Muslims," he said and wrote it all in the newspapers. Exception of newspapers in Turkey.


Another senior American official, "a new world order will be established and the Middle East. If not, the soldiers will be carried out by force of beauty. "He said, and no one was silent.


So, Turkey, how will collapse? Were watered with the blood of Turkish ancestry, inherited in a generation unaware how to Turkey will be destroyed?


Before the privatization of all state institutions will be sold under the name of foreigners. Two Turkish banks were sold to Greece. Turk Telekom, privatized, sold to foreigners. Communication network entirely in the hands of infidels. Many strategic corporate privatization were sold under the name of the infidels.


Who are they on time? Recep Tayyib Erdogan on time!


Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent elections but the election was opposed in America is not it? George W. Select a previous period, the media, thanks to Bush Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is prime minister, opposed the election? George W. Bush did not challenge, found only in the descriptions. Agenda for the future of the turbans, some think. Even the eyes of a handful of hair of women who commit adultery are to turn their heads. This shows that the country's Muslims. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has fueled the growing event. Went on, right? Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the voice of the people. What happened? Same old story. All the same!  Civil war at the door! Civil war at the door! Civil war, trying to take off! Take advantage of our Gafillik and reduce us to each other and to be able to destroy Islam, "Great Idea", the Greater Middle East Project [BOP] 'ni people trying to achieve out civil war. What comes out civil war, America will go to Turkey in the role of savior, they already purchased under the name of privatization of state institutions to take over the management of this country.


Choose your own manager, but these people already, right? America were selected according to their own interests through the media shows the public good, people swear to the Koran at the expense of looking at the television, newspapers and watch, read and learn what the American dog, the head butler brings America. Kâfiristan not even know what is on my country!


Recep Tayyip Erdogan, but also makes the prayer is not it? Religious feelings of the people of America, the people most hostile to the aspirations of the Jews who are exploiting religion to achieve! Islam is a!


American president is coming to this country, has taken extraordinary security measures. Allow to come to this country regardless of where we need to find him and kill, while we are the world emperor, enthroned, our religion is what we are trying to destroy. "But you kill the wars?" They'll remove the men already fighting. How to destroy Islamic values, will soon destroy us. "There are 550 MPs, why can not they do something?" One of the deputies with his family to remember the accident. All of them have anti-American speech two weeks after a car accident and died. America killed more precisely. Even without immunity, the military judge is unable to shock, even death Apdullah Ocalan, but what will judge that. But the immunity is anti-American talk is killed by U.S. lawmakers, with the latest news is short, we call God bless. But there are military, there is the Presidential General Staff? Turkey's General Staff, the military does not defend Turkey, that he keeps his love. Apart from his own love, a topic relevant to the people in the "government from doing something we can not do anything," he says. Military coup can not do now, the European Union harmonization process applications under the name of the law or were removed.


Mi appointed with all the dead?


Finance Minister Adnan Kahveci-old. He said;


"For us our independence from the United States and the IMF have to get rid of. " Two days later died in a traffic accident!


Thin-Saadet Party Gaziantep deputy Tahtacı Bedri,

He said"America is the biggest obstacle in a country the U.S. wants the Prime Minister does, he wants President". Five days later died in a traffic accident in Gaziantep on way!


-President Turgut Ozal, said;


"Mosul and Kirkuk is ours. So the world knows, we Claims." Died after 10 days!


Gendarmerie Commander Esref Bitlis-. He said;


"U.S. planes fly from Incirlik to distribute aid to the PKK" -60 Degrees to minus four days later, the Turkish Armed Forces is proof of their way to Siirt aircraft accident during take off again when the plane fell on Ankara Yenimahalle Mail Processing Center and died! Accidents due to icing of aircraft engines! -11 Cold weather, whereas at that time was in Siirt. In Ankara, -5, respectively.


Denizli Governor Recep YAZICIOĞLU. City took the law in; "We then English name not be used in shops and other places, that is the 'cafe' coffee is not to be written" said the way to Ankara, and a week later died in a traffic accident!


AYDIN-Diyarbakir Gendarmerie Regional Commander of the fortunate;


"The foreign forces a big game, do not you believe Do not be fooled brother, sister hit, Lice'si the Hani'si the Eruh, and Edirne'si Mush the same race adoption are all these countries walkover not! In Canakkale grandfather of shoulder to shoulder They give life to win! We will protect us in a decent manner, and this game will end the PKK to end the U.S. " Lice, in Diyarbakir said, and 10 days after the primary school children uniforms, boots, shoes and stationery for deploying snipers in the back with a gun, was shot dead in front of children.


Major Cem Ersever: "I Ahmet Cem Ersever. PKK with the struggle of the steps taken is wrong, the fight against the People of hand by the execution should the Republic of Turkey PKK issue a counter-strategy is not what I believe and in 1992 Zavahir'i save on grounds ignorant held northern Iraq, Operation of the state, a does not put that PKK political gains would bring, sustain it would declare the year 1993 in March, the Gendarmerie Intelligence Group Command, dismissed their request to me and some of my friends together I retired. 1984 year to date made mistakes, betrayals and false about the Turkish public lighting should I believe, and the Turkish press, the public in the Jalal Talabani's betrayal of the PKK relations, in the Southeast, the actual situation, the village guards the confessor the unsolved murders and about some political and organizational position on the explanations will. "

[Major Ersever, was killed before it considers making this statement.]


Refusal to permit it gave Parliament-March 1.


3 days later, bombs exploded in the heart of Istanbul. How many people died?


Do you know dogs are bitches? Once you see the men on his tail between his legs back down to the returning men and dogs bitches! Who claims to have ruled Turkey, given Turkey's population thinks that ruled Turkey who choose to vote! Once you see the man can cut his tail between his legs behind his men returned to their backs to the United States had given bitches like dogs, they pick people fired slept pışlayarak. We are unaware, we reconstructed the Muslim infidels sleep they pick. In the same way people like dogs bitches say thank you for the administrator had turned its back on!


Let us come in Turkey to other Masons:


Sakip Sabanci [the founder of the industrialists, the country's richest were from.] Erol Sabanci [Industry.], Rahmi Koc [Holding boss.], Nejat Eczacibasi [Holding His boss, Bildenberg members.] Bernard Nahum [Vehbi Koc's Jewish partner. Be-Ko Bernard-Coach means.], Vitali Hakko [Vakko's owner.], Jak Kamhi [Holding boss.], Arman Karabet [Turkey Armenian community spokesman.], Izak Halava [Jewish rabbi.], Ismail virtual [ engineer, Jews Rotation.], Tuncer cloth you [journalists, Jews return.] Fuat cloth you [Central Textile Owner Jews to return, exchange smugglers that arise when the U.S. had escaped.], Ali Koç you [owner, TUSIAD President, respectively.] Neset's expansion plan [Importer, Lions Clubs was Director General.], David Kohen [Insurers also Lion'dur the whole family.], Lyonel Makzume [Ship Agent there, the Jews,  Rotarian family, were tried for smuggling, was sentenced.] Jacques Jeulin [Banker, Ottoman Bank, the stranger.] H. Von Tielman [Turk Hoechst general manager.], Ferit David [Sherton General Manager Assistant], Edward Keiser [Swiss Air Lines Representative, stranger.], Bahir Uysaler [Auto-Coach Executive Vice President.], Sefer Ulusoy [Bus Company there. ], Selcuk Yasar [Holding boss.] Mehmet Author [Chamber President of the Union, the minister.], Niyazi outcomes [Yakamoz's owner.] Arslan I think the [HEMA Former General Manager.] Dundar Soyer [Izmir Chamber of Commerce President, respectively. ], Ugur Paksoy [Paksoy, Director of the factory.], Ravi Okaygün [TK and SEM  Industry Executive Board member, respectively.] Sahabet did Bilgisu [Ontario Trade and SANAYI Bed Head.] Mete Tanrıkut [Bank Manager.] Teoman term [TAI General Manager.] Ali Tuzcuoğlu [Shipping Company Owner.], Tuncay Sarızı [Nuclear medicine specialist.] Seyfettin Tokbey [Notary.], A. Kozanoglu, Ali Balkaner, Alp Yalman, owners Sadıkoğlu Family, Fire Unal Erzin, BORONKAY, Bezmen'ler, Cem Boyner, Farmers Holding Anchor Family [Çapamarka] Dinçkök, Demirag Family [Mehmet Nuri and his brother Abdurrahman Naci], Dilber and Stores, Eczacıbaşı Erdogan Demirören, Erol Aksoy, Esenpen [Esen Özgener], Erkut Yücaoğlu, Feyyaz Berker [Tekfen], Feyzi Akkaya [STFA], Gorbon, Ibrahim Ethem Ulagay Pharmaceuticals, Ipar Family, Kazim Tashkent [Building Credit], Koc Holding, Kutman Family [Doluca Wines], Mehmet Üstünkaya, Manisa Elginkan Family [ECA], Mustafa Taviloğlu, Life Yoghurt the Ongud's, suggested Akgerman [Çimentaş], Özgörkey Family [Ontario Pepsi], Refik Baydur, Rumeli Holding [Uzanlar], Rashid Özsaruhan [ Metas, Betontaş], Selim Edes, Sohtorik, yellow Gülçelik Tara-Sadi [Enka], Ugur Mengenecioğlu [UM Marine], Ulusoy family [Ulusoy Transport], Yasar Holding, Zorlu Family, ...



