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The world is a bazaar

The world is a bazaar, a marketplace. Closes soon, disintegrates.


Beware that you do see the power of the sun itself.

If the person is less than that and the evil eye away from the mercy of his Creator makes. Avoid talking too close to the playback and eager to accept. Then exit the building on the foundation at first.


Islam shirt torn, dirty clothes faith, ignorant of the heart, filled with grief for.

The heart is not open to Islam. inner world of the devastation outside the prosperous, the sins of the whole page black. You just wish you love and the world!


Doors open grave and the Hereafter is coming toward you.

Alone among the people when you say the words say it? When you're alone in the same feelings as much as possible Do you hear? Unity in the front door''',''circus''and go inside when. This faction, hypocrisy is a sign, in itself, is being damaged. I pity you, abstain from evil words about the heart's willing to remove the temptation. If your heart is always in opposition.

The whole purpose of the food, drink and desires for satisfaction. He cut his hand out at night, can not get what you're trying to collect dünyalık such as collecting firewood.


Tug of war with God, self disparagement for him, accused him of goods were reduced to that, he does not face the people I blame him. Between the crime itself. Every job you want and within their own pleasure, the largest terms, you, or whether God? Do more than you know, or God? Than that of Allah's mercy on you?


You and all creatures are God's servants. Through the provision of Allah alone in everything.


Do you keep boasting of Allah against the size of what is selling?

Servants are also upstage. Think of what you already have, a drop of water. What will be known later. A weight will roll into a ditch.


O Allah, I'm not afraid of saying something else, you know you cry?

Do you live in fear of the eyes of God? Where is your fear of Him and confess their sins? Cenk soul to you and do not nurture it? Where you call the right side of the soul?

No, none of them got. Whole problem of money, property-property, eat drink and be entertained. Get sober. Favors a fortune in the world of the future, if you come, do not worry at ease inside. Do you get rid of the burden of waiting, the weight of greed does not tire you. If you do not behave this way, all this work will considerably what you think? Severe fatigue and only one account.

Did you learn, you pray, because you have to fast and let property, so they can see the goodness, they are praising you.


I imagine that the public interest has increased, the death benefit would be distressed at the time one? The gap between who loves you will be at that moment. You will share the collected goods to others, you will remain on the account and penalties.

Woe to you! Hell, heaven do you expect when doing business. Is temporarily distracted by things, and you think you love them.


Entrusted to create the life you gave, was ordered to live in Allah's path. If you own request, have consumed their lives in pursuit of ambition.

O my son, who fed thee womb. So how much helpless when you, who brought you to this? If you have you own based on the presence and the public, to the money, reinstall, do you trust the information. Trust what you have today may not tomorrow. God is who to trust each other or from God if you're scared that you belong.


To do things in the religion of Allah is not working. Get in the hands of two witnesses, one of the other sunnah-i Messenger of Allah, the Koran. I will get them to God. But if you leave these witnesses are continuing to go after the soul. There are in the hands of two witnesses, one of weak mind, and one of personal desire. I doubt they will fire it. Looking like a string of Pharaoh!


O in a corrupt, you will die soon, so after death they are going to regret doing, but too late.

Because of the language used to good words were spoken, and delusion, but I do not understand anything in a state of the heart. This situation will not save you. Must be nice to talk to your heart, only good things to say the language is useless.


O Allah do not find the passenger, the screen presence and the presence of the person creating the right; cry, the cry to someone else, you cry yourself a thousand times.


In such beds, duvets and behind closed doors at the bottom to stop the lazy slacker.


Allah's mercy be upon you, Hasan Basri nibs that says:''If you were if you saw God in man, they would judge that they are crazy. Had they seen you for a moment that you are not even believe in Allah, they would dominate.''


O my son! You are not above anything. Islam is not a healthy you.

Testimony to bring you exactly what did not, missing. La goddess of language, because you sincerely: "There is no god but Allah," you say, but do you deny this with all your heart. At the heart of many gods in there. Your state and local administrators of their great your fear, is in a deity. To their work, their earnings, its own power to force his ear, his eyes, to trust themselves to bullying, is in a deity. Damage, benefits, the nail to be a blessing, a blessing to be deprived of knowing the people, is in a deity. Most people with heart, that's what we rely on these things, rely on. But if you ask them, they say their trust in Allah.


La goddess:''There is no god no,''too when a wholesale rejection of it (for nefiy) are approved. Nuts:''There is only God,''If you're in, again for a wholesale adoption of Allah (proof) do you have approved.

In this case, whenever your heart, what God is based on an informal, if trust, then the above proof of universal pseudo-state had fallen in, so you have a self-denying. You trust him in that thing, you're going to God. This is real and actual situation.


While there are many gods in the heart, how are you nuts la goddess:''There is no god but Allah,''can say? Allah, you put everything else belongs to you based on trust. At the heart of the circus, so long as partners in running, in the words of the language of unity to say i will not give you benefits. Heart of a very dirty, clean the body does not benefit you.


People of unity, will crush the devil. People of the devils crush the circus. Sincerely, your words, deeds and actions is the essence of. Necessary because the words, actions and deeds of both ihlâstan, where they currently lacked sincerity, a non-bark extract, become a pulp. Peel and pulp is used to burn in the fire, but the fire is lit in the evening to see business becomes.


Ey folks! Your souls, that claim to divinity. But you do not have this news. Because your souls, they are arrogant towards Allah, are arrogant. They want your real God of murat. They do not love God. On the contrary, the enemy of Allah curse the demon of love. God's eternity to come in and appreciate the place started to find his destiny, when they do not obey them, do not surrender, do not show patience and tolerance. They objected to the contrary, are contending with fate. They do not know the story of Islam from the truth!


Repose their trust in you and everything you, your God belong, belongs to God. You're afraid of her or his grasp of everything belongs to God, belongs to God. Completely forgotten the main cause of Allah, the damage or benefit from the acceptance of everything you own, you belongs to God, belongs to God. But you just wait a short time later. God, trusting him to leave and take-all if you do connect.


I know these issues well, all things, just move acts of God, stop stops. God's will and without force, what one thing stands may take action, nor can stop something that is moving. When these issues so that people know and accept, no people, and other partners to recognize the existence of God is freed from the burden and blame. Not ascribed partners to Allah.


Angels-in-picture, which means they do not enter the house, which are put in a whole lot by how God enters into your heart? Allah is an idol all things informally.


O ye who serve the world! O ye who worship the Hereafter! You, God or the world or the Hereafter do not know. Who is your idol world. Who Hereafter. Who people. Who pleasures, nefsanî desires. Who of praise, approval of the public sight, gathering applause.


Everything except God, is an idol. How to connect to real people and what God has given to the heart, he is the idol of his.


Hope you're all people. Expect anything from them, them hope. To fear from them. 're Always afraid of them. This case, is ascribed partners to Allah, is a common diagnosis.

This time, End time. Most of the people of God at this time, the money consists of. Most of the time people, like Moses said to his people Aleyhisselam'ın. Jews alike. They get golden calf they had God. Golden calf of the people of this time is the currency. You have to get their money god, god did. Do you worship money. You adore your money!


Monarchs, heads of state and the good fortune of having, in the eyes of much of the public is a god. Earthly opportunities, wealth, health, health, power and strength, in the eyes of many people is a god. Many of the people, these and other things they worship.


The world of tyrants, the rich, the pharaohs and the rulers of respect and honor Him, and God did not forget you, if you said about the provisions, such provisions are about the worship of idols. Would you put in to get respect.


You know when you're lying in prayer.

Standing in prayer during the prayer, for example, and again,''Allahu akbar''(God is greater than anything else) you say. So you're lying. Because in your heart, there is a god other than Allah. Everything you connect to your self-confidence, and belongs to God, belongs to God. You're afraid of him and fed him all the things you hope that you belongs to God, You've worshiped.


God has something else in that long, your heart is no salvation for you. If you, if Allah prostrate a thousand years, not that you turn your heart to Allah, that you do not prostrate to no avail. Mevla quite like someone else from that fate is not good for your heart.


Or duly fulfilled all the conditions of Islam, or otherwise,''saying''I am Muslim.

Along with your soul as long as you continue to be, the authorities can not reach. You, the ego's desires, aspirations and tastes continue to give him as long as you are you recording it, it's bound to get the rope. Give me the souls, but their enthusiasm, desire and pleasure to interfere with. It is the survival, of the rights given to him. Helaki in and ruined the pleasure of, given their enthusiasm and desire. The rights of self, the need by the amount of food, beverages, clothing and housing is.


You're soul unless you continue to be with people and other beings can not recognize. As long as you continue to be with people, the glory and majesty of God has not even recognize.


With the rights of self, do not coexist.

In a world with no afterlife. Who is that with the soul, he has missed fellowship with God.


You, meaning, the content and essence is not to be sought to shape you, you showed an interest in formalism. How you can be true unity? Have not you ever heard the Messenger of Allah's promise that:''The love of the world, is the head of each error.''Strong interest and damage to the house and drove him out of leaving, unless you have no right to speak.


You have nothing,''Judgement when to break?''He should not ask a question. Suspicion drawn by the Hour will not break. Since you do not forget that the moment he died, the roof is broken. Whoever dies, he has lost the Resurrection.


Your soul, is your girlfriend. You're in love with his own soul. Whereas it belongs to your enemy and murderer.

The fate of an excuse to laziness is the foundation. Are lazy,''What should we do, it is claimed destiny,''they say, and more good deeds than they themselves deprived.


Accidents of fate and not willing to, you do not have patience for trouble when you do not give thanks and blessings as well, there is no god for you. Find yourself a god other than Allah. Ta ALLAH'ntan no god, whereas informal.


Would definitely hit that will hit you. But it can not be protected and can not get rid of your fear. 'Cause I hit does not hit. You can not bring themselves to try and work with him.


Islam is derived İstislam'dan. This,''''means unconditional surrender and obedience. In their sincere, sincerity does not have any deeds, is a hollow walnut, is a shell without substance, a dried tree, is a soulless corpse, is a copy mana'sız. It is hypocritical of the deeds.

Many of you claim to be Muslim. But in addition, the work is not even the truth of Islam!


Woe to you! Only the name of Islam are above you, the name of Islam does not give you the benefits.

Processing conditions are apparent in terms of Islam, would make the apparent direction. On the west side do not enter the no. Our deeds are not equal to nothing.


Many of you claim to be sincere a believer. Whereas in reality are a hypocrite.


This world is a sad place. Lightning consists of a sparkle. Many times, the rain comes soon after.


This work, night and day, fasting and prayer, but not. Soul, heva, bad nature, ignorance, and there is love in the heart of what God is quite informal. Nothing ever happens to them.


You, your deeds, Allah would boast nearly. Yet God's deeds in the sight of you, it has no value until a fly wing.


Every man for himself you again, will call for their own interests, either. I personally have the majesty of Almighty God is for you, murat, for you shall request.


I hope the fear of who is victorious, he would be atheistic. Winner who is also the fear of hope, if he has lost hope in the Mercy of Allah (to disbelief) drops. Believing that, as well as I should be afraid of Allah, and it should connect to the mercy of hope.

[Fethü'r Rabbani / / Abdulkadir Geylani]



People, if a per-job, first, tries to rid itself. Could not succeed, is set to ask for help from around.


State administrators went to the rank of their owners begging. Runs rich. State of expense to their owners, like prayer, like Himmet. Medical expenses if the patient healing searches. However, he also knew he could not escape, return to God.


If you could do their job, would not return to the ring. Could finish the work in public, would return to Allah. The desire to stay here a little late start, but it is nowhere else to go left. Start to stop begging. I pray, will praise. Counts individual needs, craves. Been rejected on the one hand, making them afraid, on the other hand, are happy to supply a future of hope.