Dinc Bilgin [journalists, media boss, holding the owner], Erol Simavi [newsman], Orhan Tokat with [journalist], Akkan Suver [New Thought Journal of the nationalist known.] Ziya Tansu [ICA News Agency], Ümit Atay [press programmer], Ayber Saruhan [journalist], Hagop Ayvas [journalist], Gunay Simsek [journalist], Necmettin Tanyolaç [sports writer], John Saint [journalist], Haluk think [journalists], Erdogan Sungur [journalist] and Mehmet Sadun below the [ former media director general], Erdogan Arıpınar [journalist], Turhan Taya to [journalist], Mete Atabek [journalist], Selahattin Atasoy [retired colonel], Bahaettin Tatış [educators], Akif Tatlıcıoğlu [notary], Yilmaz Tunçhal [journalist], Vedat Nedim Tor [author], Subhi Turel [journalist], Yavuz full [news agency], Nehar Tüblek [cartoonist], Fuat Uygan [publishers], Turhan Anni Dilligil [newspaper magnate], Haluk Lifeless [journalist], Bekir Farmer [journalists] Erol branched [journalist], Kenan Values [TRT, Antalya], Nurettin Demirkol [journalist], Emin Edis [journalist], Teoman Ertan [TRT''ci], believing Agile [editor], Gungor Mengi [journalist, TRT In a representative government], Yekta Readers [journalist], Superior Ünügür [journalist], Bahadir YanıkÖmeroğlu [journalist], Arslan T. Clerks [journalist], Ertugrul Zorlutuna [journalist], Hero Bapçum [journalist], Tugrul Ilıcak [Kemal Ilıcak relatives of the journalists], Aykut Sözer the [actor], Ali Kirca, Altan Oymen, A. Emin Yalman, Ali Sirmen, Ali Gevgili, Adnan Düvenci, Abdi Ipekci, Aydin Sevgel, Ali Ihsan Göğüş, Alev Coşkun, Altan Erbulak, Ali Ulvi, Ali Baransel, Argun, Berker Ayla Selışık Tamar, Ayse Arman, Aydin Boysan, Ali Canip Methods , Abdulkadir Yücelman, Ali Naci Karacan, Aladdin Baydar [Fenerbahçe first national player of the journalists], Bilgin Family [Sabah, ATV], Bekir Coşkun, Bekir Kutmangil [Morning's murdered owner], Bedii Faik, Cengiz Candar, Cüneyt Ülsever, Coskun Kirca, Can attack with Cenk Koray, Canan treatment you, Cüneyt Arcayürek, Cihat Baban, Cüneyt Koryürek, Ceht the Şahingiray, Cetin Emec, Daphne Simon, Dogan Koloğlu, Erkan Göksel Ecvet Gure you, Emil Galip boatman, Ebuziyyad Zia, Ekrem Usakligil, Eminem Usakligil Erdal Atabek, Eşfak Aykac, Enis Tahsin Til, Ercan Arik with Emre Kongar, Peters Baydar [Nazikioğlu, the surname does not use-Turkish Press Union President was], Ertugrul Soysal [Nail Goat stepfather, a former ICI Chair, TISK Founder, Equestrian chain's owner], Fikret Bila, Ferai Tınç, Faik Akin, Fusun of Ozbilgin, Fikret Otyam, Fazil Ahmed Aykac, Gulgun Feyman, Gungor Mengi, Guneri Cıvaoğlu, Vassaf Day, Night Sword [GS-American Sword of Ali Baba Day son, Altemur Sword's brother], Gülçin Tel pressure, Hüseyin Cahit, Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöven, Hamdi Nüzhet Çançar, Halit Deringör, Rights Tariq U.S. [journalist], Isil Özgentürk, Ismet Berkan, Ismet Solak, Ismail Khosrow tokin, Ismet Binark [author ], and Karacan, Heroes Bapçum Kamil Masaracı, Leyla Umar, M. A. Birand, Mehmet Ali Onel, Murat Sertoğlu, Murat Birsel, forced Canan Barlas, Munir Berik, Mecca Sait Esen, Mahmut Ekrem Talu, succeed, Talu, Mükerrem Sarol, Mithat Fairy's, Murat Belge, Muammer Yasar Bob, Mahmut Esat Bozkurt, Metin Yalman [ A. N. Sezer's Media Adviser], Naim Tirali, Nuri Çolakoğlu, Necmettin Sadak, Nezih Demirkent, spray, Necati Zincirkiran, Nail Güreli, Necmi Tanyolaç, Orhan Koloğlu, Okay Gonen you, Osman Kavala [Contact the owner], Osman Kapani, Osman Saffet Arolat, Osman Ulagay, Oguz Tongsir, Orhan Erinc, Oguz Aral, luff Oymen, Ozcan Ergüder, Omer Madra, Piyale Madra, Pakize Water, Reha Muhtar, Refik Erduran, Ruhat Biliktan Mengi, Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, Rasih Nuri Next, Rana Pirinççioğlu , Simavi the Sadat Sertoğlu, Sedat Ergin, Featured Türesay, Subhi Nuri Next, Sabiha Sertel, Selim Ragip Emec, Selçuk Erez, Semih Poroy, Semra Somersan, Kevin Balcioglu, motto of California, Tahsin Öztin, Talat Sait Halman, Talay Erker, Turhan Selçuk , Tekin Aral, Uzanlar, Ugur Dundar, E. Umur Talu, Vedat Nedim Tor, Yalcin Bayer Cetiner Yilmaz, Yavuz Gökmen, Yalım Eralp, Zechariah Sertel, Zeynep Göğüş,

Necip Bey phase [founder of New Century Newspapers], and Sedat Erol Simavi [owner of daily newspaper], Ahmet Emin Yalman [Vatan newspaper's founder], Abdi Ipekci [former Chief Editor of the daily Milliyet], Ferit Sahenk [NTV's Owner] ...



Ömer Madra, Umit Meric, Billurdeniz Seval [modeling agency owner], Gülçin Tel pressure [journalist], Ali spray, Sedat Üründül, Rashid Ahmed Kongar, Baris Manco [10 up to grade Galatasaray High School, studying Baris Manco his father after the death, itself an Thessaloniki immigrants because Sisli Progress High School, through there are graduated], yellow Hamza, Tara, Halit Refiğ, Ishak Alaton, Orhan Pamuk, Mazhar Efe Özal [1967 Ankara Turgut Ozal's son], Stars Sertel, Mustafa Taviloğlu, Bekir Kutmangil, Prof. Dr. Gokdogan Campbell, Professor. Dr. Aksel Siva, Assoc. Dr. Çorgar care, Prof. Dr. Asaf Akat War, Berna Yilmaz, Sevda Sabanci, Erkut Flood, Professor. Dr. Ersin Kalaycıoğlu, Prof. Dr. Sema Kalaycıoğlu, Fatos Aslı Ural [Selçuk Ural's daughters], Lutfi sure Karaosmanoğlu Mine Kantele Stars, Houston War [TV presenter, actress], Idris Muhammad, Ogun Uluç, Cigdem Subaşı, Candan Simsek, Muzaffer Sociable, Fehmi Absolute, Cem Ilhan, Ahmet Adil Tunca, Zahit Göğüş Aydin, Selcuk Inci, Irem Kalkavan, Yahya Murat Demirel, [1967 Isparta], Murat Arman, Sea Çupi [Çupi'nin son of Islam], Ahmet Zorlu, you Alara Cloth [Halil Bezmen'in daughter], crocus Sabanci [Erol Sabanci's daughter], Esat Murat Serezli [Text Serezli'nin son], Tanla Hasan Nuri [Bulent Tanla Hasan's son], Mehmet Yalcintas [Nevzat Yalcintas's son], Abdullah Zaimoglu [Rasim Zaimoğlu'nun son], Salih Yavuz Ulug, Sabbatai Varol, Mehmet Erdem Yarsuvat, Fatma Necla Balkır, Refik Halit Refiğ, Hayri Erdoğan Alkin, Ahmed in Bali, Oktem Emin Yalçın, Hülya Uğur [presented the weather on TV].



Remzi Yelman [retired lieutenant general], Ertugrul Ünlüer [former Texas governor and the mayor], Numan Urs [retired colonel], Engin Ural [president of the foundation of environmental problems], Bulent Nation [former prime minister], Hamit Yener [Safety 1st branch manager, respectively.] ABSTRACT Yetkin [CHP deputies, respectively.], Halit Tokullugil [Bursa former governor], Zeki Yücetürk [Balıkesir former deputy], Ali Berkol [NATO officials], Subhi Baykam [CHP deputies were], Fahir Primitive [former energy and natural resources minister], Sezai Orkunt [retired admiral], Sezai Tribe with [retired officers], Hussein Öğütcen [Izmir governor was], Tahsin Önalp [former public works minister], Enver Saatçigil [former governor], Mike Day Aktug [ Police Chief of the], Bedrettin Dalan [Istanbul, the former mayor], Şahap Kocatopçu [27 May and 12 September, ministers], Right Billet [safety assistant director], Sharif holds [former Ankara governor, Rotary honorary member], Ülkü Söylemezoğlu [urban housing ministry deputy undersecretary], Cetin Anuncan [naval officer], Muzaffer Erciş [retired brigadier], Yelman Gazimihal [Seka general manager was], Feyyaz Golcuk with [MDP MPs], Rustu Guner [DSI regional director], Saffet Gürtav [İETT general manager], Muammer Durak [governor assistant], AAIHilbrand [foreign, military, fire], William Hudson [Istanbul, the British consul], Herman Büneman [Ontario German Consul General], Akgun Kıcıman [foreign ministry protocol chief], Ekkes Langer [Ankara Austrian Commercial Attaché] Gerard Sambrana [French, administrative fire], Erkki Tammiwori [Finnish, Consul General], Geoffrey Ogden [Istanbul, U.S. consul general counsel], Hans Peter Schone [Swedish, executive secretary], Fritz Langer, Marshall Berg [the U.S. administration to fire], Wolfgang Ziebel [ German Consul General], Nicholas Baskey [U.S., administrative fire], ...