Then, in this case is too tired, do not think that will work, prayer and supplication. Leave everything including prayers.


No self-motion vision, strength and power to be conceited.  When an unknown object in your womb, God has brought you to this world and fed. And yet you denied lying in the cradle of all that God was ignorant. Here are thinking of that old case. Worst of all desire, discouragement, unless God is not with you.


People, and evil is simply no. You get it, and get better, and with malice.


Desire, desire, passion, all of them are the ones created by God.


Shirk, the worship of idols is not alone.

Impact on their personal desires and wishes, the moral is also a kind of circus and idolatry. World and its metaından Hereafter, and his heart caught by any of the favors you, the creator of love, but if you hold on the affection of any of these, you will have the circus.


Contempt power of God! In appreciation and measures, to impeach him. Doubt on the accuracy of God's promises. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam example our Lord himself. He and the Qur'an written on the great man down, read some verses in the language was removed. Some have changed, instead came another verse. After a little less than otherwise, said that prior notice. But this has become such rations. The other direction, but with God we accept it as a business in itself.


Burden of such courses, indicating the presence of Allah alone. Then comes the soul. Addressed as a result you get there.


Also deny the work of slaves. Then you're entered into algebraic sect. If you ever do you get rid of combining both algebraic sect. Without the help of God they know better than to complete the job. Worship of God by forgetting them. When they do God's work is separate from, say. God would have denied you, you're entered into kaderiyye denomination (ie those used in the act is creative, he did listen, I've done it, he did it would also get those). God, give strength to strength, also makes use, too.


God will give you the goods, you will remember God do you deal with goods that the goods you make a black screen. World, you're not on the Hereafter. You know the property alone. Takes many times the cost, I will change. Is poor, would zelil. Because you have forgotten what actually gives blessing, blessings were busy with.


You want to go good to come of evil.

If you have a future in fortune favors you, you want to just come, or not want. The same trouble! If you have trouble coming, or how you come, you'd stop too. If you want to pray for his trouble to get hold of. If you want patience. If you want to place himself at God is for, of course, that comes next.


As you need them all to surrender to Allah while doing the opposite. Blessing when you do not give thanks! Do you have trouble when the rebellion. You do not tolerate troublemakers. I do not know a kind of blessing. While you should avoid telling him everywhere, tell everyone you're sincere. You are such a way that, with the worship of God, and everything was nice seeing orders. But you do choose to rebel.


"Why I stayed back from worship?" and investigate the cause.

Maybe it's because you want certain things you have been superfluous. Maybe you did make some decency noncompliance. The possibility that the act of worship in the loose, did you rely on the power of force. And finally, did you rely on knowledge of self and the people of God against the public did. As a result, all of them because you are helakine. Ta mercy of God so I turned off the doors. Was dismissed from worship. Dismissed from service. Aid was cut off. I turned to the good side. And finally, I got angry, his anger. World, self, personal desires, you had trouble.


Phase, and each work of God through you, to see God's blessing to begin what was retained? However you put it that make creating and mahlûka one who has to trust. Forget what you create, you do put your trust in profits, to see God blessing you were deprived.


You people, to work as messengers of the work is prevented from eating halal. As you stay with this case, wait for them as well, going to door begging for hope as gift, will be regarded as idolaters.


You do not trust to work, see God's phase. Forget about the gift God gave you. God's bounty has not forgotten the way you would still get the circus. The first one is not big enough, but it is still the circus. One day will grow. Light, while the circus is open and large.


World, we have described is the great river. It is overflowing with water every day, the man's lust, and is delicious. Multiplier to the people, poor creatures are also waves. The trouble took place and the divine destiny-i mihnet, however, are those arrows and other weapons.


Yes, human beings from the beginning of most things in this world, and the trouble is mihnet. Occasional good income, but the hassle of the hurtful things that occasionally make you forget the favor. The pleasantness, even if occasionally, yet therein lies a variety of disasters. If people are facing with regard to signs, the life and well-off living alone across the world will understand. who knows it better believe.


For the sake of wisdom and experience will make will give you some trouble, because you tried to accuse God. If you enjoy your meal in the complaint in an attempt to do God. In addition, although it is God's abundant blessings You want more. I give you the blessing you turn a blind eye and deny the road. GOD I take into account the scanner. Fuck the world increases, while in the Hereafter, you blisters. Assigns to hell.


Allah, the Most Merciful of the merciful, although it is, how to complain to God? Judges, habire; use your gift to the most bitter and as if to thank God, how wrong is suffering from God? God, do oppressed servants. Strong, business is good for you daughter to a doctor who understands? To adopt a smart home is accused of murder!


Aleyhisselatu Vesselam our master says:

"God is Most Merciful to His servant, the son of a master that is impossible to withhold."


O poor, Allah pose decency. Force, to bear the trouble. Keep the language of complaint.


After coming into trouble, sin, evil approach. Gracious presence of God in which sin can not enter with. But there shall enter good. God, but clean and put the door. But since all the ones on the door is the spiritual disease. Just as, in the presence of a monarch, who is clean of all the smell and dirt to enter the occasion arise. The gate of God, but pure, clean ones go.


Do not be afraid of trouble. Will atone for their sins. How that the state of our master, pointing Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"One day of malaria, is considered an annual redemption of sin." has commanded.


What will you ask what the world should belong to the afterlife, reason has created a serene place, God must be raised to the skies. Whereas you, what's here, nor the other without waiting for the blessings of the Worlds dünyalık be willing to do a little.


God, servant of faith in defiance of attempts. Trouble comes for trial.


Soul, like the one at which it goes all evil, sensuality in the way when he moved the heart but warn him as out of place, Allah is unaware. As a result of this carelessness, and soul to God, and also gives heart to the disastrous job, would rüsva worlds. Shall be subject to various disasters. Will haunt the people per. Leaves open. Sick. Thus, heart, and soul will find they will find.