Ali Fuat Cebesoy, Altemur Kilic, Ahmet Agaoglu, Aydin Köymen, Atilla Mutman, Bulend Nation, Bulent Akarca with Bulent Tanla, Besim Tibuk, Behcet's knowledge, Bahattin Yucel, Bekir Sami Kunduh, Besim Üstünel, Burhan Özfatura, [Mahmoud] Celal Bayar Tevfik Karasapan Jalal, Jihad İren, Madanoğlu Cemal, Cemal Bardakci Dr. Verse, Danis Koper, Chris Gönensay, Ercan Karakas, Erdogan Berktay, Ercument Konukman, Honorary Korutürk, Fuat Bulca, Fatin Rustu Zorlu, Feridun Cemal Erkin, Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Fethi Tevetoglu, F. Türüng [General], Gökberk Ergenekon, Sun Ongud, Hayrettin Erkmen, Khosrow Gerede, Menemencioglu Hasan, Hasan Esat Isik, Haluk Ülman, Haluk Bayülken, Hulusi Köymen, Hızfı Bekata Oguz, Ismail Cem, the Unionists Rahmi Bey, Ibrahim Deriner, Ilhan Öztrak, Abraham Deriner, Ihsan Gürsan, Ihsan Alyanak, Irfan Özaydınlı, Kemal Dervis, Kilic Ali sat Korel, November Gülek the Lutfi Kirdar, Mustafa Kemal PachaMehmet Ali Aybar, Mithat Sukru Bleda, Mehmet Ali Bayar, Financier Cavit Bey, Mükerrem Berk, Muhittin Ustundag, Memduh Sevket Esendal Mecca, Sait Esen Murat Sökmenoğlu, causing the attack with Muammer Cavusoglu, Naim Talu, Nevzat Yalcintas, Nazli Ilıcak, Nazim Wise, Numan Menemencioglu, Neset Akmandor, Nihat Karavel the Osman Kapani, Orhan Öztrak, Osman Kibar, Orhan Eren, Omer Seyfettin, Ömer Lütfi Tuncay, Ragip Gümüşpala, Rauf Orbay, Resat Fuat Baraner, Resat Muhlis Erkmen, Sedat Celâsun, Suat Hayri Ürgüplü , Sarp Kuray, Sadrettin Celal Antel, Suat father, Sebati Ataman, Selim Sarper, Serbülent Bingol, Samet Agaoglu Sebati Ataman, Selim Sirri Tarcan, Subhi Gürsoytrak, Sukru Sina Gurel, Şükrü Kaya, Saban Karatas, Sefik Hosni Chg Yanmar, Şehabettin Kocatopçu, Tansu Ciller, Talat Turhan closed with Turan Güneş Tevfik Rustu Aras, Tayfur Sokmen, Tezcan Yaramancı, Tunca Toskay, Tayyibe Gülek, Vedat Nedim Tor, Valerie Dalokay, Vahit Halefoğlu, Yilmaz Ergenekon, Ziya Selışık, Ziya Gokalp, Zeki Baştımar, Erataman intelligent, ...



Sügüder, Discipline, Stop, Dural, armor, Bozgeyik, deer, Asilbah, Alyot, silane, Türkölmez, Aslantas, balls, the Büyükol, Gülgöz, Özerdem, İsören, Cumali, annealed, pan, Tavil,  Pakerman, Ceylan, Aslantas, Tor, Ertörer, Giray, MÜFTÜOĞLU, Yigit, sincere, Algan, Nazli, Simavi, Etel, Noyan, Darip, Alkaş Plate, Solely, Bozok, Koronel, Noyanalpan, friendly, Boratav, Refiğ, Tamiya, Japheth, Rasim, Medhi, Alawite, Civaoglu, Correction, Tezcaner, Fikrig, Ayral, CIRIK, Türen, Pelin, Zodiac, Kuzekenani, Sunguroglu, HIZAL, Harunoglu, Tatar, Zuvin, Kavrem, Sonad, Bokek, Tomaç, Orange, Akcam, Ali, Sand, Mayor, Kerimol, Sözen, AZİZOĞLU, Turkish Dictionary, Açanal, Kolot, Atasayan, Kuday, Erpamir, Sister, İyitas, Kiykioglu, Dagsöz, Anak, Semi, TAPE, Kunal, Seraç, Yalaza, Orik, Firat, jeweler with Abdikoglu, Yakupoglu, İbrahimzade, Karaibrahimoglu, Talatpasaoglu, Özdemiroğlu, Turkay, Ayaz, Özüren, Teksöz, Burduroğlu, Felt, the well with Asaröz, Göçgil, Kaprali, Sonmez, Resimcioglu, Tailor, Koparal, Guidance, Çandır, Alive, Sarlak, Dogusoy, Elmastas, iriparlak, Korustan, mistletoe, Çinardali, Altun, Altuntek, Altunel, Altuner, Altuntas, Altuniş, Altunbay, Altunbaş, Çöloglu, Balin, Sadik, Geldigeçti, Pitman, Manyasli, Kadan, Eroyda, Tumanbay, Examination, Batay, Yonder, Hoyi, Regular, ...



Aytac Yalman [NCC], Cebesoy Fuad Ali Fethi Okyar [Committee of Union and Progress, Gene. Secretary, National Council of the Republic, the first President, 2 Prime Minister, Interior Minister, the Minister of Justice, the Liberal Party founder, Colonel, Ambassador], Abdurrahman Nafiz Gürman [General, 4 General Staff of the President, the House of Representatives member], Asim Day [General, the Western frontier army chief of staff, deputy], Ali Hikmet Ayerdem [Marshal, MP [1923-1924]], Ali Nizami Pasha, [Chief of Staff [1881-1882]], Ali Saip Pasha [[- 1891] Serasker, Mushir, Arsenal Minister, the Governor], Ahmed Mazhar Pasha [[1824-1890] Queen, the Governor, Şehremini [Mayor-1881-1890]], Sami Abdurrahman Pasha [First Minister of Education Minister [ 1857-1860] Finance Minister A. Subhi Pasha, the author Sami Pasazade Sezai's father], Ahmet Eyüp Pasha [[1883-1923] Mushir [1873] The Russian War Commander [1878] governor], Ahmet Agaoglu [[Agayef] Celebrity Turkic, [Samet Ağaoğlu's the father . Sevket mocha mocha, owner of Seaside, a right-wing celebrities, a famous Mason and his wife, Sara, wife of DP deputies Sevket mocha, Nazim Hikmet's aunt. Children, Anne is married Baştımar'la Dundar, or other children's dreams, son of Mustafa Kemal Samet Agaoglu Ağaoğlu is married. Mrs Ilhan Nebioğlu'yla dreams is getting married later and are sitting in London. Kemal Dervis, is staying in this house when he went to London.]] Vefik Ahmet Pasha [197 Vizier [the Interior Minister, Ambassadors, members of Ayan, Minister of Ministry of Education, Evkaf Minister, First Assembly of Deputies Reis, governor, historian,], the author Dr. Tevfik Rustu Aras [Foreign Minister [1925-1938] www.mason.org from Clicking on the history, all üylerinin Sabetaycı be seen to be in the Salvation Lounge. ]], Akif Eyidoğan [Deputy Prime Minister, Milltevekili, Senator, Governor, Demirel's men.], Ahmet Rasim Pasa [Queen, Navy Minister [1879-1891] The governor of Istanbul Şehremini], Ali Fuat Başgil [Professor of Law, Senator, presidential candidate], Bulend Nation, Bekir Sami Günsav [Colonel, and the Division Commander of National Forces], Madanoğlu Cemal Cemil knob [Nafia Minister [1920] City Şehremini [Mayor, 1912-1914] professor, doctor. First Faculty of Medicine, Reis is [in Kadikoy, a very famous street has been named]], Cafer Tayyar Eğilmez [Major General, Thrace National Forces commander, deputy], Dervis Ibrahim Pasha [[1817-1899] Serasker [Army Commander Queen] Rumeli Commander, Naval Minister, Mushir [Marshall] governor], Ebulula Mardin [Civil Law, Professor of Ottoman deputies, the Kazasker Mardini, Justice Minister, Joseph Sıtkı's son, Necmettin Kocataş the groom [graves side by side], celebrity Mardin dynasty, the elder], Honorary Korutürk, Tevetoglu conquest, F. Türüng [General], Fahrettin Rumbeyoğlu [Maarif the Minister [1920] Division Commander, Mushir [Marshall]], Fahri Engin [Admiral, Fleet Commander, Transport Minister [1941-1943]], Falih Rifki Atay [Mustafa Kemal, the prince called [ Karacan like] journalists. Mina tether's stepfather. The cornerstone of Kemalism.] Gen. Refik Kapali [33 degree of Master Mason], Gen. Ashraf Manas [Master Mason-Erenler Lounge], Lieutenant General Selahattin Tokay [Sebataist and Bilderberg member], Lieutenant General Şefik Erensü [Master Mason-Erenler Lounge], Major General Professor Dr S. Tahsin Aygun [Grand Lodge founder], Rear Admiral Necdet Tiryaki [33 degree of Master Mason], Major General Zeki Belgin [Ankara, Beliefs Lounge], Major General Necmi Okten [Ankara Star Lounge], Brigadier General Professor Kamil Sokullu [Grand Lodge founder], Brigadier General Professor Naguib Berksan [33rd degree of Master Mason], Brigadier General Professor Doctor Saim Bob [Bilderberg member], Brigadier General A. Kemal Sarıay [Suprem Council members], Brigadier Aladdin Mizanoğlu [Ankara, Beliefs Lounge], Brigadier General A. Remzi Yiğitgüden [33 degree of Master Mason], Brigadier General Ilker Guven [33 degree of Master Mason], Colonel N. Tahsin Erol [Grand Lodge founder], with Colonel Ertugrul Alat [33 degree of Master Mason], Admiral Bulent Nation, Admiral Nejat Tümer, Gen. Hussein Kıvrıkoğlu, Gen. Cevik Bir, General Necati Ozgen, Gen. Yasar Buyukanit, Gen. Ilker Basbug

Duran Akbulut, Yuksel Yalova, Tevfik Altınok, scientifically solid Atalay, Mehmet Moğultay, Rear Admiral İşeri decent, Suleyman Demirel, the groom's family and the CHP deputy Ilhan Cutter, ...



Abdülhak Hamit Tarhan, Altan Erbulak St. exponential, Jane Smith, Alice Gökçer, Aliye Berger, Azra Erhat, Alice Alpman, Ayşe Gencer, Attila Ilhan, Ajda Pekkan, Ali Rifat Çağatay, Ali Uras, Arsen Gürzap, Aysel Gurel, Ahmet Adnan Saygun , Alpay, Arif Mardin, Ahmet Ertegun, St. Basmachi, Asuman Tuğberk, Ahmet Say, Bülent Ersoy, Bulent Fenmen, Bora Gencer, Baris Manco, Ortaçgil Bülent, Bulent Tarcan, Behzat Bhutan, Cüneyt Gökçer, Cem Behavior, Celal Sahir Erozan, Cenk Eren, Cem Mansur, Campbell Gürzap, Cemil Ipekci, Cüneyt Tanman, Çolpan Ilhan Tekindor Cetin, Cigdem Talu, Emotion Aykal, Nature Rutkay, Derya Alabora Sea Gökçer, Erman COPD, Fosforoğlu Enis Erdem Buri, sure Ongan, Engin Noyan, work Noyan, Erkan Özerman, Filiz Ali Lazlo, Fazil Say, Füreyya Koral, Interest Kapancı, Gonul author Gunseli success, Gürer Aykal, Hussein Kutman, Haldun Dormen, Harold Pinter, Halit Ziya Usakligil, Halit Refiğ, Hussein Saadettin Arel, Hande Ataizi , Hussein Baradan, Hulusi Kentmen, Isil Yücesoy, Idil Biret, Kerem familiar, Kenan Kalav, Koksal Enguri, Levent Kirca, Leyla Saz, Leyla Gencer, Levent Yüksel, Merciful Kenter Alabora Mustafa, Mehmet Ali Alabora, Mehves Emec, Munis Faik Ozansoy Mehmet Ali Erbil, Mete İnselel, Muazzez Tahsin Berkant, Müjde Ar, Mehtap Ar, Melih Kibar, Egyptian, Mahmoud Celalettin Pasha, Mustafa Altioklar, Orhonsay Meral, Mehmet Fehmi Tokay, Mükerrem Berk, Melike Demirag, Mithat Fenmen, Text Serezli, text Erksan, Muzaffer İlkar Text convex, Mustafa Denizli, Murat Özaydınlı, Mary Hakarar, Muhip Arcıman, Joy Erberk, Nevra Serezli, Nisa Serezli, Nermin cloth you, Orhan Pamuk, Oya Basaran, Orhan Gencebay, Osman Nihat Akın Oya Küçümen, Okan Karacan Okan Bayülgen, Oktay Rifat, Life Celestial, Özlem Savaş, Ömer Karacan, fairy Jalal, Pakize Water, Perran Kutman, Rutkay Aziz, Resat Nuri Güntekin, Renan Fosforoğlu, Refik Kemal Arduman, Refik Talat Halman, Altitude Elkutlu, Priority Çamay, Sevgi Soysal, Saltuk Kaplangi, Samim Value, Semiramis Pekkan, Sibel Egemen, Selahattin Pinar, Thessaloniki, Ahmet Efendi, Suna Kan, Semiha Berksoy, Sertap Erener, Selin Dilmen, Selin Toktay, Samih Rifat, Retrospective, Sheriff Stuffed, Şekip Mamdouh, Sanar Yurdatapan , Shams İnkaya, Tarkan Turgut Boral, Turgut Demirag, Tulay and rate Artemel Talat, Tuncel Kurtiz, MD Mountain, Ugur Akdora, Ulvi Cemal Erkin, Umran Baradan, Ulku Kuranel, Yildiz Kenter, Yusuf Atilgan, Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu, Jasmine Kozanoglu, Yildirim Gencer, Yesari Arsoy Asim, Stars Sertel, Baradan Jasmine, Jasmine Kumral, Zeki Müren, Zeki Alasya, Zeliha Berksoy, Küçümen mind, ...



Cezmi Biren [retired admiral, the national education secretary, was], Ilhami Nasuhioğlu [Medical School dean, City University rector, respectively.] Nihat Balkır [City Ünivesitesi rector], Ayhan Songar [professor, nationalist known], Necdet Uğur [former national education Minister] Adnan Cavalry [football antrönörü], Suat Vural [professor, dean], Robust Tüfekçi [social anthropologist], Nihat Afternoon [Kabatas High School teacher], Mahmut Yilmaz [teacher], Antonio Trupia [ITU faculty member], NAJacques Batzli [Galatasaray High School teacher, foreign], Frederic Shepherd [biology teacher], Ali Doğramacı [Bilkent Rector], Aykut Barka, Asaf War Akat, Aydin Aybay, Ali Fuat Berkman, Ali Fuat Başgil, Ali Yar [author, mathematics Ord. Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Science], A. Korhan Binark [Doctors, Marmara University

Ayhan ÇAVDAR [TUBA Founding Member]], Ahmet Taner Barracks based, Bulent Berkarda, Bulent Tanor, Bedri Ruhselman, Bulent daver, Bedii Şehsuvaroğlu, Bulent Tarcan, Burak Erman [TUBA founding member], Bulent Baradan, Berna Moran, Jalal Şengör [TUBA Founder members], with the lake Jalal, AM Jalal Şengör, Celal Esat Arseven, Cemil Sena flourishing, Cemal Arkon, Jihad İren, Cemi Demiroğlu, Cemil Topuzoğlu [Professor of Medicine mayor of Istanbul], Ages Keyder, Cetin Ozek, Cigdem Kağıtçıbaşı, Cigdem Kağıtçıbaşı [TUBA founding member], emotion Yarsuvat, Ender Berker, Erdogan Alkin, Emre Kongar [in the media have in fact], Enver Ziya Karal, Erdogan Şuhubi [TUBA founding member], Peters Bermek [TUBA founding member], Fatmagül Berktay, Faruk Erem, Fahir Erman, Faik Resit Unat, New Haven, F. Please Binark [Doctor, Gazi University], Fahri Arel, Fethi İdeman [President], Gazi Yasargil, Hamdi Peynircioğlu, Halil Berktay, Hayrullah Ors, Haluk Şehsuvaroğlu, Hamid Dilgan, Hüsnü Göksel Hasan Boduroğlu, Hasan Tahsin same, Hasan Cone, Hulusi Behcet [Behcet's disease finds the surname Ataturk gave Aşiyan], Hursit sun, excellent credentials, Ilter Turan, Ilhan lutein, Ibrahim Necmi Dilmen, Ibrahim Hoyi, Ismet Wisdom Ertaylan, Ilhan Tekeli, Kemal Gur, we Kerim Erim, Kadri Rashid Anday [Medicine professor, Melih Cevdet's father, a pharmacist Mehmet Rashid Pasha's son, Aşiyan], Leyla Neyzi, Murat Belge, Mehmet Kiciman, Mete Tuncay, Mustafa Hulki Erem, Macit Gökberk Text Ozek, Mustafa dulcimer, Munck Kapani, Mina tether, successful Akbay [former Ankara Law School Dean, the singer Humeyra's father], Mustafa Hulki Erem, Metin Heper [TUBA founding member], Murat Sertel [died-TUBA founding member], Muammer Aksoy, Mazhar Osman Usman [experts], Lotus with lake, Nermin Abadan, Orhan Alsace, Orhan Aldıkaçtı, Omer Lutfi Barkan, Omer İrdelp, Ozdemir Speech [Sevgi Soysal's first husband], Resat Garan, Ratip Berker, Razi waist, Resat Kaynar, Resat D. Tesal, Rona Aybay, Reha Oğuz Türkan, Sulhi Donmezer, Siddik Sami Onar, Sahir Erman, Süheyl Unver, Selcuk Erez, Selahattin Tandal, Subhi Ziya Özbekkan, Sami Gönensay, Sencer Ayata, Serif Mardin, Tahir Taner [Law School Dean, Neset Pasha 's-law], Toktamış Ates, Ugur Alacakaptan, Ufuk Esin [TUBA founding member], Superior Ergüder, Vehbi Eralp, Yavuz Abadan, Yavuz Speech [TUBA Founder Member] Ali Baba [Red Crescent Society and the Child Protection Kurumu''nun co-founder] , author Hüseyin Kazım Kadri [lexicalist], Hasan Cemil Çambel [TCC President made], Mustafa Zühtü inhalant to [economics professor], Neset Omer İrdelp [Professor of Medicine], Faik Sabri Duran [Geography Professor], Mustafa Tab and Bronze [psychology professor] Mustafa Inan [ITU Rector], M. Kemal Oke [Professor of Medicine], Hayrullah Ors [Educators, Topkapi Palace Museum Director], Vasfi Rashid Seviğ [law professor], Besim Omer Akalin [Professor of Medicine], Niyazi Ismet Observer [Professor of Medicine] , Huseyin Hamit [Faculty of Science Dean], Professor Mustafa Hulki Erem [President made], Subhi Kamil [Y. Eng, President], Burhanettin Toker [Ordünaryüs Professor], Salih Murat Uzdilek [Professor of Physics], Fahri Arel [Ordünaryüs Professors ], Muzaffer Şevki [Professor], Kerim Erim [Professor of Mathematics, Dean], Jawad Memduh Altar [Musicologist], Kazim Ismail Gurkan [Professor of Medicine and the President], Mehmet Ali Özeken [Economics Professor], Enver Ziya Karal [History Professor and Chairman of Board of Education], ...