That there is any justice of God. What place, what God in heaven is not something stored. Not to any wrongdoing of the evil side. People throwing themselves out of existence mevhum is a tyranny. To trust in Allah and the circus is mahlûka. God is great persecution of Shirk, that tells us in verse Kerime:


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Running the circus, the circus is a great cruelty. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Lokman Suresi, 13 verse]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Circus of God will not forgive, forgive, if you want him informally every sin. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Al-Nisa, 116 verse]


Subject and all possessions in the hands master, against any of them can not claim the right. What will be will be premature, nor to remain after the early future. When it comes time to share the revenue. If you want or not want to get right.


Allah said:

Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Eyes, the world given to men to favor the extension. They are a temporary thing. Is the ornament of the world. We would like to experience them. God has given you, as always, both are infinite. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Zuhruf Surat, 35 verse]


According to the provisions of this verse-i Kerime Allah has forbidden you to look at the real thing. Regardless of what the world has Rizk enough for you. Maybe if lots of jobs dünyalık hand of faith go, you're destroyed.


To favor the growth of what has Dünyalık Hacet. I will go up slightly in the hands of dünyalık available. The most important job in the meantime I have to believe.


O dünyalık deprive one time and not look nice to people and they leave one side of the poor people!


O elders, chiefs and the world by connoisseurs not remember the name of the council does not pass the helpless man!


O hungry, the naked body, his lungs burned from lack of water the plant!


O jammed with all the requirements, his heart remained in a narrow, broken hearts, people who can not fulfill any purpose!


In this case you have described:

"God was poor me, took my world. I was devastated, abandoned, did not like. He handed my job. I did not perform any work. Betrayed me. As the goods did not adequately Dünyalık. Stubbed my honor. And in the sight of the big chiefs, among my friends did not raise me. Whereas others gave abundant blessings. Days are passing in the night he favors. Yet we are also Muslims. Adam our father, our mother Eve. I'm such events such as why do they? "


Avoid words such as get out of your mouth!


Dünyalık of enthusiasm, desire for a moment, maybe you will not taste. Şehevi the instigator of the desire, you like. Will be appreciated, but not disastrous. Inhalation device is spiritual ruin. Will make are going to be disasters.


Do you want comfort?

Sururi, safety, tranquility, welfare desire it? To tame language, love, affection Do you wish to stay in? If you're far away from it. I wish them only through language. If you have a full meaning if you want to, you would not be inclined to step on things. Soul will die, the world will be aside, the Hereafter will be inclined to love, and eventually they would take the place of love for God and the prophets. However you get them off. Şehevi because you have the love and desire nefsanî.


Consent to something other than God who is at the heart of a tendency for the amount of chick peas, cleaned of dirt and away from the spiritual world can not be. As you continue like this world I love yellow. You can not save his soul after şehevi desires.


When they happen, he immediately appears as a trial for the sake of wisdom begins to whine, cry, cry if the owner does not believe in this case it shows a complete. She nobody knows that fate-i hymn to cry, but as shooting does not change. This deplorable state of that poor, Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Effendi:

"Poverty is closer to the time when threats." Enters into the meaning of hadiths.


Test of divine will manifested in two ways. One, to increase the faith of believers, the other weak to break the morale of the faithful!


God gives all the worshipers, trouble in many ways. Most of the causes of this scourge to the disaster. Subject, that the circuit in God fully is not connected, non-stop protests, God (housing) dock underneath you want to, curse does, say if ... It was his eternal curse causes, and thus the world and the Hereafter mess becomes. Reach the divine mercy of God than when everyone is destined, but it's not. Because God was angry to him. Our Lord pointed to this as Aleyhisselatu Vesselam here said:

"Judgement day is the most nasipsiz, the world's poor, that is involved in the Hereafter is the punishment of hell."


I hear many words, you say most:

I like some of our searches are opening. Or dies, or disappears. Enters or hostility between us. My property is often lost, the money comes out of my hand. This is why I fall out with my buddies. "


Goods, and people love to adopt when replicated, the love of God is reduced. People are being punished by this love. Because God has been running a kind of circus.


Do you take offense to Allah, it is of God if you want to get him to the dock. God's appeal to every business, you're forced to connect. The path of devotion to Allah is with cruelty.


Know that the goods are often brings trouble, you want trouble to come.


There is no God in the door another door. About how it was impossible to believe in Allah and know that impossible to get revenge on business. Only you will make sin blunt. Offensive to God going to do, you alone will decide.


Could not hit the reins delicious, easy way to take in everything, he takes you, personal desires, heva, delicious wraps you up. Knowing you will get forbidden. Remove from religion, the demons would get involved in the clan. Whereas Satan is the enemy of God. God was surprised by the way the devil. In this case would be destroyed if you get killed.


Was for the purpose of your world.

Only money, food, drink, entertainment you up. You do not pray. Augean night bed and get up in the morning you lazy. The trail you are delicious, heva does not follow you. SATA is now dominating you. So you're sold to the world hereafter. In this case, the servant of your soul and let her become his servant. While acknowledging that their ego's were persecuted. You left the soul itself, result in flavor, taste, pleasure, and he fell into Satan satellites. You of her satellites. Then the world sank, and the afterlife.


If bankruptcy occurs tomorrow, get the Day of Judgement. What religion there, in terms of what the world would not get any profit. How to win souls to obey?


People are in two parts. Between one of the world, another Hereafter. They said this would be the Day of Judgement. A portion of Paradise, the other part of hell!


Disaster is to go against God's orders. All of these errors before you remove tomorrow. Error handling, error as to sink. And the orders contained in the book of the prophets, or what good, what evil will disappear.


Do you work on cheating empty soul!


O believer, I'm seeing a strange. If your surroundings are a hasetli. You can not take them to eat. You do not like drinking. It is strange that you wear. Home is growing in the fall. The lady is a mess, even more unbearable for you. He has been rich in the blessings of God. You do not find any delight in his wealth. Causes of this condition.