Light People Feyziye ASSOCIATION BOARD

Nuretdin Erturk [Chairman], Gökay DALOĞLU [Authority, Vice-President], Pearl Seamen [General Secretary], Faith AKALIN [Organization Officer, Vice President] Anwar ÜNSAL [Işıkev Officer, BaşkanYardımcısı], Ahmet CINAR [Register Officer,  BaşkanYardımcısı], Steel Özbilen [Treasurer], Batuhan Alioğlu [Treasurer], Sinem ÇELEN [Full members], Emel FIRAT [Full members], Hulya OLGUNER [Full members], Azra BAYRU [Backup Now], Eda DALOĞLU [Backup Now] Chris MUTLUAY [Backup Now], Onder JEWELRY [Backup Now], Cahit DEDEOĞLU [Backup Now], Erhan Tuncer [Backup Now], Sabiha GÖNCÜ [Backup Now], Yenal Doğan [Backup Now], Beste Armourer [Backup Now], Omar SAMLI [Backup Now], Necmi DAL you [Control, Principal], Hayri CINAR [Control, Principal], Burak Kara N [Control, Principal], Bahri ALAT with [Control, Spare], Eren ATAMAN [Control, Spare], Murat Ozturk [Control , Reserve], Fahir YLD [1999-2001 Past President], ...



Suat Honey and [lawyer, former general director of the Lions], Münip Tarhan  [Notary, Turkey and the World Lions Clubs President], Mukbil Özyürük [the founders of the author], Fahrettin Kerim Gökay [professor, Lions, founder, California governor and mayor, respectively.] Kemal Zorlu [Altai Club president was], Mazhar Celebi [knowledge dissemination Society president], Sermet Hussein [Ankara Rotary president was], Kemal Köksalan [Lions güvernörlerinden], O. Cumhur Akkent [retired doctor colonel, children selling and killing were tried, imprisoned.], Cetin Yildirim Akin [lawyers, Turkey Lion was the general director of the clubs, Cumhur Akkent'in took the case but did not jail.], ...

Cretan Sirri Pasha [Physician Checkers Ismail Pasha, the poet's wife, Leyla Saz. [Ismail Hakki Arar March 12 of that Minister, Mustafa Kemal's physicians, the death certificate is the son of a doctor. The name of his grandfather Mehmet Ali the same. Feride Hanim grandmother. Cretan Sirri Pasha, the father of her grandmother.  Sirri Pasha's other famous son of Cretan architect Vedat Tek. One of the Dino's wife, Valerie Ferdowsi. Cretan Sirri Pasha's brother, Mustafa Nuri Bey, Nuri Advanced Rasih that's grandpa. Ali Neyzi, Nezih Neyzi Arar Ismail Pasha, the secret of her grandson by a few. Other branches of the same family: Talu, Dino, Aybar, Madra, Aybar, Cebesoy, Ran]], Hüseyin Hüsnü Pasha [[1829-1894] Serasker, Mushir, Governor], Hasan Hosni Cakir [Minister of Commerce [1938-1941], National Defence Minister [1948-19509, Milltevekili], British Mehmet Sait Pasha [the British trying to read in England. Mushir, Governor, Observatory Director], İbrahim Ethem Pasha [[1850-1926] Queen], Ismail derived Mayokan [Author, MP, Malta Crimean Armenian captivity], Ibrahim Pasha Winding [[1801-1853] 182 Grand Vizier], Abraham Hayrullah [Justice Minister [1913-1915] Malta Crimean Armenian captivity, Sheikhulislam Pirizade M. F. with owners Hayrunisa'nın grandson], Kazim Pasha [[1839-1936] Mushir [Marshall] Army Commander, the Governor, Pleven Veterans, Governor, Grand Vizier, Esat Pasha's brother], Lutfi Kirdar [Minister of Health [1957-1960] deputy, California Governor and Mayor [1938-1949]], Mamdouh Tağmaç [Gen., 13 Chief of Staff [1969-1972] before the Land Forces Commander], Muzaffer Gökşen [Gen., Air Force Commander [1950-1953], Ambassador], Mehmet Sırrı uke [[1886-194449 of Thessalonica, Major General, Division Commander, Deputy], M . Sabri Toprak [Agriculture Minister [1925-1927], Deputy, Ottoman deputies, the Armenians of Crimea because Malta captivity], Mursel Baku [Major General, Texas entered Cavalry Commander, Malta captivity, Milltevekili], Hungarian Mehmet Hamdi Pasha, [[1828 to 1896 ] Mushir], Ethem Mahmut Pasha [[1830-1886] Mushir, Ayan Member, Captain M. Derya Ali Pasha's son], Dervis Lofçalı Ibrahim Pasha [[1817-1896] Mushir [1862], Serasker [1876] Minister of Internal Medicine,, Governor Commander Rumelia], M. Sabri Pasha [[- 1879] Cihan Serasker the Mushir, Arsenal Minister, Commerce Minister, the Governor], the monastery with a saline Faik [Governor, the Court Poet], Mustafa Saffet Ziya [Finance Minister, Author, Protocol Director General, Musa Saffet Pasha's grandson.], Mehmet Emin Yurdakul [Turkic poet, Governor of the Ottoman deputies, deputy, Undersecretary of the Navy Ministry], M. Emin Cinar [Major-General, the War of Independence hero, Division Chief of Staff], Mehmet Esat Bülkat Pasha [Commander of the Army, Navy Minister, Lieutenant General, Vehip Pasha [Mustafa Kemal in Canakkale commander] brother], Mehmet Celalettin Pasha [Minister of Education Minister , Navy Minister], Nurettin Baransel [General, 6 Chief of Staff [1954-1955], Land Force Commander], Necdet Uran [Admiral, 5 Navy Commander [1961-1968] Ambassador], Nazmi Topçuoğlu [Trade Minister, Milltevekili], Nazif Kayacık [Major-General, Division Commander of the National War Hero], Nejat Sireli [Sculptor, Mustafa Kemal's most sculpture in person, Fine Arts Academy Director, brother-in-law of painter Avni Lifij'in], Neset Omer İrdelp [Professor of Internal Medicine, majors, writers, Istanbul Uni. Rector of the [1933], MP [1934] Anthropology Institute founder, Mustafa Kemal's private physician], Necmettin Molla Karataş [[1875-1949] Asdliye Minister, deputies of the Ottoman governor, Sheikhulislam Turşucuzade A. Headman's son, father-in-law of Ebulula Mardin], Nazim Nabizade [[1862-1893] Setup. Captain, Military School teacher, poet and writer], Osman Nuri Tufan [[1886-1944] Major General, Regimental Commander], Orhan Seyfi Orhon [Five Hececi the poet, journalist and writer, MP [1946-1950]], Ömer Fahrettin Turkkan [ lieutenant, I. World War II fear. Commander, Medina Müdafaii, Ambassador, General, General Orhan Turkkan with benign Turkkan is the father.] Sakip Pirizade Mehmet Molla [119 Sheikhulislam, Kazasker, Ayan, Mevlevi,, Historian Hayrullah's law, the Abdülhak Hamid's brother-in-law of [her husband in Feriköy embedded], Justice Minister Ibrahim Hayrullah's father], Rauf Orbay, Ragip Gümüşpala [General, 10th Chief of Staff of Justice party of the first General President, deputies], Recep Pasha [[1842-1908]: Mushir [1884], Minister of War [1908]], Rıza Tevfik Sergeant [Philosophers Sanlı doctors, deputies, Minister of Education Minister [1918-1919], of the period all Mason chambers' most grand master greater the], Sadat Celâsun, Subhi Gürsoytrak, Loyal Aldoğan [Major-General, Member of Parliament, House of Representatives Member, National Party founder], Sabri Pasha [[- 1879] Queen, gendarmes Mushir the Rusumat sure the], Sayyid Bey [[? London-1924] Justice Minister [1923-1924] of the Ottoman deputies, Ayan Member, Professor of Law], Selahattin Adil Pasanoğlu [Independence Harbi'nde Major General, Commander of the Army], Seyit Ali Pasha [[- 1826] 171 Vizier, grand vizier, M. Rashid Pasha's brother-in-law of], Sukru Wings [General, Land Forces Commander [1951-1954] Gendarmerie General Commander of the [1947-1949]], Semsettin Sami Franşeri] GS-founder Ali Sami Yen's father], Sakir Kesebir [Economics Minister [ 1929-1930] [1937-1938], Member of Parliament, the Progress Party Kids Inflatable graduates. CHP Edirne Milltevekili Erdal Kesebir'in grandfather], Tahsin Demiray [Member of Parliament, author, Turkey Publisher founder of Turkey, the villagers and the Justice Party founded.], Veli Rıza Pasha [[1842-1908] Mushir, Minister of War], Yusuf Ziya Pasha [Finance Minister [1871, 1877 between the three times] Ministry of Education Minister, donors Founder [Istanbul Sevi's donors with notes explanatory]], Jacob Şevki Subaşı [General, the Armenians of Crimea from the Malta captivity], folic Okan [General, General Staff II. President, Ambassador], ...


What was the Ottoman Empire, the highest degree? Sheikh-ul-Islam! They are even older than the president and the Sultan!


Masons in the Ottoman period in recent history, Sheikh-ul İslam'lara let's talk.

-Sheikh ul-Islam Musa Kazim Efendi

Master-Sheikhulislam İzzettin

Hayri Efendi-Sheikhulislam

Sheikh ul-Islam Imam Mustafa Hafez head-Sukru Embassy in Berlin

Veli-Sheikhulislam Embassy Imam Hashim

Mahmud Esad Efendi-Sheikhulislam Muderris

These people are actually Masons!


These people note between the members of foreign missions.


Rotary International President elected in 1984, former president of Turkey Lion Clubs Münip Tarhan:

"Lionların bond stronger than blood ties to one another is connected with" say!

More Rotary and Lions Clubs of Turkey with a clear statement to the Turkish laws, but laws are bound Rotary International and Lions!  Foreigners are more likely Lions and Rotarians! They work for foreigners! Ostensibly to aid the activities in Turkey does not pass beyond! Aliens are hostile to the Turks, they girls. Lions and Rotarians, but Turkish, what is wisdom, show great interest! Thompson Akmansoy example, in Germany, "Turkish" as the difficulties encountered, "Rotary is over with the badge" is proudly tell! To view the reputation that the Turks are ready to sacrifice! What is the funniest job well, you know? When the interests of subjects, right-wing, leftism, nationalism, and even şeriatçılık loses significance. Many of the fast left-wing, sending children to America on a scholarship, he bolts gevser! Look at me, his mouth has changed, America has praised the free market advocates, even as Mehmet Barlas "Independence ta what is it? Now interdependent everyone!" I was talking! American dollars on useless "We Believe in God-we [the money] believe that God " did not write!


Islam has put their war because Turkey to stop losses due to religion, to Islam, the Qur'an; Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Lord we declare war because they've got to kill that Mason killed, as they listen, read, select them, and they're working. Trying to destroy Islam and those who can live more comfortable more quickly to achieve their ambitions mason We are making money. Freemasons are working for. Yeterki money come. Islam is gone. Religion is gone. Qur'an has been cursed. Our Prophet has been insulted. God has been denied. Do you care about us? The money come to us. We are our lives, our living my rule. We have not touched a thousand lives a snake anyway! They also distort our religion well, we took rızkımızı, they charged us for her role as savior, these snakes do not have touched us? No union, but is not it? Killing an innocent man is sin as killing all people anyway. Wrongdoing was innocent, innocents have been called cruel!

The "do not throw us? Jail clicked. They do torture. " Unwary public, the newspapers, television and whatever they believe him. ID cards only in the Republic of Turkey 'Muslim' country of unbelievers Go!


Let us come in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey in the management of the Freemasons!


Ottoman Sultan Murad V, Prince Kemalettin Lord, Lord Nurettin Prince, Sayyid Ahmed Başmabeyinci 5.Murad''of the Grand Vizier Koca Mustafa Rashid Pasha, Grand Vizier, Ali Pasha, Grand Vizier Keçecizade Fuat Pasha, Grand Vizier Tunisian Ethem Pasha, Grand Vizier Hayrettin Paşa, grand vizier Midhat Pasha, Grand Vizier Ahmed Vefik Pasha, Grand Vizier 1 Rights Pasha, Grand Vizier, Talaat Pasha, Finance, Education and Foundations Are Minister M. Rashid, Minister of the Navy Jemal, Finance Minister Cavit Bey, Tevfik Bey, Minister of Finance, Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmed Nesimi Accountant

Good Works Minister Ali Münif, Transport Minister Kirkor Agaton, Statesman and author Ethem Pertev Pasha, Statesmen and Musikişinas Prince M. Abdul Pasha, Prince Aziz Hassan Pasha, statesman and poet Solomon Asaf, Damascus Governor and Abdülhamid''in groom as Nami groom Ahmet Bey, Rashid Pasha, the Governor of Ankara, the Union and Progress Party General Printer Bleda Midhat Shukri, Finance Undersecretary Faik Solomon, Niyazi Resneli Hero of Freedom, the Grand National Assembly, Kazim Ozalp Reis, Prime Minister Hasan Saka, Prime Minister S. Hayri Ürgüplü, Justice Minister Mumtaz Ökmen, Deputy Prime Minister Akif İyidoğan, Foreign Minister Bekir Sami Daça, Foreign Minister Tevfik Rustu Aras, Foreign Minister Selim Sarper, Interior Minister Mehmet Cemil Uybadın, Interior Minister Şükrü Kaya, Minister of Justice Hasan Menemencioglu, the Minister of Education Qualifications plane, the National Education Minister Mustafa Necati, National Education Minister Hasan Ali Yucel, National Defense Minister Munir Birsel, National Defense Minister Hulusi Köymen, Agriculture Minister Resat Muhlis Erkmen, Labour Minister Mumtaz Tarhan, Trade Minister Zühtü Velibeşe, Trade Minister Ahmet branched, National Security Tevfik Karasapan Minister Jalal, Jawad Abbas Gürer Bolu deputy,


Bulent Ecevit's wife Rahşan Ecevit, former Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, Foreign Minister Ismail Cem Ipekci, [grandfather of the rabbi is, Cemil Ipekci's brother], Bulent Ecevit, in time for the Economy responsible State Minister Kemal Dervis, Turkey Communist Party's founder, Mustafa Subhi, Erdal Inonu's wife, Joy Inonu, former State Minister Sukru Sina Gurel, Turkey Workers Party of former President Behice Boran, Supreme Court Republican Chief Prosecutor Sabih Kanadoğlu, the Central Bank of the former President Ghazi Erçel, Treasury Undersecretary Faik Öztrak, Presidential Secretary Tacan provinces, Fatin Rustu Zorlu [at the Adnan Menderes government ministers], the first Socialist Republic of Date Doctor Şefik Hosni, Saner Feriha First Female Police Chief, former President Ismet Inonu, former Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz Ahmet, ...


Suleyman Demirel. Dikilitaş'ta Liverpool primary schools built by Lions Club president, while the period since the school has participated in many Masons. Suleyman Demirel to divide Turkey, Islam is doing his best to disrupt one of the masons! Unbelievers, as though in a worse case, not knowing what is on the case of Suleyman Demirel was elected president of the Turkish nation is a Mason!


Bulent Ecevit! Karaoğlan! Mason will entertain the public to the realization of the plan, sleep. Like the baby in swaddling clothes pışlarlar cooked. We are like babies in swaddling clothes, people! We are like babies in swaddling clothes! Us no good when you do not make a sound, if one is killed off the two tone. With a pacifier in her mouth be aware of what is satisfied.


Recep Tayyip Erdogan's AKP in Public Administration Committee said they look!

"All over the world have received the support of the Jewish lobby and Mason. In Turkey, we want to do that. In the control of the Masonic army! Setters in the control of all Freemasons or Masons. Strategic cooperation with Israel is tied with the generals of the Israeli connection.

Around the network of relations with the constant on the agenda and the February 28 process, the "Islamic" images through the innocent and making the leading Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to this day Jewish circles show the close relationship many speculations have led to. February 28 process, Rapid One of the heroes of the United States receives the most powerful Zionist Jewish lobbies JINSA'dan their "courage," Recep Tayyip Erdogan's medal after a time was inserted into the neck. Supposed to be different in front of the Turkish nation "Islamist" in order, "the Jews" and "Christian" sect consider the network of relations between the Tight As illustrated, the screen behind the stage set up for the public are getting clearer. Soner Yalçın's latest "white Muslims' Big Secret, Master-second" book, with the threshold that in Turkey, sect with Jewish relations, today release in preparing for a new book to a different dimension is moving.  Ergun Poyraz's "Cults, Politics, Trade, and Murder (Hand in hand with Mason)" book;

"Many names on the public face of the mask of religion in Turkey and Mason are among the network of relationships is much more concrete and contemporary documents" lays into account.

Below we quote from the book chapter Tayyip Erdogan, a marginal political identity, the Turkish political life, climbing to the top of the background in terms of illuminating the dynamics of:


"Mason is a not brothers, not ten, not hundreds, of thousands! Sheria of a party leader in Switzerland, mason, and pseudo-Masonic hatred, while the Prophet descend from claiming that the American pressure businessman Fethullah Gulen's reference, where he meets and money using the Spanish king in the land Tekris was. Sectarian biscuits process with reference to the son of the mason, while Pinto, around, "I admitted, but did not take me" he said. If reference Alaton'du Kasimpasa. Turkey and Greece, including many of Mason's hand emerged from the Ottoman Empire became the reason!