You should have known that this case comes from the weakness of the faith. If you move away from that evil is God's mercy. Taking on divine wrath. Our Lord Kutsi Aleyhisselatu Vesselam hadith has been explained with envy:

"Envy is the enemy of my blessings."


Our Lord also Vesselam Aleyhisselatu in the hadiths:

"Envy, good place. As fires burn the wood finish is good. " to come to.


Pathetic! What do you envy. It gave you the blessing? Them, not you, God gave. How would you envy the grace of God given. GOD:

Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. We distribute among them their livelihood in the world. Sadakalalhül-Azıym.

[Zuhruf Surat, 32 verse] she has told.


You have been so foolish that makes you fall into a situation that more foolish than you ignorant, mean and ignorant can not be seen. I wonder do you think that guy following you. This is so much ignorance that is impossible to describe. If you have something you will not go to someone else.''''Allah housing are holding a grudge? Yet God:

Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. My Orders can not be changed. I do not have cruelty to slaves. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Qur'an, 29 verse] to come to. God does not persecute you. You do not someone else's fortune. I know it. Contrary to think, is to be ignorant.


Sultan is a big man, military, property, crown, throne and reign with a whole has seen. He is watching every moment of the various virtues. Does not envy it. Since one side of the sultan's service dog, a dog who sees a stranger. Foreign and domestic dog, dog sitting, is leaving. It provides a means of livelihood of all kinds. He made the poor man can not stand it. He killed the dog to a foreign place is their wish to go by.


Baseness and meanness of this case is the largest. For a man who thought so, züht, no such thing as faith, more fool him, and nobody can not be more ignorant.


Poor, if not envy you on the Day of Resurrection the people one knew of their own future, I do not envy.

If they do not comply with the orders of Allah, blessings on their head will not pay for the rights of Allah alone knows. God, the blessings he gives should be exerted in his own way, otherwise grace would be disastrous.


In a hadith-i sheriff Aleyhisselatu Vesselam Lord says:

"Judgement day is a team of people like to have been cut with scissors. This reason, poor people are suffering in the world of trouble, because there they see the rewards and envy. "


That day, you want to be rich in a poor neighbor. DOOM on the account and discussed a lot of tiring him. The temperature of the brain is cooked under the sun. Wait so many days. A day there, here are relative to fifty thousand years. On that account it gives the blessing in the world.


Prophet Ibrahim:

"He is Lord of all the worlds they are enemies of Allah". said. Prophet Ibrahim idols:

"The enemy!" he said. No grain is now put to you, but the secret is a lot. Busy with other things than Allah, who is hostile to you, you have put.


Aleyhisselatu Vesselam if they are doing the Lord if one leaves the devil you know toys. Which job, if you fail to comply with the orders of Allah and His Messenger, his job is perversion.


There are two state of the soul. There is no third. One of the other health troubles!


People are screaming their heads when trouble comes, call, complain of God. God is angry. Would object to anything. God wants to get to the dock. Know what patience, what a warning to nasihatçi. Allah alone according to their own mind (housing) goes into the road to find his wife, finds a way to inappropriate action, just go.


If it comes to appetite, there is no better than him, smiling, happy to play. Runs before losing their way when lust. No one will suffice. When the new call is put the old one. Does not like food. Includes all kinds of drinks at the dinner table. Repelling the ladies in the house immediately, it will call the new one. Does not like her house, looks better. Passenger business is also very important. Always want the best of the day. Find a shame that everything in the hands and then just put a new one is supplied. So you miss all the comfort their own hands. Do not know that everything is not for him. Er, can not think of anything better to follow this fall.


That will become tired of the people. Not be willing to get something available, people are dragged into all sorts of difficulties. Unending torment, not being able to pull through after this disaster begins. There needs to be comfortable when Dünyalık their hands to flatten.


Then the work begins next world. Dies, will be questioned, can not account. Because it did not hold a regular job. Some say:

"Most of the other world, and here the suffering hardship, those who want what is not theirs.  Those who can not and do not pursue the job. "


Suppose a man: once all of the moral status of the financial difficulties that have been corrupted. If you want to go it alone in trouble. This is the only pray to God. One day I pray will accept all types of expenses are not narrowing. Width starts. That person then, has previously attracted forget all the troubles. God will not forget, do not serve. Select all sorts of ways to sin. How is this man's case? Of course,''better''does not try.


Is exactly as predicted. Keep the waste in the world because of the way everything is done in less time, still falls to the stenosis.  And now the old ways will not find it, he will pass to crawl. If you end with it well the other world there is a also gives account.


Only to worship and serve. Bass is currently delivered again. What is the fate that is to respect him and follow him to another is no salvation. After that, the bet is related to the fate that would not be good to review. Because it is a divine mystery.


"This is how it works, why and when will be?" Words like no place. In order to tamper with the fate of a sort of circus-like dock and be like God.


People, like himself, unable not want anything. Only the ignorant that you want to. This way keeps the faith is weak. Has no patience for almost fell off.

If a man's prayers are always accepted if the self-pride is likely to come.


People, can not find anything like that, but still does not leave the world.


Trouble is each and every obstruction penalty for a crime committed is the penalty for a crime. This, an experiment, could be called a warning. Atonement for sin would be appropriate to say.


Connects to the trouble of coming for two reasons. First, as a result of the attitude of impatience and bad roads are. When it comes to the second, is to be cleared of sin.


Negligence resulting from a variety of reasons, one of the many dishes which are asleep. Always go to sleep and forget everything bad.


Multi-eater, can not worship alone.

Multi-eater, can not stand fast. Forbidden to eat, especially those who are dead inside and a complete unawareness. Although forbidden to eat until at least seven, do not try. Few things are considered haram too.


No less than the forbidden. Forbidden faith remit, it is the heart darkening. Few of alcoholic beverages, as sufficient reason to put a dent in the light of faith is forbidden too few.


Youre falling behind the temporary enjoyment. Behind those Not running with the receipt as soon as possible. If you come fortune, does not come already. Fortune to fall into something that is not growing, is foolishness. Is stupidity and ignorance. Here is the world's biggest punishment. The biggest trouble is to deal with things impossible.