Relevant consulted the Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan close circles, Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Uzeyir Garih and Isaac Alaton'la proximity in this context should be evaluated, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the mayor before, the Free and Accepted Mason reports Ishak Alaton 's is also a member of chambers tekrisinin noted occurrence does not need to be studied.

In the book;


Ulker Group and the Masons of; Kemalist and nationalist move some retired generals of the Fetullahçı companies and the Koc Group with links to recent energy policy or terrorism expert, he launched the name, which lodges registered in that they are, a Police General Manager Assistant, Hablemitoğlu'nun Mole book printed To avoid appointed Mülkiye Chief Inspector in Ankara which lodges a member is, Recep Tayyip Erdogan's U.S. visit, especially in view that the sheikh Muhammad Kabbani'nin father-in-law of the Kıbrısta'ki Shaykh Nazim Kıbrisi'nin British intelligence services to the activities, Fethullah Gulen about the extracted search decisions ostensibly is and her Stay-behind contact regarding specific information, the Kurds minority rights to a book signing Jack Kamhi, Management Masons of the weight is in the Turkish Heart Foundation; Pleiades's "cholesterol lowering product," and Finance Minister Unakıtan's cholesterol-lowering drugs, payments stop between the correlation to trustees in the Mason and Sharia names blend and goals, "Turkey and the Turkish Nation and Anatolian civilizations of the arts and cultural heritage and architectural heritage, to protect" as indicating that TACA Foundation, many important attention to the Ergun Poyraz's Recep Tayyip Erdogan 's claims about Freemasonry in light of the following data will make sense again!


Mason City Haberal'ın personally go to the opening in the hospital in Konya, Turkey's most senior Masonic reference to the use of credentials, Recep Tayyip Erdogan "I would have Haberal'a, he entrusted us with excellent credentials in the" was in the form. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the mayor before the Ishak Alaton Uzeyir Garih-deepening relationship in the immediate vicinity of the axis was confirmed by. Ergün Poyraz's books in the given; Star on October 18, 2005 Gaztesin'de Faruk corner oof Recep Tayyip Erdogan's AKP said in his speech at the General Administration Committee is as follows: "All over the world have received the support of the Jewish lobby and Mason. In Turkey, we want to do that. In the control of the Masonic army! Setters in the control of all Freemasons or Masons. Strategic cooperation with Israel is tied with the generals of the Israeli connection. Recep Tayyip Erdogan that "Islam" on the poll, and has been in power! "Turban" If unable to solve the problem of the churches in the country, all kinds of foreign foundations and foreign capital ownership has solved the problem! Recep Tayyip Erdogan; political mission of Zionism led war on Islamic teachings of Kabbalah, which is a member of the Masons!


Turkey is in Turkey even if they make a manager who is required to find and kill!


Belgium itself is connected to the other Bilderberg'lere Bilderberg has ordered:


Fethullah Gulen'E vote in the elections of the caliphs in the degree and the Turkish forces to determine the end user will be given the power. Fethullah Gulen is the silk BİLDERBERG'li Breech'ini (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, professors, student graduation dresses, old rabbi with robes), formal robe to show his loyalty to the cause of the will. Fethullah Gulen therefore, will continue to serve as U.S. citizens. [Alparslan Turkes Bilderberg members of the answers given on the questions asked!]


For Christians to come to God in the Qur'an:


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Allah, the rabbis of their gods and their clerics. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Repentance, 31 verse]

When the Muslims are asking for in this verse:

'O Messenger of Allah, they did not worship their rabbis? "

Aleyhisselatu Vesselam to come to our Lord:

'They did not pray for the clergy, but the rabbi has made lawful for the agreed halal, haram is forbidden agreed.'

[Tirmidhi, 3095]


Fethullah Gulen, "We have such a classroom, encourage that. Judges also will lease, will hire a lawyer. " Briefly say, for the growth of the Service, are permitted to bribe.


Allah [c.c.] to come to:

Bismillahirrahmairrahiym. O ye who believe! Do Jews and Christians for friends. Because they are an interchangeable friendly. Those of you keep them friendly, are them. Allah does not guide the wrongdoers. In the hearts of those diseases, "come over us from the disaster we are afraid," he'll see them rushing to their search. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Maide Suresi, 51.52. verses]


Fethullah Gulen and the Pope's arms!


Fethullah Gulen's homes, dersanelerinde three kinds of books to read.

One-of Bediuzzaman falsified books.

2-Fethullah Gulen's books.

Go ahead with 3-horse, lions and devoted brother, sister, hero, teacher of the books.


Not read the Koran! Fethullah Gulen's home, those years go dersanelerine a hadith does not even read the book. Translation of the Quran then do not read even more terrifying!


God do not know, but I do not know Aleyhisselatu Vesselam'ın Fethullah Gulen's childhood, his life know.


Taraftalarları Gülen What does it say? "Fethullah Gulen's dog, you!" Fethullah Gulen schools open and growing religious Makes young? Yes! Schools are open, but its young people grow pagan worshipers. Thus makes itself beyond criticism. No one in Islam, not someone else's dog. Lord Aleyhisselatu Vesselam people did not own a dog! Fethullah Gulen followers, but the love is a dog, people are also invited to be a dog. Hz.Ömer repeatedly to defend their ideas against Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi, was often justified. But against Fethullah inextricable.  Fethullah Gulen's they can not be wrong.


Interreligious dialogue, for us, means "all the people to the Bible and Christianity to the Church that transport" is the way.

[Pope 6 Paul, August 6, 1964]


The second part of the word-i Tevhid'in "Muhamed is the Messenger of Allah" to the provision of needed!

[Fethullah Gulen]


"Many respected Pope nibs. Known as the birthplace of three great religions of earth livable world a better place in the sacred mission of making your way in the strict sense of the people who brought you the most cordial greetings. Busy time for us on your agenda as you are blessed to be honored with you on your forehead for the person-I offer my deepest heart of our thanks. Islam was a religion that is misunderstood, and that the Muslims are to blame. A well-timed effort in one convenient place so that misconceptions can contribute to greatly reduced. Muslim world, measured in centuries of Islam, a dialogue that will wipe the wrong agılanmasını opportunity will cherish. We do not claim to have had new ideas. By taking refuge in your tolerance again, closer to the objectives of this mission, we want to take to serve a few are willing to bid. Will be entering the third millennium of Christianity in celebrations to mark the occasion in the Middle East Antioch, Tarsus, Ephesus, and joint visits to holy places in Jerusalem, including some to suggest the many events we want. "

[M. Fethullah Gulen's letters he writes to the Pope / / February 10, 1998, Zaman]


"Nevertheless, by taking refuge in your tolerance, closer to the objectives of this mission, we want to take to serve a few are willing to bid." Gülen says! What is the pope's mission? To spread Christianity to the world! Fethullah Gulen to spread Christianity that the pope wants to take orders!


Preacher, "What a beautiful place this council," he's mind, people gather around to make people cry, side-trotting to preach to the top of the tear, then you are unaware preacher!

[Tips for Youth / / Sermon on the courage and counsel / Imam Ghazali]


Fethullah Gulen preaching in the saliva-mucus does not do anything but cry!


The AKP government, the provisions of the Koran, even now, from your own business, do not come by way of taking the road ban is censorship.

Known at the gates of the mosque congregation to read and to write verses from the Koran to get enlightened. According to this tradition as the Zeynep Sultan Mosque in Istanbul, Eminonu,''gate''in 51 of Maide Suresi written in verse. Verse; Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. O ye who believe! Do Jews and Christians for friends. They are the friends of each other. If they become friend of you who doubt that it is them. Sadakallahül-Azıym. " Meaning. In the past two years a reporter to write this verse there in the corner of the communications developed. Tourist arrivals may be disturbed by this verse and the verse, then remove according to the news. Information related to the application of the Eminonu Mufti Then I will immediately remove these verses'''' and also "Each verse is not written anywhere'' had commanded. Vice President of Religious Affairs, the mosque's imam about it, no warning was given instructions to the Istanbul mufti declared. Intended to remove the so-called dialogue, verse, Muslims to maintain unity and to strengthen internal solidarity were introduced. Jews and Christians against Muslims is evident throughout their history, their religion and their way of life against the Muslims is a known fact they also kept away. Maide related verses in Sura, Muslims; "Christians and Jews not to enter orders, they oppose the administration" is advised. Christian and Jewish resistance to imperialism, briefly advised that a warning is very important. Jews and Christians, all movies and dramas necessarily religious icons (the church, cross, cross ... etc.) using propaganda, as well as the most irrelevant even in a museum built to the Crusader and Zionist spirit, their posterity to the vaccination by our next generation of our influence. If we commit our own culture, to defend our national values is almost criminal. Banu Avar TRT then clearly you have censorship. When we look at our media culture, there is now a distant broadcasting. While Islamic culture and consciousness of the corrupt, damaged generation has grown. Jews and Christians in every organ of our own motives to them while processing the media is supporting us. Fethullah Gulen'Dialogue with the orders coming from Europe under the heels of the media's power and hospitality, this against Christians and Jews to Muslims wonder how they look at? In the Qur'an, the resistance against the aggressive and vigilant to stop preaching to remove the signs because they censor? God of us it's in the way of life continued for us send this book provisions of correct or incorrect is, Jewish bravery award space and house seven armed candelabra containing, seven-striped bulb emblem with a power zihniyetindekiler it decide? Verse in the Quran, for wrapping up a row at one time translating to the battlefield, Maide Suresi to defend the cause of these verses do not sound off? Not removed, it became myopic eyes and brains! Because it does not allow teachers! Because those who give orders to censor the Koran out of dialogue with the so-called choppers "My dome, like helmets, minarets, our bayonets," those interests as well; policy are met in the square. You know how painful that censor political future for the sake of the Koran, and came to work as a religion is a power at work. The Qur'an came to work as interpreting some verses highlighting and some censoring or because the different displays and nominally Muslim schools by opening the pill and the Turkish nation basis besmirch the so-called national opinion masquerading as entering and Muslim turban wrap instructor master costume into non-Muslim friend of the job. These are the name of dialogue, the priest would kiss the hands of the business forward götürenlerdir.1998 'with reference to the pope met with Jewish organization, the ADL and kissed the pope's hand to remember the Fethullah Gulen. That mentality, "La goddess nuts" after "Muhammedün Messenger" deemed unnecessary to say, and have seen an obstacle to dialogue. This mentality of the staff came to power in the second year that the insistence of some self do not know whether he silenced with a prayer assembly lifted to his feet, and an article of the constitution; "Mosques can be improved" sentence "Places of worship can be improved" In a word, change the game by opening the way for the missionaries to open the church to the left to right and ensure that they distribute the Bible in schools. The same master: "God made the world sit down America to the captain of the ship!" Well, 51 of Maide Suresi Signs were opposed. Fethullah Gulen, because these words, the Muslims of America managers (parents - man) was recommended as. I wonder if 51 The reason for signs of hostility against the right? Fethullah Gulen supporters will say this now that the schools opened here introduces us to the world will say so. We ask them not to direct my masters Gülen:


"You work with what you got 40 of them American agent? 40 What are you doing with your pastor? You're a teacher since the Erzurum slimily to help the country instead of crying, praying! Made to the industrial countries, they all do a very good school! American priest with your agent what are you doing? What you doing in America? "


The AKP government censorship of the Koran, Sura 51 of the Maide did not remain limited to a verse. In speeches in the mosques of Al-i Imran Surah 19 of the The verse; "Bismillahirrahmanirahiym. About the religion of Allah, is Islam. Sadakallahül-Azıym. " Signs reading, upon request from the EU to read this verse was abolished censorship. AKP; Fethullah or hand! That government - Fethullah - U.S. - EU relations this is the last point, even the Koran is censorship!

Let us now look to Iran.

Khomeini, who was the head of Iran before the revolution? Russia's men and Russia had supported the Shah Pahlavi! So, who has supported Khomeini? British! Khomeini, who is the man? British man! 

Osman, Muawiya, Yazid people like to mention the power to obey Allah, how is possible?

[Khomeini discovery-ul-Asar, page 107]


Iran, who is currently managing? Ahmadi Nejad! Ahmadi Nejad, who? Ahmadi Nejad's family comes from Jews! Ahmadi Nejad's former surname or, in Hebrew, "rug weavers of the" meaning "Sabourjian" is! Everyone seems to Muslims, but in reality there are two parties by the Muslim who does not!




Monday, 22 June 2009 07:25


Fein, former U.S. President Reagan's adviser"The White House has done the research, then the Ottoman massacre of Armenians that occurred 2 million Muslims. Armenians, do not open their archives, because it does not want the truth to emerge. " he said.

U.S. President Ronald Reagan's legal advisor, Bruce Fein, the so-called Armenian genocide claims were evaluated. This is extremely unfounded Armenian claims Fein, indicating that, as President Reagan in 1981, this matter has been investigated by the White House and certified that the claims are unfounded, he said. Here in the so-called Armenian genocide Fein'in explanations:

"The Ottoman Empire against minorities" great "can be considered as a sure fact that must not be forgotten. Minorities, religious freedom and their lives went on very smoothly. I. The Armenian terrorist gangs With France and Russia during World War II killed the Ottomans. Around 2 million of this figure is a fact. Armenian losses to be around 500 thousand has been proven by research. The really important issue here, is a betrayal of the Armenians. Ottomans also had to defend himself. Armenians living in the U.S. in particular, provides the genocide lies with a big return. The U.S. administration has returned to the big money wants to take against the Armenians. Armenians insist not open their archives. Genocide is a lie because the current year do not want to lose my return. Libraries open at the time the truth will emerge. "


AXA Oyak Insurance Group has promised to pay compensation to the Armenians genocide. Around the world in the past days 'so-called Armenian genocide' conference was held-with dozens of panels. Do you know who is their main sponsor? HSBC and British Airways! Obtained from people living in Turkey with the money they have support for Turkey against the Armenian Genocide!

[Doc. Dr. İLKAY Orhan Gazi University Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Department of Occupational Science, Department of Pharmacognosy 06 330]


America and the world, 122 of the Armenian genocide monument has been erected!

Said first-half million Armenians were killed but the Armenians of Armenia and the Russian population in 1915 was 400 000 according to the records. Turkey's population was already 14 million. So-called Armenian genocide allegations again brought upon the Turkish Historical Society President Professor Yusuf Halacoglu, the whole world, "the Ottoman archives, especially on this issue all the documents and information sharing are ready to" call made. On this call from the embassy and consulate officials in many countries, diplomats flocked to libraries. Not only the Ottoman diplomats, American, British, French and Russians were also examined in the document. The hands of the Turkish Historical Society in the Ottoman archives, as well as documents belonging to a foreign country has 100 thousand pages. Diplomats who have seen almost all of the documents, was very surprised and did not know what to do. Moving bias toward Turkey to acknowledge some of the diplomats in the Turkish Historical Society receive copies of documents, while some reports were sent to the country. A diplomat from the Embassy of Denmark, he saw documents from British and French agreed prejudiced. Diplomat, "must apology from Turkey," he said. Turkey's Armenian genocide claims if it does not take some steps in the process of the European Union is warning it will be damaged by a Swedish diplomat who read the document before he froze an issue. In the document, the so-called genocide allegations raised after the Ottoman Empire in 1919, sent an official letter to the four neutral countries, "claims that you search for" the location is offered. If the country's bid for Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden. Did not respond positively to this call of their country to learn a diplomat, was embarrassed in a state separated from the Turkish Historical Society. A French diplomat, the "Near East Relief," a charitable organization named in Aleppo, has reviewed the documents. The Armenian genocide in of killings allegedly 485 thousand Armenians of Syria moved that, in Aleppo begins showing health problems intervened, the only international health organization that Near East Relief'in, the Armenians treated as keep records concerning the document, the French diplomat, was surprised. Diplomats, some Armenians were reported killed in the genocide of seeing their names in this document did not know what to say. Turkish Historical Society, a British diplomat from the British Army of the period was a crypto. Crypto population is located in Anatolia. Document between the years 1914 to 1919, increased by 26 thousand of the population of Armenians in Ankara, Kayseri flag indicating that the reduction of the two thousand of the Armenians, their desire to emigrate to safer areas that are being expressed.


America and the world, 122 of the Armenian genocide monument has been erected!

Although political pressure not to commit genocide, the Armenian Genocide have erected monuments!


Political pressure! Politics! Politics is full of lies! Lie not with anything other than politics!


Low son the happiest people in the world of low people will not break until doomsday.

[Imam Tirmidhi, Fiten, page 37]


Of false verification of the correct sign of the Resurrection to be a lie.

[End of Times, Page 137]


Lie is a breach of faith.

[Ravi: Hz. Abu Bakr Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 228]


If any one of three things that are utterly hypocritical: talking the lies, when the trust, breach of trust if, in the promise does not stop when promised.

[Ravi: Hz. Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, Page 263]


Entrusted to protect those Not religious faith and those Not that there is no standing.

[Ravi: Hz. Enes Radiyallahu Anh, Ramuz El E-Hadis/Ahmed Ziyâüddin Gümüşhanevî, page 463]


Is not no sin if a Muslim can not do anything but promise to get one. "I would do this job" got to do. "I tell you I will listen" get well, or you get buy. "I'll come over or something like an hour," you said, it will not get there in time, they're on the stand. Promise you will not do anything, tell me. That sin, no sin, but not on those Muslims, and I promise to not stop at the word sin is enough to go to hell, say Islamic scholars. Why? Qur'an is addressing at this point very strongly? "Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Why would you say you will not do? Sadakallahül-Azıym. " [Surah Saff, 2 verse] Look, this is one of the verses in the Quran, the most severe! Why do you promise? Why would you say? Why do you promise? Will not do anything, why do I receive, I'd say? Why you can not do or say anything? Well, nothing if not stopped the so-called sins, but not given, it will be enough people go to hell, to Jove! Aleyhisselatu Vesselam our Lord; "A Muslim is not no sin, no fault, if not the blame, just search for the source of a story she heard from someone else to say, sin is enough to take him to hell" to come to. "Every word is heard, then a word from the search, without finding the source of this saying is true, Is it wrong that research, each heard the word spread around the Muslim Jove is Hell" to come to.


Messenger Aleyhisselatu Vesselam "Spoils [ie, national wealth, suffered from the poor people have only between rich and positions] in circulation, if it becomes a commodity of great trouble to come upon the people is key strategy.

Said. [Imam Tirmidhi, Fiten, page 39]


And the Role of the rich treasures in the hands of their owners! If people, in order to continue working day and night, the state's rich to keep the money hose. She thinks people are trying herself, but in fact their position and with authorities trying to be a little richer. With the money he has earned a bare living.


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