In a separate written to ask what inning is solecism. Is rather ambitious. If worship and worship will be reviewed by the circus would be appropriate to say.


So what you desire?

And Allah loves not the place to ask for something so unnecessary. One that loves to create, like God. With God wanted something else, not in place, ask your girlfriend to the informal, love, lying in the count. For lovers of the work done to charge, would be a shame. Reveals the absence of sincere. Proclaiming the owner, to pay worship looks right, beyond the remit of the Lord.


I should know better, you and your works belong to his master, in this case how many things to its own unique demands can be.


Do not you see? If the result of blessing in the hands of whoever is good is not duplicated. This has been seen many times. Firstly is good, then see what it is. Rebuke, God is angry; fate finds wrongdoing, the blessings do not like, he says, range increased. One does not like himself, are rare. Sew eyes to someone else's property.


Seen in the hands of people because they do not agree? The crankiness that eventually it would always go well in hand. With their own unique because they do not like anything.


Values for days to get someone else's hands is divorced from the sweat. As a result of sin or good deed was not the concern only of the pages are filled sins.


In the meantime, do not hesitate to make the greatest crimes.

Divine order, I do not want to think happened. Can not find what they want. Going from the world of hands will be empty. What else gives you the benefits of the property, nor can obtain an income from their property. To covet someone else's property, while others want to be like nothing more than a fortune in the hands crossed?


Did not find what they want, between the end they failed. You wasted life spent alone. Hereafter, have also dipped. You've been ignorant of the most foolish things you do with it. Fortune to be willing to obey and worship and wish you were busy with, it would be enough dünyalık.


If there is anyone's heart by a material that Muslims are not alone. It is possible that this material desire to be listed as follows:

"Şehevi desires of the world makes delicious, world-comfort of the child, family, food, drink, wear, ride, travel to nice to be proud to be seized, good conversation eager and more come to mind many world fame mentioned something. s made for <desin> things, the omen is not Islam at all. "


Particular gripe trouble came, he saw little damage to cry, going against the interests of light is not very nice to her.


The thing that almost all of the requests are within the soul. These people are connecting to the world. Their pursuit of the world itself is an asset you think will remain permanent. I will not kill himself anyway, and an attitude like "You've become.


O rest in nature, O Soul and the poor standing in the migration path of evil, leave them. They are a burden for you. They are being installed for you.


Leave it loads. Think if he saw a little sooner. Being removed from the heart of the world.

Inspection would have believed, then takes. Within the corrupt, hypocritical best to take the front.


Would not be connected until all goodness. The love of God in your heart you love another reduced.


Things at one side over another. Leave someone else from the language. They stopped running, they do see the goodness of God. If you see the servant of servants you love. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam because our Lord commands as follows:

"Heart, kindness and love one."


God and a lot of material things and can fit heva? The number of securities in certain material might be one of the things divine powers?


The cause of this anger? Do not accept your prayer to God he'll take offense? Accept your prayers, but it may be too little too late. Pass to cross over the remaining business shall we?

Sometimes it is heard:

"I did not want the truth, I do not want," and: "The prayer should be done. "He has ordered." saying:


"It's not over promise, is broken."


Because of this promise will require you to ask:

"Do you command itself? If there is an owner and a master? "


If this word is free money, all he wants to be strong if you hit first will attempt to claim the stamp:

"You're unbelievers. Do you disbelieve in Allah. " happens.


Otherwise, an owner of a slave and that, if you tell your master, then you still ask many questions:

Acceptance of the prayer for being late to the dock you are getting your masters? Do not doubt the wisdom of God? Yet God, I know and all they did. How nice for them both to you and selects.”


If you continue to accuse these provisions will also be given to you:

"You're infidels, do you hide the truth."


Attributed to God in persecution, because you have. Yet God, do oppressed servants. Persecution does not accept the word. It is impossible for God to use that word, can not be used. As for the reason that all property belongs to Allah. Atrocities occur, but if someone else is encroaching on the rights.


God of your angry, some jobs are not coming to the event to come forward. He does not like some of the delicious things. In order to fulfill God's order of business is getting power. Form of self is angry, you do it by obeying God in the dock.


You do not stand against any bad work, I sleep in a delicious, do you connect to the devil. Threats, the circus, do not hesitate to commit any evil. On the death threats will eventually go away. Types of criminal punishment in the next world as it was prepared. Hell was already prepared for sinners.


Believers, as they will remain in heaven until the end of the unbelievers will remain until the end of this hell. There evil in the world because they will undergo the most severe punishment.


You'll see the world they are doing fine. Do not hesitate any time to the evils of the world. His own soul, devil did not make a mess not to be caught.  You'll see the torment of hell.


Some of the people out into the street, only şehevi looks at things. Bad things are connected. Temporarily impairs the enjoyment of their heart. If you continue to be destroyed, leaving the religion. Morality is disrupted. Given the nature of the ordinary pleasures, she puts out all the virtues of their feelings.


There are only two things. Who creates and is created! If you say agrees with what the rest of creation:


"Someone from the owner of my enemy is my World!"

[Futuhu'l-Unseen / / Abdulkadir Geylani]




You certainly have escaped death, no doubt you will encounter the-invention.



Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Say: 'Of course, you have escaped death, no doubt you will encounter the-invention. After the unseen, Allah knows well observed be returned and he will tell you what you do. "Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Cum'a Surat, 8 verse]


Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: Rasulullah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said:

"ALLAH [cc] created heaven when Gabriel Aleyhisselam'a: 'Look at him go!" Speaker. He went and looked up to heaven, and 'O my Lord! Vow to get glory, will not hear him and do not enter him, everyone will go to him! "He said. ALLAH [cc] Heaven mekruh around with (ie, not forbidden, but necessity is not permitted without the deeds) turned. Then: 'Above all go see him again! "Said. Gabriel looked at him go again. Then:

'I'm afraid I will not enter it, nobody! "He said. When creating hellish, to Gabriel:

'Go, a well, check this out! Said. He went and looked and said: 'Izzet get sworn in, those who hear it will not hit anyone! "He said. ALLAH [cc] around him with his lust (the desire to self, desire-to eat, drink, sleep is one of the lust of the branch) was besieged. Then:

'Go look at him once more,' he added. He went and looked. When he returned, 'Izzet get sworn in, one person I'm afraid not everyone will enter it! "He said."

[Abu Dawood, Sunnah, 4744. Hadith / Imam Tirmidhi, Heaven, 2563. Hadith /  Qutb-i Sitte]


Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said: "I like you with your model, similar to the following representation: a man (tonight), the fire burned. When the lighting around the fire, and light-loving butterflies, some animals will begin to throw themselves into the fire. They are trying to be buggy mania. But the animals are thrown into the fire, mostly. I (just like that guy) I'm caught on your back for not falling into the fire, but you fire, the fire would run. "

[Bukhari, Rika / Muslim, Fezail 2284.hadis / Imam Tirmidhi, 2877. Equivalent Hadith / Qutb-i Sitte]


Hz. Anh Radiyallahu Abu Hurairah says: Rasulullah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said:

"First Day of Resurrection will be called Prophet. Is decentralization. ALLAH [c.c.]

'' Adam 'commands. Hz. Adam:

'Here, O Lord, I am the orders! "He says. ALLAH [c.c.]

"Offspring will go to hell, separated from!" He ordered. Adam:

'My Lord, I'll take what amount? "He asks. ALLAH [c.c.]

"Every so ninety-nine! 'Edict commands."

Ashap taken at that time and said: "O Messenger of Allah! What's left behind us? "They say. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"I like my community, other community as well as black and white feathers on the ox's head low." Speaker.

[Bukhari, Rika / Qutb-i Sitte]


Hz. Enes Radiyallahu Anh says: The Messenger of Allah laughed and Aleyhisselatu Vesselam:

"Do you know what I'm laughing at?" Speaker. We have:

"Allah and His Messenger know better!" We said.

"The appeal to the Qur'aan from the Lord!" They commanded, and he continued:

"User says: 'O my Lord, you do not keep me from persecution?" ALLAH [cc]:

'Yes, I've protected. "Commands. Servant said: 'But today I, myself, myself I do not ever want another one of the witnesses' he says. ALLAH [c.c.]

'Today I witnessed one of the soul, as many witnesses of the clerk is sufficient Kiramen' commands. Aleyhisselatu Vesselam continued with the Messenger of Allah said:

"Seal is shot in his mouth and other organs 'talk' he called. They will notify the man's deeds. Shall be released after the speech. Man organs: 'Shame on you! Get out of here! I had to fight for you, 'he says.

[Muslim, Asceticism, 2969. hadith; Qutb-i Sitte]


Were separated into seventy-one Jewish sect, all hell is someone else. Christians were divided into seventy-two sects, all hell is someone else. My ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all hell is someone else.

[Abu Daoud, Sunnah, 1, (4597); Tirmidhi, Iman 18, (2643); Câmiü's-deaf, 3 / 3292; Qutb-i Sitte]


Imam Tirmidhi narrated from Abu Hurayrah and recorded one Sahiheyn follows: Rasulullah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said: "I am the master of DOOM humankind. [All the prophets, I will gather under the banner I] Day of Resurrection, will be collected before and that perhaps a single flat. Minister looks at them, calling them will be heard. The sun is approaching them. Range and hardship, people can not stand and can not afford to get degrees. So that people:

"Do not you see we're in that state, we see one of intercession will be working?" They begin to say. Each other:

"Adam is our father!" And they Hz. Adam came Aleyhisselam'a: "O Adam! You're the father of the people. Allah has created you his hand, blew out his soul to you. I was taught all the names. Angels to prostrate in front of you has. I placed it into heaven. Intercede for us before the Lord will not you get in? That we used our heads that we do not see everything? "They say. Prophet Adam said:

"Today, my Lord is very angry, so angry did before. After that, not so angry. I was in heaven that had been banned from approaching the tree. I've been rebellious to the ban. I'm in heaven when the process was out of heaven because of sin. If that's enough for me today, forgive my sins! My soul! My soul! My soul? Me go to someone else. Noah Aleyhisselam'a go! "To say. People come Aleyhisselam'a Noah: "O Noah! You're the first messenger sent to earth folks. Thank you very much a servant of God [abden şekura] He renamed. Do you see we are in that state? Do not you see happened to us? Şefatte not found before the Lord for us that? "Will say. Prophet Noah also will say: "Today I am the Lord is very angry. Never before has so much anger. Then not so angry now! I had a right to my prayers. I did it as a curse against my people. My soul! My soul! My soul! Me go to someone else. Abraham Aleyhisselam'a Go! "To say. People come Aleyhisselam'a Abraham: "O Abraham! You supply the inhabitants of the Messenger of Allah, and do you support in unique case. To intercede for us before the Lord! Do you see we are in that state? "Will say. Prophet Ibrahim said: "O my Lord very angry today. Before that it was not so angry, so angry after that it will not. I do not find themselves face to intercede. Because I lied three times! "And that will enumerate the lies. Will then continue on to say: "I'm delicious! My soul! My soul! Me go to someone else! Moses Aleyhisselam'a go! "People come and Aleyhisselam'a Moses:" O Moses! You're God's messengers. ALLAH you, the people on theology and private with risalet made. Intercede for us before God in! Do not you see we are in already? "Will say. Prophet Moses said: "Today, my Lord is very angry. Never before so angry, so angry after that will not. I do not have my face before the Lord to intercede. Because I've chopped a soul emrolunmadığım murder. I would be honored to forgive me if today it is enough. My soul! My soul! My soul! Me go to someone else! Go Aleyhisselam'a Jesus "will say. People come and Aleyhisselam'a Jesus: "O Jesus, You're the prophet of God and Mary and you're at a theology, a soul self. You had people talk to you while in addition the cradle. Intercede before the Lord to us! In this case we have not seen it? "Will say! Prophet Jesus said: "Today, my Lord is very angry. Never before so angry, so angry that doing so will not! Me, God had a different god. My soul! My soul! My soul! If that's enough for me to forgive me today. Me go to another. Muhammad Aleyhisselatu Vesselama go. "To say. People come to me and said: "O Muhammad! You're the prophet of God, you're the last of all prophets. GOD I passed, said all future forgiveness of sins. Şefatte us in regard of the Lord. Do you see that we have the state? "Will say. I'll go on it under the Throne. Prostration to Lord off. Then God, do not open before me, no one will open for me sena medhu [I'll have them in my Lord, praise medhu] then said: "O Muhammad, lift your head and ask! You will be given to you. Requesting intercession. Of intercession will be fulfilled. "Well enough. I will lift up my head and said: "O my Lord, my nation! My Lord, my nation! My Lord, my nation! "I say. He said: "O Muhammad! Nation from the gates of heaven on account of non-right-get in the door. Essentially, they are common to other people in the door! "Be called.

[Bukhari, Enbiya 3, 8, Glossary, Beni Israel 5; Muslim, Iman 327, (194), Tirmidhi, Resurrection 11, (2436), Qutb-i Sitte]


Ibnu Masud narrated in another Radiyallahu Anh said: "The Messenger of Allah stood among us to preach Aleyhisselatu Vesselam and said:" O people! Doom to you as God's barefoot, naked and nuts as will be gathered. [Said after reading the following verse:] Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. Principles, and how creation began, if we, right over us again as a promise it will be returned. Sadakallahül-Azıym. [Surat al-Anbiya, the 104.ayet] Be warned, those days will bring some people from my community and to the left are taken. I'm on it: "O my Lord! These ashap mine! "I say. Me: "You do not know what to do after you have them." Is called. As Jesus said, I'll say Aleyhisselam'ın: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. I've found inside a controller, unless I was on them. Of them, but you got me, I've been supervisor of the top. Every time you're already a witness over all things. If you punish them, if you do not doubt that they are Thy servant. If you forgive them, the Almighty, the Wise, the owner really is you, you! Sadakallahül-Azıym. [Maide Suresi, 117.118. verses]

The Prophet continued by said: "Then to me: 'they are, you call separated from you since, religion averse to any break did!" Be called "a legend in the following instead:" I:' His mercy away from the matter, His mercy away from the matter! 'I say. "

[Bukhari, Rika 45, Enbiya 8, 44, Glossary, Maide 14, 15, Glossary, Enbiya 2; Muslim, Heaven 57, (2860); Tirmidhi, Hour 4, (3329), NESA, Cena 118, (4, 114 ), Qutb-i Sitte]


Enes Radiyallahu Anh says: Rasulullah Aleyhisselatu Vesselam said:

"ALLAH [cc] is the lightest punishment in Hell:

'If the world everything you had in hand, the cost to get rid of that punishment, you are given as a ransom? "I will ask. Man, 'Yes' to say. ALLAH [c.c.] on it:

'You' Hz. While Adam's sulbünde I want you to have slightly more than that: <bana to make anything public also told you to fire koymayayım, koyayım> to heaven. I did not approach it, walked into circus' buyuracak. "

[Bukhari, Rika / Muslim, 2805. Münafıkûn hadith; Qutb-i Sitte]


O my son! You are not above anything. Islam is not a healthy you. Islam, founded on the building itself is based. Testimony to bring you exactly what did not, missing. With language, since "la goddess sincerely: 'There is no god but Allah' you say, but do you deny this with all your heart. At the heart of many gods in there. Your state and local administrators of their great your fear, is in a deity. To their work, their earnings, its own power to force his ear, his eyes, to trust themselves to bullying, is in a deity. Damage, benefits, the nail to be a blessing, a blessing to be deprived of knowing the people, is in a deity. Most people with heart, that's what we rely on these things, rely on. But if you ask them, they say they trust in God.


La goddess: "There is no deity" When you say, a wholesale rejection of it (for nefiy) are approved. Sincerely: "But God is there" when you are well again for a wholesale adoption of Allah (proof) do you have approved. In this case, whenever your heart, Hakk'dan is based on something real, if trust, then the above proof of universal pseudo-state had fallen in, so you have a self-denying. You trust him in that thing, you're going to God. This is real and actual situation. There is no grain reputation.


While there are many gods in the heart, how are you "la goddess sincerely:" There is no god but Allah "can say? Allah, you put everything else belongs to you based on trust. At the heart of the circus, so long as partners in running, the unity in the language of words to say-i do not give you benefits. Heart of a very dirty, clean the body does not benefit you.

[Abdulkadir Geylani / Fethü'r Rabbani]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. See the soul of the gods, who know you? Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Casi Surat, 23 verse]


Lord Vesselam Aleyhisselatu about these; "The gods worshiped on earth, God's [cc] give pleasure to the most punishment, to lust, desires, vain and self-abiding is a temporary thing." Has commanded.

 [Taberani Imam Abu Umame'den; fortunate Ulumi'd-u-din, 1.cilt, Rub'ul-İbadat, Imam Ghazali]


Bismillahirrahmanirrahiym. There is no doubt that the bottom layer of the hypocrites is hell. Sadakallahül-Azıym.

[Surah Nisa, 145 verse]


I know because they are denied after. Again, bad Christians know that the reason the Jews. However, most of them God's [cc] also did not have a son. ALLAH [cc] is the third in three did not. But they disbelieved in the prophets, if they know, they did not obey Him.

[Fortunate Ulumi'd-u-din, 1.cilt, Rub'ul-İbadat, Imam Ghazali]


Halal haram to recognize that things in the Quran, the Quran did not believe in.

[Imam Tirmidhi, Suheyb'den; fortunate Ulumi'd-u-din, 1.cilt, Rub'ul-İbadat, Imam Ghazali]


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